• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 529 Views, 7 Comments

the cost of power - redsopine

power has a price and in order to save those you love what would you give or is the price to high a stranger has a price would you pay it

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Chapter 1

"What would you give to save the ones you love? What price would you pay: your life, your sanity, your soul? Would you give all of that for the power to save the ones you love? Are you willing to become a monster to stop a monster? Well now, here's your chance," says a strange stallion amidst a battlefield to a mortally wounded Pegasus stallion clothed in thin mail and clutching a pair swords. The Pegasus tries to stand. "Back off, demon! I will not succumb to you now or ever," he says, spitting blood as he stands and staggers past the demon in front of him. Gripping his swords weakly in his hands, he heads towards a house on fire as two mares are being dragged away by soldiers bearing the standard of King Sombra. "Leave them alone," he growls, standing at his full height with wings in tatters. He lunges at the nearest soldier and misses, taking a sword to his back. He gasps as blood leaks out of him slowly, seeing the sword in his chest. The demon reappears, walking slowly in front of him. "One word and you can save them. Make a choice. I cannot keep that sword from taking your life for long." The man looks toward his sisters then back to the demon, his golden eyes shining as he answers weakly "yes." The demon smiles as it bursts into flames. The flames rush into the Pegasus as he screams, the blade melting in half and his body healing. One of his brilliant golden eyes takes on a reddish hue in the corner of his eye. The soldiers back away from him as one of the swords becomes flames and lashes out, wrapping around the throat of the one that stabbed him amd taking the head off in a shower of blood and burnt flesh. The girls stare, shocked, at the change in their brother, both in awe and fear. He turns to the remaining soldiers with murder in his eyes. He lunges the uncorrupted blade through one's chest, pushing the body off with his feet as he twists in the air, his wings engulfed in flames and turning into dragon wings. After slashing the remaining soldier's sword in half, along with its owner, he turns to his sisters and sees their look of fear before doubling over in pain. He speaks in a voice full of fear as the arm holding the demonic blade rises against his will. "Treble, take Crimson and run!" The girls start to run as the man struggles to hold the sword at bay. "Demon you will not hurt them. You got your price." The demon mocks in his head, "My dear Redsopine, who ever said your soul was the price of my power? No, my puppet they are, and you powerless to stop it." The demon chuckles, then his eyes widen as he says in a panic, "wait,what are you doing? Stop that!" Redsopine raises the blade and plunges it through his own beating heart, twisting the blade and removing it upwards though his chest and throat. His last thoughts echo: "You asked me what I would pay to save them. Now you know."


red don't go its not safe outside pleaded the youngest of the three siblings crimson rose her black and red hair dishevelled as sounds of fighting can be heard on the outskirts of the city tears in her red eyes.

i know crimson but someone has to keep them from getting to you two the soldiers under Sombras banner are going mad and looting the city killing anyone that stands in there way or worse i wont let them hurt you two he turns and looks at the second girl by the door her blue mane with black streaks as much as mess as there sisters.

just make sure you come back you hear me was all she said as she hold the younger sister a glare in here orange eyes as she leads crimson away.

red sighs as he thinks this is insane where did this madness come from surely the king is trying to stop whats happening those thoughts come to a stop as he sees there in front of him a man in a suit calmly walking around smiling but for some reason redsopine feels on edge even more so when he sees a woman and child run right though him before he turns and looks red right in the eyes with fire for eyes the man grins and says soon before vanishing as red runs to the castle trying to warn his king of whats happening only to be attacked and knocked unconscious when he awakes he in chained in the town square the king standing over him a mad look in his eyes as he speaks.

you your the ones my guards say deserted your post there shall be none of that he turns to his guards go to his house and burn it to the ground and make him watch but first the Sombra plunges a crystalline claw gauntlet into redsopines gut making him cough blood before two guards drag him away slowly as the strange man reappears and speaks to him.

poor poor red tossed aside after years of fighting and defending your king you was blinded but now do you see the monster he is so tell me are you willing to become a monster to stop him.


Pain is what awakes the stallion pain and coldness as he hears two voices talking nearby.

" Brother must you test your hosts so harshly what if he decides to take his life again instead of fighting with you". says a annoyed but female voice says as Redsopine try's to stand and speaks in a horse voice" who are you two why am i here where is here" he says as he stands looking at a pair of dragons unfazed by one being made of fire the other of ice as he looks at them both awaiting a answer as they stare at him surprised he is awake.

Author's Note:

since its been a while i thought id try again at a story this one to clear up a few things i never explained like how a human could fly or do what he did also i use man as i have no idea if the anthro would work with stallion also feed back appreciated also the EG tag is for later on