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Week Long Sunset

“Of course I forgive you. You're family.”

The words echoed in Applejack's mind far more often than she'd care to admit. She had called Sunset family just a couple days before the incident, and yet she had not been capable of forgiving her. Why had it been so hard for her to believe Sunset?

Their friendship had been solid since then too. Better than solid even. The girls were happier than ever hanging out, going on shopping trips; they even had a trip to the beach planned soon. Yet the holidays kept haunting Applejack, even into the summer months. Why had she felt so betrayed? She didn't feel that way at all about Applebloom. And Applebloom had been the actual culprit of everything.

“Earth to Applejack~” Rarity’s sing-songy voice called her back to the present. “Was the quiz really that hard?”

Applejack looked at her desk and noticed her test was gone. Goldarnit. She'd been so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't even attempt any of the questions on her quiz. Thank goodness this was her agriculture class and not her math class. Her grade here could take the hit of a zero on a quiz. Not so much in her math class. She should really look into getting a tutor for that class.

Applejack was glad this was her last class of the day. She usually headed out to the field to watch some of Rainbow Dash’s practice, but she didn't really feel like it today. She needed to clear her head. Nothin better for that than goin’ home and doin’ some real honest work.

“Applejack!” Rarity's sharp tone indicated that she was upset. Probably because Applejack hasn't been listening. “Are you going to be off in the clouds for the rest of the day? Or did you forget that we have to meet Sunset at the mall?”


Applejack had forgotten. Sunset had asked for some help picking out a swimsuit for the beach trip. Rarity jumped at the opportunity to help someone with fashion, but Sunset had asked Applejack to come along to help keep Rarity from completely consuming Sunset With her “fashion passion.”

“Well I'm leaving for the mall. You can walk if you'd like.” Rarity started walking for the door.

“Wait up Rarity. I'm comin’.” Applejack trotted to catch up. “Sorry ‘bout that. I've just had a lot on my mind lately.”

“What could possibly have YOU so distracted, Applejack? You're not one to be rattled so easily. Is everything okay at home?”

“Yeah. Home's doin’ fine. I've actually been thinking about what happened over the holidays. Y’know, with Sunset.”

“Oh! Yes that. It was very unpleasant for everyone involved.”

“Yeah. And I can't but think that it shouldn't have gotten as out of hand as it did. We shouldn't have lost faith in Sunset as easily as we did.”

Rarity paused for a moment before starting her car. “I agree. But she's forgiven us and I think we're all stronger as a group because of it.”

“That may be, but I'm still not comfortable with myself about it. I knew, Rarity. I knew in my gut that Sunset hadn't done any of that stuff. Yet I let my hurt feelin’s make me turn against that. Why would I do that?”

“Perhaps you should talk it out with Sunset. Maybe the one who's forgiven you can help you forgive yourself.”

“That's a good idea Rarity. I'll see about talking with her a bit after we go shoppin’.”
The cashier bagged up Sunset’s purchase and handed it over the counter. She thanked them and turned to Applejack and Rarity.

“Thank you so much, guys. I love this, and I won't feel too weird wearing it out either.”

Appljack was glad she had tagged along. Rarity wanted to put Sunset in every little froufrou swimsuit she could find. While they may have looked good, they definitely didn't fit with Sunset’s personality. But Applejack could also admit that without Rarity there, Sunset would've just ended up wearing boardshorts and a t-shirt to the beach, and that would just be a waste. Applejack could admit from experience that the boardshorts/t-shirt combo was not very fun once you go in the water with it.

Sunset gave her tummy a little pat. “Are you guys hungry? I'm starving since I skipped lunch. I've been studying power reading equipment as much as possible. I'm thinking we might be able to modify some things to help us at least start to gather some data. I'm still not sure WHAT things to modify though.”

“I'm afraid science isn't my forte. It's too bad Twilight isn't able to come here more often and help you out. It's certainly understandable though. She IS a princess, after all.”

“Haha yeah. I'm sure you and Twilight’d be able to figure all this magic stuff out lickity split. But yeah, I'm pretty hungry. And it's about dinner time anyway. Whatta y'all wanna go eat?”

“Alas, I cannot join you girls. I must attend to my little sister. Our parents are going out for the evening.”

“Aww. Well have a nice night with Sweetie Bell, Rarity. Don't spoil her too much.”

“See ya later, Rarity.”

Rarity gave Applejack a light jab in the ribs. “I'll see you two at school tomorrow. Bye.”

“So where do you wanna go eat, AJ?”

Applejack turned to Sunset and her stomach sank. Just a little.
“You've been kind of quiet, AJ. What's up?”

Applejack looked up from her empty burger wrapper. When her gaze met Sunset Shimmer’s look of concern, she felt all her emotions rise into her throat. She hesitated, but figured Sunset was her friend, so she let it all out.

“Well I've been thinking a lot about what happened over the holidays, lately. And I can't help but feel awful about how we all treated you. And I was the one that had the idea for you to come over to our houses for a week of sleep overs. I was the one that said you were family. Yet I couldn't even take your word for anything even though I had no reason to think you did it. In fact, you had more reasons to not do it. Then there was my gut tellin’ me the whole time that it wasn't you. And I went against that and shut you out.

“That isn't what family should do to each other. I mean, there was no hesitation for me to forgive Apple Bloom. I just...I'm sorry for what we did and I dunno if I can ever feel right around you again.”

Applejack looked to Sunset Shimmer for...she didn't know what. She didn't want to lose Sunset’s friendship, but at the same time, she felt like she didn't really deserve it either.

After staring at Applejack for a second, Sunset got up, walked around the table, and hugged Applejack. Applejack was surprised at how tight it was.

“I forgave you, AJ. You need to forgive yourself and let it go. You're my friend and obviously you care a lot about me to be upset about all of this still. That should be all you need to get over it. You know you care about me, so use that and forgive yourself.”

“Alright, Sunset. I think I can do that now. Thanks.”

Applejack gave her friend a hug. Then she noticed over Sunset’s shoulder that the sun had set.

“Consarnit. The sun's gone down. Guess I need to wake up early to get my chores done.”

“I can give you a ride home, if you want. How do you feel about motorcycles?”
Pure exhilaration. That was the only way Applejack could describe the feeling. She'd never gone that fast in her life.
She got off Sunset's bike and took off the helmet.

“That was amazin’. No wonder you like this thing so much.”

“Yeah. I wasn't sure about it at first, but once I got used to it, I knew I wouldn't want any other ride.” Sunset handed Applejack her hat. “What time did you say you had to get up tomorrow?”

“Oh, probably sunrise or so. I don't really have much to do but I need the sunlight to do it. And I need to get it done before school. Besides, I like gettin’ up early. Ain't nothin’ like watchin’ the sun rise over the orchard.”

“That sounds really nice AJ. Well I'll let you get to sleep. I'll see you at school tomorrow.”

“Alright. G’night Sunset.”

Sunset put her helmet back on and gave one last wave before speeding off down the dirt road that lead to Applejack’s house.

Applejack sighed. She had way more to do in the morning than she lead on. But she didn't want Sunset to worry. Besides, she's had busier mornings. At least she had talked things over with Sunset. She felt a whole lot better now. She would have to let Rarity know. Applejack chuckled. “Rarity does seem to love bein’ right.”
Sunset had her pinned against the wall. Her hot breath on Applejack's neck sent chills down her spine. Applejack had tried to resist at first, but she knew she didn't really want to. Giving into Sunset's passion made more sense. She pulled Sunset tighter into her body. Their writhing motions were perfectly in sync.

After a few minutes of their souls becoming one, Sunset leaned back. Her eyes were beautiful. Her smile was amazing. She came forward and gave Applejack's nose a little lick. Applejack giggled at the cuteness. Sunset then licked Applejack's cheek. And then again. And then kept licking her face all over. It was getting pretty annoying now. Especially because her tongue was so rough, and all the saliva was making her face really cold.

And that's when Applejack woke up and realized it wasn't Sunset licking her face. It was Wynona. Applejack pushed her off and sat up in bed. “And you're the reason I don't need an alarm clock, Wynona. You always seem to get me up right when I need to be got up.”

Applejack looked out her window. She could still see the stars, though there was just a hint of the light of day wanting to wake up the world. This was probably Applejack's favorite time of day. Nobody else was awake and she could just breathe and work.
Applejack was a bit sore when she got to school. Nothing she couldn't handle, but she hadn't done her chores that fast in a long time.


She had just enough time to brace herself before Pinkie Pie pounced on her. Not the nicest thing for her muscles, but she really didn't mind.

“Hey Pinkie. What's up?”

“I heard the most funtabulous news!”

“What's that?”

“You. Got to ride. On. Sunset's. MOTORCYCLE!!”

“Oh. Heh heh. Yeah. She gave me a ride home from the mall last night.”

“Ohmygosh! Wasitamazing? I bet it was amazing! Tell me how amazing it was!”

“It was pretty amazin’. I'm half tempted to get one of my own.”

Applejack and Pinkie Pie chatted about their evenings on their way to their first class. It was exactly what Applejack needed to get her mind off other things.
Applejack was really bummed after school. She really bombed her math test. Why did she have to learn algebra anyway? She knew how to add, well enough. Isn't that all she really needed?

Applejack sighed as she walked out to the field where Rainbow Dash was practicing. At least her friends were doing good in class. Sure, Rainbow Dash got that D on her science test, but she was so good at all the sports, she didn't even care. Rainbow was always able to keep her grades up high enough to stay on all the sports teams.

Applejack saw Rainbow Dash juggling the soccer ball on her knees. Applejack would never admit this, but she was always impressed by her friend's skill with a ball. She gave Rainbow Dash a wave.

“Hey AJ!” Rainbow Dash kicked the ball straight at Applejack's face. Thankfully her hands were empty and she caught it with ease.

“Hey! No hands!”

“I ain't playin’! I'm just watchin’!” Applejack kicked the ball back to her friend.

Applejack took a seat on the bleachers and watched her friend practice with the rest of the soccer team. They were really good, but no one on the team was as good as Rainbow Dash. That was a fact. And she would never hesitate to tell you either.

Applejack enjoyed watching the practices. She enjoyed the games too, but the practices were where she got to see the real work done. It's where the dedication is really seen. And that always made Applejack just a little bit warmer inside.

Rainbow Dash running towards her pulled her out of her thoughts.

“Hey Applejack. We're ending practice a bit early today. Wanna help me put the equipment away?”

“Oh sure. Why’re you ending practice early?”

“The coach needs to run some errands.”

“Uh. Don't you guys usually practice without the coach anyway?”

“Yeah, but someone told the school about the ball I kicked up on the roof. They figured they could save money on balls if they make sure and watch us practice from now on. I tried telling them that they should just let me on the roof if our balls go up there, but they kept saying that they would never allow me on the roof. Something about public safety regulations. I dunno. I stopped listening after that.”

“Why...HOW did you kick the ball up on the roof?” Applejack looked up at the roof. It was at least two and a half stories high. Maybe even three.

“Someone said that I couldn't do it. I couldn't turn down the challenge. So, I just tossed the ball up and kicked it with my whole body. The ball actually went a few feet over the top. I heard it bounce a few times up there.”

Rainbow Dash’s smile couldn't have been bigger. Applejack could practically see the pride oozing from her pores.

“You sure are proud of yourself, aren't ya?”

“Heck yeah, I am!”

“But now you guys can't practice whenever you want.”

At this, Rainbow Dash slumped down a bit. “Yeah.”
Rainbow Dash’s jaw hung open. Her eyes were wider than Pinkie Pie’s when there was cake. Applejack had just finished telling her about her dream. She hadn't really wanted to, but one little thing slipped out and Rainbow Dash wouldn't stop pressing for the rest.

“So…” Rainbow Dash leaned in closer “Are you telling me you're gay? Because I'm totally cool with that if you are.”
“No! It was just a stupid dream. It just got me...a little confused is all.”

“Well, AJ, either you are, or you aren't. There's nothing to be confused about.”

“Well, I ain't.”

“So, stop worrying about it. Is this the reason you've been all weird the past few days?”

“Sort of. Yeah.”

“Well stop. There's nothing to be confused about. You aren't gay so just brush it off. I have weird dreams all the time and I don't let them bother me. Of course, I've never had a dream where I was making out with one of my best friends. But even if I did, it would just be a dream. I'm not attracted to any of you gals like that.”

“Who are you attracted to, Rainbow Dash?”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash jumped and Rarity's question. Neither of them had heard her approach. Not to mention she was never out by the sports equipment shed.

“Rarity? What are you doing out back here?”

“Just looking for you two. I was informed that you were putting the various accoutrement away. I see you're still working on that.”

It was true. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had stopped just outside of the shed and sat on the sacks of balls they were supposed to be putting away.

Rainbow Dash popped up and tossed her bag into the shed. Then she grabbed Applejack's bag and did the same. Thankfully Applejack had gotten up when Rainbow Dash did.

As all three started walking back towards the school building, Rarity pressed her question again. “Who are you attracted to, Rainbow Dash? I never hear you talk about boys.”

“That's because none of them are as awesome as me. If I ever met a guy that was on my level, then we might have something to talk about. I'm gonna hit the showers. I'll meet you at the front of the school in a few minutes.” Rainbow Dash ran off toward the locker rooms.

“I swear that girl's head is way too big for her body, sometimes.” Rarity and Applejack glanced at each other and started giggling as they walked towards the front of the school.

“So, tell me, Applejack. How did you and Rainbow Dash get started on a conversation about boys? I've tried to start one up with her several times and she seems to avoid it like the plague.”

“Well I guess it's like she said. When she meets a guy worth talking about, she'll talk. That's probably the truest thing I've ever heard come out of her mouth.”

“So, what started it? Apparently, it wasn't a guy that Rainbow Dash met. *GASP* Did you meet someone, Applejack? Oooh! Do tell.”

“Not exactly. See, I had a dream about someone. It made me a little uncomfortable. But Rainbow made it pretty clear for me that it was just a dream. So, I feel a whole lot better.”

“Ooooh. I'm so curious now. But I won't push it if it makes you feel uncomfortable, Applejack.”

“Well since Rainbow Dash knows, I'm sure it won't be long before she makes some crack about it in front of everyone. I may as well tell you now.”
Rarity's usually pale complexion was crimson.

“Oh my, Applejack. That was rather...ahem...intense.” Rarity paused a moment. “Well Rainbow Dash is correct. It was just a dream and nothing to fret over. It's not like you're actually attracted to girls…..are you?”

“I ain't. But it's just so weird and random.”

“Applejack!” Pinkie Pie appeared right next to them. How did she do that? “Rainbow Dash told me about your dream and I just wanted to let you know, I know what you're going through.”

“You do?”

“Uh-huh. See, once I had a dream about a big cupcake. It was the size of me! But it also had arms and legs. Big muscley arms and legs. And a mustache! We made out for, like, ever. And he covered me in his cre~amy frosting…” Pinkie Pie trailed off. The others glanced at each other. But before they could react, Pinkie Pie chimed back up. “Anyway, I was really confused for a few days. And I was scared of cupcakes and avoided them everywhere I went. Then I realized that I just really like cupcakes because they're soooo good, so I went and got a whole box of them.” Pinkie Pie's contented smile signaled to everyone that she was done.

“Well thanks for the support Pinkie. But I think I'm over it by now. Like everyone's sayin’, it was just a dream.”

“What was just a dream?”

For a split second, everyone froze. Then they all turned to Sunset Shimmer standing at the top of the steps.

“Oh. Uh…” Applejack couldn't think of anything to say. Thankfully Pinkie Pie saved her. That cupcake man dream of hers could distract anyone from anything.

Sunset Shimmer looked a little worried about Pinkie Pie as the story progressed. She chuckled at the end of the story and gave Pinkie a light jab in the shoulder. “And that's why you're our Pinkie Pie.”
That night, Applejack couldn't really sleep. Not being honest with Sunset was really eating at her. So, she pulled out her phone and sent her a text:

Hey Sunset. I don't feel right about not bein’ honest with you after school. We weren't actually talking

about Pinkie Pie's dream when you walked up. We were actually talking about a dream I had. I'll tell

you about it if you wanna know.

Applejack hit send and waited. It was only 10 o’clock and she was pretty sure Sunset was still awake.

An hour later, Applejack still hadn't heard back from Sunset. She wasn't sure if she should be worried about her lack of reply. She decided to just let it go and go to sleep. Sunset would get back to her when she could.
The next day was Saturday. Applejack had a full day ahead of her. Living on an apple orchard was great, but it came with a lot of hard work. She needed to check all the trees for pests, set traps, check traps, train the saplings to grow properly, and a whole lot of other little things.

Applejack woke up just before dawn, like most days. She made her way downstairs where Granny Smith was already making breakfast and coffee. It always smelled sooo good. Next to join them was Big Mac. He always went out the get a crate of apples first, so that Granny Smith could work on them throughout the day. Apple Bloom was always last, coming to the kitchen just as food was being put on the table. Like clockwork every Saturday.

With the whole family working as one unit, they were usually done by lunch time. And today was no exception. Big Mac would put all the equipment away while Applejack and Applebloom got cleaned up. Granny Smith would start putting lunch together and then the girls would help finish it up while Big Mac cleaned himself up. And by the time he got to the kitchen, lunch was ready to go.

This meal usually turned into a strategy meeting. They would talk about everything they did in the orchard over the past week, any issues that came up, and what they could do to improve things. And then, by about 1:30, all the dishes were in the sink being washed.

It was Applejack's turn to wash dishes this week. She never minded. Besides, she was the fastest dish washer in her family anyway. She finished and was walking up the stairs to her room when the was a knock at the door.
“I got it!” she called.

She opened the door and got a pleasant surprise. “Hey, Sunset. Whatcha doin’ down here on the farm?”

“Hey, AJ. Well you said if someone ever wanted to stop by randomly on a Saturday, it should be after 1:30. It's almost 2 so I figured it was safe.”

“Well you figured right. We just finished up lunch. You hungry? I think we might have a few left overs. Though Big Mac was really packing it away today.”

As if on cue, Applejack heard Sunset's stomach gurgle. Sunset wrapped her arm around herself. “Well, guess I can't pretend that I'm not.” She gave Applejack a weak smile.

“Well get on in here. I'll make you something that'll make your stomach super happy you came.” Applejack gave her a wink and pulled her in.
“Wow, Applejack. That was amazing. I haven't had a meal that good since…..well since we had the holidays here.”

“I'm glad you liked it, sugarcube. It's not my granny’s cookin’ but I do alright.”

There hadn't been any left overs. They caught Big Mac finishing everything off when they got to the kitchen. So, Applejack had to make something.

As Applejack finished drying Sunset's plate, Sunset piped up about her visit to the farm. “So I, didn't reply to your text last night because I fell asleep. I don't know why but I was exhausted. And then I didn't send a reply this morning because I knew you'd be out working. So, I figured I'd just come by.”

“Oh. Well that works. Nothin’ really in my schedule for the rest of the day. I usually end up nappin’ in the afternoons anyway. Not really because I'm tired. I just get bored.”

“Well I'm glad I can save you from boredom haha.”

“Heh heh, yeah. So, you wanted to hear about my dream, huh?”

“Well, that's a big reason I wanted to talk to you, AJ. Not about the dream itself, but more about you. I wanted to thank you for your honesty and be honest in return. It’s obvious it was a dream that was probably a little weird for you. I could tell right away that you guys weren't really talking about Pinkie’s dream. Although it was weird enough to be the topic of conversation for weeks to come.”

“Hahaha yeah. Pinkie’s got a whole world of her own in that head of hers.”

“But at the same time, I could also tell she was protecting her friend. So, I didn't really let it bother me.”

“Huh. Even I didn't even really see it like that. It's a little weird thinking about Pinkie Pie as a ‘protector’.”

“Well, what's her favorite thing in the world?”

“Um...cake? Well, desserts in general.”

“Hahaha those may be her favorite things to eat, but they aren't her favorite thing. Pinkie Pie is always trying to make people smile. To make them happy. She does everything in her insane Pinkie Power to make people happy. Especially her friends.”

“Huh. Never thought of it that way before.”

“So, that's our Pinkie Pie. Protector of Laughter. Not so different from Applejack: Protector of Honesty.”

Applejack started laughing “Hahahahaha what are you talkin’ about Sunset? I ain't nothin’ special.”

“You call everyone out on their crap, AJ. Even yourself. You can't stand anything that isn't the truth. And you have a BS detector better than any I've ever seen.”

“Yeah well, anybody could be honest if they really want to.”

“Not everyone. I wasn't capable of honesty when I turned into the demon. If I had been, I wouldn't have been able to go through with the mind control thing. I knew that having that kind of power wouldn't get me what I really wanted. Yet I wasn't even capable of being honest with myself. I was so blinded by the deception of power.

"Then you guys shot me with a rainbow. That's still the strangest thing that's ever happened to me. I felt myself being ripped apart, but at the same time being put back together. All of the evil that I had was vaporized and almost nothing was left. But then, when I felt as though I was about to die, someone called to me. In hindsight, I know it was you AJ. You told me to hang on. That I would make it. And then you gave me a piece of myself back. And then I felt each of you do the same thing. And then it was over and I was in that hole.

"I didn’t know what to do. I had no idea. But then Twilight gave me her hand. She was the first person to ever really accept me just as I was. Even in Equestria, I had to prove to Princess Celestia that I was worthy enough to be her student. I am so thankful that you guys gave me the chance that you did. I really don’t know if I would have recovered if you hadn’t taken me in.”

Applejack let Sunset’s story sink in for a little bit. That night had been scary. It was even scarier than facing off against the Sirens. Though that could possibly be because it was Applejack’s very first run in with magic.

“You know, Sunset, I don’t think that you were transported here on accident. And even with all the stuff we’ve ended up having to go through, I’m glad that you were a part of it with us. Even in your demon form, there was something in you that was worth redeeming. And I’m real glad we were able to break away all the evil you built up around yourself and get to the real you underneath.”

“I’m glad too, AJ.”

They both smiled and enjoyed each other’s company for a moment. Applejack was happy she had a friend like Sunset. She made Applejack’s life much fuller.

“So, I guess I’ll tell you about the dream I had. Now try not to get too weirded out by it.”

“Well, I’ve had some pretty weird dreams, AJ. Since I used to be a pony, but I’ve lived here for a long time now, so I get some pretty mixed up dreams, haha.”

“Yeah, well….this one was a real doozy for me.”

Applejack watched Sunset’s eyes the whole time she was telling the dream. They were focused. She was absorbing all of it. Processing it. By the time Applejack was done telling her dream, she could see the slightest hint of a blush on Sunset’s face.

Sunset sat back on Applejack’s bed, “Wow, AJ. That got me a little hot under the collar. But waking up to it being Wynona licking your face? Hahaha that was the perfect tension release.”

“Hahahaha yeah it was.”

Sunset and Applejack spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about random stuff and snacking on treats from the kitchen.

Sunset was on her way out when Granny Smith poked her head in Applejack’s room.

“Applejack, make sure you set an extra place for your friend at the table. I’m startin’ up dinner right now.”

Sunset and Applejack looked at each other. Then they looked at the clock. It was indeed dinner time. Time sure does fly when you’re having a good time with your friends.

At dinner, Sunset we just a part of the family. Applejack liked it that way. Nothing was better than family. Except for friends that were family.

Author's Note:

My first posted story on FIM Fiction. I've read so many stories here and been inspired by them all. I finally got around to finishing one of my own.

I actually got this one written during NaNoWriMo 2017. Finally got around to polishing it a bit and posting it 7 months later. WOO!

Let me know what you think. I'm always looking to improve. :D

Comments ( 29 )

Interesting story. Not enough Sunset/Applejack type stories.

I felt the same way the whole time I was writing this :D

How do I read the comic, exactly?

the EG holiday comic is not good at all its just mean spirited and wrote the rainbooms massively out of character

Well, the comic is from 2014.
I ran across it last year online somewhere.
Just look up Equestria Girls Holiday comic special and I'm sure you'll find something. :D

Yes. The Rainbooms were written completely out of character. They all jumped to conclusions way faster than they ever actually would.
BUT, I think the way Sunset was written in that comic was spot on. Yes the situation is one that would probably never happen, but her reaction to it was AMAZING. It was exactly the reaction I would imagine for Sunset between Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games.

I read the comic. It sounded like a friendship report

It does a bit. that's true :D

fair but if you have to write characters out of character to get that then your doing it wrong

you could still get plenty of drama with every one but the rainbooms turning on her

It could have still been plenty dramatic with the girls staying on Sunset's side, sure. But that wouldn't have completely isolated Sunset. The isolation was needed, I think.

But after reading it again, the pacing was really way too fast for any real drama to actually develop, anyway.

why was the isolation needed why torture a character like that why put sunset so far into a state of depression

all it is is cruel

Well, the isolation tests Sunset. How much has she really changed? Will she revert back to her old ways?
How will she react to her friendship being taken away, now that she's had a taste of it?

It may be a little bit cruel, but that's the amazing thing about stories. We can explore the human character within this realm without actually hurting anyone. A little bit of pain for a fictional character allows us to see into ourselves just a little bit and, hopefully, become better people.


speaking as a person who was bullied and does suffer depression

no just no

Awesomely appropriate art

But, Applejack isn't a human in it!

That's okay. It still works. :ajsmug:

No, I know. But when I saw this one....the MOOD of it was so perfect, I had to use it.

Good story. Never really seen SunJack in this site. A word of advice though, change the image to an EG one. A lot of people don't bother reading the tags and decide to read a story based on the image.

Applejack sighed as she walked out to the field where Rainbow Dash was practicing. At least her friends were doing good in class. Sure, Rainbow Dash got that D on her science test, but she was so good at all the sports, she didn't even care. Rainbow was always able to keep her grades up high enough to stay on all the sports teams.

A D in science would have gotten even the best player in my old high school benched until it became a C or better. :facehoof:

Mine too.
Good thing it was only a D on her test and not the class ;)

This was a bit... messy. It suffered a lot from being a bunch of talking heads, and some of the conversations felt lackluster. Especially Sunset's response to Applejack's dream at the end. Just... weird.

“Uh. Don't you guys usually practice without the coach anyway?”

I'm tilted.

Yeah...I've been becoming more aware of issues in this story over time.

Would you care to expand on why exactly you're tilted?

Like I said in my author's notes, I'm always looking to improve.

I'm a coach. Practicing without the coach is both a disaster waiting to happen and the sign of a pretty terrible coach.

You know, I read that and I feel a little bit like an idiot. Of course practicing without a coach is a bad idea.

I dunno. I based the idea on what I saw in the first EG movie. Dash was out in the field practicing alone. I've never seen any hint of a coach in that scene. Though, thinking about it now, her being completely alone perhaps means that there was no practice being held and she was just out there for fun.

It's alright. It happens to the best of us. Don't feel too much like an idiot.

and she was just out there for fun.


sweet. Applejack likes Sunset?

After a few minutes of their souls becoming one, Sunset leaned back. Her eyes were beautiful. Her smile was amazing. She came forward and gave Applejack's nose a little lick. Applejack giggled at the cuteness. Sunset then licked Applejack's cheek. And then again. And then kept licking her face all over. It was getting pretty annoying now. Especially because her tongue was so rough, and all the saliva was making her face really cold.

And that's when Applejack woke up and realized it wasn't Sunset licking her face. It was Wynona. Applejack pushed her off and sat up in bed. “And you're the reason I don't need an alarm clock, Wynona. You always seem to get me up right when I need to be got up.”

Hahaha. You took this from that Stanley Ipkiss and Milo scene, right?
Welp, funny The Mask reference. :rainbowlaugh:

great work on story

You know, I probably did it subconsciously. Lord knows I've watch that movie a million times. And I still laugh:pinkiehappy:

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