• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 8,462 Views, 621 Comments

Twilight's Demoman Devastation - Darrtaa

(A follow-up to Lyra's Pyro Predicament) Demoman and Spy battle the forces of evil in Equestria.

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Chapter 14: Epilogue: Do You Believe In Magic?

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or any of the characters, nor do I own Team Fortress 2 or any of its characters. I do, however, own Copper Head, Captain Ajax, and The Bombonculus.

"What…are these?" Lyra asked nopony in particular, hoping the nonexistent entity might have some insight as she had none. After laying on her back for a few moments trying to recover from her embarrassing fall, Lyra Heartstings had finally gotten off the floor and shuffled over to the mysterious gift Pyro had left her, only to find an even more confusing item within; a pair of goggles with round, light blue lenses connected by a large piece of rubber, with white letters printed across the front that read "Optical Mask", and straps with a buckle off to either side.

The mint-green mare turned the strange cosmetic item over and over. First with her hooves, and then with magic, then with her hooves again (which was silly because she had much more dexterity with her mentally controlled magic emanating from her spiraling horn).

"Here goes nothing…" she loosened the straps and lifted the goggles over her eyes, then tightening them all with her yellow aura. 'Wow, they fit like a horseshoe, almost like they were…made for me.' Lyra kept her eyes closed, due to the fact that the eye covers were extremely snug and she didn't want to accidentally blind herself like she had seen Twilight do when attempting a Pinkie Promise.

When she opened her bright yellow eyes, she was met with quite the surprise.

The world she saw was incredible; large puffy pink clouds and giant lollipops she was sure were edible. She looked to the left and then to the right, but it seemed she was the only pony in sight, and that began to fill her with fright.

"Hello, is anypony there? Anypony at all; a stallion, a colt, a filly, a mare?" Her words echoed over the rolling hills and colorful trees but the only response came from the breeze, that whipped across the sky and chilled her knees. Lyra was confused more than scared, she had been in worse binds, and hardly cared. "I wonder where I am," the mare said alone, "I wish I had somepony to help me find my way home."

"How about me? Would I be alright?" a mysterious voice said from just out of sight. "I must warn you my my schedule is tight, but for you I can make an exception, just for the night."

"Night? Alright enough fun, if I look up I'm blinded by the sun. So unless the moon has grown brighter than before; you're lying to me, no less and no more." The unicorn tapped her hoof against the pastel grass, flicking her tail with much annoyed sass. "I've had enough," she shouted stamping the ground. "I'm not going to stop until you are found!"

"Alright, I suppose I have no other choice. I'm behind this tree, just follow my voice." Lyra took a hop, a skip, and a jump, but landed wrong and fell hard on her rump. As she got her hooves and rubbed her bruised flank, her heart arose from her belly it had once sank.

There by the tree was a familiar sight; a RED jumpsuit, so brilliant and bright. While the yellow-tipped gloves and mask were the same, there were a few items Lyra just couldn't name; like the gold orchestrina that rested on his back or the three little bongos that covered his rack. Where once was a flamethrower that had been the Spy's scorn, had become a bundle of three giant brass horns. His ax was gone too, the one with the red head on top, it had been replaced by a big lollipop.

"Pyro!" she screamed overfilled with joy, she hugged her good friend, no need to be coy! Pyro squeezed back and looked her dead on, before uttering:

"What took you so long?"

The harpist was about to reply when the twinkle of thought shown bright in her eye. What she had heard her mind tried not to block, which still begs the question, "Pyro, you TALK!?"

"That's hurts. Of course I can talk, just as easy as you and I can walk." He demonstrated by running around, all the while his bongos made a *thunk-a thunk* sound. "You gotta believe me, know I'm not lyin', all those 'huddahs' and 'murrphs' have been me tryin'! It's easier here, talking with those that I please, this world I created puts my tired mind at ease."

"Wait, YOU made this place!? Are you a god or some higher race?"

Pyro laughed. "No, this is a mental projection, one of the place I made for my own protection. You see, in the world from which I come, most of its residents are violent and dumb. I was but a child when the world turned mean, seemed like violence was the only thing to be seen. So I did what any child would do in my situation; I escaped into my own imagination! Pain became laughter, weapons were candy! War wasn't something to fear, it was just dandy! But the best of all," he said bending down low, "fires were replaced with a bright shiny rainbow!"

"Then what do you see when villains arrive on the scene? Or are they just masked by something happy and pristine?"

Pyro sighed, a little deflated, fooled into a trap Lyra had unwittingly baited. "I've learned that make-believe is fun most of the time, but it can't cover over every crime. I can switch back and forth between Pyroland and reality, that skill has saved me from more than one fatality. When you asked if I was a god…I am immortal in a way; dying and respawning day after day. It can maddening if on that thought one chooses to dwell; being unable to die? It's a perpetual hell! So I made these Pyrovison Goggles for the rest of my team to break down reality as if it were a dream."

Pyro snapped his fingers and jumped to his feet, "Wait 'til you this, it's a real treat. Balloonicorn!" Pyro yelled almost as if he were mentioning a pest. "Get your drunken-ass out here, we have a guest!"

From on yonder hill Lyra did see, two little specks flying so careless and free. They flew over to Pyro and rested on his shoulders, like two colorful air-filled boulders. "Balloonicorn and Reindoonicorn from left to right, I can see by your face that they're quite a sight. Balloonicorn is the Mayor of Pyroland when I'm not around (unfortunately the job's not fun as it sounds). To my right is Reindoonicorn, the new kid in town, he arrived around Smissmiss, the festive lil' clown. This is Lyra," Pyro said pointing to the mare, "she's a dear friend of mine, treat her with care. They don't talk, but they understood. To go against my will is to be banished for good.

"That's alright, totally fine. I just have one question; do we always have to rhyme?"

"The world likes to rhyme all the words it can, whether it be 'door', 'ship', 'bankrupt' or 'cyan'."

"Orange," Lyra said with a smile.

"It'll find something, just wait a while."

"Pyro, this is amazing, I never want to go. Living in here is like being in a quality TV show!" Pyro rested a hand on her green head, and the sudden shift in tone filled her with dread. "I can't stay, can I? It's too good to be true, I guess now I'll have to give the goggles back to you."

Pyro stroked her mane and got down on one knee. "I gave you those so you can always be with me. We can't meet together everyday, as the call to battle will whisk me away. But with these goggles and my two faithful balloons, I guarantee we'll do this again soon." He stood to leave but stopped as something was amiss. "You almost forgot this." From his back pocket he produced a ring, a gold band that made Lyra so happy she could sing.

She thought she had lost it when the Changelings stole it away! Pyro must've retrieved it on that faithful day. "Thank you thank you! From me it shall never be torn," she stated happily as it slid over her horn.

"Okay, Lyra, I know this seems mean and abrupt, but take off the goggles…


"…it's time to wake up! Hello? Lyyyyyra?" Lyra bolted upright and looked around her still messy house. Had she been dreaming this whole time? Did she really go to Pyroland or was that all just-

*Knock knock knock*

"Shoot, coming!" Lyra threw off her comfy sheets and yawned, magically grabbing a brush from her bathroom as she trotted down stairs. After glancing at a mirror to make sure her mane was acceptable, she opened front door. "Good mor-"

"HIYA LYRA! I'VE GOT SOME MAIL FOR YOU!" Derpy said with a big smile that could usually be found on her happy face. Lyra unfolded her ears from the side of her head and tried her best to summon up a convincing smile that early in the morning. "Sorry to bother you, but your mailbox was full of Hearts and Hooves Day cards so I had to bring this package to you personally. I think it's chocolates!"

The apparently popular pony pushed the mailmare aside to see just that; her mailbox nearly overflowing with cards. "Oh, wow…I wonder who they're all from? Oh NO! I forgot to make any for anypony else!"

The cross-eyed pegasus had a lightbulb light up above her head as Lyra's porch light flickered on. "Stupid thing on the fritz again, really?"

"I think some of the stores are still selling that stuff! If you hurry and make them up quick, I can help you deliver them!"

"Really!? Thanks, Derpy! C'mon, no time to lose!" With that, the two mares raced out into town as the weather team was just starting to sweep away the morning fog.

"Nice ring, Lyra. It's really pretty."

"R-Ring?" Lyra ran by a shop and looked into it's reflective glass, this time paying more attention to her horn than her still untidy mane. There, just above a sign that read "50% off all baked goods!" was that shimmering gold band with a diamond resting on top. "Yeah, a friend gave it to me."


"I never thought this castle was so big on the inside, all of these rooms and passages, it's a wonder you two don't still get lost in here," Copper Head said as he, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance walked casually along the corridor that lead outside of the Crystal Castle.

"I guess living here for some odd moths does give Princess Cadance and I an advantage, huh? I'm glad you're enjoying the tour, it's the least Princess Celestia could do for somepony who was abducted by Changelings and imprisoned for so long," Shining said to the stallion who was trying (and failing) to remain calm in the presence of both Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

"N-No problem, y-your lordship. It really wasn't so bad, it only took three, four showers tops to get that gunk out of my coat. I have to admit, I thought somepony was pranking my when I got a letter saying that you wanted me to come tour parts of THE Crystal Castle, but after Twilight approved the Royal Seal as genuine (and after I regained consciousness) I was so honored, thank you again."

The happily married couple smiled. "Oh dear. Shining, Night Court will be getting underway soon. We should be off." Cadance winked at the white and orange unicorn as she trotted to the hall and out of sight. Twilight's older brother looked over at the oversized colt who was trying his best to contain himself but only managed to turn lobster-red all over his body.

"You alright there, soldier?"

"FINE! I'm goooood. It's all god- I mean 'good'. Good, hehehe…" Now the copper-maned stallion was turning red at just how amazingly stupid he was.

"Well, as much as I would like to continue our tour, I am needed elsewhere. Keep up the good work, soldier." Shining said with a salute.

It took Copper Head a second to process what he was doing before quickly smacking himself in the forehead with his hoof with a rapid salute of his own. "Thank you again, Prince Armor." Copper Head remained in the saluting pose until Shining poked his head back around.

"At ease."

"*GASP* Thank you, sir." With his ordeal over, Copper Head took one last look at the awe-inspiring Crystal Empire before plopping himself down outside the train station.

He looked around at the lush mountains that had once been covered for a thousands years of snow as a pleasant breeze blew through his mane and tail. Lots of birds were out flying today, it was rare to see them all flying off in one direction like that.

The large stallion's emerald eyes scanned the area, ever since he had been captured by Changelings that one night he couldn't remember which hotel room was his back in Dodge City and just opted to sleep on the bench outside had made him very attentive for things that seemed out of place, and birds all flying AWAY from somewhere that wasn't during a migration wasn't normal.

That was when he noticed the shooting star that crashed off in the mountains.

He galloped as fast as he could from the station back towards the Castle. As Copper Head pushed his way through the streets of crystal ponies, he spoted the entrance he had gone in and out of along with the two identical guards standing on either side.

"So I told him, just because Discord is a good guy now doesn't mean he's not still gonna do weird stuff to your sour cream bowl when you go in for a chip-dip," the first guard said.

"Oh yeah? What'd he do to it?" the second asked far more invested in the potentially bogus story his equally bored comrade was spinning for their enjoyment.

"He turned into shaving cream! He then takes a chip and starts to trim some of the hairs on his chin before he- HEY! You can't go in there! HALT!"

The off-white unicorn ignored the guards, now in hot pursuit, as he raced to find either Shining Armor or Princess Cadance. As luck would have it, he managed to spot Cadance sneaking out of the kitchen with a tart hovering above her in her magic. She opened her mouth to let the little tart slide down her pink throat when a ruckus caught her attention and made her accidentally drop her precious pre-court snack.

Annoyed, the pink alicorn walked menacingly over towards the pile up that had occurred when a certain somepony had stopped in their tracks while another two someponies were still racing after the first at top speed.

"What is the meaning of this? Explain yourselves." Cadance's voice, thanks to years upon years of foalsitting, pieced the very essence of the three stallions with a sense of dread and impending timeouts.

the two gold-clad guards shot to their hooves and pointed at the still disoriented Copper Head. "He started it!" they accused in unison.

Cadance raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here barging in like this? Wasn't one tour enough?"

"No, Princess, the tour was more than I could have asked for," the white unicorn said as he stood. "That's not why I'm here though."

"Oh, then why are you here?"

"Something from space crashed off in the mountains! It had to have been larger than a pony and it was moving!"











Author's Note:

So here we are, the official end of Twilight's Demoman Devastation. To be quite honest, I wasn't overly happy about how it turned out. When I started the poll to see what villans and what TF2 classes would be in this story, I think I had let my meager amount of fame rush to my head (that, and I wrote that poll while I was stuck in a 6-hour layover from Korea to Japan and wasn't thinking straight in the slightest). I feel like I could have characterized Demoman and Spy a bit better, I really should done a second draft, but oh well. This was a learning experience for us all, and now that I experimented with this story and I can see what works and what doesn't, I promise the next story will be that much greater.

Until next time! Thanks for watching!

Comments ( 65 )

"That's alright, totally fine. I just have one question; do we always have to rhyme?"
"The world likes to rhyme all the words it can, whether it be 'door', 'ship', 'bankrupt' or 'cyan'."
"Orange," Lyra said with a smile.
"It'll find something, just wait a while."

You clever sod.

Hm... Must have took you forever to find all the correct rhymes and put them together. It kills me just to write a paragraph of Zecora speaking(I tend to practice my hand at writing without critique on my pastebin)
I'm taking a shot at the name:
1. It has to do with either a Mane 6 or a Back 6(Lyra,Doctor Whooves,Derpy,Vinyl Scratch,Octavia,and one other pony I forgot)
2. It obviously has robots.(Robot Rampage, Robot Racket, can't find anymore chaos words that start with R)


Marker...DEAD SPACE?!?!

The marker? What, is it from Dead Space? Yes I know you typoed Maker im just poking fun. Oh and btw 1.bp.blogspot.com/-_TkbcIBMy1Y/T2Ioh3r-T_I/AAAAAAAABGA/BAJcgUhFm7c/s1600/firstpost.jpg
if i get banned WORTH IT! :rainbowkiss: LEEROY JENKINS!

2127407 You first post stealing mother f***er! :ajbemused::twilightangry2: I WILL HURT YOU! :flutterrage::pinkiecrazy:

...this can only end badly. badly, but funnily.

now who gonna save the day. im hoping that its Engi or Heavy, well thats if you continue of corse

Bring it.
I have 13 inches.
What's yours?

2127610 13 inches of WHAT exactly? you trying for the innuendo approach, it wont work. u wanna know why? moviefancentral.com/images/pictures/review57954/tumblr_ktqswthLPc1qatk68o1_400_Your_Argument_is_Invalid-s400x400-66335-580.jpg?1346392000 if not, the afformentioned still applies

Wow, goggles that force you to speak with a zebra's accent? I didn't know that was in TF2.:rainbowlaugh: I still hope for a third story to finish it off, perhaps with a team effort this time?

2127424 Crap did I say "marker?" I meant "maker", sorry for the confusion and thanks!

2127754 Oh snap, I proclaim you the winner unless that other guy has something that can beat Morgan Freeman with cotton candy.

Since it's hailing, I take that it's not an engineer bot.

fires where replaced
It can maddening if on that thought one chooses to dwell
she stated happily as it slide over her horn

1. Were.
2. Err... Are you missing a word here?
3. Slid.
4 . Until.

The moment I saw option one I thought; Dragon Age.

Great story man :D

Good on you.

Characterizing the Demoman and Spy can be quite complicated, given that their character is rather straight forward and has little depth alone. (It's their interaction with the other mercenaries that makes TF2 the dark comedy it is.) Yes, one is an alcoholic one-eyed black Scottish demolitions expert with a long heritage in the trade, but it would have to involve multiple events not exactly on the linear story line planned for you to exemplify that. (Same for ze' Spy.) Given that dealing with Chrysalis and her plans for revenge was the primary plot, you did enough to show the characteristics of the Demoman/knight/pan and Spy. (Because, frankly, since your Spy is a competent one, it wouldn't be in his character to stick-out doing his work.)

Whelp, seems like we've got a trilogy on our hands. I await the inevitable robot invasion, and the high explosive friendship that will repel them.

2127912 I dont think there is such a thing as something that can beat Morgan Freeman alone, much less with cotton candy. :yay:

Reindeericorn should be Reindoonicorn. I noticed that it's still incomplete, and I'm guessing that the link to the next story will be in a subsequent update.

2128156 Notice the option was AUTO selected.
2128366 (Last one was actually supposed to be "unit" but good catch all the same) Never did play Dragon's Age, it seemed like it was a good game though.
2128530 Thanks :D
2128596 Thanks, it's just the whole retrospect thing that makes me feel like I could have done better.
2128907...eeyup, you win. :trollestia:
2129213 Thanks for the catch, I didn't check the spelling and assumed. As for the updates, I'll most likely post a link in the description and post it in Crossovers/TF2 Bronies.
2129348 In due time.

Good. Sequel now and next poll, but take out demo spy na Py from the poll.

2129440 I don't think I'm going to use a poll this go around. Well, scratch that, I might use one but it'll probably be just for which pony gets featured, I dunno :applejackconfused:

2129407 :facehoof: At my own mistake. oh well:twilightoops:

2129543 There, "deities", changed it.
2129528 I know it was a bad ending, but I just wanted the story to end, I looked back and found all sorts of things I could have done better but it was too late. The part that kills me most is that I let a lot of readers down, sure they liked most of it, but the ending...it was going to turn into a really drawn-out battle that I didn't know how to elongate without it becoming repetitive and boring. I know the title suggested that it would be about Demoman and Twilight, but in my mind, the focus never left Lyra and Pyro. The next story is going to be better, because I'm not going to shackle myself with restrictions by doing a poll and then basing the entire fic around it. Next time for sure.

Also, the reason they couldn't break out was because everypony encased after a certain period slip into a hallucination-induced coma and can't do anything from the inside anyway. If the cocoon is damaged from outside then the whole thing falls apart since the cocoons had never left the Hive and were only handled by Changelings. It's the same principle that one doesn't send a high-end super computer to the frontline base camp in a war, they don't need to be durable because they're not under fire and one crazy guy with an ax can ruin everything if left unchecked.

never seen medic as a main focus of a story before

2130681 My goodness that's unsettling...thanks though.

*Dosen't recall making an Avatar reference 'cause he wrote it so long ago*
Uh...yeah! Thanks! Glad you caught it! :trollestia:

2148295 You'll see...

2150150 That'd be cool, I know there's a LoL fic that keeps getting featured on EQD so you might be able to find it around here.

It's not Grey, it's Gray. It's okay if it were just colors, but at least get it right when it comes to names.

That rhyming would make Zecora proud, though a bit miffed because the actions were also implemented and not just dialogue.

2150965 I knew it was with an "A", dang. Thanks for the catch. As for the rhyming thing, I think it would actually sound worse if the actions and dialogue where separated because it would kill the flow.

Ah. You're welcome.

2160255 Please it takes way more than that to kill me...but my motivation can't withstand much more than a moth fart.
2161084 Well when you can't communicate through conventional speech you find ways around it.

Another great story my friend, and truely impressive amounts of rhyming in this last chapter:pinkiehappy:
Robot at the end there reminds me of the Daleks for some reason:rainbowhuh:, mabye something to do with caps removing all intonation.:moustache:
Can't wait to see what you do next.:twilightsmile:

2165844 And thank YOU for all of your positive comments you've given me! :twilightblush:
I'll certainly try not to disappoint.

2165885 Damn that was a fast reply!:twilightoops:
And you earned that praise, while it's true that you weren't able to do a large amount of characterization for Spy/Demoman/ect.. you do a very good job of doing it well in a small number of paragraphs.
So bravo.
~cradet @ deviantart


Damn that was a fast reply!

I feed off comments you see, it is my muse. Also; YAY! I earned something!

2172622 I needed that.

When I read about the Demopan, I kept hearing this song:

Stout-Stout Shako! For-For t-two refined!
Demodemopan, Demodemopan, Demopan!

(repeat indefinitely)

2177483 Good, GOOD...that was the effect I was hoping for.

Orange. Door hinge.
In truth, I didn't like this story as much as the first one. It started out pretty good, and then kinda felt like it was being forced until the last two chapters (or chapters and epilogue). Still, I will wait eagerly for the next sequel. :pinkiesmile:

2192642 I know the whole door hinge thing but I wanted to go in a different direction. And yeah, the last two chapters were kinda forced and I deeply apologize for that:ajsleepy:. I promise the next story will be better now that I know what I'm doing:raritywink:.

No no, I mean I LIKED the last two chapters and no so much the rest. The first three were okay, and then i was half-zoned out for the middle.

2194510 Oh, well...that's good. I can see that too, the first three were pretty good and I did put more effort into the epilogue than some of the other chapters. All in all, the story itself was hit and miss for a lot of things. Till next time I suppose.

2235868 Maaaaaaaybe. :raritywink:

989306 All that text... For a small image of a disturbing looking Bubbles...

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