• Published 14th Jul 2018
  • 567 Views, 31 Comments

Thoughts of an annoyed, overly-agitated displacer merchant - TechnoNerd

You've heard about the displaced, but have you ever heard a story about the displacer?

  • ...

Oh boy, today's definitely a good day to set up shop in your average, overly-generic convention that is in no way specific to any fandom! (OR IS IT?!)

I grunted as I hauled in today's shipment of plushies, staffs, prop guns, and other assorted crap. I do have a quota that I must meet as an owner of a merchant stand, after all. Just for the sake of messing with the kids, I decided to don my occasionally-used black cloak and mysterious mask of mysteriousness today...

...and hoo boy, was that a mistake. Apparently, the air conditioning broke the day before the convention, so I guess I'll just be fanning myself with pamphlets then. Times like these really make me wish I decided to pick up a desk fan on the way here.



Well, I'm bored. Time to lure some people in with the good ol' buy my crap and give me money schtick. I rummaged under the table in my boxes, throwing aside a couple daggers as I searched for my flashy advertisement sign.


Oh? A customer already?

I peeked over the counter, making eye contact with some dude covered in generic anime memorabilia, complete with five fedoras. Stacked on top of each other. Don't ask me how or why, 'cause I don't want to know either.

Anyways, looks like I've got a guy already. Might as well see what they want.

"Waddya want?" I said casually, resting an elbow on the plastic table. "Lemme guess, body pillows? Cosplay material?"

"Actually..." The man began, sheepishly pointing down at my 'Displacer Services' sign, "I'd like... um... y'know..."

I nodded my head. "Ah, alrighty." I replied, cracking my knuckles, "Where to?"

The man sighed, shying away using his multitude of fedoras as he held up a map of Equestria.

"'Kay." I nodded again, jotting down some notes, "Any specific requests, or would you like to go as a generic pony?"

"Generic pony, please." The man whispered as he nervously eyed the area around him, "Could you please hurry?"

I shrugged. "I could... but why should I? I like taking my time with things."


I sighed, writing a few more things on my notepad before looking back to him. "Alright then. We'll just skip over the details, meaning that you won't have any specific powers, looks, abilities, et cetera. But first, I am required by contract to ask you to either buy an item, or otherwise leave. I don't offer my service for free, after all."

The man nodded, digging in his pockets and slamming a twenty-dollar bill on the counter. He scanned over my available wares, landing on yet another fedora. "I'll take that." He said, pointing at the purple feathered hat behind me, "It shall make a worthy addition to my collection."

I smirked as I took that hat off the rack. "A worthy addition, indeed." I replied, handing him the fedora. "Expect to take a few minutes before you wake up in the Everfree."

And with that, my first customer of the day vanished into the crowd.