• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 4,458 Views, 253 Comments

Rainbow's Lonesome Road - Centurion Pike-Wall

The Mare-do-well incident goes wrong. Very, very wrong. Leading to rainbow wounded and alone.

  • ...

Ending-By popular request

As the title suggests, this is chapter will be going over my concept for a ending.

I don't know how, but Void Streak would have eventually ended up in the service of the storm king. She would have been his right-hand pony, much like Tempest was in the Canon timeline. By yet another unknown series of events, she would have ended up being betrayed by him, and sent into his mines. She would, once again, by unknown circumstances, she up leading a slave rebellion al-la Vorkuta in COD Black ops. She and the escaped slaves would have found a city belonging to one of the ancient pony tribes, pre-First hearths warming. During a harsh winter, Luna contacts Void. She informs her of events in Equestria. In addition, you would have found out that the reason Celestia did what she did was Queen Chrysilyis manipulating her. Eventually, after becoming a thorn in his side, the storm king finds and attacks them. During the ensuing battle, Void would have ascended to Alicornhood. After the storm kings death and the routing of his forces, Void would eventually begin a conquest of the dead storm kings territories. Eventually, she would come to rule the Southlands, at the head of what I had planned called the Pryhian Federation.

As you can see, it was a bit of a mess. I had hoped it would just come to me, but I just didn't. As I said, at some point I may attempt a re-write or re-work the concept a little bit.

Comments ( 17 )

Huh, I think your story jumped the rails back with Cold Bits, or whatever the maniac's name was. If Void had stayed onboard and was captured by the presumed Storm Navy ship sent after the mercs, you'd have had your story.

Honestly? I thought this was going in the direction of Void settling down somewhere out there with a stable job and some kind of home. And then her past shows up on her front step in the form of a very bedraggled party of bearers, looking for the Bearer of Loyalty. While Chysalis and Sombra are manageable without her, Twilight's ascension is on hold until Loyalty is willing to cooperate. For that matter, the plundervines will wreak havoc. To say nothing of Tirek...

So, say, as a prelude to hoofing Twilight that journal, Celestia sends the bearers off on a journey of reconciliation. (lets just say Flash got Red Shirted by something along the way...) And now here they are, Stetson in hoof, at Void's doorstep. Wat do?

That means this story stopped?

Yes. I'm surprised you didn't see the last chapter and the cancelled status first, but yeah. Don't worry; I'm working on the re-write as we speak. Or, well, type.

ah okay, well I either forgot it or didn't got the note I suppose.

I hope for the best i guess. I only remember that I wished she wouldn't apologize to the main six or that we got to see them feeling bad about the whole thing.
Maybe a confrontation later in which Rainbows new friends could help her to stand up against them and Celestia or something like that.

Any other stories like that?


Like what? That was just a bit of random musing I pulled out of thin air.

I hoped that there would be others


Well if you want something with that sort of atmosphere, The Exile and it's sequel run along those general lines. A very bitter story, but if you're looking for some entirely justified recrimination, that's your ticket. Ah yes, Drawn With the Night as well, it's further yet from that concept of mine, but it still carries the theme of "stop following me, I want nothing to do with you"

I get that it is probably hard to continue, i love the storyline that you had in mind. But it is possible to continue, because you could write that Tempest comes to rhe town where Rainbow is, because of her new job. Of course that it a few days later then the story ended. But when she talks to Rainbow she says that her offer to join her with her job still stands, and Rainbow accepts. And later on they come in contact with the Stormking (through a serie of events). They get in his army and work up the ranks. Rainbow becomes his right-hoof pony, and Tempest is a rank just under Rainbow. But a jealous co-worker wanted Rainbows job and performs multible crimes/bad things and leaves a trail that points to Rainbow. After some time, the Stormking can't deny the crimes and the evidence anymore and sends Rainbow to the mines. And from there all the mine-rebelion stuff happens. And from that you can build off to the rest of your ideas. Hopefully you do something with this.

PS. I just really love the idea of Dash becoming a alicorn. (In my mind, even in the cannon series, she deserves it more than Twilight.)

PPS. Also LOVE the idea of Rainbow Dash working for the Stormking and becoming friends with Tempest.

PPPS. Cool idea of Rainbow Dash becoming the leader of the South-Lands.

Meanwhile, in an alternative dimension...

Date: Nov 25th, 2013
Dimension: 1-1
Location: Palace of the Soviets, Nova Stalliongrad, Greater Equestrian SSR, USSER
Time: 1434 hours

Premier Sovetska Malashenka sat on her beautiful velvet chair, leaning over her desk, pouring over and approving various documents, lists, and bills. With massive bags under her bloodshot crimson eyes, and massive, droopy black wings. So, as bored as she was she once more turned to think, as that seemed to be one of her few pastimes during work hours. More and more paperwork, and to think, Nikolai always says, "You get the easy job, all you have to do, is be the face of the party. Whereas I have to do all the boring stuff." Yeah right! But, I can't be too hard on him. After all, I owe almost everything to him. She thought, as she continued going over her mountain of paperwork when suddenly, she spotted a brown paper file that read: Sovershenno Sekretno On the cover. "What do we have here?" She asked, intrigued by the file, as she slowly pushed aside any stray papers with a wave of her hand, as both her hand and the papers were enveloped in a crimson glow, and the latter were stacked into a neat pile on the left side of the desk. Before the file, itself was enveloped in the same aura and guided straight into her waiting hand. She then carefully opened the folder before going over its contents.

Nov 24th, 2013-nastoyashcheye vremya Ekvestriya 22-30
Status missii: Aktivnyy
Tsel': Void Streak (Rainbow Dash)
Tekushcheye mestopolozheniye: Kell Keep
Ispolnyayushchiye obyazannosti agentov KGB po vyzovu:
Adrik Pavlov (Aurther Cooper)
Kodovoye nazvaniye: Yarkiy
Yaropolk Kulikov (Razorbeak)
kodovoye nazvaniye: Gonchaya

Tekushchiye zakazy: Prosmotr
Tselevoy status: blizok k kriticheskomu

"Oh, now THIS looks promising!" She yelled in excitement, as she ran over to the phone, and dialled the General Secretary's office. "Nikolai, wait until you hear about this..."

So, now that I have your attention. Would I have the permission to make a sequel to the original? Except, it would be in an alternate version of this story, where everything up to this point was the same. Or in other words, I would link this story, as it would be the lead up to the events I would have planned. And, of course, all content that you came up with, (Void Streak, Kells Keep, the general make up of this world etc.) would be credited to you.

As long as I am properly linked, then sure. I have no real plans for this story, so I don't see the harm.

As you can see, it was a bit of a mess. I had hoped it would just come to me, but I just didn't

I know that problem to well and the further I am going, the harder it becomes. Hopefully, I avoid a similar fate like this story.

Can I just say that someone should make a Rainbow’s Lonesome Road version of “Open Up Your Eyes” sung by Void Streak. That would be interesting in my opinion.

Thank for posting the storyboard! Not too shabby but there're things i would change if i were you
1.you are quite good at worldbuilding yourself. You don't need to relied on stormking.
2.if you still want him as enermy. Then kept tempest as his righ-hand. Make make them fight each other. Drama about either kindship or romance are fine.
3.about evil celestia. "You either died as a hero or lived long enough to become a villian" is far better than changeling. Thousand years of her ruling with biased toward her little ponies and compromised on morality for greater good add up together little by little. Celestia doesn't notice this just like a frog being slowly boiled.

Well at least someone agrees with me. Besides the obvious few in my group. They did the same thing to trixie though.

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