• Published 28th Jun 2018
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New Life of a Crow - Knight of Crows

Long story short, humanity thought it was a good idea to kill itself not with pollution or nukes, but with bio-weapons. I was the lucky one as I was somehow resistant to the changes everyone went through and only benefited from them. She wasn't sadly

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Learning about the human

Princess Celestia POV

I may have been too hasty, perhaps too judgemental, I actually feel guilty for what I had originally intended to do. This human may as well have sold his soul to us for no other reason than saving the wolf he hasn't let go of yet. What could be so special about this overgrown animal...no...upon closer inspection it seems to be like the races on Equus physically, could it be intelligent as well? What could he have meant by truly saving this wolf? Luna may have been right about him, perhaps he isn't a monster, only misunderstood. I should take this opportunity to see for myself.

"Is there anything you want to ask your highness?"

"What do you call yourself? What was the purpose behind slaughtering those diamond dogs? What was that magic you used?" Luna asked.

"In order, my name is Ryan, slavery and everything it entails are crimes I see as beyond forgiveness and redemption, and whatever magic wasn't tied to my weapons was strictly elemancy." I took this opportunity to ask about the magic and weapons.

"Why do you have dark magic?" I tightly gripped the seat, remembering Sombra and others like him "What you used has been outlawed for over a thousand years, you used it during the fight with Ragnarok as well didn't you? How can you use it with such ease and not be corrupted?" I needed to know this, perhaps he found a way to combat dark magic's influence on the mind and soul, maybe even reverse it.

"I use elemancy as I said, you have water, earth, fire, wind, lightning, arcane, light, and dark as well as their secondary elements. Either your dark magic is very different from mine or I'm resistant if not immune to the corruption." It's possible, but still requires research.

"What do you mean by secondary elements?" Luna asked before me.

"The secondary elements are basically a branch in that element, earth has metal and polarity which I accidentally found after stabbing myself with one of the tridents and a serrated dagger while I was practicing controlling it" what "fire has heat and chaos, arcane has soul and void, light has life and divine, dark has death and abyss, and water has ice and blood." This was alarming, but what was that about void and abyss magic?

"You use blood, soul, and chaos magic as well? You should choose your next words very carefully after confessing to the use of not 1, but 3 more forbidden magics." I said almost snapping at him. He may be an enemy after all.

"The contol over blood is actually just the water element, if memory serves water makes up 55-70% of the blood in the body, I'm not contolling the blood, but the water in it. The only reason I call the secondary element of arcane soul is because when I tried it I felt weaker and weaker while still maintaining the same level of effort, but with increased power, I don't actually know if that would be considered soul magic. Abyss magic is really just a combination of dark and arcane, the same goes for divine being light and arcane. The chaos element is really just fire and arcane. Elements can be combined for powerful results, but some technically create or allow the use of other elements." This explanation put an end to those thoughts, also answering other questions I was going to ask.

"Could you explain this void magic?"

"The void is hard to explain so I'll put it as simply as I can, every magic I've used has had some trace of light or dark magic which seeps in depending on my emotional state, I wanted to turn myself hollow to test what would happen if there was none. To give you an idea, I made wind blades that could cut through anything, flames that would never burn out, and I made a portal one time which I can't seem to replicate." This is interesting. "Void is the most powerful, but hardest to use for obvious reasons."

"What about your weapons? Nothing like them has ever been seen before if they were would likely be placed in the vault." Luna asked

"I forged these and many other weapons, very few did I actually think of. The rest came from works of fiction."

"You forged these weapons?" Just what else has he created?

"This shortsword is named Losvayne, it allows the user to make clones of themselves and every extra clone weakens them, 1 clone would be half as powerful as you, 2 would make them a third of your strength and so on. The spear is just known as the Dragonslayer spear, it is enchanted with lightning and can be used at range, nothing too special about it aside from being capable of splitting a boulder if you even want to count that." Weapons similar to this spear exist, but this Losvayne is a new one.

"What about that other sword?" I asked this time.

"This was a test I thought of, the sword is hollow with holes and other openings going up the blade so the darkness inside it can change the shape and purpose of the weapon. I could turn it into a katana, I could give it a scythe head at the end of the blade, or I could turn it into a shield if I wanted to. Needless to say without the darkness it would be useless." There haven't been many magic reliant weapons to exist, and none of them were completely useless without it.

"What did you mean by eternity earlier?" Is he like me and Luna?

"I can't die unless someone else kills me themselves. Age and sickness don't do anything to me, it has been like this for thousands of years and before you ask I don't know my age." He is, but just how long has he been alone?

"What is your connection to that wolf if you don't mind me asking?" Why would he be willing to go so far for it?

"That would require you to know about our time. First I need to know if you if you know what evolution as this will become relevant later."

"We do."

"Humans weren't exactly good, myself included. As far as I could remember humans had yet to go a minimum of 50 years without starting a pointless war of some kind, we even had 2 world wars within 20 or 30 years of eachother and had at least a dozen more wars over the next 70 years. I hated humanity, I hated myself. What else were humans but arrogant, gullible, easily manipulated, violent and miserable fools who were happily marching to their own deaths or dragging others into the abyss with them? I wanted power so I could correct this in the only ways that I could reasonably see working, to give the world a symbol for all it's hatred, force the world into a state of peace. I would have given the world several chances at peace, but to my understanding, peace, salvation was only possible through subjugation or destruction, and I would have happily started a true war to end all wars. I was so fucked up in the head I could have made demons look like saints, even heroes in comparison. I had the mindset of a true monster."

"This doesn't explain your connection to the wolf." I urged him to move the story along.

"Her name is Misty, she used to be human." What

"How did she become like this?" Luna asked this time

"The 2 of us are results of a bio weapon another country used on us, to my knowledge I was the only one not turned into an anthropomorphic animal, but gained these powers instead. She was my first friend and eventually more than that a year before the attack, she saved me and by extension the world from me, but this was her reward. Any who turned became like animals, but she remembered me, even saved me a few times. I began to love and feel loved again, I was letting go of my hate, I was learning to feel human again all after she became involved in my life. If you haven't caught on yet, she is the only reason we're even able to have this conversation. The weapons are the only reason most if not every intelligent race today even exists, they all descend from humanity and that includes you 2." As unbelieveable this is, the evidence is right in front of us. I can see why he would offer so much for so little.

"You want us to change her back, don't you?" I asked.

"If you can't change her back I want you to at least try to restore her mind, I don't care if she remains a wolf, I just want her back."

"While we can't guarantee changing her back into a human, we can however turn her back into who she was." Luna told him. He set Misty's head down before moving towards us, lifting us from our chairs and hugging us, crying again.

"Words can't even begin to describe how much this means to me! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this, to have her back. I can never thank you enough for this."

We stayed like this until he heard movement from behind him.