• Published 25th Jun 2018
  • 2,928 Views, 74 Comments

Simulacrum - Rated Ponystar

After Princess Celestia's mysterious death, Twilight mentally heads into the past to find out what killed her teacher. What she finds out changes everything she ever knew about the Sun Princess

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The Passing

Never before had there been such silence in Canterlot. The entire population of Equestria’s most important city had always had some kind of excitement that could be heard miles away. It may not have been as active, or loud, as other more popular cities like Manehatten or Las Pegasus, but it had a charming and exuberant life to it. None of those feelings were present this afternoon, except for sorrow and fear. Canterlot may have been known for the rich, powerful, and often exotic, but they were still a strong city with a long history behind it. Almost every family had a member that served in the Royal Guard or Army somewhere down the family tree. Mages and wizards of great power once roamed the streets. Wise philosophers of all kinds visited or founded the various schools that educated the young. It’s ponies had been through hardships from plagues to invasions, yet it had always had a united strong front.

None of that was present because the one pony who had lead them through all those times was dying. The very idea that Princess Celestia, who had been there since the first age of Equestrias history, was fading away just stunned the populus into a feeling none of them could describe. Princess Celestia had been their protector, guide, ruler, mother, friend and more all their known lives. Their very ancestors and the ancestors before them had known her. When you stood before her, you didn’t see a powerful alicorn or a princess or even a ruler. You saw the closest thing to a living god before your very eyes. A living godlike being of pure love and affection for all things good in the world.

Sure, there was Princess Luna, and slowly ponies began to see her in the same light, but she had returned only 10 years ago. They first feared her, even hated her upon the revelation that she was the former demoness known as Nightmare Moon. Yet, Princess Celestia gave her a chance and had forgiven her for her crimes. Equestria, in turn trusting their ruler, soon began to know her, respect her, and eventually love her like her sister. She was strong, brave, and held a determination none had seen in some time. She brought a conservative side of Equestria not seen since the glory days, and those that followed her shined under her moon.

Next was Princess Cadence, who had been adored by those of her peers having grown up with them like any normal pony despite being an alicorn. Many current adults growing up remember the kind and loving teenager who would tuck them to bed, read stories to them, and help them with their homework. Love was the word to describe Cadence, and even after she left Canterlot to rule the Crystal Empire, she was still loved to this day. The Crystal Ponies worshiped her for saving them from their former dictator, yet it was Celestia who decided that she would be best to fit the rulership there. It was Celestia who took her in when her parents died, and helped teach her love by giving her love in return

Then there was Princess Twilight, the newest of the alicorns and Celestia’s personal student. She was raised like a daughter by Princess Celestia herself, given the tools needed to face the enemies of Equestria and learn the magic of friendship. It was Twilight who saved the world over and over again with her friends, and established the new bonds that ponies now shared with the other races around the world. Yet who guided her first, but her mentor and second mother figure, Princess Celestia.

Each of them had grown into who they were because of Princess Celestia and her great wisdom. It was wisdom that had made kings and queens into legends and none was greater than the legend of Princess Celestia. None thought she would be taken from them, even in the darkest of times. She was always there to raise the sun, greet her fellow ponies, help those who needed it, defend the innocent, and establish just and fair laws for the land.

For a thousand years, and more, Princess Celestia had been Equestria’s guiding light in every possible avenue. Yet, it seemed even the sun had to fade one day.

Every corner of the streets was filled with ponies holding each other, staring in the direction of the Royal Canterlot Castle which was under heavy guard. Churches and temples of every religion were overfilled with prayers muttered by the priests and priestess who sought the divine beings above to cure their beloved Princess. Even those who didn’t believe in such things were praying for the first time or in a long time. A few, realizing there was no hope, only asked for the princess’s soul to pass on peacefully. Fillies and colts asked their parents what was going on; many couldn’t give an answer.

The entire city had fallen into an state of despair, and Twilight Sparkle could feel it all the way in Celestia’s royal chambers as she stared into the mass crowds in front of the castle. Never before had she felt so hopeless in all her life. Even at the worst of times from Discord’s turning of her friends to the Storm King’s near victory, she had held some hope that things would turn out for the better. This time her hope would go unanswered.

She turned away from the window to face her friends as they stood in the agonizing wait for the end. If the atmosphere outside was terrible, then the one inside was even worse. All Princess Celestia asked was that her sister, Twilight, and all her friends stay by her side as she waited for death’s embrace. There were others that had come such as guards she had known for a long time, advisors she wanted to say goodbye to, leaders of the other nations who swore to stand by Equestria even after she was gone, her attorney to finalize her will, and a priest to give her the last rites for her soul.

All that was left were the final goodbyes. Twilight walked over to the bed, taking note of the state of her friends. Fluttershy had finally ran out of tears to shed, but was still holding on to Rainbow Dash who was crying for her. He loyal friend never liked to show tears as a sign of weakness, but even this was too much for her pride to hold off. Rarity, dressed for the occasion, rubbed her eyes with a tissue as she held a hoof against Spike’s shoulder. Spike had been silent for a long time while holding Princess Celestia’s favorite flowers, daffodils, in his claws. The young alicorn princess could remember how often Celestia took him to her garden when she was busy at school and he was too young to be with her. They would often make crowns of flowers and pretend to be rulers of his own kingdom, laughing under the sun. If Twilight was Spike’s older sister, then Celestia was the mother in his life that he never had. Applejack had been silent in the corner, doing her best to remain strong as she muttered to herself. No doubt it brought painful memories of her own parent’s deaths when she was Spike’s age. Pinkie Pie, mane all the way down to cover her sobbing face, looked as grey and dull as a rainy day. There was no laughter or happiness here. None that she could bring.

Cadence and Shining Armor were by the bedside as well, holding each other as Cadence cried harder then Twilight had ever seen her. After her parents died in the accident, Celestia had raised Cadence like an aunt. To see her lose another family member had been soul crushing, but Shining Armor was there for her as always; and for Twilight when she needed her big brother to hold her. Flurry Heart had been left to nursery in the castle with a nanny. Neither of them wanted her here to see “Auntie Celestia” pass on. They would explain it to her after it was over.

Finally, there was Luna. Luna, who knew her sister the most, who owed her second chance to her, stood there holding the dying Celestia’s hoof as if it was her lifeline. Princess Luna had been desperate to cure her sister. She summoned every doctor, every magical expert, even offering a vast reward-later doubling it-for anyone in the world to save her beloved older sister. Yet whatever it was that was killing Princess Celestia, not even Discord could reverse it. When she was told the brutal and horrible truth that nothing could be done, Princess Luna let out a wail so loud that everyone in Canterlot heard it.

Even now, near the end of it all, Princess Luna looked like she had been banished to the moon again as she looked at her dying sister with tearful pained eyes. Twilight herself felt her heart ready to crumble to dust upon seeing her weakened and dying mentor in her final moments. Twilight had tried everything, even used dark magic a few times much to Celestia’s dismay, to find a way to save one of the most important ponies in her life. Princess Celestia helped start her journey into the mare she was today. She owed so much to her mentor that being unable to save her from this mysterious illness was just too much to handle. Twilight wanted nothing more then to freeze time, stay in this moment forever, because a world without Princess Celestia wasn’t a world she was ready to face nor did she want to live in.

Yet the only one smiling through all of this was the one who should have been afraid in the first place: Princess Celestia. She was still smiling with radiance eyes, yet there was a sense of peace and relaxation nopony had seen on her since as long as they could remember. If it was Twilight in her place, she would be scared to die. She didn’t know what came after and the thought of leaving her friends and family behind forever just... was unthinkable. Twilight knew every creature had to die sometime, it was logical, but not like this.

Suddenly, there was a small gasp from Celestia as she began to breathe heavily yet everypony else held their own. This was it. They all knew it. With her eyes slowly losing the light in them, Princess Celestia turned to those gathered before her as they crowded the bed. She gave a smile and nodded. “It’s time...”

“Sister, please! Don’t go!” shouted Luna, tearfully caressing her sister’s hoof against her cheek. “I cannot do this without you! We promised to stay together and go together! You promised, sister!”

“I’m sorry, Luna,” heaved Celestia, shaking her head. “It seems... I have... to break that promise.” She took in a final breath. “At long last... my mission... is complete...” Twilight tilted her head upon hearing that, but it seemed nopony else noticed as Princess Celestia’s eyes closed and her head went limp. There were shouts of her name, wails of horror, and more. All Twilight could do was stare as Luna sobbed onto her sister’s still chest and feel a sense of emptiness in her body.

A few minutes later, a bell from the tower of the castle rang, and all at once a great series of tearful moans echoed across Canterlot. Hours later the fastest pegasi sent word to all the cities and towns and they too would weep. In the coming days, the world would hold in mourning vigil as the most powerful and famous leader of their world passed on.

That evening, Princess Luna set the sun for the first time ever... but with so much pain in her heart.