• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 1,315 Views, 15 Comments

Darkest of Days - starshine_dash

When Hell comes to Equestria, Heaven sends its champions.

  • ...

Armor for a Kind Soul

The battle for Canterlot raged unchecked, civilians fleeing or defending their homes as their own courage dictated. Fires raged wildly as the mad ponies under the Nightmares' command stormed through the city, killing and pillaging. Those royal guard who remained true were evacuating those they could on the train out, forming a line of defense against the lost city. The Elements fought through the city bravely, meeting up with what remained of the cities defenders outside the train station.

"Twily!" shouted a familiar unicorn.

"Shiny!" Twilight called in response, galloping over, "What's the situation?"

"We're evacuating what ponies we can on the train while one of the strike teams locks down the castle archives. The castle staff are using the escape tunnels to get down the mountain. Do you have any idea what's going on?"

The younger mare sighed, "Nightmare Moon is back. So is Discord. We also have a new enemy named Solar Flare. My friends and I have the Elements and we're going to go save the world."

"I don't envy you, Twily. Good luck, sis, I'll keep Canterlot under lock down once we can get these crazy ponies under control."

"Okay, we're going to follow the Nightmares. They both went in the same direction, so hopefully we can catch them both at the same time while they're fighting each other."

Shining Armor nodded and gave his sister a quick hug before he spotted a fresh group of refugees fleeing toward them, "Come on! Get on the train! Hurry!" he shouted to them as the elements ran off down the road out of Canterlot.

The road ran parallel to the train tracks for some time before splitting off and heading out into the wilds of the Everfree. Flashes of light and pillars of smoke drew their attention to a battle waging deep in the forest. The six mares ran further, following the path until it ended at a wall of trees that seemed to have been grown specifically to block their path. More trees grew up to suddenly surround them.

"This is bad."

"No kidding!" Rainbow Said, unable to fly free due to the thick canopy that quickly covered the road, "Which one did this, you think?"

"Could be either of them, they both have incredible powers..."

"My... Faithful... Student..." came a deep voice that emanated power, authority, and utter cruelty.

"I think that answers your question, darling," Rarity said quietly to Rainbow Dash as Fluttershy curled into a ball of terror.

Twilight turned towards the burning glow that slowly appeared behind her as her former mentor stepped forward, her very footsteps turning the dirt beneath her to glass, "Princess Celestia!"

"Foal! I am no longer Celestia! I am Solar Flare, the Eternal Sun, the Burning Queen!"

"Listen to me, Princess! It's the Nightmare, it gotten into you, you have to fight it!"

Flaming mane lashing behind her, the creature began to laugh, "Oh, my faithful student, how little you understand. I have accepted the Nightmare's power! Together we can build a new Equestria. Twilight, I would love to have you by my side, as my Archmage and consort."

Her friends looked on, Applejack giving the tree nearest her an experimental buck while Solar Flare droned on, espousing on the glory that could be given to Twilight if she were to join. Fluttershy slipped behind Rarity and whispered something in her ear as the white unicorn began to try and force the trees apart with her magic.

Finally, Twilight spoke, "Enough, Solar Flare! You are not my mentor. Your offers and lies won't get me to betray my friends. You'd know that if you had access to all of Celestia's memories," she said with finality, her horn beginning to glow.

"You foal... You don't have a tenth the power necessary to beat me on your own, and I won't give you time to use the Elements!" the burning alicorn shouted, rearing up and slamming her fore hooves down on the ground, causing a blast of heat and light that knocked all six mares back in addition to shattering their tree prison.

Fluttershy was able to duck most of the damage and catch Rarity given her position. She turned as Solar Flare approached the fallen elements, standing over Twilight with a menacing grin, "Twilight Sparkle... I release you from my tutelage... and from your life..."

The alicorn began to charge bright magic in her horn, the grin growing into a psychotic smile as Fluttershy leaped into action and darted forward, standing over Twilight and staring up at the villain who had so easily defeated her friends, "How DARE you?!" she said, now fully Staring up at the creature that had taken over Celestia's form.

"Ha! Dear Fluttershy, what a surprise! I thought you would be cowering behind one of your friends."

The pegasus continued to Stare into Solar Flare's eyes with greater force, "You leave my friends ALONE!"

"Dear, sweet, Fluttershy. That little trick of yours won't work on me. My mind is much too strong. I was planning to let the rest of you live for now, but I suppose you can join Twilight," the alicorn said, finishing the build up to her spell. A beam of searing light shot from her horn straight at the two mares. Fluttershy spread her wings and wrapped them around Twilight as best she could in order to try and absorb as much of the heat and fire as possible. Hopefully, the unicorn could survive.

As the magic struck her body, the Element of Kindness around her neck began to glow, flaring brightly as its energy flowed over her body, protecting and strengthening her while she protected her friend. Solar Flare's spell ended, and Fluttershy stood back up, returning to Stare at the alicorn.

Her coat was singed, and her mane had partially burned away, leaving it ragged and black along the edge. Where once was a simple golden necklace with a jewel shaped like a butterfly, now rested a full golden chest plate, protecting the entirety of her front and along her back to her wings. Her hooves were clad likewise in golden gauntlets to protect her legs. Upon her ragged mane sat a golden helm, shining in the sunlight, "You will not hurt my FRIENDS!" she shouted, completely outdoing Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice and sending Solar Flare staggering backwards from the force of her words.

Shaken by the weight in that single statement, the burning alicorn stepped back, shocked by the occurrence before her, "Impossible. Nopony could ever..." she said quietly as the rest of the elements began to stir. Knowing that she would need to be at full strength to face these ponies, and realizing she had underestimated the timid pegasus, Solar Flare turned and fled, shouting back, "This is not over!"

Fluttershy stood there, staring after the fleeing alicorn until she was out of sight while her friends roused themselves and stood up. The first to speak was Rainbow Dash, flying over and landing in front of her friend, "Fluttershy! You look... Awesome! What happened?"

She shrugged and tried to hide behind her mane, finding it impossible with the new length and sighed, "I just... I wanted to make sure at least Twilight lived..."

At the mention of her name, the unicorn rested a hoof on the pegasus' back, "Thank you, Fluttershy. I think you unlocked a new aspect of the Elements by protecting me! This armor is amazing," she said, scanning it with a myriad of spells, "It looks like gold, but it's harder than diamond! This is absolutely incredible. I need to study-"

Her rant was cut off by Applejack's hoof, "Now, Twi, as much as y'all need to know, ah think we should stop the crazy princess first, eh?"

"You're right, AJ, I'm sorry."

As the group recovered, Fluttershy's armor suddenly began to glow before returning to the simple necklace she had started with, "Oh my, I guess it only comes out when needed..."

"I wouldn't wanna lug around that entire suit all day," Rainbow said, rolling her eyes, "Come on, we have to catch Solarlestia!"

"Yes, we do. While we chase, Fluttershy, tell me exactly what happened. It may help us unlock our own elements."

"A-alright, Twilight. I'll try..." the pegasus said, barely above a whisper as they began to trot off down the trail, following the burnt hoofprints of the former princess.