• Published 16th Nov 2021
  • 1,490 Views, 18 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: El Único. - Hilord17

Humanity has been ponified, the planet has changed, and the human race is no more. Well, that last bit was true for a few months...

  • ...

III - The Meeting

Author's Note:

A new Chapter! I know, shocker.

I know this story doesn't get as much attention, but I still like to keep them on track (the same goes for Gielinor's Visitor.)

I'm also still waiting for my story to be approved to be in a certain folder in a certain TCB Group I don't know if the admins care at this point.

Anyways, If you are one of those who follow this story (I have plans for this story, but since I'm focusing on The Anomaly in a Mare's World, the updates will be slower, both for this story and Gielinor's Visitor.)

I appreciate your patience, consideration, and time. :twilightsmile:

Until the next chapter!

PD: I know this will have typos, despite having double or even triple-checked the whole thing. If you find one, let me know so I can correct it ASAP :pinkiecrazy:

"Creo que aquí esta bien."

"This place? Alright. Gonna set the coordinates here..."

Crimson Starlit's horn began to glow, and soon, a circle made of magical energy and matching the unicorn's bright red aura slowly formed on the ground where he and the human were standing.

While Crimson was 'setting the coordinates', as he likes to call it, Diego was looking at the sky. For a moment, the unicorn focused his vision on his human friend.

"You know you don't need to hide how you feel to me. We're pals, and seriously, considering this whole mess, I don't blame you for being angry or sad."

"Lo sé..." said Diego, although nonchalantly. "Y honestamente no estoy triste, y extrañamente tampoco enojado."

"Oh? May I ask why?"

"Porque en realidad... estoy confundido y frustrado."

"Confused and frustrated... alright, I think that makes sense." said Crimson, still doing the spell. "I know you are a human of strong will, but please, don't be afraid to talk about this with me, or anyone back home."

"Lo sé. Ustedes son mi hogar ahora." said Diego, now looking at his unicorn friend with a smile. "Si sucede algo, serás el primero en saberlo."

"Good to know." said Crimson with a smile, and after a few seconds, his magic aura diminished. "Aaaand we're done. You ready?"

"Estoy listo. Tenemos mucho de que hablar con el resto."

"Ok. Now this will take a few moments, since this is the first time using this location."

The circle on the ground became brighter, and in a few seconds, a red light manifested in the whole area.

When the light disappeared, so did the two friends.

"Man... It still feels unreal." said Mike.

"I know, but it really happened." said Nick. "We saw him, we spoke with him, and he has problems like everyone else."

"I wonder where they live?" asked Bright Lapis. "I understand why they are so secretive about it. I mean, it's a human. But still, I'm curious."

"That Crimson fellow said that it was a place like Cloudsdale."

"As far as I know, Cloudsdale is still in Equestrian territory." said Bright Lapis. "The Princess would do something about it if that wasn't the case. Just where does he live?"

"A human with magic, friend of an enigmatic unicorn and an unknown home... Diego has the whole package." said Nick.

The trio of friends was reunited in New Leaf's central park. It has been a few hours since the pony named Crimson Starlit and the human named Diego left the town. They wanted to escort them back to the town's entrance, but Crimson politely declined. Bright and her two friends were swarmed with questions after that, to the point that it became annoying. What did everypony expect? They just met them today!

"This makes me wonder how he felt." said Nick. "I mean, not only is he the only human alive, as far we know, but he is also from another planet Earth! We are talking about parallel universes here!"

"Do you really think he is from another universe?" asked Mike. "I'm still not convinced of that one."

"He has no reason to lie to us, Mike." said Bright Lapis. "I believe him. How do you explain that 'COVID' thing he was talking about? Do you really think he would lie about something so serious?"

"Well..." Mike had to admit it. They had a point.

"And what about that 'Pokémon' thing he showed us on his phone?" asked Nick. "How do you explain that one? He had entire wiki pages saved on his phone."

"Anyone can edit wiki pages, dude." said Mike.

"Did you see how much information he had?" countered Nick. "Names, places, history about Pokémon and some companies named Game Freak and Nintendo! Do you really think he made all that up?"

"Alright. I get it." Mike gave up. "But I still find it hard to believe."

"Just the fact that he is still a human is supposed to be impossible." said Bright Lapis, almost as if she was tired. "This whole day has been a wild ride."

The three friends kept talking about these two visitors, and how sooner or later, Diego's existence is going to shake the whole world. Especially to the former humans. After all, most of humanity decided to 'convert' into ponies only because there was no other option.

But if they see him...

"Excuse me."

A male unknown voice took the attention of the trio. They noticed that a pegasus pony approached them. He was certainly an adult, but he looked in good shape for his age.

"I've been told that you three were the ones who discovered the human." said the pegasus.

"Well, more like they helped us dealing with a bugbear." said Bright Lapis. "Then they helped us bring it to the facility."

"So the human didn't come alone." said the pegasus.

"He had a unicorn friend." said Mike. "Since the two defeated the bugbear, they must be strong."

"And it's true that he can use magic?" asked the pegasus.

"Yes. He can." answered Nick. "We don't know how, but he is able to use Equestria's magic."

"Who are you?" asked Bright Lapis, getting the attention of the pegasus. "I know everypony is talking about him, but it sounds like you were not here when it happened."

"Ah. My apologies. It's true. I wasn't here when it happened." said the pegasus. "My name is Wind Chaser. I used to be one of the leaders of the Gem Squad."

"The Gem Squad!" Bright's attitude changed immediately. "Sir! My apologies for being rude! It's an honor to meet you!"

"Bright?" asked Mike.

"What are you doing?" added Nick. Both friends were confused.

"You guys are former humans, so you don't know about this." said Bright. "During the first weeks after Equestria's arrival to planet Earth, Princess Celestia created a special team in the royal guard."

"And that's the Gem Squad, right?" asked Nick.

"That's right. The Gem Squad had a single purpose: To explore the unknown. To explore what was beyond our land. In other words, to explore your world. That's how we established contact with humanity. Thanks to them, the Princesses were able to contact the leaders of your countries before chaos ensued. Well, there were still several cases where misunderstandings led to... not good things."

"Indeed." said Wind Chaser. "Some of my comrades were hurt. Others were hunted and ended up being treated like prisoners, or worse... test subjects. Still, it was our duty to discover everything we could about this world. About you."

"Damm... I didn't know that." said Mike, clearly not happy about those things. "I just knew the world was going nuts because of talking ponies, and boy, it took a long time for me to get used to it."

"It's all in the past now." said Wind Chaser. "To be honest, the reason I'm interested in this human goes beyond surprise or disbelief."

Now this got the attention of the trio.

"Wait. What you do mean?" asked Mike. "A living human after the whole conversion thing is not surprising to you?"

"It is, but since I haven't seen him..." said Wind Chaser, a bit disappointed. "Anyways, what I mean to say is that there is another reason I want to know about him, and if possible, to meet him too."

"If you want to meet him, it must be important." said Nick.

"It is, but I'm afraid I lack the authority to explain it in detail."

"Well, they didn't tell us if they will come back." said Nick. "I mean, considering what happened..."

"What happened?" asked the pegasus.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to trouble him anymore." said Bright Lapis. "If you want to know, you'll have to ask him about it."

"But what if they don't come back?" asked Mike.

"It's their choice." replied Bright, who then looked at Wind Chaser. "You can try your luck tomorrow. Maybe they'll come back."

Wind chaser simply nodded.

"Very well."

"Aaand here we are!"

It took only a moment. Crimson Starlit and Diego were somewhere else now. Their surroundings changed, replacing the outskirts of New Leaf with a different sight. One that Diego has come to enjoy over the years.

"Nunca me canso de esto." said Diego, smiling as he looked around.

"Me neither. It's a beautiful sight." added Crimson.

It was the blessing of nature.

The land around the town of New Leaf was nothing compared to this. Healthy grass as far as the eye can see. A generous amount of trees, bushes, and flowers, a forest not so far from their location, and a lake nearby.

Not to mention the clouds that are way closer to them. Diego knows that there are even clouds below the ground he is standing on right now.

After all, that's the kind of sight that offers a floating island.

"Una isla flotante... es un privilegio vivir aquí." said Diego, feeling refreshed.

"I still find it weird that what you consider 'fantasy' is pretty much 'everyday' for us." said Crimson. "Anyways, Vendaval should be here any second now..."

"De hecho allí viene." added Diego, looking at something in the distance, flying near the clouds and getting closer to the two friends.

As the seconds passed, that something began to acquire form. It was also getting bigger and bigger.

And what mighty and impressive form it was: Strong claws, long and marvelous wings, a very long tail, and finally, green scales as beautiful as emeralds.

"¡Vendaval! ¡Por aquí!" shouted Diego, waving with his left hand, as if he was greeting a friend.

"Careful when you land, draco-dude!" added Crimson, focusing on the dragon. "Don't destroy the flowers. Fauna will hate you forever if you do."

"I appreciate your concern, Crimson. However, there is no need to worry." said the dragon, with a voice that Diego can only classify as 'gentleman'. Strong, yet likable.

The big dragon landed with grace, almost like a noble's arrival. His landing was so gentle that the flowers and bushes around him barely moved.

"It would be unwise to unleash Fauna's wrath. I know that very well." said the Dragon, who now focused on the human. "I have to say, this trip of yours was shorter than what I expected."

"It was for a good reason, Vendaval." said Crimson, getting the dragon's attention. "Something big happened outside. We need to call everyone."

"Everyone?" this took Vendaval by surprise. "Are you sure? You know the implications of calling everyone to an emergency meeting. Just what happened down there?"

"Descubrimos... cosas importantes." said Diego, not very happy. "Cosas que el resto debe saber de inmediato."

"Our pal is not lying, draco-dude." added Crimson. "Honestly, I don't know how everyone else will take this, but it needs to be known and discussed."

Vendaval took a moment to look at his two friends. Like Crimson, he ended up learning Spanish, so he knows what the human said. Seeing Crimson more serious than usual is a slight surprise, but the worry in Diego's voice is what worries him the most.

"Very well. You should activate the signal. We will go to Starsight, and wait for the others to arrive."

"Already on it." said crimson, focusing on the magic energy that was gathering around his horn. After a few seconds, the energy increased its brightness and then disappeared. "Done."

"Let us go, then." said Vendaval. As soon as he said that, Crimson activated his magic and disappeared, only to reappear on the dragon's back.

"While I do not know what bothers you, I do know that you are a strong human, Diego." said the dragon, who then extended one of his claws and presented it in front of Diego, like an open hand. "Your willpower is something to be admired. Be proud of it."

"Gracias, Vendaval. De verdad lo aprecio." said the human while jumping into Vendaval's claw. The dragon then moved his claw, carrying the human to his back, where Crimson was waiting for him.

"You know, at this point, you are pretty much ready to learn about teleportation." said Crimson. "Can you finally give it a chance?"

"Tentador, pero me sigue asustando la idea de ser pulverizado o perder partes de mi cuerpo en el proceso." said Diego in response.

"Would you reconsider it if I told you that I have a technique to make it easier?" said the unicorn with a smile of victory.

Diego, on the other hand, was now glaring at him.

"¿Y me lo dices ahora?"

"You didn't ask for help~" teased Crimson.

"He is right. You cannot deny it." added Vendaval.

"Ok. Lo entiendo." said Diego, knowing there was no way to deny that. "Lo intentaré, pero no prometo nada."

"That's all I ask." said the unicorn, winking at his human friend.

"Como si no tuviera ya suficientes preocupaciones..." said Diego, clearly with a lack of spirit.

"You can whine later. For now..." Crimson activated his magic. "Don't move."

The human stayed still while his unicorn friend used his magic to envelop both of them with it. After a few seconds, the magic disappeared.

"We are ready, big guy!" exclaimed Crimson.

"Very well. Please enjoy both the wind and the view. The journey will not take long."

As the dragon finished talking, his powerful wings moved, and after a starting jump, the group began their travel in the sky.

Diego did exactly as the dragon told him, and wasted no time in admiring the endless sky around him. The view of the floating island from an even higher height is always a unique experience.

"Como dije antes: Nunca me canso de esta vista." said Diego, smiling like a kid in a toy store.

"Is the spell working properly?" asked Crimson.

"Si. Funciona perfectamente." was Diego's answer. "No sé para qué preguntas si ya sabes la respuesta."

"Yeah. I never fail those, but I have to ask just in case." said the unicorn with a smirk.

"Me sorprende que se te haya ocurrido este hechizo." said Diego, looking at his feet.

"A neat trick, don't you think?" said Crimson. "With this spell, we have become part of Vendaval's body. Even if some mighty force was able to make him move violently, we would still be glued here."

"Crimson. Why so much secrecy? Is it really that bad?" asked the dragon with a strong voice.

"It is, big fella." was Crimson's answer. "That's why everyone is needed."

"Esto podría... No. Esto definitivamente afectará nuestro futuro." added Diego. Once again, not too happy.

"..." Vendaval wanted to say something, but it was clear that whatever happened down there, it was something really important.

The nearby forest and a few lakes were part of the scenery that the trio was able to see during their trip. The endless grass and some rock formations continued to appear for a while, until finally, they were approaching to what looked like a village. Many different buildings that by shape and size, were undoubtedly houses. There is also a big tower that stands out from the rest of the buildings not only because it's the tallest, but also because of what was on the rooftop.

Although the sky shows no signs of the night approaching, the area above the tower was another story. It's such a contrast, especially during the day, that even knowing it must be some magic phenomenon, Diego is still amazed by the sight of the stars, and the night itself.

"You really like the stars. Don't you?" asked Crimson, also looking at the unique sight that the tower offers. "I remember that a few weeks ago, you said that the stars above the tower looked different. I guess now we know why..."

Diego just stared at the tower, thinking about today's events. From the bugbear attack to the current situation on planet earth.


Planet Gaia. That's the new name.

A few minutes later, they arrived at their desired location: The rooftop of the tower. Vendaval had no problem landing there. It's big enough for him, and he even began to move freely. Crimson activated his magic two times. One to cancel the spell that kept them in the dragon's back, and the second time to teleport both him and Diego to the rooftop.

"And now, we wait." said the unicorn.

It is not just empty space. It is mostly empty space. There is a big table made of wood, with many different chairs. Some of them were bigger, and some had unique designs. Around the table and chairs were various circles made with magic, and each one had a different color. Right now they were all inactive.

Several seconds passed, in which the human sat down on the roof to enjoy the impossible view of the stars above him. Vendaval stood where he was, and Crimson sat in one of the chairs.

Until finally, one of the circles started to glow. It was the green-colored one.

The circle started to generate magical energy that was slowly moving around, and gradually taking shape. After a few seconds, it took the form of a bright green door.

The door was opened, and...

"My goodness! It has been months since the last meeting."

A soothing, female voice was heard. A voice that the other three know very well. She was not a pony. Rather, she is a friend of the forests. With a beautiful brown, almost orange-looking fur. Eyes as bright as sapphire, and both her ears and tail were rather small. Something completely normal, considering that she is a deer.

As soon as she arrived, the magical door closed and then disappeared. With this, the circle became inactive again.

"Indeed. It will be good to see how everyone is doing." said Vendaval. "I am very glad to see you, lady Fauna."

"Vendaval! You look as radiant as ever. I am tempted to ask for a few more of your scales. The last ones proved to be very useful."

"I do not see why not. We can discuss it later." said the Dragon.

"That was quick, Fauna." said Crimson, smiling while looking at her. "Good to see you."

"And hello to you too, Crimson. It's good to see that you are still alive. Now, where is my lovely-"

She stopped when she saw Diego, who was waving with his left hand.

"Hola Fauna. Es bueno volver a verte."

Fauna disappeared in a flash, and the next thing Diego felt was the fur from Fauna's chest, as she was hugging him.

"Diego! My sweet little human! It is wonderful to see you again! I missed you so much!"

Diego was saying something, or rather, he was trying to say something.

"Uhhh... Fauna. I know you get all motherly when it comes to Diego, but..." Crimson was doing his best to suppress a laugh, while Vendaval just did a quick, light chuckle. "Please, let kid breathe."

"Oh my!" Fauna quickly released the human. "I'm so sorry dear. It's just that I'm genuinely happy to see you."

"También estoy feliz de verte, Fauna." said Diego with a smile. "Pero recuerda que ya no soy un niño."

"You will always be like a child to me." said Fauna with a motherly smile.

Just then, another magic circle activated. This one was blue. Just like the previous one, a door made of pure magic energy was created. When it opened...

"Hey! I wasn't the last one to arrive. That's good."

A young male voice was heard, and then a gryphon came from the other side. Well, it would be a gryphon if it wasn't for his hooves. He is actually a hippogriff. Taller than the average male gryphon, and also with a unique quality: Most of his body is of pure white color. Only a few of the feathers on his wings were of a yellow, almost golden color, and his eyes were brownish.

"Fauna! Crimson! Vendaval! Good to see you guys." said the newcomer.

"Hello Maximilian." said Vendaval with respect. "I hope the upper section of the island is treating you well."

"Yeah. It never ceases to amaze me." added Crimson. "You have some powerful lungs there."

"I do hope your wife and daughter are doing well, too." said Fauna, focusing on the hippogriff.

"The family is healthy and strong, and I feel blessed for it." was Maximilian's answer. He then focused on Diego.

"Hola Max. Es bueno verte." said the human with a sincere smile.

"Ah. Our miracle and honorary member!" said Maximilian while inspecting Diego. "To think that a few years ago we found you sick and weak. Now look at you! Strong and tough."

"Y es todo gracias a ustedes." said Diego in response.

"I don't see little Beannacht." said Maximilian, looking around the rooftop. "And Helena is not here either! Never expected those two to be late. They love it when we reunite."

"Been wondering about that, too." added Crimson, looking at the other two magic circles. "Everytime I call you guys, they like to come here ASAP."

"Maybe they heard you." said Fauna, smiling as she and everyone else saw a new circle activating: The purple one.

But in this case, instead of a door, it created... a purple mushroom. Bigger than usual, but a mushroom nonetheless. However, in the center of the mushroom, there was a smaller door, and when it opened...

"My apologies everyone! I was running an errand when you called. I came as fast as I could!"

It was a male pony.

A very, very small gray male pony. His mane and tail are of orange color, and they are larger than what a pony normally has. He has two curious-looking antennae, and wings that could easily belong to a butterfly. These wings are almost transparent.

Even though he is a male, his voice was a bit high-pitched. He was also wearing a tiny amulet around his neck.

"Well, it ain't easy being a breezie." said Crimson with a smile of understanding. "Don't worry about it. Is the amulet still working? Do you need to recharge it?"

"Don't worry my friend! The amulet is in perfect condition, and there is still plenty of magic inside."

"Good. Let me know if anything happens to it." said the unicorn.

The breezie started to look around, and his expression changed to one of disappointment.

"Bliskes! I can't believe I was so late!"

"Please, Beannacht. It is not your fault." said Vendaval. "We all have responsibilities in our respective zones."

"I was in the middle of making a new potion when I received the signal." added Fauna.

"And I was checking the crystals in the Echo Caves." said Maximilian. "Like the emerald dragon said, we all have more stuff to do now."

"Además Helena todavía no ha llegado." said Diego, looking at the only magic circle that has not activated yet.

"Diego! Back so soon?" asked the Breezie, flying to be face to face with the human. "I thought your journey would take at least a few days!"

"Asi es. De hecho... es la razón de la reunión de hoy."

Fauna quickly noticed the change in the mood of the human when he said that. Her eyes changed focus to look at Crimson, and the unicorn noticed.

"He is telling the truth. We came back because this... is something huge." said Crimson, who was also showing signs of sudden unhappiness.

Before she or anyone else could speak, the last magic circle activated.

The yellow one.

Like all the other magic circles, it manifested a magical door. A pure yellow door that opened almost immediately.




Now Diego was on the ground, and on top of him was...

"Helena! Don't tackle him like that!" shout Fauna, clearly a bit angry. "You could have hurt little Beannacht, too!"

"Yes! Be careful next time!" said the breezie, who managed to move on time.

"¡Helena por la chucha eso me dolió!" said the human. Thankfully he didn't hit his head when falling. Only his back. "Te agradecería que me avisaras para la próxima. No tengo problemas en abrazarte si lo necesitas."

"¡Diego! ¿Como estás? ¡Te extrañé muuuuucho!" said Helena. "It's been an entire month!"

"Tranquila, tambien te extrañé." said Diego with a small chuckle. "¿Pero puedes dejar que me levante?"

"Not yet, cariño!" said Helena. "I'm still recharging. I've been helping Shujaa since early in the morning. I swear he never takes a break!"

"Good to see you, Helena." said Crimson, focusing on her. "But seriously. The first thing you do after seeing Diego is to eat? C'mon!"

"I can't help it!" was Helena's answer. "His emotions are sooo tasty!" then she quickly looked at the breezie. "Oh. Hi Bean! Sorry for scaring you like that."

"Yes, yes. You are a changeling, you feed on emotions, we get it." said the unicorn. "We've talked about this so many times that I can't remember all of them. But you should remember that he is your friend, not a snack."

"Excuse me, but I know that! You don't need to repeat that everytime I feed on him! ¡Por Celestia!" was Helena's answer, getting up.

She was indeed a changeling. Not your typical changeling though, because they don't have a yellow mane and tail as she does. She also doesn't have many holes in her legs, and her wings are bigger. Roughly the same size as a pegasi wings. Actually, her whole body has the size of an earth pony, making her bigger than most changelings, except for a King or Queen.

"Diego. Do you feel ill? A headache or anything?" asked the changeling, looking at the human

"Nope. Solo me duele mi espalda por tu tacleada." was Diego's answer, also getting up and dusting his clothes.

"See? He's fine! I'm always extra careful when feeding from him, now stop whining." said Helena, looking at Crimson. She then got closer to Diego and started whispering something in his ear.

"Sigue creyendose tu papá cool." she said.

"Bueno. El es cool." said Diego.

"Nunca cambies, mi bonachón humano." said Helena, and now she approached the group near the table. "I hope all of you are doing ok in your cozy houses in your cozy zones. Shujaa wanted to come too, but he is rather busy at the moment helping Elder Law."

"You will have to tell him about this meeting later. In fact, all of you will have to inform those who live in your zones." said Crimson, who then looked around. "Since everyone is here, I think we can begin now. Here under the eternal stars, we begin this meeting regarding our future from now on."

The others nodded in agreement, taking special attention to what Crimson Said, and in a few seconds, they sat on one chair each. Diego is still amazed that each chair was made according to everyone's specifications. The whole thing reminds him of the round table from the tales of King Arthur.

There is also a chair for him, though it's just a normal wood chair with a very good cushion on it. What else would he need? There's even a tiny chair for Beannacht! Although that one is on the table, with a special spell to keep it attached.

The only one who was not using a chair was Vendaval. For obvious reasons.

"I... really don't know how you guys will take this, but this day is going to be remembered by everyone. That's for sure." said Crimson, suddenly serious.

"It seems that both you and my dear Diego feel uneasy about something in particular." said Fauna, a bit worried already. "To think you would call all of us for this!"

"Yeah dude. It's kinda surprising." added Maximilian. "Don't get me wrong. It's very good to see that everyone is doing ok, but if you called all of us, then this must be something huge!"

"They refused to elaborate when I asked them." said Vendaval, looking at Diego. "I can understand Crimson being serious from time to time, but when I saw how worried Diego was..."

"Oh boy... Where to begin?" said Crimson, who then looked at his human friend. "I suppose it would be for the best if our pal here tell us. This also affects him."

"¿Están seguros de que quieren escucharlo en español?" asked Diego.

"Don't worry Diego." the answer came from Helena. "I taught them well. Maybe they don't speak it, but they can certainly understand you. Well, as long as you don't mix in your weird spanish from your country."

"Oh. Ok. Intentaré no mezclar mis chilenismos." said Diego in response.

Diego had to admit that Helena has been a lifesaver many times, both in the past and present. She is the reason the group managed to understand his situation when they found him. She was the only one that knew spanish, or the language of the 'Purasangre' as they call it in Equestria.

And of course, it's thanks to her that now the entire group understands him. He knows he needs to improve his english, though.

"Bueno, la situación es... única. Intentaré ser lo más detallado posible: Crimson aprobó mi petición de explorar un poco de Equestria, siempre y cuando él me estuviera supervisando, y entonces..."


It took Diego several minutes to explain everything: The encounter with the bugbear, the fight, and the encounter with Bright Lapis and her friends. Friends with human names. And with that, he dropped the bomb.

The whole land of Equestria was transported.

To another world.

Not just another world, but the same world where Diego comes from. Where humanity lives. Or rather, where humanity lived.

Diego shared every piece of information he found during his brief stay in New Leaf: Equestria's arrival on planet Earth, the chaos during the first years, Equestria's magic expanding through the planet, and the shocking discovery of how harmful it is to humans. The 'Convesion Bureau' initiative, and all the consequences that brought with it.

Finally, about the current state of the planet. How entire continents were changed during all of this. How everyone, or rather, how everypony's life changed. How they had to adapt to their new bodies...

The extinction of humanity as a race.

And the icing on the cake being Diego's unique situation: This planet Earth is not his planet Earth.


And now everyone was deep in thought. Diego decided to practice with his magic in order to clear his mind.

After a while, the first one to say something was...

"I must admit: I was bracing myself for some dire news, but..." Vendaval stopped talking for a moment. "Something like this... there is no way anyone would remain calm."

"Yeah..." was the only thing Maximilian managed to say.

"And... Is it only Equestria?" asked Helena, a little anxious.

"As far as we know, yeah." was the not-so-happy answer from Crimson. He knows why she is asking. "However, we overheard two ponies talking about a changeling that tried to mimic a human but almost dies, so that means a few changelings are here, too."

There was a brief expression of relief on the changeling's face. Only brief.

"The whole territory... Is that even possible?" asked Fauna, almost like a whisper. "Is there a spell or an artifact with such an unthinkable amount of power?"

"But it's weird! Why only Equestria? How can you be so specific about it?" asked the breezie, clearly confused about this whole situation.

"That's ticking me off, too." said Crimson. "Even the Princesses of Equestria don't have a single clue about this. No one knows why. it just happened."

Crimson now focused his attention on his human friend, who was busy with a spell. Specifically, he created two big solid hands made of magic, and the hands were now doing motions, like punching and slapping.

"And humanity had to transform into ponykind because Equestria's magic was lethal to them, yet Diego is not only in perfect condition, but he can also use Equestria's magic. As far as we know, he is the only human left in this world."

"What a chaotic situation..." said Vendaval, still trying to understand everything. "I am honestly surprised that you look so... calm about this, Diego."

"Tal como le dije a Crimson: Solo estoy confundido y frustrado." said the human. "Sobre todo porque la enfermedad que me estaba matando y la que mató a millones de personas no ocurrió aquí. ¡Era un problema mundial!"

"Is that really all, my dear?"

Fauna's question took Diego by surprise, and the others got a bit curious.

"..." Diego remained silent, but his face was still showing signs of frustration.

"Even if you were able to hide your emotions, your eyes do not lie." said the deer with a gentle voice.

Diego let out a sigh of defeat.

"Han pasado ya varios años desde que me encontraron. Equestria es mi hogar ahora. Después de tanto tiempo, ya estaba dejando el asunto de mi planeta atrás... y sucede esto."

Crimson noticed that even when Diego was now joining the conversation, he was still controlling the hands he created with his magic.

He was still practicing.


"Lo dije anteriormente allí abajo: Parece un chiste de mal gusto. Si algún Dios existe, de seguro se está riendo de mi justo ahora."

"I hate to be that one pony, but..." Crimson got everyone's attention. "Our priority right now is to decide what to do from now on. This world is way bigger than Equs, and to make things worse, our location is different. We are not floating in Equestrian skies."

"Well... for starters, Elder Law will have to be notified about this. About everything." said Vendaval. "If we are not within Equestria's territory, he may consider moving the island as an option."

"Shujaa... I'll have to tell him." said Helena, still worried. "We never noticed it. In a way, Diego's request to explore a bit of Equestria made us realize what was happening."

"This also means that we'll have to increase our security." said Maximilian, who was now a bit annoyed. "If the world is bigger now, there may be new creatures or even new threats."

"Tal vez, pero las amenazas no serían por cosas de Equestria." said Diego, getting the hippogriff's attention. "Sino que de amenazas militares. La tecnología de la tierra ya permite que vuelen a grandes alturas con vehículos especiales que hasta pueden tener armamento para atacar enemigos."

This of course took everyone's attention.

"Are you talking about military forces?" asked Maximilian.

"Así es, pero todo lo relacionado a operaciones militares es delicado y es constantemente supervisado. Sin embargo, tarde o temprano, algún país podría intentar explorar el cielo y toparse con esta isla de pura casualidad." was Diego's answer.

"Time and fate will guide them here, sooner or later." said Fauna. "I think Elder Law will consider this and will agree to move the island back to Equestria."

"Aunque ahora que todo el mundo es poni, me pregunto si ya han adaptado los vehículos para que un poni los utilice..." said Diego, getting curious. "Aún no hemos visto vehículos o alguna ciudad humana como para saber."

"I have to ask: Just how big is this new world now?" asked Vendaval. "Were you two able to bring a map?"

"We don't need one." said Crimson, activating his magic. This got Diego's attention, to the point of stopping the movement of the hands made of magic. The reason was that his unicorn friend created seven 'red papers' made out of magic. One of those being smaller, and another one being bigger. Then, the papers were guided to each one on the rooftop. The smallest paper was sent to Beannacht, while the biggest one was sent to Vendaval.

"¡Wow! ¿Acaso lo recuerdas de memoria?"

Diego was surprised for a very good reason: The paper had a perfect replica of New Leaf's world map drawing!

"I took the liberty of adding Equestria's current location and our current location, judging by where we appeared when we used the portal." said the unicorn.

"By Celestia... This is indeed a big world." said the dragon. "And what are these names?"

"You see, Equestria is considered a continent." said Crimson. The other names are other continents."

"Some of them are bigger than Equestria..." said Maximilian. "To think this is how the world looks like now... I think we got lucky up here."

"I'll call for another meeting in a few days." said Crimson. "Once you guys tell the residents of your respective zones what's going on, and Elder Law makes a decision about moving the island or not, we'll discuss further."

"And what about my dear?" asked Fauna, focusing on the human. "What is he going to do?"

"That's a good question." said Crimson, focusing on his friend. "What are you going to do, pal? You are quite the celebrity down there. At least in New Leaf."

Diego deactivated his magic, and the hands disappeared.


"If this does work, then I hope to see you again. I would love to speak with you in our castle."

Diego let out a sigh, although he was smiling. This increased the curiosity of his friends.

"Creo que es hora de cumplir una promesa."