• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 4,299 Views, 227 Comments

Discord vs. the Greeting-Card Industry - SoloBrony

Starlight Glimmer and Chrysalis find themselves the subject of Discord's latest prank; shipping them on a dare.

  • ...


Trixie rushed up to Starlight and her unknown changeling friend with a broad smile.

"Starlight! I was hoping you would show up! You want to help with the routine? And who's this?"

Trixie leaned in close and nudged Starlight in the ribs, speaking very quietly.

"Two mares in as many days? You scoundrel!"

Starlight applied her hoof to her face.

That gesture was getting really familiar lately.

"Trixie, this is 'Crissy', better known as Chrysalis."

Trixie froze stiff for a few seconds. Starlight could practically see the gears turning in her head, but Trixie made absolutely no expression whatsoever.

Then she laughed.

"Trixie, I wasn't joking—"

"Oh, Trixie didn't think that you were! Starlight, you, you... hahahahaha!"

Starlight and Chrysalis shared confused looks before Starlight looked back to Trixie.

"What's so funny?"

"Just... you... and her! Trixie knew you were Twilight's protege, but to have befriended Chrysalis? Why, Starlight, you—"

Chrysalis suddenly leaned forward, face full of anger and embarrassment. "I am not some conquest for Starlight! How dare you!"

Trixie reeled a bit in shock, but raised a hoof. "That's not what I meant at all! I'm just surprised Starlight took the time and effort to reach out to you – the last time I saw you two together, you swore vengeance on her, after all! She must have been really determined to prevent you from going through the same things we did."

Chrysalis cocked her head in confusion. " 'We'? What do you mean, 'we'?"

Trixie suddenly clammed up, looking around hurriedly. "We should discuss that later! The show is about to start, after all! Starlight, will you assist?"

Starlight looked between the two of them, and shrugged. "Sure. I'd love to help out."

"Excellent! See you from the stage!"

Chrysalis opened her mouth to object, but Trixie disappeared in a puff of smoke, rushing off to the stage. Chrysalis just glared after her, and then looked to Starlight. Starlight sighed.

"She... kinda made some bad mistakes before we met. Ponies held it against her. Kinda still do, actually."

Chrysalis' expression softened, and she looked to Trixie, who was now on stage. "Ah. I didn't realize she was one of the ponies you were referring to, before."

"Yeah. I guess I have a thing for hanging out with the 'bad ones'."

Chrysalis laughed. "Well, good, because I'm the worst."

Starlight laughed uncomfortably at that.

I do trust her at this point... right?

The two of them proceeded to the audience, where Starlight assisted with a few of the tricks. Most of the performance passed uneventfully enough, although Starlight was surprised to see Chrysalis enjoying herself; it seemed she had an appreciation for Trixie's act. When the fireworks went up, she was practically entranced. Starlight nudged her.

"Impressive, aren't they? Trixie really does know her explosives."

"We... had nothing like this in the hive, and I never saw anything like it while infiltrating."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad I could show it to you, then!"

Trixie's act the day before had consisted solely of magic tricks, and had been done with an angle to 'draw in a crowd for the big night-show'. Chrysalis had found that far less impressive than the spectacular light-show she now witnessed, and Starlight found herself mentally filing this away for later.

Wait... am I planning more dates with Chrysalis?

Is that what this is? A date? Damnit, Discord's talk of fostering love has gotten into my head!

Starlight froze when she realized she had had the dream about Chrysalis before she'd even found out Discord was involved.

Yep, okay, that's going to take some time for me to sort through.

After the performance, Trixie gave a bow, and then stood up and addressed the crowd.

"Thank you all for attending! I hope you all sincerely enjoyed the show, but it wouldn't have been possible without the help of my incredible assistant, Starlight Glimmer! Starlight, please come up here and take a bow!"

Starlight, suddenly the center of attention, nervously made her way onto the stage and took a bow. She had done this before, but Trixie usually told her ahead of time. As they departed the stage, Trixie glanced to her and said, "Starlight, would you mind packing the cannons behind the stage? I need to gather a few things out here."

Starlight knew Trixie had trouble loading the cannons with her own magic, but wouldn't admit it. She rolled her eyes with a smile and nudged Trixie in the shoulder.

"Sure thing. Be back in a few."

Once Starlight had departed, Trixie made a bee-line for Chrysalis. Chrysalis saw her coming and fidgeted nervously in place, while berating herself in her head for doing so.

You are – or were, at least – the unchallenged Queen of the hive! Do not exhibit weakness to this little pony!

Though... she made sure to send Starlight away first... what's her plan? Does she think she can take me on? Is she going to make some kind of threat?

What if... if she starts some kind of fight, Starlight won't understand. I'll have to deal with her, and Twilight, and who knows what else!

With such comforting thoughts, the changeling queen braced herself for Trixie. Trixie, for her part, trotted up, looked her up and down with a shrewd expression, and then, eyebrow raised, asked her, "What are your intentions with Starlight?"

Chrysalis blanked for a moment.

"I... don't intend to harm Starlight."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "I know that. Starlight's amazing. If you've been around her for a couple of days, you must have realized that by now. Besides, Twilight would probably lock you up in the place she banished you to or something if you did that."

Chrysalis shook her head in confusion. "Then what are you asking me?"

"Just what Trixie said! What are your intentions?"

"I... don't have any intentions? Be clear, pony!"

Chrysalis had gone for a threatening, commanding posture, but Trixie seemed entirely unimpressed. She just sighed.

"What Trixie is trying to ask, is whether you have intentions towards dating her friend, or are just friends with her, and so on. Trixie wishes to know."

Chrysalis balked in confusion.

"Dating her? Are you being serious? Of course not!"

Trixie, eyebrow still up, made a skeptical face.

"And have you told her this? Starlight took you out on Hearts and Hooves day, and she just took you to a romantic outdoor performance, after all."

Chrysalis' heart did uncomfortable things inside her chest.

"Are you implying she's interested in me?"

"Trixie is stating it, not implying it! So what are you going to do about it, hmm? Trixie's wrath will be terrible if you harm her friend."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, as 'terrible' wasn't a word she could ever associate with Trixie – for that matter, neither was 'wrath' – but the question itself troubled her.

What are my intentions? I haven't even bothered thinking about the future since I got here. I've been too busy thinking about the past, and how much has changed.

"Trixie is awaiting an answer, Chrysalis."

Chrysalis sighed. "I have no idea. I hadn't even considered she might be interested."

"Well, Trixie insists you figure it out pretty quickly. Stringing Starlight along would be unforgiveable!"

And I've been hanging out in her bedroom... Ugh! Idiot! I should have thought about this.

"You're right. I will consider it. Much has changed for me, recently, and—"

Trixie cut her off with a wave of her hoof and stared intently up into her eyes.

"You'll consider it? Meaning you're interested in her, at least?"

Chrysalis bit back an invective or two and rolled her eyes. Not seeing Starlight anywhere nearby, still, she groaned.

"... Fine. Yes, I am interested. But given all that's happened, that's perfectly normal, and it doesn't mean—"

"It means the two of you should date. See whether it will work out. That's how dating works. Trixie knows these things!"

Chrysalis just stared down at the little pony, trying to calculate whether or not she could make her death look like an accident.

Still... she has a point. And if Starlight really is interested... well, free love is free love, right?

Even if I don't need it anymore.

"Then we shall. Happy?"

Trixie squealed with delight, clopped her hooves together rapidly, and ran off, leaving a perplexed, embarrassed, and deeply unsettled Chrysalis behind.

I guess she was.

Starlight appeared in a teleportation flash and looked around.

"Oh, hey. Where's Trixie?"

Chrysalis, now starting to feel her face light on fire from the inside out from embarrassment, quickly turned towards the castle.

"She had things to take care of. I'm leaving, too."


Author's Note:


You agreed to the one thing more dangerous than mining at night


what I actually listened to while writing this (in part): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wD5tamhwXo

What? It's a romance movie. It's a love story.

I like my love stories with ultraviolence.

Hey, stop running away. That doesn't mean this story will have ultraviolence.

then again...