• Published 8th Nov 2018
  • 4,889 Views, 47 Comments

I Woke up Purple Today - JamieisWaffles

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Chapter 2: Starlight, Star Bright

Author's Note:

Yikes Procrastination sucks, sorry for taking this long but I haven't abandoned the story!

I took a couple of wobbly and cautious steps the mere size of the interior room had caught my amazement luckily no one was around to catch my starry-eyed gaze, then I had noticed a couple of glaring issues stopping in my tracks while I began to mumble as I tended to do while in deep thought "Alright first off I had no idea where the Library even was asking would likely bring suspicion seeing as Twilight herself would normally know, second of all I can barely manage to walk without almost losing my balance which would be sure to tip someone off to something, and third of all I have no idea how to control magic. I see why Twilight makes lists". I said ending my internal monologue I took a deep breath and tried to look for some sort of direction or sign but much to my dismay I saw the same crystal walls with the same crystal pathways.

"Seriously, how do you find your way around this place? Everything looks the same!" I had stopped barely making it into the center of the first room without falling over. I really needed to master at least walking, it would make travel so much easier. I began to try to pace in a circle focusing on my hooves I couldn't get a rhythm going often tripping over myself or falling to the side from the lack of support on the ground. I shook my head after the last failed attempt I had ended up on my side so I tried to shift my weight luckily I had been near a wall that could support my efforts I rubbed myself against the glass like surface and managed to push my hooves from under me I stood once more trying to survey my surroundings, It seemed like no one heard my failed attempts and I pursued onward absent-minded as I was focusing on trying to form a game-plan to my surprise I was walking in circles around the edge of the wall. As soon as I noticed I was walking without difficulty, my legs had seemingly turned into Jello causing me to again crash into the hard crystalline floor I let out a slight yelp of pain as one of my hooves started to sting. "Note to self Thinking about walking doesn't aid movement."

With this new information in mind, I pushed myself upwards again as the pain subsided. I focused solely on finding the Library in this place I picked a hallway and traversed down its similar decor. Often stopping at available doors I exited many with a disappointed frown as I had seemingly found a couple of Storage Rooms, a Broom Closet and the Kitchen where Spike laid face down in a bowl of gems I presume, that last one made me particularly frustrated as I had seemingly looped around a couple of times. "Seriously how do you get lost in this place!" I yelled the anger picking up in my tone as no one responded. It was eerily quiet, not that I wanted company that would only bring about more problems. I think I took a right turn I was so lost in frustration I didn't watch where I was going the trail ended in front of a room that actually had a sign. I was elated at last the Library! Or so I thought I proceeded to read the sign out loud "Starlight's Room".

It took me a bit to process what I had just read, then the realization hit me like a truck forcing my thoughts to speed through my mind like a bullet train "Starlight?! Oh god, should I?" I was racked with doubt on one hand... or was it hoof? Regardless, I could meet my favorite character or I could hasten my departure from this land, I must've been lost in thought again because I didn't notice the door open suddenly another purple hoof waved in front of my face as Starlight had said something.

"Twilight? Hellooo-" she said trying to snap me out of my thoughts.

I snapped my head upwards with a wide grin showing my elation at the sight of THE Starlight Glimmer.

Starlight probably felt weary beginning to slowly back away. Her hoof touching the tip of my horn which made me shiver a little, she began to speak with a slightly worried tone as if I had just asked to lick her eyeball.

"Twilight are you okay? That smile is kinda creeping me out" she said looking at me like I was the crazy one in this situation.

Again my response lagged behind as I tried to calm myself but I hopelessly failed as I began to pitter patter my hooves across the floor like crazy I think I was giggling a tad bit regardless my frantic movements came to a stop as I began to talk in a rather upbeat way which I noticed helped Starlight relax.

"I'm fine... Just excited to see you!" I said trying to come up with an excuse.

Starlight didn't seem to buy it rather off-put by my overjoyed reaction no doubt. Stepping forward again Starlight replied with a rather confused tone. "Why?"

I began to become a little nervous my eyes starting to dot back and forth as I was lost in thought "What if she figures out why didn't I have a plan!" I felt my brow began to warm as moisture was gathering on my fur. Quickly improvising I came up with a hastily prepared reason that hopefully didn't seem too flawed. "I just wanted to... Show you a new book I read!"

Starlight looked deep into my eyes causing a drop of sweat to roll down to my lower hoof and hit the floor she likely didn't believe my story as her gaze only got more scrutinizing. I thought I was absolutely discovered but Starlight leaned back and smiled having no reason to not believe me. "Sounds... Nice. Ooh is it a new magic spell!"

I wasn't expecting this many questions to be asked. "Sure I watched the series quite frequently but I don't know which spells Starlight hasn't learned, I'll come across that when it becomes an issue," I thought before twirling my hoof out in a motion giving her a vague answer with a hint of uncertainty in my voice. "Eh... Not really"

Starlight seemed to think for a moment "Something might be off about Twilight" but before I could say anything about it she had already responded to my statement. "Well... it should still be interesting maybe I can check it out"

I looked at her with uncertainty plastered across my face "Anything is better than asking Spike" I thought steeling my resolve
"Uhm... Speaking of Spells do you know any that can uh... Travel through Dimensions?"

Starlight looked at me as if she had seen something like that before but couldn't recall it after a moment she gestured with a hoof for me to come inside. "I might have something in here"