• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 8,674 Views, 620 Comments

The Champion of Harmony - Voxum

Princess Celestia understands that being an Element of Harmony is dangerous, and that Twilight and her friends are bound to make enemies. So, naturally, the only course of action is to send a guard to keep them safe, even if they don't know about it.

  • ...

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Slumber Party Complications

Emerald growled, viciously tearing a branch from a tree.

"You seem angry," came a little filly's voice, although it sounded just as angry, since the branch she was jumping on refused to break.

Why was she so small?!

"Don't I always?" the older male asked, smirking as he watched his baby sister adorably fail at her assigned task. She huffed angrily, sitting down firmly on the branch,

"You're usually annoyed, not angry," she said. Her eyes widened suddenly when the branch gave a menacing *CRACK*, before she yelped as she and the previously undamaged branch fell unceremoniously to the ground.

Wisp glared at the convulsing form of her laughing brother, and stood up,

"'S not funny!" she defended hotly, though her words went ignored, likely due to the heavy reddening of her cheeks. She pouted, but sighed as her brother finally composed himself,

"Whatever you say, Wisp," he said, snickering, before his eyes glanced at the cloudy sky. A small frown marred his face, and he looked back at his tiny sister, "You should head home. You'll get caught in the rain otherwise,"

Wisp perked up at that, but tilted her head,

"You sure, Emerald?" she asked, and smiled when he nodded, "Okay! See you later!" she squeaked, rushing up to nuzzle his chest, before bolting down the path back to their house. He chuckled at his sister's enthusiasm, but it died down after a moment.

He once again returned his gaze to the sky.

Pegasi were frantically rushing through the air, delivering gray cloud after gray cloud to one another, placing them in every single spot where even a small speck of blue sky shone through.

Apparently the weather team forgot about a small drizzle last week, so they needed a heavy downpour to make up for it.

Considering that Crash was the weather captain, he wasn't too surprised at the mess up.

Honestly, with her work ethic, he was surprised she still had a job.

His eyes crossed slightly when he felt a drop of water hit his nose, signaling the beginning of the downpour.

He sighed. His wing was still out of commission from the Froggy Bottom Bog disaster, so he was stuck making the trip home on hoof.

Well, that wasn't necessarily true. He could just head to Sugarcube Corner to wait out the storm. Or even hunt down Bon Bon and stay with her for a bit. The Ponyville Park, where he was, wasn't too far from either of those places, so they were the better options.

Since the rain wasn't coming down too hard, not yet at least, Emerald saw no reason to rush. It would take a couple minutes before it really started pouring.


His ears perked up. Was someone calling his name?



He looked around for a moment, before his hearing zoned in the correct direction. He found Sparky of all ponies standing outside, looking startled,

"Sparky?" he called, making his way over to her, "What are you doing out here? You should be inside," he stated, coming to a stop at her right side. Seeing no reason otherwise, he extended his non-injured wing, his left one-it was always the right, wasn't it?-to shield her from the worst of the rain. She sighed,

"Thanks Emerald," she said, smiling at him, "I was planning on grabbing some scones from Sugarcube Corner before the storm hit," she said, before laughing, "Guess that plan is down the drain, huh?"

"Pretty much," the stallion replied, before jerking his head towards the distant library, "C'mon, let's get you back home," A sudden bolt of lightning, accompanied by a boom of thunder, lit up the area, caused Emerald to rethink taking shelter in a giant tree of all things. "Uh, maybe not the library..."

Sparky shook her head, and pushed forward,

"It's fine, I have a magic lightning rod protecting it," she said, jogging towards the house, even as the rain started coming down much harder.

"Of course you do," he muttered, but followed after her regardless.

They made it to the library in record time, although it wasn't enough to keep dry, as evidenced by the heavy droplets of water clinging to their coats as they entered. Sparky frowned, before her horn glowed, followed by her entire body, before it dispersed, revealing a completely dried unicorn.

"Oh, not gonna shake it all away this time?" Emerald teased, causing the unicorn to flush,

"Ha. Ha," she deadpanned, her horn lighting up once more, before the same light encompassed Emerald, and soon enough the stallion was dry as well, "Very funny."

Emerald swallowed nervously, though he hid it well.

Thanks to all the excitement, coupled with a lack of time in the past few weeks, he'd completely forgotten that Sparky's magic could, somehow, affect him.

It just made no sense! How could she, a unicorn whose magic power, while well above average, was less then either of the princesses, whose magic couldn't so much as touch him, actively work magic on him?!

He filed the thought away for later.

"Spike is away at Canterlot for the weekend, visiting our parents," Sparky began suddenly, "And since I doubt that storm is going away anytime soon, we can get started," she said, her horn lighting up, as a quick flash of light revealing a pencil and notepad floating in her magical grasp.

Emerald idly noticed it was the same notepad he'd been doodling on during the whole 'Pinkie Sense' debacle, as evidenced by the crude drawing of Pinkie sniffing a flower he could see on the back.

"Started on what?" he asked, before the memory of the end of that day came back, "Oh... right... my wing," he muttered, sending a disgruntled expression at the appendage in question.

Sparky nodded and smiled, and even went to speak, but a knocking at the door cut her off. She frowned, and even started mumbling something under her breath about 'convenient interruptions', but walked over to the door regardless.

Opening the door revealed a pair of familiar ponies, both looking like they'd rather be without the other.

"Applejack? Rarity? What are you-nevermind," Sparky said, before shaking her head, "Come in, it's pretty bad out there," Applejack grimaced,

"Is inside a tree the best place ta be in a lightnin' storm?" she asked, hesitating to enter, unlike Rarity,

"Well, I do have a magic lightning rod, so..." Sparky trailed off.

"Of course," Rarity said, stepping gingerly inside, only to freeze upon seeing Emerald. Her face lit up with a mischievous grin, "Oh?~ Well, goodness, if I'd known you and Emerald were spending time together, I wouldn't have suggested your house, Twilight," she teased, already backing out the door, "Come along, Applejack. We should leave these two alone.~"

Applejack sent Rarity a confused look, seemingly uncomprehending her tone of voice,

"What in the name'a Celestia are ya talkin' about?" she asked, causing Rarity to grimace, "Anyways, thank ya kindly fer yer hospitality, Twilight," she added, only for Rarity to stop her.

"If you're going to ignore the mood, at least don't ignore proper manners," she said, before glancing down, eyeing Applejack's muddy hooves with unconcealed distaste, "Do wash up before coming in."

Applejack looked down, before growling,

"If I gotta spend one more minute with that pony, I swear..." he heard her mumble, before she stepped back outside.

"Gee, some storm, isn't it?" Sparky asked her white counterpart, "The weather team really outdid themselves, didn't they?" she added, before frowning, "I hope getting home won't be a problem for you two-er- you three," she said, glancing at Emerald sheepishly with that last part.

"Yes, it would indeed be a... problem," the dressmaker replied, "I hope us being here isn't a problem," Sparky shook her head,

"Not at all! Really, since Spike's out of town for the weekend, it'd be nice to have some company," she said, before her eyes widened, and her face blossomed into a wide smile, "We can have a slumber party!"


Rarity seemed to share the sentiment, as evidenced by the suddenly strained smile stretching across her face,

"Umm, I beg your pardon?" she asked, laughing sheepishly, "W-well, um, I'm not so certain that I'd be able to stay, all night," she said, before muttering under her breath, "Not with Applejack, at least."

Emerald pretended not to hear that.

It wasn't his problem.


"Well, you don't really have a choice in the matter," Emerald deadpanned, just as another flash of lightning lit up the sky, illuminating the inside of the tree for the briefest of moments. The bright light did a wonderful, but ultimately inadequate, job of hiding the fashion designer's paling.

How she did that with a white coat was lost on Emerald, but he was sure it took some considerable talent, somewhere down the line.

Sparky, her level of perception when it came to others being far below what it should've been for her age, remained completely oblivious to her friend's not-quite-hidden distress, and instead happily jumped along the library wall, obviously hunting down a book of some sort. Her search proved fruitful moments later when she happily took down a brown book with a pair of yellow and blue pillows emblazoned on the front cover.

He couldn't spot a name on the outside cover, but it was proved unnecessary when Sparky floated the book over to Rarity, who proceeded to read its title aloud.

"'Slumber 101: Everything you need to know about slumber parties but were too afraid to ask.'?"

"My own personal copy!" the bookish mare squealed proudly, with a smile as bright as a star lighting up her face.


He didn't know what was more embarrassing. The fact that book was in the library or the fact that said copy of the book was her own personal copy.

"It's a fantastic reference guide!" she continued, "You should see the table of contents!" she added, before twirling around, waving her hooves in the air excitedly, "Ooh! I've been waiting for the day I get to use it! Don't you see, Rarity? This is gonna be great!" she squealed, her eyes sparkling like her namesake.

Honestly. All of that enthusiasm for something as small as this.

He... supposed it was cute, at least.

Rarity didn't seem to share the sentiment.

"Well, as nice as that sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to sit out," Emerald said, causing Sparky to frown,

"What? But-but, it'll be fun!" she protested, gazing at him with shining eyes, even fit with a little pout. Emerald shook his head,

"Fun it may be, but I'm sure you can have just as much fun with those two as you would with all three of us," he countered, before frowning, "I just... wouldn't really feel comfortable being the only male here. It almost feels like I'm intruding, really," he admitted.

"What?" Sparky asked, before her eyes widened in understanding, "No! No, no, no! You're not intruding at all! I promise!" but Emerald shook his head at her insistence,

"Say what you will," he said, already turning and walking off, "I appreciate the attempt, Sparky, but, really, I'd feel much more comfortable just laying off to the side," he jumped up into the familiar little alcove that Sparky had set up for him, not missing the way her eyes lit up, "Besides, I have a book to finish, remember?" he asked teasingly, gently tapping the cover of the book in question.

"O-of course!" she agreed, her eyes darting away from him, "Umm... are you sur-?"

"Yes," he stated flatly, "Just... have fun with those two, 'kay?"

Sparky stared at him for a minute, but eventually sighed and nodded,

"Fine. But... let us know if you feel like you're willing to join, okay?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him. Emerald chuckled, but nodded,

"Of course."

Rarity watched the exchange with twinkling eyes, looking for all the world like she was watching a particularly interesting soap opera, obviously not wishing for it to end.

Emerald wasn't sure how he felt about the analogy, but it could be worse.

Sparky and Rarity, mostly Sparky, had perused the book for their first activity, before coming out of it, excitedly chanting, 'mud masks!' under her breath. It had taken them a few minutes, but, eventually, they managed to whip together a homemade version of the green goop that Emerald knew could be found in most spa's. Given Rarity's nature, it was entirely likely her knowledge of how to make the slop had been gained from her numerous visits to the one in Ponyville.

Which reminded him. He still hadn't visited the twins.

Damn. The hole was just getting bigger, wasn't it?

Regardless of Emerald's impending doom, the two mares were now happily chatting with each other, even as Rarity carefully applied the green goo to their faces, being careful to not get any into their eyes.

It was at this time that Applejack returned, her hooves sparkling clean, if a little wet.

She was understandably shocked.

"What in tarnation!?" the southern shout seemed to have startled the white and lavender unicorns, who looked up at their farmer friend, who was busy leveling a glare at the two of them, though it seemed mostly directed at Rarity, "So I can't have mud on mah hooves, but it's perfectly fine fer ya'll ta have mud on yer faces?!" she asked, incredulously.

Rarity just tittered, "Oh Applejack, these are mud masks," she said, as if that explained everything to the country mare, "They're for rejuvenating the skin and removing wrinkles. They're wonderful for our complexions," she stated.

"We're giving each other make-overs!~" Sparky sang, happily clopping her hooves together.

Applejack blinked at them, before turning her gaze to Emerald,

"Okay... What the hay did I miss?" she asked. Emerald shrugged, but didn't get to speak before Sparky spoke up.

"We have too!" Sparky intoned seriously, already levitating the book from earlier over to Applejack as she spoke, "It says so in the book!"

"'Slumber 101: Everything ya need ta know about-'," she stiffened and cut herself off, "Oh, well, hey, wouldja lookit the time?" she asked, smiling weakly, "I'm, uh, powerfully late fer something, uh... important. G'night!" the mare shouted, and bolted for the door.

A flash of lightning, followed by a crack of thunder startled the mare into rushing back, looking embarrassed,

"Ya know, I might jus' sit here fer a spell."

"Hooray! Slumber party!" Sparky cheered like a little foal, causing Emerald to snicker slightly. His snickers only increased in volume when Rarity all but smacked Applejack with a hooffull of the mud mask she'd finished applying to herself, only this time she deigned to add a pair of cucumbers over the mare's eyes.

"What in the name'a-what're these for?" Rarity scoffed at her,

"To reduce the puffiness in one's eyes, of course," she breathed, as if the answer was obvious,

"Puffiness, shmuffiness! That's good eatin'!" the mare replied, greedily licking away the cucumbers and eating them in one smooth motion of her tongue, something that both surprised, and disgusted, the thestral in the room.

A bright giggle caught the room's attention before either he or Rarity could respond,

"Isn't this fun?" Sparky muttered, eagerly reading through the book, "We'll do everything by the book, then my first slumber party will be fun!"

"You heard that, Applejack?" Rarity whispered harshly, though Emerald was more than capable of hearing them, even so far away, "You wouldn't want to ruin Twilight's very first slumber party, now would you?"

"'Course not!" the orange mare hissed back, "An' I reckon you wouldn't either,"

"So do we have an agreement?"

"Eeyup," Applejack answered, punctuating her statement by holding out her hoof. But not before spitting on it, of course.


Was that really a thing ponies did?

Emerald really hoped not. That was just plain gross, honestly.

"Ugh," Rarity nearly hacked, "That's-ugh. There's uncouth, and there's just plain rude!"

"There's fussy, and there' jus' plain gettin' on mah nerves!"


Obviously the two of them had some sort of issue with the other. It likely stemmed from their different lifestyles, if Emerald was reading the situation correctly.

Rarity's high society expectations clashed heavily with Applejack's down-to-earth mannerisms. Really, unless the two of them realized how different they were, and accepted the other for it, they'd never get along.

... Did they get along to begin with?

He couldn't recall.


The two of them were still arguing back and forth. Some pathetic attempt at determining who was better at getting along with others, a subject whose irony was not lost on him.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Sparky sprang up between the two mares, looking chipper as ever,

"This is gonna be the best slumber party ever! Yay!" Sparky cheered, wrapping her front hooves around them excitedly.

""Yay,"" the two mares chorused in the same deadpan tone.

Emerald snickered.

Tonight just might be more entertaining than he thought.


Emerald had returned himself to the Daring Do book he'd long since neglected, though it didn't stop him from paying attention to the mares as they had their fun.

Apparently, the next activity had them all putting mane curlers into their hair, something Emerald was certain the farmer mare wasn't comfortable with in the slightest.

While the two unicorns didn't appear to have any trouble with their manes, it was clear that Rarity was paying much more attention to Applejack's discomfort than anything else.

And it seemed she was enjoying it, too.

"So?~ How are you getting along there, Applejack?" Rarity asked teasingly, eyeing her blonde friend, who was busy glaring at the curlers in her mane, or trying to, at least.

"Jus' dandy, Rarity," Applejack growled through her teeth, sending her cocky friend a heated glare from the corner of her eye.

Sparky, still oblivious, just laughed and eagerly checked off something from her book,

"This is amazing! Make-overs. Check!" she squealed, before her horn flashed, removing the curlers from her mane. A pair of secondary flashes rang through the room, removing the other curlers from the manes of her friends.


Weren't those curlers supposed to... curl their manes?

They looked the same as before.

"Ooh! It says here we have to tell ghost stories!" Sparky read happily, breaking Emerald from his train of thought, "With Nightmare Night coming next week, this is perfect! Who wants to go first?!"

"Oh, I will!" Applejack volunteered immediately, sending the three other quadrupeds in the room a sly grin, "How about I tell ya'll the story about the prissy ghost?" she asked, "The ghost who drove everypony crazy with her unnecessary neatness! Ooooooooohhhhooooh!!" the mare finished with a flat look directed at Rarity, the object of her story almost painfully obvious, "I'm sure ya'll are familiar with that one, eh, Rarity?" she asked, driving the nail home.

Emerald looked up from his book, wondering how the dressmaker would respond.

"Never heard of it, but I have a much better one," the designer challenged. Emerald sighed, already knowing where this was headed, and went back to his book, "It's the horrifying story of the messy, inconsiderate ghost! Who irritated everypony within a hundred miles! Ooooohhhh!"

"That ain't a real story, ya made it up!" Applejack snapped,

"It's a ghost story. Most of them are made up, idiot," Emerald growled from his little alcove, just before the lights suddenly went out, accompanied by, yet another, crash of thunder from outside.

A moment passed in the dark, where Emerald idly watched Sparky plant herself between the startled mares, holding a lantern, before she turned it on,

"I've got one!" she cheered, before her voice went low, likely an attempt to set the 'mood' as it were, "It's called... the Legend of the Headless Horse."


Honestly, it's like the pegasi were helping her with all that damn lightning.

"It was a dark and stormy night..." Sparky began, and Emerald merely rolled his eyes and went back to his book once more, the lack of light not bothering him in the slightest.

As he read, he couldn't help but let his mind wander.

Specifically, Sparky's failed interrogation from earlier.

Well, perhaps interrogation would be too strong a term. After all, he doubted the mare would actually try forcing the information out of him. Worst case scenario, she'd go all stalker on him like she did Pinkie and try to figure everything out on her own.

Something that would likely get her killed if she pushed too far.

A crack of lightning caught Emerald's attention, and he glanced out the window to his left.

Rain splattered against the window, lending an almost rhythmic quality to his little space. The light-less skies did nothing to hinder his vision, which speared through the dark of the night with unfettered ease.

Ponyville was empty. As to be expected.

That got him to frown.

How long had he been here? How long had it been since something had decided to test him at night?

A few weeks. A little over a month, if he remembered right.

A month...

He'd been in this town for several of those, yes?

He'd come to town during the middle of Summer, now it was nearing the end of Autumn.

He'd certainly gotten used to the quaint little town in that time. A small smile lit up his otherwise impassive face. He'd admit, he just might miss this place a little when he left.

Oh, he just knew he'd be having a difficult time adjusting once he did leave. He'd probably be looking around every corner for the familiar sight of Pinkie Pie bouncing around. He'd likely cast a glance or two through a large crowd, idly searching for a familiar stetson that wouldn't be there.

He'd likely stare down road after road, searching for the familiar oak tree he currently rested in.

Yes. He'd been in this town longer than anywhere else he'd been in the last four years. It would be... sad to leave.


Well, he supposed he didn't have to leave forever.

After all, Wisp and Trixie were here now. Trixie, knowing her, would likely leave sometime after he did. After all, her desire to wander around had stemmed from him leaving their little group, but Wisp would likely stay with Bon Bon if he managed to convince her by then.


He wondered how the others were doing right about now.

Spitfire was probably doing just fine. Soaring through the skies as she always had. Shores was likely living it up in some big city, singing her heart out to the crowds of her many adoring fans. Gustave, he knew the bastard was up in Canterlot, serving dish after dish to only the highest of nobles, the princesses themselves. Will? ... Well, he was probably wandering around just like him and Trixie did. Big lug never could stay in one place for too long.

Thor? Thor was probably with his family. His blood family that is. Hunting around for food like always. Hopefully they were doing well. They obviously hadn't gotten caught yet, though Emerald was sure Thor had mentioned a plan of some sort involving Canterlot.

And then, there was Star.

Out of the eight of them, nine if Wisp was included, she was the only one he'd been unable to contact in the last two years. Part of him was worried about her, but he knew she could handle herself.

Honestly, knowing her, she was probably hunting him down to apologize for losing touch as he breathed.

Starlight always had been a bit of a crybaby like that. Tough as she was, she just couldn't handle letting down the ones she loved.

She was like him in that way.


Maybe he could ask Celestia if she could get in touch with her for him? Make sure she was okay anyways.

"Ya doin' alright there, Emerald?" the accented voice broke him from his thoughts. Emerald looked away from the window, directing his gaze to the orange mare.

Emerald frowned slightly, his eyes glancing up, finding Sparky and Rarity huddled around a lamp, Sparky still telling her story. Something about a 'Headless Horse'.

"I'm fine. Weren't you listening to Sparky's story? Or was it too much for you?" he asked, smirking slightly. Applejack rolled her eyes,

"I've already heard it a hundred times from Granny," she said, before her eyes flickered to his wing, "Besides, I was talkin' 'bout yer wing. Twilight said something 'bout it bleedin' befer."

Emerald grimaced, looking down at the wing in question. It didn't look like it to either of them at the moment, but underneath the illusion was a set of bandages around the injury.

"Oh... yeah, I'm fine," Applejack raised an eyebrow at him,

"Really now?" she asked, frowning, "So, ya gonna explain yerself anytime soon?" Emerald sneered,

"Explain myself? You make it sound as if you have a right to know what I am."

"Well I reckon I do," she stated matter-of-factly, puffing her chest out, "We're friends, ain't we?" she asked. Emerald's sneer lessened into a minor frown, but he still shook his head,

"We're not friends, Applejack," he said, though, from the way her eyebrow quirked, it seemed she didn't believe him, "Besides, if the way you lot acted when you met Zecora is anything to go by, then I'd rather none of you know what I am."

Applejack visibly flinched at the statement, as if the words physically hurt to hear.

Regardless, she didn't say anything for a minute, the sound of Sparky wrapping up her story echoing in the background, before she finally spoke back up.

"I... I understand," she said, catching Emerald's attention. She looked away from him, awkwardly rubbing her shoulder, "I feel awful 'bout the whole thing, really I do. It's even worse 'cause I didn't bother ta think that I was wrong, even fer a second. I jus' blamed Zecora fer everythin', 'specially the Poison Joke-" wait, that was them!? "-It wasn't 'til the girls an' I went 'round town tellin' everypony we were wrong that Zecora didn't have ta be afraid'a showin' herself."

She didn't notice the way Emerald's hooves clenched around the book, before forcibly relaxing.

"So... I guess I can understand why yer not willin' ta talk... but still," she said, looking back at him, her gaze resolute, "I wanna help... We wanna help."

"... It's not your decision," Emerald stated, catching the mare off guard, "You can want as much as you physically can. It doesn't matter, if I simply refuse. Has it occurred to you that it's not a matter of me being afraid, rather, it's a matter of keeping you from being afraid?" he asked, "Or, perhaps, it's simply more comfortable to me? Maybe it's how I was raised? As it is, Applejack, you've no place to decide whether you can 'help' me or not."


"But nothing," he pressed, narrowing his eyes at her, "Sure, I'll let you and the other five know, but that's because you'll just keep pestering me otherwise," he said, and glanced up, before frowning back at her, "Go on. Sparky's finished her story. You wouldn't want to ruin her very first slumber party, would you?" he asked, mimicking Rarity's words from earlier.

Applejack seemed to notice this, as she narrowed her eyes at him, but before she could say anything in response, Sparky's voice rang out,

"Ghost stories... check! C'mon, who wants s'mores?!"


What the fuck was a 's'more'?

Apparently, Sparky had taken notice of his confusion and, after some prodding, he revealed the fact that he'd never heard of these... 's'mores' before.

All three mares had been stunned at the admission, even Sparky, much to his surprise, and they had all but dragged him down from his perch and into the kitchen, where Rarity was showing both him and Sparky how to properly make a 's'more'.

"Now, you take one marshmallow and place it on top of the chocolate, make sure it's centered that's important, then, you place the last, perfectly square graham cracker on the top... There we go," she said, placing the newly made treat atop the plate, where several other already lay.

Emerald eyed the little desserts, confused.

Was... was that it?

Given the things he's seen Pinkie make, these s'mores seemed... tame in comparison.

"Now ya jus' eat 'em," Applejack interjected, before diving down towards the s'mores in a manner eerily similar to the hydra, only for Rarity to snatch it away with her magic at the last second, causing Applejack to slam her face into the table.

"Now, now Applejack. You can make your own," Rarity admonished, gently sliding the s'more laden plate in front of him and Sparky, "In fact, why don't we do so while these two, ah, share?~" she added, smiling, before she grabbed the farmer mare, none-too-gently at that, and dragged her back to the fireplace, the bag of marshmallows floating after her.


Twilight watched as Rarity and the not-quite-willing Applejack left the kitchen, leaving her alone with Emerald, the pony(?) who seemed just as uninformed about slumber parties as she was.

Then again, she knew what s'mores were, while he didn't.

She wondered if that had anything to do with his wing, or whatever else he seemed to be hiding.

She watched, idly, as Emerald carefully picked up one of the s'mores, his hooves moving so delicately he might as well have been handling glass.

The expression on his face when he bit into the treat was... underwhelming, to be honest.

Then again, s'mores weren't complicated or fancy, so she hadn't really been expecting too much. At the very least, he seemed in a better mood than before.

She cleared her throat, catching his attention,

"So, um... Emerald," she began awkwardly, her eyes darting to his wing, "... How are you feeling?" she asked subtly.

Or so she thought. Given the way he sighed, she obviously needed to work on it.

"I'm doing fine Sparky," he said, before turning to her, "Listen, I know you're curious about who or even what I am. But, honestly, I'd rather not have to repeat myself a hundred times to you and your friends. I'll answer any question you lot have when you're... we're all together, got it?" he asked.

Twilight eyed him for a moment, before she nodded,

"Alright. I... I understand..." she said. The two of them fell into silence after that, before Twilight, having had enough of the awkward, to her, silence, spoke up,

"So... how do you like the s'mores?"

"Okay!" Sparky cheered, checking off something from her list, "S'mores are done, so the next item on our list iiiiissss...! Truth or Dare!" she announced, turning to the three individuals behind her.

After they had finished off the s'mores, with Sparky enjoying them significantly more than Emerald, she had practically stronghoofed him into participating in the rest of the events.

Well, he said stronghoofed, but, really, she had pouted at him.

Must've learned it from Wisp or somethin'...

"Oh, well I dare Applejack to do something neatly and carefully for a change," Rarity snapped, eyeing Applejack with distaste. Applejack scowled,

"Oh yeah? Well, I dare Rarity ta lighten up, an' stop obsessin' over every. Last. Little. Detail. Fer a change," she challenged,

"Well, I think the 'truth' of the matter is that somepony could stand to pay a little more attention to detail."

"An' I think the 'truth' is that somepony oughta quit with her fussin', so the rest of us can get things done!"

"Umm... I don't think that's how the game is supposed to work," Sparky said, looking through her book curiously, "You're supposed to give an honest answer to any question or do whatever anypony dares you to do," she said, before turning back to the mares with a bright smile, only for it to fall when she noticed they were still glaring at each other.

"Well, I dare Rarity ta step outside, an' let her precious mane get ruined again!" Applejack dared, grinning victoriously, while also getting Rarity to gasp.

"You have to! It's the rule," Sparky cut in before Rarity could object.


"... Fine," Rarity snapped, petulantly, before trotting towards the door. Emerald watched on with interest as the fashion savvy mare did as dared.

After a minute or so of hearing her yelping from outside, Rarity finally stepped back in, slamming the door behind her, even as she shivered violently, still dripping wet.

Applejack laughed at her friend's misfortune, although it quickly died when the sopping wet mare behind advancing on her in a manner very similar to Emerald during the fashion show.

"I dare Applejack to play dress up!" she declared with an almost manic grin, "In a fru-fru, glittery, lacy outfit!" she said, before her horn lit up, "Specifically this one!" she said, before a bright flash lit up the room, revealing a pink and blue dress that Emerald was certain wouldn't look out of place in an opera.

Applejack's jaw dropped at the sight of the dress, before she directed a heated glare at the overly-happy designer beside her, before grudgingly taking the dress and stomping upstairs.

"Umm... okay?" Sparky muttered as she trotted over to Emerald, before taking a seat, "Well, I guess since they're busy, why don't you and I play?" she asked the thestral. The stallion shrugged in response, but didn't disagree.

"Fine. You start," he said, turning to face her, before his eyes narrowed, "And don't even think of trying to ask me about what I am."

He smirked at her pout.

"Okay... truth or dare?" she asked, her mind already beginning to run,

"Truth," he responded immediately,

"What's your favourite activity?" she asked instantly, leaning forward with a twinkle in her eye.

Emerald blinked, surprised. His favourite activity? Why would- didn't she realize she just wasted- whatever.

"That's a rather... odd question," he noted. Sparky just smiled,

"I know, but... according to the book, truth or dare is supposed to be a little more... risque. But..." Sparky looked away from him, eyeing the excited looking Rarity, who's eyes had yet to leave the stairwell where Applejack disappeared, "I can't bring myself to think of anything that might offend somepony," she admitted, looking back at him, her smile brightening, "Besides, we're friends, Emerald," her cheeks reddened slightly, "I don't really know a lot about you. You've moved a lot, you've had problems with eating," she narrowed her eyes at him when she said that, "but apart from that, I don't know you," she laughed, although it sounded a bit hollow, "I don't really know a lot about any of my friends when I think about it," she shook her head, "So I'd really like to start getting to know all of you! Sooner rather than later," her face suddenly took on a haunted expression, "I... I don't want to lose any of you... hydra or otherwise."

Emerald stared at her, barely comprehending.

Twilight Sparkle, a mare who'd spent nearly her entire life wrapped up in books and scrolls, with nary a thought for friendship or anything related.

Now, here she was, staring at him with those hopeful eyes, wanting to get to know him better.

His chest felt warm.

But.... how to answer?

"Well... I suppose I enjoy reading," he said, hesitantly. He inwardly cursed.

Reading? Really? Was that all he could truly think of that wasn't fighting?


"... I'm also rather fond of working," Sparky tilted her head,

"Working? You mean like exercising?"

"Not... well, sort of," he admitted. It was time like these that he really wished he had more hobbies. "A-anyways, truth or dare?" he asked. Sparky tilted her head, a thoughtful look on her face.

A sudden laughing caught their attention, however, and drew their gazes over to-


Indeed. The orange mare had returned, now wearing the, admittedly gaudy, dress that Rarity had picked out for her.

"I take it yer happy 'bout this?" Applejack asked, narrowing her eyes at the laughing diva,

"Yes. Very."

"I dare ya ta enter the next rodeo that comes ta town!"

"Um, girls?"

"Oh? Well I dare you not to enter the next rodeo that comes to town!"

"Girls, it's my turn."

"I dare ya not ta comb yer mane a hundred times before bed!"


"I dare you to comb your mane just ONCE!"


"You know what, forget my turn," Sparky muttered, "C'mon girls, Emerald, let's just do something else," she said, already levitating her book over to her. She scanned it for a moment, before pulling away, confused, "What the heck's a 'pillow fight'?"

"Pillow fight?" Rarity asked, before scoffing, "Please, I am not participating in something so cru-AGH!" she was abruptly cut off when a pillow, from Faust-knows-where, crashed into her face.

It peeled away a moment later, revealing a very ticked off unicorn, whose eye was busy twitching.

"Oh... it. Is. ON!" she declared, before throwing the very pillow that hit her, straight towards the farming mare.

Emerald and Sparky watched on in interest and amusement as the apple mare retaliated, bucking an entire stack of pillows back at the white unicorn, who, in return, lit up her horn and returned fire.

"Oooohhh!" Sparky lit up in realization, "Pillow. Fight. Fun!" she said, before Emerald abruptly pulled her back, just as a pair of pillows collided mid-air where her head had been.

Sparky let out a sheepish chuckle, before thanking the stallion. Emerald sighed,

"Why don't you two settle down for a bit?" he suggested.

"I will if she will!" Applejack yelled, jumping over a pillow,

"She started it!" Rarity defended, catching a few pillows with her magic. Emerald growled,

"I don't care who started it, I'll end it if you two don't fucking stop!" he snapped, snatching a pillow out of the air.

He was broken from his thoughts when he felt Sparky prod him in the side. He turned to her, his expression softening slightly at the honestly confused/worried look on the mare's face.

"W-why don't we all just turn in for the night?"

Emerald gave a soft sigh, even as he forced the bed into place.

The four of them had relocated to Sparky's room upstairs, although they had to stop and haul a second bed frame and mattress from the attic into her room.

It had been made even more aggravating when it was just him and Applejack doing all the work, although given Rarity's mannerisms and Sparky's focus on the book, he supposed he couldn't really be surprised.

He heard Applejack sighed beside him once they finished moving the bed.

"Mind tellin' me what's with you and Rarity?" he asked, turning to her. Applejack huffed, but it quickly morphed into a sigh,

"I jus' don't get that pony," she began, "Always fussin' around with the littlest details. Never botherin' ta see the practical side'a things," Emerald frowned, even as he raised an eyebrow,

"What brought this on?" he asked. Applejack shook her head,

"I've always been thinkin' 'bout it," she admitted, "Guess it jus' reared its head earlier taday. I was breakin' off some tree branches, when I saw Rarity was puttin' 'em back on, even fixin' up the leaves ta make 'em look all pretty. She was supposed ta be tearin' 'em down, but instead she was too busy workin' on makin' everythin' look all nice an' pretty that she wasn't even thinkin' about what could happen if one'o those branches came tumblin' down 'cause'a this darn storm and hurt somepony!"

She had started out rather calmly, but as she spoke, her breathing had started picking up, and Emerald could plainly see that this issue, as small as it was, had been building up for a long time, just like she said. By the end of it, she was on her hooves, panting rather hard, with a furious glint in her eyes.

It faded abruptly, alongside a heavy sigh, before the mare plopped back down onto her flank.

Emerald sighed, but, after deliberating for a moment, he gave Applejack a gentle push, similar to the ones he'd occasionally given Wisp.

It seemed the meaning of the push wasn't lost on her, as Applejack chuckled, before returning the favour, though her shove was a little rougher than his.

The door to Sparky's room opened abruptly, revealing the two resident unicorns.

Although, Emerald noticed, they were... different from before.

Rarity, who'd been in a rather foul mood, was practically skipping into the room, a bright, but mischievous, smile lighting up her features.

Sparky, however, was beet red, and seemed to be having trouble meeting the eyes of the other occupants.

"A-alright girls!" Sparky began, having shaken her head to rid herself of whatever had been plaguing her, "And Emerald. It's been fun, but it's time we get to sleep," she said.

"Indeed," Rarity agreed,



"So..." Sparky trailed off, her eyes darting between the two only beds, as well as her three house guests, "Uhh... how should we split up?" she asked.

Emerald stiffened minutely, and began to back away,

"I'll just sleep on the floor... or the couch," he said, already almost to the door, only for it to slam shut in a flash of purple magic,

"No!" Sparky vehemently denied, already dragging him back over with her magic, startling the thestral, "You're my guest, and as the host I can't let any of my guests just sleep on the floor!" she said, before sending a discreet glance to the book she had laying next to her bed, "Besides, the book clearly states that everypony should have a sleeping bag... although none of us have those, so a bed will have to do!" Rarity spoke up,

"Hold on, wouldn't that mean that we'd have to share?" she asked, before her eyes lit up and darted over to Emerald with a gleam that he really didn't like seeing, for some reason. Sparky flushed,

"W-well, yeah, I suppose..." she murmured, idly cupping her chin. Applejack shrugged,

"Emerald an' I can share. Mac an' I used ta have ta sleep in th' same bed when we were foals, so I don't mind," she said diplomatically, and Emerald found himself nodding along.

Then again, he really didn't care who he ended up sleeping next to. Ponies might find it odd, but thestrals usually shared beds anyways. His only issue was that he'd be stuck in the same room as Rarity and Applejack all night.

Hopefully their arguing would get toned down, if only for his and Sparky's sake.

"Well, I suppose that solves that, right Rarity?" Sparky asked, already sliding underneath her covers, the dark blue fabric dotted with starbursts similar to her cutie mark.

"Of course," Rarity said, although it seemed subdued for some reason. And, oddly enough, she was taking her time marching over to the bed, her eyes fervently darting over to the non-unicorns, the orange half of the duo already in bed.


Ooohh! This wasn't good!

Come on, Rarity, think!

This was the perfect opportunity to push those two oblivious ponies together!

So why did that mare have to go and ruin it?!

This was precisely why she just couldn't stand that mare. Practical this! Practical that! Yes, indeed, practicality might be a wonderful thing, but there was a time and place for everything!

Yes, she'd admit that perhaps her attempts to 'pretty up' the Town Square earlier were a bit misguided, and that she really should have been doing the work she'd been initially set out to do. But that mare! She took the idea to an entirely different level, and, truly, she could learn to step back and simply think things over, before she went along and did or said something she'd regret.

Applejack just didn't seem to understand that the practical solution wasn't always the best solution. Or even the smart one.

Like sharing a bed with Emerald so that she and Twilight wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable. Yes, she'd admit it was a lovely idea, one that, had she not been intent on keeping those two together, she would've been perfectly content with. But because that mare simply didn't take the time to see the little details that her practicality wouldn't let her see, she was ruining a perfect chance to spark a little romance between Emerald and Twilight!

Though, it did bring a thought to mind.

Why was she so... interested in this?

Was it the romantic in her? Was it her, completely healthy, interest in romance novels that just made her want to see one play out in front of her?

No. It wasn't either of those. Thinking about it, she didn't need a reason to do or want this, did she?

After all, what reason did she need to try and make two of her most wonderful friends happy?

Twilight, the dear, was a little genius. Easily the smartest pony she'd ever met, but, at the same time, she could be a little bit of a dunce. A socially inept dunce, at that.

She didn't seem to understand the concept of body language much, if at all. She and Applejack had been, admittedly, at each other's throats nearly the whole night, and yet Twilight didn't seem to pick up on it until Emerald was ready to step in during the pillow fight.

So it wasn't very difficult to pick up on what the mare was thinking. Why, Twilight practically wore her heart on her sleeve!

Though, so did Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack, so... perhaps it would be too much to ask her to learn a little restraint?

Anyhow, it was because of this lack of filter that she seemed to possess, that Rarity was able to tell that Twilight felt a little 'something' for the green stallion. Perhaps it was the beginnings of a crush, or perhaps it was nothing more than Twilight being rather naive and not understanding how to act around a stallion her age.

It wasn't impossible.

But still, Rarity had seen that little 'something' and she just couldn't help it!

She knew her fellow unicorn would never be able to work up the nerve to 'chat him up', as it were, but she also knew that Twilight didn't have to.

There was nothing more romantic than mutual attraction, after all.

She couldn't read Emerald as well as her friend, in fact she couldn't read him at all!

Or at least, she was sure of it. Yes, she had spotted him looking confused before, even worried. Goodness, she was sure she'd spotted him crying when he saved her life during the Best Young Fliers Competition!

But Rarity had this feeling. This... tingling in her gut-her instincts she knew-that was telling her that it was all fake.

She didn't know why, but, after all her years climbing the social ladder, she'd learned to trust her gut, and trust it she would.

Emerald was a master actor. Even better than she, herself, was.

And yet...

It seemed to fade just a little around Twilight.

And not only that, but being around Emerald seemed to give Twilight just a bit of a confidence boost.

She wanted them to be happy with their lives and, from the looks of it, they would definitely make each other happy.


How to get them together?

Well, she knew Twilight would jump at the chance to solve a 'friendship problem', as the mare had taken to calling them. So, loathe as she was to admit, she knew that Twilight was likely trying to come up with a way to get her and Applejack to get along once again, something she wasn't sure would happen anytime soon. She could use that, certainly, but... how to do so...


Of course, her idea would mean that she'd have to share a bed with that mare, but...

Well, she wasn't the Element of Generosity for nothing, now was she?


"Oh, Twilight!~" Rarity sang, having stopped just before getting under the sheets with the other mare. Emerald had stopped as well upon hearing the mischievous tone in her voice, having just pulled the covers up to slide beneath them, and looked on, wondering just what the mare was planning to do now.

"Yes, Rarity?" Sparky asked, looking just as nervous as he was beginning to feel. Rarity cocked a hip to the side and placed a hoof on her chin, obviously trying to look like she was deep in thought,

"Well, I was just thinking... Applejack and I haven't been getting along at all since you, oh so graciously, invited us into your home, yes?"

"Umm... yes, I noticed," Rarity giggled, and clapped her hooves together,

"Wonderful!" she gushed with a bright smile, then tilted her head to the side innocently, "So, I was just thinking. Wouldn't it be best if Applejack and I shared a bed for the night? After all, it would be remiss of us to go to bed angry at each other, right?"


Emerald's jaw nearly dropped in surprise, though Sparky's jaw did drop, as she lacked the same control as him.

What was that mare thinking?! Not only was she and Applejack trying to kill each other via pillow earlier, but now she was suggesting that they share a bed?!

Not only but, but she was obviously implying that Sparky and Emerald would have to share the other as well.

What in the name of the sun could she be thin-?!

... No...

There was no way. No way, that she could still be on about him and Sparky!

Emerald had to fight the urge to growl at the alabaster mare, instead settling for a heated glare as she happily trotted over to him, even sending him a cheeky grin as she plucked the bed sheets from his hoof with her own.

"Well?" she asked him, not-so-subtly bumping his flank with her own, sending him stumbling a step closer to Sparky, "Go on, it's time for bed after all.~"


He was definitely going to get her back for this...

But, as of right now, he couldn't.

Grinding his teeth together, he made his way over to the shell-shocked Sparky, who had finally appeared to realize what Rarity and Applejack sharing a bed meant for the two of them.

Even if he didn't care about sharing a bed with anyone, the memory of Pinkie, Rarity, and even Fluttershy all claiming he and Sparky would be a good couple, coupled with Sparky's obvious embarrassment, served to make him a little uncomfortable with the whole thing.

Luckily for Emerald, he wasn't one to let his nerves show, so he slid right underneath the blankets next to Sparky without any obvious issue.


Twilight was on the verge of panicking.

Not that she could be blamed, of course. After all, two of her best friends in the whole world had been fighting in front of her all day today, she'd had to deal with trying, and failing, to ask another one of her friends about himself, and now she had to deal with sharing a bed...

With a stallion!

It didn't bother her much to share a bed with Rarity. After all, they were both mares, and unicorns at that. Even Applejack wouldn't bother her much, but Emerald?

She didn't know how to deal with that.

Her brain, usually filled to the the brim with complex magical arrays, long, but efficient, mathematical formulas designed to properly gauge the amount of ambient magical energy it would take to fuel an active magic capacitor, had gone completely blank as the familiar male slid into the bed.

Right. Next. To her.

She could feel his weight depress the mattress beside her, she could smell the chocolate on his breath.

She could see his ocean blue eyes peering straight back into her own amethyst orbs.

Was it warm in here, or was is just her?

"You okay, Sparky?" the familiar masculine tone washed over her ears, calming her beating heart, and even cooling her burning cheeks, a direct contrast to the effect his presence had.

"I-I'm fine," she stammered, closing her eyes as she gently buried her head into her pillow. It felt strange to have somepony right beside her in her own bed. But, she'd admit that it wasn't unpleasant.

"... If you're uncomfortable, I can leave, you know?" he asked. She cracked her eyes open, finding Emerald laying there, looking concerned, their noses only a few inches apart. She shook her head, doing her best to keep from rocking the bed with the motion,

"N-no. Really, it's fine," she whispered, fidgeting a little, before she gently curled up, "It's... it's actually nice," she admitted, feeling her face heat up at the confession. That seemed to surprise the usually blank stallion, and a soft grin appeared on his face.

"Really?" he asked, his voice taking on a similar tone to Rarity's not too long ago, "You enjoy being in bed with a random stallion?" he asked.

Twilight's face burned at the jab, and, before she could stop herself, she found her hoof colliding with his shoulder, something that honestly hurt Twilight more than it hurt him.

"D-don't say stuff like that!" she whispered furiously, not missing the way he smirked at her, nor missing the way her heart rate picked up at the sight of it.

Honestly, this stallion was going to be the death of her!

It had taken some time, but Emerald and Sparky had both managed to fall into a gentle slumber.

Unsurprisingly, their unconscious bodies had drifted closer, leading to a slightly awkward awakening when both adults noticed the position they were in upon waking.

Sparky had ended up cuddling into his chest while Emerald had, somehow, wrapped not only his hooves around her, but one of his wings as well, adding a distinct layer of intimacy that hadn't been there before.

Of course any feeling of awkwardness the two had shared were swiftly beaten to the side by their irritation upon realizing what had woken them.

"Keep your muddy hooves away from me!"

"Mah hooves ain't muddy, ya'll know that!"

"Yes, well, they were! There might still be a little on them!"

"There ain't! See?"


There was silence for a moment, and both Emerald and Sparky started redirecting their attention back to their own issue, but it was interrupted once again,

"Oh, now who's bein' inconsiderate?"

"Ohhh! I have to remake the bed so the blanket's right! Get up!"


"Ah! Hey!"

Sparky gave a low growl from her position, but otherwise buried her head further into his chest, likely attempting to block out Rarity and Applejack's incessant arguing.

Emerald attempted to do the same, having to resort to folding his ears over his head. Try as he might, however, he could still faintly hear the two of them arguing, their voices taking on a muffled tone as they started an impromptu game of tug'o'war.

Eventually his patience started to wear down dangerously thin, but before he could voice his thoughts, Sparky beat him to it.

"ENOUGH!" she shouted, having shot up, tearing herself out of Emerald's limbs without a second thought, "You two need to quit arguing!" she snapped, glaring furiously at the two mares in question, who had each frozen, wide-eyed at their normally quiet friend's anger.

Of course Sparky ruined the affect by shoving 'Slumber Parties 101' in their faces,

"It says here that a successful slumber party requires ponies to 'have fun!', and thanks to you two I can't check that off!" she shouted, crossing her hooves with a huff.

"W-well, I've been tryin' mah hardest ta get along!"

"No, I'm the one who's been trying my best,"

"No, me!"

"No, me!"

"No, me!"

"No, me!"

"Shut up!" Emerald snarled, sitting up violently.

"Emerald's right," Sparky began, "So I hope you two are happy. You've ruined my very first slumber party! The makeovers, the s'mores, the pillow fight! Can anything else go wrong?!"


The sound of something being struck by lightning echoed from right outside the window, punctuated by a bright flash of light

"... You just had to ask..." Emerald muttered, slinking out of the bed and over to the window, alongside Rarity and Applejack.

The two mares gasped at the sight. Apparently the lightning had struck a tall tree right next to the library. Oddly enough it had been struck more towards the middle of the tree than the top, and it had burned away a good portion of the trunk, leaving the heavy wind to push the weakened tree precariously towards the roof of a nearby house.

"Damn," Emerald growled, pushing open the window,

"What in the world are you doing?!" Rarity asked, backing away from the onslaught of rain now being let into the room,

"I'm jumping out, what does it look like?" Emerald asked, but he had already jumped before she could answer.


"Ya see Rarity?!" Applejack snapped, turning away from the sight of her green friend, "This is why we had ta take down all those branches! Not pretty 'em up!"

"Well, I see that, but-!"

"No buts!" Applejack snapped again, before stomping over to her hat and snatching up the length of rope she had kept in it, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta help Emerald," she said, marching back up to the window.

With practiced ease, the cowmare flung her lasso up into the air, already twirling it like a pro, before snapping it out the window, snagging the tall tree around its middle, surprising the stallion who was trying to shove it down between houses.

"Applejack, don't-!"

"That's how ya get it done, Rarity!" she interrupted, before yanking hard on the rope.

A moment later, Applejack turned to Rarity with a smug look on her face, but it was quickly wiped away at the wide-eyed looks on both of the unicorn's faces, prompting her to turn back around.

Applejack let out a surprised yelp and tumbled backward in surprise when her nose brushed against some leaves, the tree having been stopped just before crashing through the house. Sparky and Rarity both moved forward, the shock having left their systems rather quickly, and glanced out the window, finding Emerald underneath the tree, having caught it in the nick of time.

"Grr... someone slap that idiot!" he growled, already pushing the tree away from the library, "Honestly, how the fuck did she not notice she was pulling a collapsing tree right on top of her?!" he shouted over the wind.

"Hehe, sorry?" the mare in question laughed sheepishly at the dark looks her two friends were throwing her.

"This is why it's important to pay attention to detail, Applejack," Rarity admonished, feeling a hint of glee at getting to tell the mare off, especially after her last comment, "If you had bothered to actually look, like Emerald and I, you would've realized that you were about to ruin Twilight's house!"

Meanwhile, Twilight herself was busy leafing through her book, wondering exactly where 'outside maintenance' came into play.

... Did this count as camping? If so, then it explained a lot.


Emerald sighed, letting the tree fall safely to the ground with a notable *THUD*'. He shook his head, landing on the burned stump left behind by the lightning strike, letting his breathing calm and his heart rate drop.

Seeing Applejack do something that stupid had nearly gotten him to panic. Really, how could anyone be that blind? He would've thought that, as a member of the Apple Family as well as someone who worked with trees, she would've known the number one rule when cutting down a tree.

Make sure you know where it's going to fall.

Apparently not. Maybe it shouldn't surprise him. The Apple's took very good care of their trees, and, in all honesty, Macintosh was likely the one who dealt with cutting trees down, given his status as the elder sibling.

Whatever. There was still one issue he had to solve.

He glided back over to Sparky's bedroom window, shutting it gently behind him, but his appearance caused all conversation in the room to cease.

His gaze snapped up, focusing immediately on the two trouble mares, Rarity and Applejack.

"You two, front and center. Now," he ordered, his tone demanding absolute obedience. They seemed to catch on, as they did as ordered immediately.

"Alright," he began, taking idle notice that Sparky was looking through her book for some reason or another, "What is your issue with each other?" he asked, looking back and forth between them, "Well? Speak."

The two mares glared at each other, before Applejack spoke up.

"Well... like I said earlier, Rarity here is too busy lookin' at all the little detail's, that she won't see the big picture," Applejack stated,

"And I believe that Applejack is much too focused to actually pay attention to certain details... like watching where a tree is about to fall," Rarity said, muttering that last part to herself.

"Right," Emerald said, before taking a deep breath, "You're both idiots."

That seemed to have startled the two mares, who each sent him a rather affronted expression, and likely would've started to berate him had he not held up a hoof.

"Let me finish, you lot," he snapped, before straightening his back, "Listen, you two. You're both right, and, at the same time, you're both wrong," he began calmly, "The idea of looking at the little details and focusing on the big picture should be one and the same. You can't just do one and forget the other, otherwise things like that-" he gestured to the blackened remains of the tree outside, "will happen more often. You have to find the happy medium between the two, or else you'll be in for a very difficult life, get it?"

""Got it,"" they muttered, looking down at their hooves,


After scolding the two mares a little more, they ended up talking to each other, an event that Emerald was all too happy to tune out in favour of checking up on Sparky, who had yet to pull her nose out of her book.

Anyhow, they ended up making up rather quickly, making Emerald wonder why the argument seemed to affect them so badly in the first place.

But as it was, the two of them got along pretty well after that. But it wasn't going to last, as the sun finally decided it was time to rise, marking the end of their little sleep-over, with Emerald being all too happy to leave.

Of course, that didn't go unnoticed.

"Leaving already?" a voice asked, causing Emerald to pause in front of the door. He turned around, finding all three mares watching him, each looking a little put off. Regardless, he nodded,

"I've got work, remember?"

"Well, you don't have to leave just yet," Rarity said, smiling slightly,

"Yeah, I mean, we've got some time ta play a few games, don't ya think?" Applejack added,

"After all, I can't exactly check off 'Have fun' without all of us, right?" Sparky finally asked, smiling shyly as she held up her book, gently tapping it with a quill.

Emerald sighed, but, after a moment, smirked.

"Fine. But if I'm late, you're taking the blame."


Twilight smiled gently, watching as Emerald gave the two blindfolded mares directions through a little book maze she'd helped build.

It was a nice feeling, spending time with her friends. Even if Emerald had been a little more distant than usual during the whole thing, he seemed to have loosened up now that morning had come around.

She giggled slightly, before turning back to the blank scroll she had unfurled in front of her.

"'Dear Princess Celestia'-" she began under her breath, writing down every word as she spoke, "'I've always thought that two ponies whose personalities were worlds apart could never get along. But, today, I've learned that if you embrace those differences, you'd be surprised to find that you could be close friends after all! My friends Applejack and Rarity helped me learn that.'" she muttered softly before taking another look at her friends, stifling a laugh when she saw that Applejack had somehow ended up buried beneath a tower of books, with Emerald shaking his head. She frowned at the sight of him, the memory of their earlier conversation returning, and she sighed.

He said he'd tell them his secret once they were all gathered in the same room, but...

Did she really want to know?

It was his secret after all, and Celestia knows that there were some things that even she could never bring herself to tell her friends. So, was it fair for them to push him into revealing something about himself that he likely wasn't comfortable with sharing?

Twilight didn't know.

But she hoped she'd figure out the answer soon.

Author's Note:

My, my, it seems that the time for Emerald to spill the beans is nigh upon us. Just imagine the turmoil it'll cause, the trust it will shatter, the lives it will ruin.

Or, you can wait for the next chapter. That might work too.

Regardless, let's take a look at the chapter.

A little more screen time with Wisp this chapter, though it wasn't much. And, we've heard a bit about how Emerald feels about little old Ponyville. Despite this, it seems Emerald and Applejack had a little disagreement on their status as friends. Will the apple farmer change his mind in the future, or will our little Champion remain steadfast in his beliefs?

And, oh goodie, Emerald and Twilight had a little moment with each other. Several, in fact. Not only that, but it seems that Rarity has come to a conclusion about her motivations, and had set herself up as a matchmaker for them. Will those two end up together, or am I just stringing you, and them, along?

But, the most important part of this chapter-

Emerald learned about s'mores.

'Nuff said.

Hope you enjoyed. Constructive criticism appreciated. See you next time.

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