• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 1,041 Views, 142 Comments

Great To Visit, Even Better To Leave - Bronycommander

Liberty City, a city with high crime rates, the Police working hard to maintain order. A NOOSE officer is tested a keep a lost foal save from all this.

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Chapter 9: Not so fast

Chapter 9: Not so fast

Carl was en route to the Libertonian. He was the pilot and two other Annihilators were with him. They also had rocket launchers.

In the distance, he saw what looked like a helicopter out of gold.

“I don’t know what that thing is, but you need to land it.” He commanded via megaphone.

However as he saw that the helicopter was a Buzzard, he knew that he had no other choice. “John! I hate to say this, but do it!”

John took aim. “I have you now!” He fired but the Buzzard evaded it.

Then the military helicopter destroyed one of the Annihilators with its rockets and miniguns, sending the police chopper burning to the ground. ”This does not look good,” Wagner commented in shock and fear.

“We have a problem here.” The pilot of the second Annihilators said to Carl as he was under heavy fire by the golden Buzzard, trying to evade the incoming fire.

“You cannot win this dogfight! We are well trained. Please do not force us.” Carl tried to bring the pilot of the Buzzard to sanity but it was too late.

The Buzzard destroyed the other Annihilator, leaving only a burning wreck, falling out of the sky. Before a rocket destroyed the Annihilator he was flying, he bailed out. His team died as the Annihilator was exploded and crashed into the water.

Carl had no Parachute but as the Buzzard was under him, he grabbed one of the legs out of instinct as it was near to him

“Please, I have a family! Can you land somewhere before I lost my grip?” He pleaded, despite knowing that the pilot couldn’t hear him due the engine noise.

Surprisingly, the pilot landed on a helipad at the West River, more likely to escape by land rather out of pity with the NOOSE officer but it didn’t mattered for Carl.

“Thank you! You won’t regret this!” Wagner entered a Sentinel and drove away.

At the station, he talked with Aiden. “The operation was a complete failure!” The patrolman shouted in anger at the loss of a lot of good men.

“See it from the bright side, we’re still in one piece, Aiden.” Carl tried to calm him down.

“That’s right.” Aiden smiled weakly before his expression became one of worry. “But I got a call from your wife. Silver Spoon’s missing!”

“What?! Oh no…” Carl’s face went white.

“Don’t worry, dispatch has already organized a search. We will find her, I promise.” His friend replied with hope.

“I just hope that she didn’t run into anyone from the wrong part of town.” That was Carl’s worst fear. Those guys in Liberty City spared no one. As Silver Spoon was a child, she would have no chance against them.

Silver Spoon came to. She had a headache.

“…That’s two hundred dollars for you. That’s a good one, Barry. I’m sure other people will pay much for her.”

“Always a pleasure to make business with you, Glenn.”

Trembling in fear she asked, “Wh-who are you? What do you want with me?”

“Don’t worry about that, I have plans for you. Get her into my car.” The man named Barry said emotionless to his buddy who nodded.

He gagged and restrained her. “Next stop: Alderney.”

Carl comforted his wife. “Why would she run away? We would never harm her.” Sofia wondered worried sick.

“I don’t know. But we will find her, I promise.” Carl rubbed her back.

“I hope she found shelter in this rain.”

“I’m sure she has.”

He then read the news on Liberty Tree.

The serial killer who has been beheading joggers and other people foolish enough to go out late at night on their own has struck again. This time, it's the same old story. A young victim found in a sports bag. No head. And cops left rubbing theirs, as they wonder what to call him. Detective Jon Atkinson, who has been on the case since the beginning, made the following statement: "It's a great tragedy. People are focusing on the wrong things. Until the general public starts to focus on what matters, we don't have a chance of catching this guy. People are going to have to tell me: do they want the movie to be serious, or have a comic twist? Should I have a love interest? What about my partner? Will he be older and wiser, but close to retirement, a man who dies in the penultimate scene? Or a young punk, who needs a wisecracking older guy to show him the ropes? I'm really struggling with my first draft of this screenplay, and people are just going to have to be patient.

“You don’t think…” Sofia was close to despair.

It was night and it rained. Silver Spoon was crying so much that her eyes were red. “Shut up!” Glenn’s buddy punched her into the chest. She winced in pain.

“We should sell her to some organ traders. Cut her open, harvest the organs and let her die.”

Silver trembled harder. Oh no… Please, no!

Out of nowhere, the siren of a NOOSE Cruiser could be heard. “The cops! Get her into the t,runk!”

“Yes boss!”

His friend got her into the trunk and slammed it shut. “Careful Boss, not that you break her neck!”

“I got this.” He took the driver seat and fled while his ally used grenades against the cop. The cop was however a very good driver and evaded them.

“This is control, an officer needs assistance at err, AutoEroticar in Alderney City.” The control informed nearby units.

Soon, a Police Cruiser and a Police Patrol of the Alderney State police joined the chase.

“I'm that bad ass DK that your momma' warned you about!” the driver of the Cruiser said via megaphone.

“If I have to chase you, you're dead!” the driver of the Patrol added.

The officer in the NOOSE Cruiser performed a PIT maneuver and pinned the Merit against a wall without damaging it.

“You’ll never get us alive!” Glenn shouted. As he fired at his pursuers, his threat was returned with a shower of lead. Glenn's body jolted wildly and flung itself across the road.

Evidently, taking him alive had never been their intention.

“Attention all units, suspect’s taken down.”

The officers seemed to leave as everything became quiet.

Slowly, yet steady, the filly felt tired, gasping for air, sweating. “Help! I can’t breathe, I’m suffocating in here!” She hammered to get attention, hoping that someone would hear her cries of help.

It appeared to be in vain as her breath was running short, becoming tired.

Was this the end?

Out of nowhere, light started to shine in her eyes, causing her to cover them and a blurry voice ringed in her eyes as she coughed to catch as much oxygen as she could.

Her vision slowly became clear, before her was a man, he was familiar to her. “Are you hurt?” He asked, making the filly realize who he was.

“Niko!” She wrapped her arms around him. Niko could feel that she was freezing and ice cold. “T-they kidnapped me and w-wanted to take my organs!”

“Shh, it’s over. You’re safe now. I have an apartment in Mahesh Avenue in Alderney City. It isn’t as luxury as my Penthouses but still cozy.” He gently sat her into the NOOSE Cruiser.

“How did you get that Police Cruiser?” She wondered.

“Let’s just say, I work undercover with the police sometimes.” He replied a bit nervous.

“Okay.” She took a nap.

Niko was driving home as a man waved at him.

“Hey there, pal! Hey!”


“Niko, the Balkan sociopath!”

Silver Spoon awoke as she heard screaming. “But you know what, handsome, I’ve got hunger tonight that can’t be sated. Come here!” a man attacked Niko with a knife.

She wanted to help him. She spotted the police computer. That’s it! She pressed the button for backup.

The man pulled her out of the car. “Scream for me!” She raised her arms to protect her face.

Niko got up from the ground as a Police Cruiser with turned on lights arrived on the scene.

“You're dead, and you don't even know it yet!” the officers fired their weapons the attacker, he stumbled from the hits, then collapsed in his own blood and the officers leaved without noticing her at all.

“You alright?” Niko checked her.

“No. I think the bad guys broke my ribs as every breath hurts.”

“Don’t worry, I know someone who can help with that.” They drove home.

Back home, Niko made tomato soup for his young guest and called Carmen to treat her injuries.

Carl was getting worried. He feared that Silver Spoon would be the victim of the serial killer. He got an SMS from Aiden.

Check the Liberty Tree. Very important. Aiden.

He and Sofia checked it out.

The serial killer they couldn't name has been found. Dead. The killer is believed to have killed up to 10 people over the last few months, usually joggers or nighttime strollers. Police believe he attacked the wrong person, and was himself killed in a fight. Detective Jon Atkinson told this newspaper, "It's very disappointing. I was just about to make an arrest. I'd solved the case. His name was Eddie Low. He lived in Dukes - I was literally heading over to his house when the news came in another body had turned up. Obviously, the screenplay I am writing about the case will now have a slightly different ending, in which I make the arrest, and it will carry the subtitle 'based on true events', because that will make a better story." The mayor commented, "This is not the LCPD's finest hour. We have a killer on the loose for months, and no leads; then they give him this stupid nickname - 'Eddie Low'.

What kind of a nickname is that? Heads will roll for this. Oh, bad joke. I mean, people will suffer. Eddie Low was the killer's actual nickname. He was a loner Dukes, who apparently kept an account of his actions online here and on the popular networking site MyRoom.

“That’s one less serial killer in Liberty City. But I’m still worried about Silver Spoon.”

“Sofia, we must hold out hope. The hope dies last.” She took a deep breath.

“You’re right. Let’s get some sleep.”

They went to bed but prayed that she would be still alive.

Author's Note:

Safe and sound.