• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 6,105 Views, 167 Comments

Equestria Digital - DeltaChevron

A young man is sent to Equestria andby his own request is turned into a Digimon.

  • ...

Something Wrong

How many of you have had your species change? Let me venture a guess as to the cause, someone offered you a chance to go to Equestria and,like me, you accepted. Likely with some conditions such as memory retention or choosing your form or something. I think I got off lucky in that regard most cases I’ve read about got between five seconds and five minutes to decide. I was given about an hour to think about my choice and finalize my decision.

I was doing something very strange for me, I was going to the mall. I don't even like the mall, well except for the soft pretzels. My idea of a good day is eight plus uninterrupted hours on Xbox live playing with and talking to my friends who live all over the country. Part of it might have been that my mom was becoming unbearable. I was twenty, attending a local multi-campus college after my first year at college away from home didn't work out to well. Living at home was nice no room and board, no annoying people on the floor above me, no having to worry about someone stealing my stuff. But my parents could become problematic at times.

I brought my backpack with me, it had a few spiral notebooks, a mechanical pencil, lots of extra lead, my networking textbook, my laptop and charger, and a few other random things. I made my way to the food court for some Subway. There was only one other person in line when I got there. He was an old man with a very large silver grey mustache and a beard that nearly reached the floor. He was dressed in a bright blue and yellow suit with a matching top hat. My sub was ready to go, the cashier was just waiting on him.

The old man was fumbling around for his wallet. He searched his pants pockets, his jacket pockets, the pocket on his shirt, even the inside of his shoe. It seemed like he had either lost it or left it at home. With a sigh I stepped up next to him.

"Here, I'll pay for his to." I handed the cashier my debit card

"Oh thank you so very much young man."

"It's alright, I only use this thing about five times a year. Sometimes its nice to have a job and nothing to spend your money on." I shrugged

We sat down at the same small table and started eating in companionable silence. I finished first and pulled out my laptop and textbook. I powered it up and logged on, I was going to take an online quiz but then I realized there was no Wi-Fi. I sighed and put my textbook away before pulling up my files to do what my parents hate, trying to watch two shows at once. I launched an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in one window and Digimon Tamers in another.

"Interesting choices." the old man said

I flushed "Yeah, sorry I shouldn't be doing this when I've got a living person in front of me to talk to." I said going to close them

"No, you misunderstand," he said "oh does my beard really look like that?"

I looked at the paused screen which showed a good view of Azulongmon, I did a double take. "No, way."

He smiled "Way." he said as he sat back down

There were so many questions buzzing around in my head now all I could manage was an intelligent "Oh."

"You have shown me kindness so I have a proposition for you." He steepled his fingers and leaned back "As you have worked out my identity I would like to inform you that I am acting as the representative for the Digimon Sovereigns. We in turn were contacted about this opportunity by the Queen of the Looking Glass Kingdom. I wish to extend to you a chance to visit the world of Equestria in any form but human or pony, you may take anything you want with you, and you may keep your memories if so choose to." I opened my mouth to speak but he motioned me to silence " Please, don't accept right away, this is a very important decision and you should think carefully before you make a decision."

We sat in silence for a while as I thought finally I had my answer.

"I want to become a Digimon, specifically Antylamon. I want to have the ability to digivolve into Lopmon and back whenever I want to, after all being a giant rabbit isn’t always a good thing. I want to keep my backpack and everything in it when I go to Equestria and I want to have a proper topographic map of the world its in." I told him

He smiled "Very well." there was a flash of light and then nothingness.

My first sense to return was hearing, the irregular dripping of water falling from leaves as they dried from a fresh shower. The chirping of birds as they greeted the sun. It was strange, my hearing had always been good but now it was on a whole new level. I stayed still for several minutes as I acclimated myself to my stronger ears. It was strange to be able to hear so much.

Smell was the second thing to return. The smell of flowers and pine sap, of sun warmed fur and damp grass. My sense of touch was coming back and I could feel the warmth of the sunshine on my face and arms, that’s not good. I gave all my limbs a test to make sure they were attached and the proper length. Okay, my fingers are tapping my leg at about the ankle, and is that...cloth? Yes it is, so my arms are long enough, hips, knees, ankles, toes, elbows, shoulders...yeah everything is there. That means I’m wearing...armor probably, after all Antylamon was a warrior.

The red I was seeing told me my eyes were working fine I just had to open them. In doing so I was greeted by an azure sky dotted with numerous large puffy white clouds. A bird flitted across my vision landing in a tree to my right. I sat up slowly, one thing I always hate is when I get up to fast and it makes me dizzy. Of course that’s exactly what ended up happening. I put one of my hands to my head, being mindful of the three little horns I had on my forehead.

Before my hands had been big, runs in the family. Now they were absolutely massive each hand was easily two feet wide, probably about right if I remembered Digimon Tamers correctly. As much as I hate math it was time for me to crunch some numbers. If I was about twenty feet tall and my arms reach to my ankles, then... they’re about sixteen feet long, my legs must be about twelve feet, so five feet of torso, and about a foot of head height, ears against hands, hmm...about four long.

I stood up very slowly, conscious of the fact that if I stood to quickly I’d get dizzy again. At my full height the bend in my ears brushed the bottom of the leafy tree canopy. I took a minute to stand still, it didn’t feel any different despite an obviously higher center of gravity. I spotted my backpack on the ground at my feet it was easy to pick it up and with my new size it fit nicely in my left hand. Of course that also meant there was probably no way I would be able to open it and get out the map that should now be inside it.

Oh well, I closed my hand around it, might not be able to open it now but it would be a simple chore as Lopmon. It took me a second to find the sun hanging over a deeper part of the forest. I turned my back to it and started walking out of the forest. With my long strides it took less than a minute to be out and onto a vast grassy plain.

So it was easy to walk, let’s see if can still do what I consider my one and only talent. I slid my left foot back and bent forward putting my arms in the ready position. With an imagined gunshot I was off and running full speed across the seemingly endless plain.

I was fast before, fifth man my senior year on the Cross Country team, 17 flat at the State Meet, and sub-16 for the 5k two years after that. Mind you that’s nothing compared to my Bro, HE was a D1 scholar-athlete at a highly competitive and prestigious school back in GA. I could run most people into the ground in a distance event but he would bury me if we truly raced...well if I was still human.

No way he would have been able to keep up with me now. In the anime Antylamon was fast enough to cover what was probably several miles in a matter of minutes, but she got tired out pretty quickly after that and several minutes of jumping, put me on a nice trail with good weather and some tunes and I could run for hours if I really felt like it. A family friend of ours calls it “cruising” when I do that, likely because I ignore everyone around me and it takes something like a deer or turkey next to the trail to snap me out of it.

I sprinted past a large grey horned something that had a white and grey splotch beneath it, could be Iron Will and his goats. I could hear a stream nearby so I angled toward it, with any luck it would be slow enough that I could see my reflection. I still couldn’t believe everything that had happened so far. I was in Equestria, I was a Digimon, and I was moving fast enough to put a Le Mans Prototype to shame. I decided to try something bold, I had always wanted to try gymnastics. I pushed lightly off the ground springing a good thirty some odd feet into the air, I tried to do a front flip...and landed flat on my ass.

When I did I let out what was definitely a feminine sound. That reminded me whenever you make a wish or get one granted there’s always something that goes wrong.

I got my size measurements by watching episode 33 of Digimon Tamers and assuming that Suzie is four feet tall
You can watch it here skip ahead to about nine minutes for when Suzie meets Antylamon.
Please note it is the english dub.
As for who The Queen of the Looking Glass Kingdom is, I suggest looking up British children's stories as a starting place.