• Published 11th Jun 2018
  • 289 Views, 0 Comments

Building Harmony - zombiepegasus226

After ponies from the three tribes were broken from their ice prison they begin the task of making this new land a home for everypony.

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Hoof steps echoed across the stone floor as a group of ponies came to the mouth of the cave, squinting from the sudden bright light of the sun. Once their eyes had adjusted they stared in awe at the landscape before them. The ice was rapidly melting, revealing the beauty they had seen when first stepping on its soil.

Clover the Clever was the first to break away from the group, stepping off the rough stone and onto the cool wet grass. She shivered as the damp blades of grass brushed against her legs as her horn glowed a faint yellow, magically pushing the hood of her cloak off letting her dark blue tresses free. A small smile graced her lips as the sun hit the green fur of her face.

She caught movement from the corner of her eye, turning to see Private Pansy beside her. The pegasus had removed her helmet, the pony's light blue mane standing out against her white coat. Turning to the cave the light green unicorn watched as Smart Cookie made her way towards them. The tribe leaders still stood at the cave entrance hesitating for a moment before slowly falling in step behind the brown earth pony. The group stood in silence happy to feel the warmth from a sun they hadn't seen in ages, taking the time to fully appreciate the view. This place was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen, nowhere in either of their territories came close. Somepony cleared their throat breaking the spell the scenery had on them as they turned in the direction of the noise, eyes focusing on Smart Cookie.

"What do we do now?" she asked looking at Chancellor Pudding head.

The other two also turned to their leaders for answers of where to go from here. The three representatives glanced at each other. Though they had been at one another's throats only moments ago forcing their assistants to take control, now had to rise up to the role they had been given. Only now they had to figure things out together for the sake of their subjects lives.

Princess Platinum took a step forward the purple color of her royal robes made more prominent by her silver fur. This helped in drawing the other ponies eyes to her. "Well, first we should explore the area, see how much of this land is safe and inhabitable. Then we can proceed in marking up the territories and borders for each tribe."

Clover's eyes widened as she quickly moved to the princess's side. " Your majesty forgive me but I don't think dividing the tribes in this new land would be the best choice."

Platinum quirked her brow mouth opening to speak but stopped. Given where her thoughts had lead them motioned for the green unicorn to continue. Clover smiled relieved to be allowed to express her opinions.

"The wendigos appeared because of the anger and hate our tribes had for each other, and it even managed to follow us here. It could happen again if we resettle in this land and continue to keep ourselves separated." Clover explained.

Commander Hurricane narrowed her eyes as she spoke her voice commanding without having to raise its volume. "So what exactly are you suggesting?"

Clover took a few steps back shrinking down a bit as the sun reflected off Hurricane's armor, drawing more attention to the black plated metal that covered the pony's powerful frame. She'd be lying to say she wasn't feeling slightly intimidated by the purple pegasus. The unicorn now understood why she was the leader of the pegasi as she did her best to look back into the warrior's hard emerald gaze. Fighting a bit to keep her voice steady Clover continued.

"If we want to build and thrive in this new land, and keep wendigos from ever coming back, we'll need to do it with all three tribes living together."

Clover watched for Hurricane's reaction which was hard due to her near stoic expression. The pegasus looked to the side many thoughts running through her mind. Pansy moved to her commander's side interrupting the other's thoughts.

" Ma'am. I know we wouldn't normally agree to this, but due to what we've been through I feel we should consider Clover's proposal ." Pansy said her voice carrying confidence she didn't normally show.

The others watched as Hurricane turned to face the other pegasus, impressed at how calm Pansy was when addressing the commander. Everypony remained silent observing the two ponies staring match. Hurricane stared intently into the brown eyes of the other pegasus, mulling over all they've been through up to this point. With a sigh, the purple pegasus gave a slight nod causing Pansy to smile as the two turned back to face the rest of the group. The others let out a collective relieved breath now that the most stubborn pony there hadn't decided to fight on this as they'd done before.

Smart Cookie turned to Pudding Head standing tall her shoulders back gaining confidence from Clover, and Pansy's success with their leaders. "Chancellor hopefully you agree with this. I see no other way of either of our tribes surviving if we remain divided."

Smart Cookie watched patiently for the pale pink pony to respond. Pudding Head inhaled deeply letting it out, meeting the other pony's intense orange gaze. Usually, she'd vaguely acknowledge Smart Cookie's suggestions like she had done often in the past, but she had never seen the brown pony this determined. The chancellor was impressed at the confidence her assistant was showing. With a nod Pudding Head walked pass Smart Cookie to stand before the princess and commander.

"Our assistants seem to have the right idea. Given how we as leaders behaved during such a crisis, they showed better logic than any of us." The pink pony said adjusting the hat atop her chocolate mane.

Hurricane removed her helmet shaking her head slightly letting the blonde locks of her mane free. She set the piece of armor on the ground with a huff. "They tried to tell us what we needed to do. Instead, we were too blinded by our hate and anger for each other we didn't heed to their advice. As a result, we brought the storm here as well." The pegasus said with a frown looking back at Pansy allowing a faint smile to form on her lips. "And if it wasn't for them we'd still be trapped in ice, leaving our tribes to their fate."

A huge smile spread across Pansy's face her wings rustling in excitement. She had served under Hurricane for years, and the purple pegasus rarely praised anypony as she had now, let alone non-pegasus ponies. The commander was usually too proud to admit she was even in the wrong.

While Pansy was taking in the compliment Princess Platinum walked up to Clover with a smile. "I can see why you were requested to accompany me, you didn't receive the title Clover the Clever without reason. Not only for your reasoning but knowledge of spells, you were able to create that flaming heart in the cave."

Clover glance down a faint blush of modesty forming on her cheeks. "It wasn't just me, talking with Smart Cookie and Pansy kept the flame going to thaw you all." She said lifting her head to meet the pale purple eyes of the princess, as Platinum placed a hoof on Clover's shoulder.

"Of course, but I feel Star Swirl would love to hear of what magic you released in the cave."The green unicorn perked up, excited at all the research and experiments the two of them could do once back at the library. Unfortunately, her thoughts were interrupted from going any further by Commander Hurricane.

"From the looks of it we only have a few more hours of daylight." She said looking up at the sky before rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. "And in our haste to leave Pansy and I didn't bring any provisions with us."The warrior's eyes fell to the ground clearly embarrassed to make such a mistake despite her training. Though nopony could think any less of her, none of them had thought to bring any supplies. The leaders had all left on impulse not even acknowledging they'd need basic provisions. None even remembered if their assistants suggested anything, they were too angry and focused on finding a new place to live.

Clover brought a hoof to her chin in thought. She hoped the tribe leaders would have more time to discuss the future in this land, but without food or water, not much would be accomplished. And now that the excitement began to die down she felt the emptiness in her stomach after going a full day without water or food. Sure they were used to having very little to eat back home but having nothing was a problem, they couldn't do anything if one of them collapsed from malnutrition. With a disappointed sigh, she knew they had no real choice.

Clover stomped her hoof against the ground to get the other's attention. "We'll have to return to our territories, but we should begin writing messages to each other as soon as possible. We'll need to brainstorm ideas, schedule more meeting fast, who knows how long everypony will be able to last in the storm still raging back home."

Pudding Head nodded in understanding, "Alright I'll begin coming up with a few ideas and await your letters, I'll entrust Smart Cookie with them, I feel I'll need her input now more than ever." The pink pony said with a smile.
Smart Cookie returned the smile with a shine in her eyes honored the chancellor had shown this much trust in her. She felt that the pink pony in time could possibly be a friend rather than just her superior. In fact, they all felt a bit closer with their time spent in the cave.

The six ponies exchanged a few more words before it was time for them to go their separate ways. With a final farewell, they raced in the direction of their territory. Clover galloped beside Platinum surprised the silver unicorn hadn't even begun to complain about getting covered in dust and sweat, or how physical exertion was beneath her. With a short chuckle at the thought, she glanced over her shoulder at the retreating figures of the others getting one last look at the green grass and trees, imagining what their new home would look like in the future before moving her attention ahead. She felt more energized than she had in months, a glowing warmth began flowing in her chest thinking back to the songs and stories they had shared in the cave. Though it would take a lot of work and probably more arguing, she hoped this feeling would reach all the tribes in this new land.