• Published 22nd Jun 2018
  • 2,696 Views, 4 Comments

Give Them Back - King_Again

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Give Them Back, Indigo

Give Them Back

by King_Again

Usually the last few minutes of school were devoted to studying and getting whatever you needed from your lockers before you headed home for the day, there was little time to chat with your friends as not many people actually wanted to stay behind and give a few spare moments to strike up a conversation. Normally no one would have a problem with that at all, but now, one girl had been wanting to chat up her friend. Maybe even a long time crush.

Of course her friend was getting her things from her locker and wouldn't even think about taking time to have a short little chat, and never did it cross her mind that there may be at least one person would actually wanted to speak with her. Now, no one bothered to even try during these times of Crystal Prep, with them always focusing on getting A's and being the best at simply everything.

It was just their thing when it came to that.

With very few students still left within the building, the girl found the chance to actually strike up a talk and probably make that longing move to confess to her crush and friend, yet it would be awkward if said crush would reject her as they shared the same classes.

No harm in trying, right?

“It's okay, Indigo,” Indigo Zap whispered to herself as she gripped her satchel tighter as she neared Sugarcoat's locker. Every step she took was echoed throughout the hallway. “Sugarcoat will understand and nothing will be as awkward as you think it would.”

She would just have to think happy thoughts as this played out and hoped for the best. The chances of that were very little considering how so many guys in their class liked Sugarcoat like she did. One being a very flirty guy named Colt Crush, and he would always flirt with Sugarcoat.

Made Indigo's blood boil one time as she saw Sugarcoat blushing at Colt's pickup lines and how he brought her a rose and basically anything she wanted that day. Expect if she wanted him to leave her alone. Because he never left her side and at one point, they even held hands.

She could remember Colt's words as he approached her with a smile one day. That day Indigo swore he wouldn't be able to feel his fingers if she had the chance to beat him up with ease and didn't get in trouble for it.

“Indigo, Indigo. Look, I know what you're thinking, you don't need to say it. You find yourself looking at her, much like I do, and wonder if you should confess.” Colt Crush ran a hand through his black hair. His smooth black hair. “But here's the cold truth, she doesn't swing that way. Go find yourself a new girl and leave Sugar to me, would you?”

And her response was just as threatening as she could make it, as she had to be careful as they were in the middle of class. But they had somehow managed to convince the teacher to give them some free time to work on other things for school.

“Go and find yourself a nice little boy, Colt. I know you damn swing that way!” Indigo nearly slammed her hands down on her desk, and Colt backed up a little. “You so much as flirt with every girl you come across, and if you were dating Sugarcoat, you'd flirt with other girls as well, even if she's standing right next to you. Here's the scoop, come near me again, and you won't feel your fingers. Okay?”

Colt Crush never did come near her again, as much as Indigo liked how he took it to heart, he still didn't leave Sugarcoat alone. Which always made her blood boil with rage. How could she fight with a guy like him while Sugarcoat was in the same room?

For all Indigo Zap knew, Sugarcoat could like Colt Crush as well. It was confusing while Indigo thought about it the best she could.

When she finally reached the locker Sugarcoat had, her voice refused to work when she opened her mouth the first time, but found her voice the second time. Only for her voice to shake while she spoke.

God damn it.

“H-Hey, Sugarcoat,” Indigo stuttered out, wanting to smack herself for the stutter she gave. Sugarcoat gave a glance at her before gazing back at her locker. “Earth to Sugarcoat, I said hey.”

“I heard you the first time.” Sugarcoat replied. Not even bothering to look at her friend. “Don't you have somewhere to be right now?”

Cold shoulder. Well, I suppose it's a start. Indigo thought. Inwardly she wanted to say no and just start up talking once again, but judging by how Sugarcoat was acting, it wouldn't be much of a chat. “Not right now, but in two hours.” Is what she said.

“What do you want, Indigo? I need to get going soon,” Sugarcoat explained. Finally closing her locker and locking it up before she pulled her own satchel over her shoulder. “You need to make this quick.”

While she was going to respond, Indigo stopped herself before noticing Sugarcoat's glasses were falling down a little. She almost wanted to reach out and push them back up before an idea hit her. Sugarcoat couldn't see very well without them but she could still see.

And apart of her did want to know what she looked like without them.

Oh this would be so bad and mean, but this could possibly make her get the right timing to confess up already. So reaching out, Indigo swiped the glasses and broke out in a run. Hearing Sugarcoat's yell of “Indigo Zap! Get back here!” while she ran for her life.

They ran around the school for about ten minutes before Sugarcoat finally grabbed her arm and made her move for the glasses before Indigo raised her hand up more, making it so the other couldn't grab them. While she tried to get her glasses, Sugarcoat didn't know how Indigo was staring at her.

Not even the faint blush on Indigo's face as her friend stared at her.

Who knew Sugarcoat could be so cute looking without her glasses? Her eyes weren't covered by them, making them clear to anyone, and they almost seemed brighter.

“Give them back, Indigo.” Sugarcoat sternly said, giving her a glare. “I can't clearly see without them, and you know this. So give them back.”

Another idea stuck Indigo.

“You want it? Then come and get it.” Indigo smirked, raising her hand up higher than before. Sugarcoat gave her a frown.

“Sometimes you're just irritating me.”

“Not just irritating you, just having fu-” Indigo was cut off by Sugarcoat landing her lips on her own. In that moment, Indigo couldn't even move.

Sugarcoat, with her own blush on her face, glared at her. “Give me back my glasses.”

The blue haired girl simply dropped the glasses in her hand, blushing brightly, and held a very shocking expression while Sugarcoat bent down to grab them and placed her glasses back on her face before speaking once again.

“Next time, don't steal my glasses,” Sugarcoat said, turning to walk away. “Oh, and next time, you could try a little harder in trying to hide your crush on me.”

Sunny Flare wasn't feeling up to much during the waiting of her mother. As it wasn't enough for her mother to be Principal Cinch, she always took her sweet time. Claiming she had to finish up talking with Dean Cadance before they got to go home.

So during this moment, Sunny Flare found herself checking the hallways for any students that might be around still, giving them the lecture about how they needed to go home.

But the one thing that did surprise her was now Indigo Zap was just standing in the middle of the hallway, in front of the entrance doors, like a cold stone statue. Surely her best friend knew it was time to head home right? Or was there something wrong with her?

“Indigo, what are you still doing here?” Sunny Flare asked, tapping Indigo's shoulder. No respond. Odd, Indigo always responded to her. “Hey, did you hear me?”

”S-Sugarcoat kissed me...” Was all that came out of Indigo's mouth and right away Sunny Flare found herself wanting to know more. “I stole her glasses for fun, maybe looking for a good time to confess, and she took them and kissed me to get them back...”

Sunny Flare gave a small grin. ”Is that why you're standing here like a cold stone statue?”


The next day at school was one Indigo wasn't looking forward too. Sugarcoat might stray away from her because of that kiss and Colt Crush might be able to swipe her away. Everything was a mess in her head until Sunny Flare greeted her with a big o' smirk.

Alright, what happened now?

”What is it? Why are you smirking like that?” Indigo Zap questioned her best friend with a title of her head.

”Oh, just a little rumor going on that you and Sugar are dating.” Sunny Flare giggled and Indigo flushed bright red. Stuttering out questions. ”That little bird, was me.”

”Damn it, Sunny!”

During class wasn't easy either. With all kids whispering upon themselves about the two girls, maybe even some sneaking glances at them, but the main question was why wasn't Sugarcoat telling them wrong? Indigo would if they would come up and ask if they were true.

But Sugarcoat was silent on the matter.

”Sugarcoat?” Indigo tapped her shoulder with a whisper. ”Why aren't the rumors bugging you?”

Sugarcoat bite her lip. ”Well, I suppose it's because I really don't care about them anyways.” One big lie she had just said but whatever.

”Oh?” Indigo smirked, an idea coming up. Let's test this... ”So you won't mind if I do this?”

Before Sugarcoat could reply, Indigo gave her a firm kiss before pulling back. Leaving the other girl in shock for a moment before Sugarcoat did the same to her. Pulling away with a slight blush.

”No. I don't, because... that kiss, did imply we're dating.”

One thought ran through Indigo's mind;

Awesome! Beat that Colt Crush!

Out of the corner of Indigo's eye, she swore she saw Colt Crush's mouth dropping in shock. Well, she just stole Colt's girl with simple ease.

Comments ( 4 )

Beautiful, just beautiful

Nice. Though it should be gripped her satchel as opposed to ripped her satchel when you introduce Indigo.


Ah, thank you, I didn't see that mistake. It is fixed now

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