• Published 12th Aug 2018
  • 704 Views, 4 Comments

My Summer in Peach Creek - TwiPON3

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Arrival at Rethink Avenue

Tuesday 23 May 2017, 3:30p; Peach Creek, Canada, almost to the Cul-de-sac; Sunset Shimmer's POV

As I turned onto a Cul-de-Sac, I glanced down at a paper that read 200 Rethink Ave, Peach Creek, Vancouver that I had taped to my 2012 Triumph Bonneville before looking back up at the addresses as they went by.

100...110... 120... 130- there's someone!

The person was a tall, yellow guy, wearing a green jacket over a striped red-and-white shirt, blue-jean pants, and had auburn hair, and he was reading what looked like a comic entitled EVIL TIM: THE EVIL BRIDE, "Bingo!"

I turned into the driveway and dismounted the motorbike, then headed over to him.

"'xcuse me," I said.

"Oh, hello! My name is Ed, Friend!" he said, "Well, it's just Ed, not Ed friend, I am Ed, and you are a friend so–" he said before abruptly stopping and reading something in his comic book.

What he did next was odd, making even Pinkie Pie seem normal.



He dug a hole, jumped in, and put a rock over it.


That was weird.

I got back on my motorbike and started going across the rest of the houses.

140... 150- Aha!

Here was a blonde girl, sitting on a lawn chair in the yard clad in a black shirt under a white tank, blue-jean bell-bottoms, and she had a flower-shaped hair clip, and was painting her nails, "Celestia, please..." I prayed under my breath, dismounting the motorbike.

"'xcuse me," I said, repeating my original greeting.

"Hey, dude," she said, looking up at me, "What's up?"

"Do you know where 200 Rethink Avenue is?"

"All the way down the street to your right."

"Thanks," I replied, heading back toward my bike.

"Oh," she said, making me turn around, "By the way, I'm Nazz."

"Sunset Shimmer."

"Cool name. Where're ya from?"

"Canterlot," she looked at me for a second, "In California in America."

"Oh! We should talk sometime, 'kay?"

"Alright," I said, getting on my motorbike and riding to the end of the street again, "See ya around."

I turned into the driveway to a blue house sporting a modern-style window that encased a strip of the front with a length of the spinal street with the garage open. Someone clad in a hat, jacket with red-and-white squares, muted-blue pants, and blue shoes was working on something inside. Surprisingly, the roaring two-cylinder engine in my motorbike wasn't enough to get his attention. He was just mumbling what notes he was taking.

Reminds me of Twilight.

"Four and carry the three... optimal frequency at 935 MHz for a shortwave control... 18 feet..."

"Um, hello?" I said, knocking on the wall next to the door's track.

He snapped out of his trance and turned to face me, "Oh, can I help you?"

He was wearing black-framed glasses that were heightened for someone who was longsighted, and was wearing a red shirt under the jacket.

"I'm looking for Eddward. Does he live here?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said, "I'm Eddward."

"I'm Sunset Shimmer. From Canterlot."

"You must be here for the summer," he said, adjusting the sleeves on his jacket some, "Please, let me give you a tour of my house. Also, you can call me 'Double D'."

"Alright," I said as he left the garage and led me inside the front door, which was also blue with two diamond-shaped windows at the top of it.

"Here is my living room. The door to your right will lead you back out into the garage, and the archway in the back of the room," he led me into the next room, "leads to the kitchen."

"Whoa," I said, shocked at all of the sticky notes, "What are these?"

"My parents and I communicate through sticky notes."

"That's different," I said, "I live by myself in the eastern wing of Canterlot. I'll tell you about it later."

"Alright," he said, leading me into the next room, "This is the mudroom. The door on your left will take you to the backyard, the door on the right leads to the basement, and the remaining door leads to the powder room."

He opened the door and showed me the basement, which had an abundance of free space, and also seemed to double as a laundry room, then proceeded to take me upstairs.

"Alrighty then," he said, pointing to the door on the left of the wall across from us, "That's my bedroom, and across from it is my parents' room, strictly off limits," he pointed to the right, "The door on this wall, coming up this side of the staircase, is the primary bathroom, and across from it is the Auxiliary Bedroom. If you need any help, please tell me and I will gladly assist you."

"Thanks," I said, smiling as I looked him over and thought about the design of the house for a second, "Has anyone ever told you that you look like you're straight out of 1985?"

"That's... a rather odd statement to make," he said, examining himself and looking down the staircase to the living room, "But, come to think of it, I see where you're coming from. Do you want me to help you unpack? Can I get you anything?"

"Nah, I'm fine. It was a 24-hour ride up here, though."

"Let me get you something, then. Do you have any dietary preferences?"

"If you insist," I said before I started unpacking in the auxiliary bedroom as he went down to the kitchen and started making me something, "I don't eat meat."

The auxiliary bedroom was on par for what I would normally see back home in my own bedroom, sans the pictures and gaming PC that Seth made for me as an I-don't-give-a-shit-if-you're-Queen-Bitch present. That was honestly the first time that someone did something other than cower that didn't end up in me beating them up.

I miss that feeling.

Tuesday 11 October 2016 11:45a; Outside the CHS lunchroom at a picnic table


"You know the drill!" I said, going up to Seth.

"I can't today," he said, picking at his food.

"What the hell do you mean 'you can't'!?"

"I don't have anymore on me today."

"Then you'd sure as hell better give me something if you don't want a two-week vacation to the emergency room!" I said, grabbing him up by his jacket.

"Do you game?"

I threw him back down.

"What kind of joke are you playing?"

"I'm not. I'm just asking because I have a present-of-sorts for you if you do."

"Where. The fuck. Is it."

"At my house. I'll bring it to you tomorrow."

If this asshole works with computers like he claims, then I'm gonna get the best.

"Bring it," I said, "Or you've just dug your grave."

"Okay," he said, looking back down at his food and picking at it.

"Also," I said before going away, "I'm just gonna take this since you don't have my money today."

I took his lunch, threw it on the ground, and stomped it into the grass. After that, I took his coffee, drank some, and then poured it out because it didn't taste good.

"Maybe something from the trash," he said as I walked away, proud of my work.


The Next Day, 08:25a; CHS Library


Seth finally came in, carrying a large box that had my name written on it as if he had just learned to write.

"You're late!"

"I'm sorry," he said, setting the box down, opening it, and taking out what had to be a 20-year-old piece of junk, "but here it is. I named it Philomena for you."

I took a look at the front and saw that the only thing that didn't look beige was the word Philomena, stylized in perfect script, etched into the front. Otherwise, it was bare apart from the DVD drive and... FLOPPY drive!?"

"What the hell, Seth!? You promise me the best, and then you double-cross me and give me complete and udder GARBAGE!? What the actual fuck do you think I am!? A damn idiot!?"

"Just watch," he said, setting it up on a table to a screen, keyboard, and mouse with the same word etched onto them, but still looking like ancient junk, then turning it on. He then looked at his feet

Just like I had expected, it sat and acted like something from two decades ago seeing the light of day for the first time in forever.

"Just wait," he said, sitting down and looking at his lap.

First, it whirred, then beeped two times. Next, in the top-left corner of the screen, a red triangle was drawn as horizontal lines before drawing the letters "American Megatrends" in an old fontface before writing Philomena in a fiery-colored script at the top-right corner of the screen. It then drew a thin, white line under that across the screen before listing all of the stuff that was in it, again, proving to be ancient in its appearance with the font a command prompt uses.

"This is complete junk!" I said, slamming my fist on the table and glaring at him as the floppy drive began to make noises for a second.

"Just wait," he said, almost in tears, "I built it myself."

The screen blanked for a second before displaying the words SYSTEM IS STARTING in the same font with a progress bar under the words, telling how much has loaded.

"You tell me what the hell you thought you were doing, and I might not hurt you as bad."

"When I build computers, or do anything for that matter, I'm stuck in the 80s and 90s," he said, tears beginning to flow.

The thing beeped again, and the screen blanked, but when it came back, it had a stylized phrase, Welcome, Sunset Shimmer, under a picture of my cutie mark that looked like it had been hand-drawn by an artist. From then on, it was a beast.

"3.0GHz Octa-Core CPU, water and air cooled, running Q4OS with Wine, 32 Gigabytes memory, 5 terabytes in SSDs, Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11ac WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, 2880X1800 19-inch panel, tactile keyboard, NVIDIA Titan Xp Graphics card, CrystalClear Audio, and all of the USB you'll ever need," he said, looking at the floor the whole time before pulling out two $20 bills from his pocket and giving them to me, "Yesterday's and today's money," he said, tears dripping off of his face, "I hope you like it. It was the best I could do," he said as he began to cry and get his things to go to class. Or run home like a baby, either was fine by me.

"Did that just..." I asked myself as he left the library, "Whoa."

I shut off the thing put it back up, and thought about how I would get it home.

We all had fun playing Steam with it.

"Guess I should check my messages while Double D is down in the kitchen," I said to myself, letting my phone boot as I sat it and my bag on the bed, then looked at it, "I'll just unpack everythingas I need to."

Just then, someone began frantically knocking at the front door, "Don't worry, Double D, I got it."

I went to answer the door and was greeted by a tall boy with green teeth, blue hair, a unibrow, gray-toned skin, and was wearing a yellow shirt under blue overalls, and blue shoes standing next to a bald boy wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, handles, and holding a piece of wood with a face drawn on it.

"Double-D-Ed-boy," he said, frantically, "Rolf needs- You are not the Ed-boy," he turned to the boy and furiously said, "Johnny-the-wood-boy, this is not the house of the middle-Ed-boy!"

"According to Plank, it is."

"Wood, tell Rolf where you went wrong."

They were officially having a conversation with a plank of wood.

"I'm... just... going to go get Double D."