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Chapter 5: Liu Kang

Four guards were walking towards Shang Tsung in this throne room with a mysterious person in the middle. The Mane 7 and Spike were confused, but Trixie let out an evil grin.

"Kombatants!" Shang called out. "Chrysalis and I present this latest creation of Shao Kahn! He is many warriors, their souls fused into one being. Behold... Ermac!"

Ermac started to show off his power. Johnny and Jax were surprised, Rarity let out a high pitched scream, Trixie was amazed, and Kano chuckled.
Raiden looked at Liu Kang. "Be wary, Liu Kang. He is unlike anything you have fought before."

"Liu Kang!" Shang announced. "You are the sole Earthrealm warrior to progress to this final stage of the tournament!"

"I am ready." Liu said.

"We are many. You are but one. We will destroy you." Ermac said.

Ermac lifted Liu up with souls and threw him onto the ground. Liu hit his opponent with fireballs, both high and low. Eventually, Ermac was defeated and Liu said, "Earthrealm will not fall into your master's hands."

Everyone left the room, except for Kitana, who walked up to the shapeshifters and said, "He is a greater threat than anticipated. I will ensure he does not reach the final challenge."

"I hope so." Shang told her to make sure of what she said.

At the garden, Liu was flexing his pectorals and stretching his arms, when Raiden said, "Remember Bo' Rai Cho's teachings. For my vision to be realized, you must not let emotion overpower you. I've seen our first movie and it was a rip off of Enter the Dragon."

"Your visions." Liu said. "What causes them?"

"My future self sent them to me. Perhaps to ensure some outcome."

"Or to prevent one." Liu said.
Raiden experienced another vision, and it was him before he died. "He must win. Those are my last words before I die. I belive it is you who must win." He showed his amulet to Liu. "This amulet was forged by the Elder Gods. It cracked here in the present after my first vision. If we choose wisely, the future will be secured and the cracks healed." Raiden said, putting it back on.

"I trust you will make the right decisions."

"We must trust in the Elder Gods, Liu Kang." Raiden said as he teleported, leaving Liu to continue training.

Just then, Kitana walked up to him and attempted to fight him, but he avoided her attacks until she threw punches at the Shaolin monk, but he caught the fists. "You're good! Show me more."

"Do not underestimate me, Shaolin." Kitana threw her fans at Liu, who jumped to avoid them, and hit her with flying dragon kicks, fireballs, and attacks from the dragon stance.
Liu defeated Kitana and said, "I am impressed."

"Do it." Kitana said.

"Do what?"

"Kill me."

Liu got on his knees. "Why would I do that?"

"I came to kill you. I failed my father. My emperor."

Liu was surprised. "Shao Kahn is your father?!"

"I have disgraced him. You must kill me."

"I will not. This encounter never took place. You have disgraced no one." Liu got up and walked away before looking back at Kitana. "I hope we meet again. Under different circumstances." Liu continued to walk.

It was nighttime at the courtyard as Raiden, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao arrived.
"Kombatants!" Shang announced. Only one Earthrealm warrior remains. The Shaolin Liu Kang. Is he ready to bear such a heavy burden? Earthrealm's fate is in his hands. You will fight alongside Twilight Sparkle!"

Twilight teleported next to Liu. "We have to win this for Earthrealm." The princess of friendship told him.

"Your opponent will be... Scorpion!" Scorpion emerged from fire once again.

"I do not fear you, demon." Liu stated.

"Fighting with Scorpion... the sorcerer Quan Chi!" The albino sorcerer walked out of a portal.

Twilight looked at Quan Chi and said, "No evil sorcerer is a match for the magic of Friendship."

"You have already lost." Scorpion told the two before fighting.
Liu Kang kept hitting Scorpion with fireballs while Twilight and Quan Chi shot magic at each other. Eventually, Scorpion and Quan Chi were out. Liu looked at them and said, "As I said, I do not fear you. I pity you." They walked up to Raiden.

The Thunder God looked at the two and said, "You have fought well. But the tournament is not yet over."

"Goro." Liu said.

"What's a Goro?" Johnny asked Sonya, who shrugged her shoulders.

"Liu Kang..." Shang announced. "it has been years since an Earthrealm warrior has progressed this far. But the reigning champion is far beyond your ability. His new 'Magic Reflect' will obliterate you, Twilight Sparkle!"

"What do you mean 'Magic Reflect'?" Twilight said confused. Liu breathed carefully, remaining calm.

"To the Lair with both of you!" Shang said as a portal opened beneath Liu And Twilight. The two fell into the portal before Twilight got to use her magic to close it.

Twilight realized she had wings and landed on the ground on all four hooves. She used her magic to teleport a pillow under Liu, who landed safely on it.

"Thanks for the pillow, Twi." Liu said.

"You're welcome." Twilight said back. The two looked around.

"I did not expect to fight in this tournament." Twilight and Liu turned around to see Goro. "But eventually, even the Shaolin produce a warrior worthy of a Shokan."

Liu Kang was ready to fight. "I know who you are! I am ready for you!"

Goro said to the two, "I will give you both a warrior's death." Twilight shot magic at Goro, but Shang was right. He reflected her magic back at her.

Liu and Twilight eventually defeated Goro. The Shaolin monk looked at the dragon monster and said, "It seems the Shaolin trained a warrior greater than a Shokan." He looked at Twilight. "Goro was the defending champion. No one has ever defeated him, until now." A portal opened above them. The two looked up. "Let's go!"

In the throne room, everyone was silent, until Liu and Twilight emerged from the portal. "Shang Tsung! Queen Chrysalis! Only one fight remains! Face us... in Mortal Kombat!"

"So be it." Liu and Shang shot fireballs at each other while Twilight and Chrysalis fought hoof to hoof. Eventually, the two shapeshifters combined their powers and transformed into a two headed dragon.

Liu Kang hopped into Twilight's back as she flew off and Liu landed on their back. Twilight and Liu smacked the dragon's heads together as they fell and turned back to normal. Liu looked at the defeated shapeshifters and said, "Say it!"

Shang got up and said, "I... I concede."
Chrysalis held out a white flag.

"Yeah!" Sonya and Nightwolf said.

"Yee-haw!" Applejack said.

"Well done, my friend." Lao admitted.

"He has saved Earthrealm." Raiden said as an abundance of light appeared from above, and everyone went to the champion.

"That was awesome, Liu Kang!" Sonya said.

"Congratulations," Nightwolf smiled.

"Way to go, kid!" Jax complimented.

"Aw, yeah!" Rainbow Dash high-fived Liu.

"MVP, baby!" Johnny said.

Pinkie Pie stood up and said, "We deserve a victory party!"

As the Earthrealmers cheered for Liu, the Outworlders walked to the bright portal, Shang Tsung heading out first. Kitana looked at Liu before she walked through the portal. Raiden walked up to Liu and Twilight and bowed in respect. Liu and Twilight smiled. Liu nodded while Raiden looked at his amulet. It made a mystical sound and it cracked again, surprising him, the Mane 7, and Spike.

At Shao Kahn's throne room, Shang and Chrysalis were on their knees surrounded by Trixie, Reptile, Baraka, and Kitana.

"Unbelievable!" Shao Kahn said as he was angry at the shapeshifters. "You failed me! 500 years I have waited for this moment! Now I must wait 500 more! I should be the guest of honor at that victory party!"

Shang looked at the emperor. "My lord! All is not lost!"

Shao Kahn walked to his throne and said, "Curse the Elder Gods and their tournament! I should have taken Earthrealm by force! But I am bound by their rules." Shao Kahn sat on his throne. "Rules that cannot be broken."

"My lord!" Shang pleaded.

"Please give us another chance!" Chrysalis pleaded as well.

"Kill them." Shao Kahn commanded, Baraka and Reptile grasping Shang's arms and Trixie holding Chrysalis still while Kitana prepared her weapons to finish them.

"But what if the rules were changed?" Shang Tsung asked.

"No, that’s not good enough!" Shao Kahn yelled at them.

"What if we had dark magic on our side?" The changeling queen asked.

"Kitana!" he said to his daughter, the princess looking at him all concerned. "Continue..."

At the Wu Shi Academy, Shaolin warriors and the remaining Earthrealmers and ponies watch as Liu and Twilight walk up to Raiden, and they bow to each other in respect. Raiden took the medals and put them on Liu and Twilight. Everyone behind the two cheered and clapped.

"Let's get this party started!" said Pinkie Pie.