• Published 25th Jun 2018
  • 1,646 Views, 13 Comments

MLP: A Lunar Twist - Night--Mist

Night Mist, is dropped into the world of Equestria. He is now to be under Luna's care. And, somehow, she was never Nightmare Moon.

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A Complicated Arrival

Night Mist's P.O.V.

It was just another normal day in North Dakota. Farmers Farming, Kids Playing, Teens arguing. Nothing too eventful happening. I was making my way back home, taking my normal route. I of course was looking forward to catching up on the latest My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode. As I was just turning a corner, something unexpected happened. A huge swirling cloud like mass appeared on the ground in front of me. Instinctively I backed up as it started to expand a bit, or move, I couldn't tell which, since it was moving towards my feet. Just as I was about to make a turn and run for it, I felt a push on my back, and heard a familiar voice say, "Down you go."

With nothing to grab hold of and the push making me fall too fast to catch my footing, I fell in with a scream.

Meanwhile in Equestria (Third Person P.O.V.)
Celestia and Luna had just finished a meeting with some nobles of Canterlot to clear up arguments about the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. They of course had gotten the snide comments about Ponyville being an uncouth location to be the center point this year. And there were those who were claiming they wouldn't attend to protect their own dignity. Both cases were, of course, brought back into check, with the Princesses reminding them why Ponyville was established and important, and why they should attend.

Just as the sisters were about to talk about what dishes they would have for lunch, a bright light appeared above them, and out of curiosity, they looked up, to see a swirling light, and than a figure dropping from it. Luna realized it was was young colt, screaming and plummeting fast. That figure was a little bat pony. She wasn't sure what urged her to do it, but she flew to the point below where he was falling, and soon there after, caught him, cushioning his landing. "There you go little one. Safe now," Luna said, as she brought them gently to the ground.

The little colt was still trembling, both in shock from the fall, and the fact he wasn't injured or worse. And he had been pushed into a swirling vortex only moments ago. There was another thing that had him in shock. He wasn't looking up as he panted a bit, but his eyes saw two familiar dark blue hooves within his line of sight, and looking at where his ligaments, hooves and grey fur were present, telling him, he was a pony. He would have thought this a dream, had it not been for the force his nerves felt when the blue hooves caught him. He looked up to see, not one, but two very familiar faces staring at him. "Pr-Princess Luna, Pr-Princess Celestia," He said. He wasn't sure how he knew them on the spot. It was as if he just recognized them from somewhere.

He also realized that, even though he couldn't remember what he was previously, he was certain he was a colt probably just the slightest bit older than foal in stable training, but not old enough to be starting school. No wonder Celestia and Luna looked so gigantic from his perspective. And Luna had called him little one, which further made him suspect he was a very young colt. Not baby age, but still, very young.

"Take it easy there little one. That was a big fall you took. And I'm assuming it must have been a spell that went a bit haywire that caused you to appear in our throne room. In any other situation, I would think that impossible, since we have a spell that prohibits any unicorns from appearing in our throne room, via teleportation, unannounced. But seeing as your a alicorn, and a bat pony alicorn at that, I do believe, that counts as an exception," Celestia Stated.

Bat pony alicorn? So that means I have bat wings and a horn? I suppose I can see why I am a bat pony. The light is hurting my eyes a little. But Alicorn? That's interesting, he thought to himself, not even sure how he was alicorn.

His train of thought was interrupted, as Luna asked, "Can you tell us your name little one?"

Night Mist was the only one that came to mind for the little colt. He felt there was another name he may have gone by, but no other name in his head came to mind that he could claim as his. It was strange. With no other choice, he answered, still trembling a bit, "N-Night Mist."

He didn't want to admit it, but even meeting these ponies in, well, pony, he was shy upon first meetings, and being a colt he is now, one couldn't blame his shyness, especially around princesses. "Night Mist, That's a cute name for a cute colt. Very fitting, since your fur does remind me of the mist," Celestia stated.

He blushed, and pulled up a wing to hide it. He heard Luna chuckle she says, "Celestia, stop. If you keep flattering him like that, I think he may just try and find a bed to hide under."

That didn't sound like a bad idea to Night Mist right now. Here he was, an uninvited guest, in the presence of the two of the most well known matriarchs of Equestria. And he was a child none the less. He was not sure what to think. They seemed to be acting nice, and Princess Luna just saved his neck, which he still hadn't thanked her for. And their acting as if he wasn't some intruder. Well, to try and get some sort of conversation in, as his blush faded, and his wings folded, which he seemed to handle so naturally, he finally found the courage to say, "Um, th-thank you for saving me, y-your majesty."

The next thing that happened, caught him completely off guard. Luna pulled him to her chest and started to hug him while rubbing his back, which seemed to help ease my nerves a bit, as she replied, "You're very welcome dear. I can't bare to see a little one get hurt. And there's no need for formalities at the moment. You can call me Luna, and my sister Celestia. We were about to make our way to the dining hall. Celesita, do you think he could join us?" Luna asked.

Well that was a bold move. Night Mist had just met them for the first time, and already Luna's offering an invitation for something to eat. Celestia chuckled, and replied, "I don't see why not. I'm sure the chefs can whip up something to satisfy his taste buds."

"Splendid," Luna exclaimed as she and Celestia began to trot towards the door.

Night Mist was about to follow suit, but as it would appear, he wasn't used to his new body yet, and he collapsed and fell onto his chin with a grunt. Celestia and Luna took notice of this, and bit concerned, Luna said, "Perhaps I should carry him there. That fall really shook his nerves, and I don't want him hurting himself. I don't even think he's at the age to fly, even."

"I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry. And there are some other questions that need answering, and him trying to keep his hooves straight after that fall while talking to us, I can see that not ending well," Celestia agreed.

Luna soon had Night Mist in her aura, and levitated him onto her back. "Th-thank you," he replied.

"Not a problem dear, it is our duty to help our fellow ponies in their time of need," Luna stated.

As they made their way towards the direction of the dining room, Celestia broke the silence as she asked, "Do you know where your parents or other close relatives are located Night Mist? I am sure they must be worried about you."

Well, he honestly couldn't remember his parents or relatives at all, let alone what their names or what they looked like anymore. So he answered, "I don't have any Celestia."

She and Luna gasped, and Celestia apologetically pleaded, "Oh, my little pony, forgive me. I had no idea."

"It's okay. I don't really know them," he admitted.

Night Mist wasn't sure how they would take that statement in their own minds, but at least he was being as truthful as he could. "Well, do you remember the name of the Orphan Care Center you were staying at? I'm sure the caretakers there are worried of your disappearance" Luna had to ask and state.

Night Mist had to be truthful, as he answered, "I've never been to one."

This made Luna and Celestia look at each other with looks of worry and confusion. Celestia called one of her guards over and whispered something Night Mist himself couldn't hear. Then he saw the guard gallop off.

They soon neared the dining room, and Night Mist heard another familiar voice come forth and say, "Princess Celestia, please forgive my tardiness, I....."

The voice had come from another familiar pony he did not expect to see. It was Twilight Sparkle, and her sentence had stopped because she was looking directly at him in surprise. Night Mist hid his face behind his wings again, in the shyness of ponies starring at him. 'Wow, I'm as bad as Fluttershy', he thought, not even sure how he knew her.

Then, some realization struck him. Twilight Sparkle, the one he just saw, didn't have her wings, nor was she donning a crown at this particular point. He wasn't sure how, but he thought that both should be present. His thoughts were interrupted by Celestia responding to Twilight. "Actually, you're right on time my dear Twilight. Oh, and that shy little alicorn on Luna's back. That's Night Mist dear," Celestia stated.

"Oh, I didn't know you and Princess Luna were expecting company. Um, which noble family is he from your highnesses?" Twilight asked inquisitively.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other, and Luna answered, "We'll talk more on that later Twilight. We'd actually would like to hear about your progression in your studies. I hear you were about to study Starswirl's lecture on regional variance of pony kind."

"Well, some of it's a bit hard to understand, but I think I get most of what he's meaning, like about how one earth pony can have longer fur on their legs to cope with conditions farther north than our temperate climate here. But Minuet keeps telling me it's just a bunch of nonsense to read about your highness," Twilight Sparkle stated.

Wait, she said Minuet. That name, I know it. But how? Night Mist thought to himself.

"Well, Minuet may have that opinion, since I'm sure it's most likely she doesn't intend to make a trip farther north of here. But it never hurts to learn how one branch of Earth Pony can differ from another. I mean, take Night Mist here. He's a Bat Pony Alicorn. Better suited for moving at night. Which is why I'm getting him to bed after lunch, er, well, in his case, a late dinner. Anyways, he's another form of alicorn, and it would be the wisest thing for him to know all about the night, with it's wonders and it's dangers. Ponies more suited for daytime hours, more than likely would not want to really be interested about what happens in the hours of the night," Luna explained as we entered the dining room.

That was a lot to take in. Something told Night Mist there's a lot for him to learn while he was here. And he had a feeling, with no idea how to get back to where he had come from and no idea what that place was, this may be a life time ordeal. And being an alicorn........ that could be really long. And he still couldn't figure out who was it that pushed him into that vortex he remembers. Their voice was so familiar, but he couldn't place it.

Author's Note:

End of chapter 1. Hope you enjoyed it. Big changes made to this chapter. Decided to change it to first person, and make it to where Night Mist is clueless about future events, but the names he hears, or the ponies he meet all are familiar to him, but he has no idea why, since most he hasn't met in pony. Something caused his mind to go blank about his past life. He could only remember names and faces from this world. So, let's see where Night Mist's travels as a cute little padded bat pony lead him.

Also, word of warning, breastfeeding will come up in later chapters, so I will be changing the maturity level if necessary.