• Published 30th Jul 2012
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Geoverse Part One: To Friend Is Human - GeodesicDragon

After being shot, I ended up in a new world and eventually found love with one of its inhabitants. But Fate had other ideas in mind for our fledgling relationship...

  • ...

What Once Was Lost

Nine months had passed since I first arrived in Equestria; the greatest months of my life. I had enjoyed every second of my time here, but the fact that six of those months had been spent with Twilight made everything better. Our relationship was stronger than ever, and I was proud to be a part of everyday life in Ponyville.

I helped Applejack to harvest her crops, I helped Fluttershy with the animals, I helped Rainbow Dash with her cloud patrol (a task which mostly involved pointing at the things), I helped Pinkie Pie to bake – and eat – various sugary goodies, and I helped Rarity with her stitching by holding things she needed, since I could carry a lot.

I was overjoyed with the new life, and the second chance, I had been given. I had friends who cared about me, and whom I cared about in return, but above all else, I had Twilight Sparkle — and as far as I was concerned, nothing else mattered but them and her.


The sun beat down on me mercilessly, but I continued working regardless; a bountiful crop at Sweet Apple Acres had meant that Applejack and Big Macintosh needed some help with the harvest. I offered my assistance, much to their gratitude, and so I found myself carrying bushels of apples into the barn. While I worked, I heard the sound of hoofsteps; this was quickly followed by being pulled into a hug by a pair of lavender forehooves.

"Hey, you," Twilight cooed. "Working hard, or hardly working?"

"It was the former," I replied. "But then you turned up, and now it's the latter." I turned round and picked her up, gazing into her eyes for a moment before leaning in for a kiss. "What brings you here?"

"I got you a present," Twilight said. "It was meant to be a surprise, but I got excited and decided I couldn't wait until you got home."

"Oh, really?" I said, my interest piqued. "What did you get me?"

Twilight lit her horn and took a small object out of her saddlebags. There wasn't anything spectacular about it; it was just an ordinary black box. After staring at it for a moment I took it from her and studied it closely. "Well then, what's this?" I asked.

"Open it and see," Twilight giggled.

I did as I was asked and opened the box to find a gold necklace, which I took out and held in a hand. There was a small purple gem attached to the end, which had been engraved with Twilight's cutie mark, and the words My Heart Is Yours.

"It's beautiful," I choked out, wiping away a tear. "Thank you."

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you like it," she said. "The gem, in case you were wondering, is an amethyst. It was Spike's idea, since amethysts are purple, and purple is apparently my coat colour." She paused. "Even though we both know it's lavender, which is a different shade of purple altogether."

I stopped her from going into 'Lecture Mode,' as Spike called it, by giving her a deep and passionate kiss. As we broke away I cupped her cheek with a hand. "Why did you decide to get this?" I asked.

"See those words?" Twilight replied, pointing at the pendant. "They are all true. I love you, Geo, and I want everypony to know it."

"I love you too," I replied. "But I didn't get you anything, so now I feel like a complete and total dickhead."

"That's all right," Twilight replied. "You'll get me something eventually, I know you will." I nodded and, with Twilight's help, put the pendant around my neck; it was a perfect fit, not that I was expecting it not to be. "Perfect." She said. "Now I'd better go and let you to get back to work, since I don't think Applejack would like it if she caught you taking a break before you were due one."

"S'fine by me, Twilight," came a Southern accent from the barn door, which led to Twilight and I turning round to see Applejack standing with a big smile on her face. "Howdy."

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked her.

"Long enough, sugarcube," she replied with a wink. "I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I reckon that the two of ya make a fine couple. And that there necklace is so goshdarn lovely."

I gave Twilight a hug. "I've got a great life, a lovely marefriend, great friends and now a lovely gift." I grinned. "What could be better? I feel as happy as a politician claiming expenses." I gave Twilight a peck on the cheek, causing her to giggle.

"Save that fer later," Applejack said sternly, albeit with a smile. "In the meantime, we've got apples ta harvest, so get to it."

"Yes, ma'am!" I saluted and, after giving Twilight one last kiss and a hug, returned to the sweltering heat of the orchard.


Applejack watched Geo go before addressing Twilight. "You really care for him, don't ya, sugarcube?" she asked.

Twilight sighed contentedly. "Yes, more than anything." she paused. "But that doesn't mean I don't care about my friends as well."

Applejack laughed. "I know y' love us, Twi," she replied. "But I also know y' love him too. I'm so happy fer the two o' ya."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks, Applejack." she gave her a hug. "I'd better go and see how Spike is getting on. We'll talk later, okay?"

"All right, Twilight," Applejack nodded. "I'll see you later."

With a flash, Twilight teleported away.


As I left the farm later that evening, watching the sun begin its descent, I brought a hand up to gently touch the pendant hanging around my neck. It was a generous gift, but I still knew that I would have to get Twilight something in return.

It has to be something amazing, I thought, walking along the road leading from Sweet Apple Acres into Ponyville. And it also has to get across the point that I love this mare more than anything else in the entire world — be that Equestria or Earth.

I walked through the market, waving to the vendors who were closing up shop, where I saw Big Macintosh packing up his stall.

"Howdy, Geo," he said. "Is that ya finished fer the day?"

"It is indeed, Mac," I replied. "I'm just on my way home."

Mac nodded. "If'n ya don't mind me sayin', Geo, ya look like you've got somethin' on yer mind," he said nonchalantly. When I looked away from him, a small smile spread across his face. "I'm right, aren't I?" I nodded and he patted a barrel. "Sit on down then, pardner, an' tell me all about it. Folks say I ain't much of a talker, and that's true, but I sure as hay know how ta listen."

I sat down on the barrel and twiddled my thumbs for a moment, eventually letting out a sigh. "Twilight got me this earlier," I said, showing him the pendant. "Needless to say, I want to get her something, but I don't know what."

"I'm guessing ya want ta show her how much you care?" Mac asked, to which I nodded again. "Well, why don't ya do what she did, and get a piece of jewellery which tells her exactly how you feel?" He pointed down the street. "Diamond Dust runs a jewellery store down that way; I'm sure he'd have somethin' for ya."

I thought for a moment, then stood up and patted Mac on the back. "You know what, Mac?" I replied. "I think I'll do just that; what's more, I know exactly what I'm gonna get her. Thanks for the advice, mate, you're pretty good at giving it."

"Eeyup," he said. "Diamond Dust will be closin' up soon, so ya better get yer flank in gear. You do what you gotta do, Geo, and I'll see ya back at the farm early tomorrow morning."

"Thanks again, Mac, see you tomorrow." I started jogging down the street, deftly avoiding anypony who got in my way, and soon arrived outside the jewellers. As I walked inside, I attracted the attention of the stallion – a grey unicorn with a white mane and tail, and a cutie mark depicting a diamond and chisel combo – who was standing behind the counter counting out a small bag of bits. He smiled warmly as I approached him, putting the money in a lockbox, and gave me his full attention.

"Hello there, my good man," he said politely. "What can I do for you this evening? Something for the mare in your life, perhaps?"

"Yes, actually," I replied. "I do want to get something special for the mare in my life, and I don't care how much it costs."

Diamond leaned forwards expectantly. "Tell me what it is you want," he said. "And then I will take care of the rest."

I proceeded to tell him what I wanted, knowing full well that it would show Twilight once and for all how much I loved her.


A few days later I was at the library, performing my task of helping Twilight and Spike to re-organise the shelves. We had done it three times already, due to Twilight's obsessive nature, but – much to Spike's immense relief – she was happy with our latest attempt.

"Finally, we're done!" Spike said as I put the last book back in its place. "Now can we please get some lunch?"

"Sure thing, Spike," Twilight replied, looking around at the books. "I think I can work with it like this... at least until next week."

"Thank Celestia for that." Spike threw himself onto the couch. "I thought for sure that we were going to be doing this all day."

Twilight stuck her tongue out at him, while I grabbed my sack of bits from the table. "Right, what does everypony want for lunch?" I asked, shaking the bag gently. "My treat."

"Thank you, Geo, I'll have a daisy sandwich," Twilight said. "Or, in other words, I'll just have what I usually have."

"Gemstone salad for me please!" Spike said, licking his lips. "And if you could get extra rubies, that would be great."

"All right," I said. "I'll be back shortly." I kissed Twilight and opened the door to leave, when Spike suddenly belched. There was a flash of bright green light which caused me to shut the door in alarm, and I wheeled around to see a scroll hovering in the air.

"It's just a letter from the Princesses," Twilight giggled, noticing the shocked expression on my face. "It's nothing to worry about." She unfurled the scroll and began reading.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

We need to see you and the other Element bearers immediately. A chariot has been dispatched to Ponyville and will be with you shortly. It is imperative that you all get here as soon as you can.

Princesses Celestia and Luna.

P.S. We're sorry, but Geo and Spike cannot attend this meeting.

Once she finished reading the letter, Twilight destroyed it. "They want to see the girls and I right away," she said. "I'm sorry, Geo, but lunch is going to have to wait."

Spike groaned while I nodded. "Sounds important," I replied. "Just give me a moment to grab my jacket and we'll—"

"I'm sorry," Twilight said sheepishly. "But the letter said you couldn't attend — only myself and the other Element bearers."

"Must be more 'saving the world' stuff." I smiled. "Don't worry, Twi, I understand." There was a knock at the door, and I opened it to find a couple of Royal Guards looking at me expectantly. "Twilight's here, gentlecolts." I told them. "She'll just be a moment."

As if on cue, Twilight appeared; her friends had already been rounded up, and were waiting in the chariot with confused looks fixed firmly on their faces. Twilight kissed me and climbed into the chariot alongside them. "I'll be back soon," she whispered as the guards attached themselves to the chariot and took off.

"I know," I replied, waving at the disappearing chariot. "I know." After it disappeared into the distance, I turned round to face Spike. "No reason why we can't get any lunch." I said to him. "Let's go."


Arriving in Canterlot, Twilight and the others were ushered into the throne room, where a nervous Celestia was pacing up and down. Luna sat nearby, watching her sister with some concern.

"Princesses!" Twilight yelled as she and her friends were brought in to the room. "What's going on, why did you summon us?"

"We're glad you are all here," Celestia said darkly. "A threat has arisen in Equestria, and we feel that only the Elements of Harmony can stop it. We hate to impose on all of you like this, but we don't see any other alternatives to solving the problem."

"It's not Discord again, is it?" Rainbow Dash sighed.

"No, Rainbow Dash," Luna replied. "Though I'm afraid it has the potential to be much worse than that."

"Worse than Discord?" Dash's jaw hit the floor as Twilight approached Celestia and gently nuzzled her.

"We're so sorry, Twilight," Celestia said gently. "We're sorry for what we are about to ask of the six of you."

"We will all do whatever is necessary to protect Equestria, you know that." Twilight's tone was serious. "Now, what's the threat?"

Celestia's face fell. "More humans have been spotted in Equestria," she said. "And... they're not as friendly as the ones we're used to."

The Element bearers stood in stunned silence for a moment, before Rarity broke it. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand, Princess," she said warily. "What do you mean they're 'not as friendly?'"

"A report came in some time ago," Luna replied. "It said that a group of four human males had attacked a supply convoy which was heading to the town of Appleoosa."

"Appleoosa?" Applejack gasped. "I've got family down there!"

"It's okay, Applejack," Celestia said calmly. "None of the ponies pulling the convoy were hurt; the humans only seemed to be interested in the supplies that it was carrying."

"What do you want us to do?" asked Twilight.

"The ponies told us that the humans retreated into the Everfree Forest, so that is where they must be camping," Luna said. "Ordinarily, we would send the Royal Guard to deal with threats like this — but this is the first time we have had to deal with humans in an aggressive manner. Therefore, we are hoping that they are open to negotiations, which is why we are sending you."

"Surely Geo would be a better person to ask about this?" Rarity wondered. "He is a human as well, so he would know better than any of us how to go about solving this problem."

"I'm sorry, Rarity," replied Celestia. "But he cannot know of this, as I fear what might happen if these humans see him."

"Okay Princess," Twilight said glumly. "I accept your judgement."

"I will tell him that you will be away for a while," Celestia said, giving Twilight a hug. "He won't worry about you."

"You leave at once," Luna added. "A chariot is waiting outside. Take the Elements as well, and hope that you won't need to use them."

"Of course, Princesses," said Twilight, pulling away from the hug and nodding to the others. The six of them went over to the box the Elements of Harmony were stored in and put on her respective one. Once ready, they boarded the waiting chariot, and set off for the human camp; Celestia and Luna watched them go.

"Good luck, girls, and be safe," Celestia said, fighting to hold back tears. "Equestria's safety lies with you."


As I pushed my empty plate away, I stifled a belch and turned to the two ponies behind the counter, chuckling as I caught sight of Spike fast asleep on the seat next to mine.

"Great pancakes as usual, Cup and Carrot!" I beamed, throwing them a few bits. "And I think Spike enjoyed his sapphire cupcake."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Cup Cake replied. "You know, dearie, in the short time you've been here, you have bought more pancakes than everypony else in town put together. Don't you ever get tired of eating them all the time?"

"I will never get tired of pancakes," I said, standing up and scooping Spike into my arms. "Especially if you keep making them." Spike shifted in my arms and mumbled something incoherent about Rarity. "Anyway, I've got to get this one home, see you later!"

"Goodbye, Geo!" said Mr. Cake, as he and his wife waved.

Stepping out into the Ponyville market square, I took a deep breath and surveyed the area. "I love this place," I said to myself.

Before walking back to the library, I stopped by Diamond Dust's store. He was pleased to inform me that my order was completed; I left his shop a thousand bits poorer, but with an item of great importance tucked safely away in my jacket pocket.

I got back to the library and tucked Spike into bed before going to the desk and writing out a letter for Twilight, which I would present to her alongside my gift. I poured my heart and soul into it, thus finalising my grand plan for our future. Tucking the letter and item into my jacket pocket, I walked out onto the balcony and admired the view. Turning my head skyward, I watched the birds flying past, each of them chirping away, and then I laid eyes upon a chariot.

"Oh good," I mused. "Twilight and the girls must be back, and quite quickly as well." I stood and waited for the chariot to land, watching as it flew high above Ponyville. It was then I noticed that it wasn't losing altitude; it was going past Ponyville altogether, out towards the Everfree Forest. "What the fuck?" I thought aloud. "Why in the hell are they going into that creepy place?"

I rushed downstairs and opened the door. Scanning the sky, I caught sight of the chariot again and began following it.

If they're going in there, then something dangerous must be lurking within. I broke into a run. And I'll be damned if I let my friends – and the love of my life – face it without me.

With this thought in mind, I ran into the darkened forest.

Author's Note:

I have now fixed the plotholes about where Geo gets the idea to propose to Twilight and where he got the golden hoofband from (spoilered for people who are new to this story).

Thanks to BSK-IT (from UKoE) for the name 'Diamond Dust'.