• Published 15th Jul 2018
  • 841 Views, 29 Comments

Sun's Equestria Girls Adventure: Daring Magic - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Sun and her friends are at the Daring Do Convention, but Sun has been abducted. Can the girls save her?

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Chapter 4: Friendship Case

Early the next day, the news of Sun being abducted from the Daring Do Convention has become known. In fact, the news reporters are also on the scene video taping the entire thing. Of course,many people who have come to the convention have to stay in their rooms, and the lobby until the investigators are finish.

In Sun's hotel room, Rainbow, and the others grow worried about their missing friend. Rarity is also treating Twilight after the bonk she has on the head. Twilight has woken, but feels pain on the head.

Rarity puts the icepack on Twilight's head, "Here you go darling. For the bump on the head."

"Thanks Rarity," Twilight slowly replies, still dazed from the hit.

Then Rarity asks, "How is Spike and Nina doing?"

"They're fine. The vet said they didn't have any injuries, but will need to stay in bed for a day or so," Applejack says.

Twilight sniffs because she has cried a little the minute she hears what happened to Sun.

"How could this have happened?" Twilight asks.

Rarity clutches her hand into a fist, and hisses "Who would do such a thing?!"

"Don't know," Applejack replies with a frown.

"But the minute I find them, they're going to get introduced to Bucky McGillycuddy and Kicks McGee," Applejack adds, showing her two fists.

"Yeah! I am so going to pound them when I find those jerk! And I add more for kidnapping Sun," Rainbow agrees, showing
her fist.

Falling Star shakes her head, "We can't just resort to violence."

"And why not?! They deserve it for kidnapping our friend! Kidnapping!" Rainbow screams in anger.

"I want to find Sun as much as you do, but we have no clue who they are or where they went," Falling Star says.

"We still don't know why," Applejack adds.

"I'm still going to get the jerks who did this! They practically ruined the convention for Sun and everyone else!" Rainbow complains.

Just then, a knock comes to the door, and a familiar soft voice says, "Um Rainbow Dash, it's me Fluttershy. I also brought the others with me."

Rainbow walks up to the door and opens it. Soon Fluttershy enters the room. Then Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and Pinkie. They are not looking happy right now.

"I guess you heard what happened, huh," Applejack replies.

"Yeah. We heard it on the news this morning. Then we received a call from you," Aria answers.

Adagio sternly glares at Aria with the attitude, "Ignore her, she has a rough morning."

She saddens, and asks, "Was the police able to find anything yet?"

"Last we heard, my brother and Falling Star's sister are checking the crime scene," Twilight answers.

"Are you okay Twilight? Rarity told us you got a nasty bump on the head," Sonata asks.

"Yeah," Twilight groans, rubbing her head.

Pinkie pops into the scene wearing a detective hat and holding a magnifying glass, "Don't worry Twilight, Detective Pinkie
Pie is on the case."

"Uh Pinkie, since when are you a detective?" Aria bluntly asks while the others stare at their funny friend.

"Well, I'm what you called a girl of all trades," Pinkie answers.

The others groan in reply.

The door opens again, and Shining Armor and Star Shower walk into the room. They are looking worried and not very pleased. By the looks on their faces, the girls know this could be bad news.

"How did it go?" Falling Star asks.

"Well, there weren't much clues left behind. But we did find out the cause of the power outage. Apparently the power box exploded by a bomb that was called by a cell phone call," Shining Armor answers.

"And there weren't many witnesses. You and Ms. Yearling testimony of the car was a good possibility. But when we looked into the, we found out the car was rented out Fast Auto Rental Shop," Star Shower adds.

The girls look at them with worried looks.

"So there's… nothing about those abductors?" Adagio worriedly questions.

Shining Armor sighs, "I'm sorry, but we don't have that many leads to go on."

The girls show scared looks on their faces, and know the chances of finding their beloved friend is looking very slim.

"Oh Sun," Twilight worriedly says in her thoughts.

Sun is able to slowly open her eyes, and let out a groan as she begins to wake up. Regaining her strength, Sun is able to use her arms to push herself up. Sun looks around to see she is not at the convention anymore. She find herself laying on a chair with a blanket on her. As she rubs her head, she can feel that her wig is still on her head.

Suddenly, Sun has a shocking surprise, "What in the world?!"

Sun looks outside the window to find the place is moving, and a loud whistling sound is heard. Sun is shocked to find herself in a train heading towards who knows where.

"How did this happened? Last I remember, I was walking back to the room with Twilight, Spike, and Nina. And then…" Sun says to herself thinking.

But gasps and remembers Twilight scream, and someone covers her mouth soon after. She realizes what has happened, who ever grabbed her has knocked her and Twilight out, and she is taken away to who knows where.

"What's going on?" Sun asks herself.

Sun looks on her neck to see she still has the necklace she has bought, but is glad that her geode pendant, and the
necklace her mother has made is safe. Sadly, she can see that her bag with her phone and her other belongings inside, and Nina isn't with her either, so she's on her own on this.

Suddenly the door opens, and a man calmly says, "So, you are awake my dear."

Sun becomes startled, and turn around to see who is talking. She gasp shocked to see a man here. He has gamboish gray skin, dark bluish gray hair with a cyan gray streak on it, carchrutes color eyes, and a five o clock shadow on the chin. He is wearing a ivory color kihai shirt, a red scarf with white polka dots, light brown kihai pants, with combat boots, and has gold skull pin with a a red ruby on one of the eye orbit.

The man walks up to Sun with a devilish grin, and says, "I do not know what Daring Do is playing at. But if you manage to get the necklace of Sonnambula and talk to her normally, you must work for her."

Sun is shocked to hear what the man is saying. What's more is who the man resembles.

Sun nervously laughs, "Okay. I'm guess I'm having a dream where I'm being held captive by Daring Do's enemy, Doctor Caballeron in a train car going to who knows where. So I'm going to wake myself up now."

Sun then gives herself a hard pinch, and reacts, "Ow!"

Sun looks to see that the man is here, and still in the train car.

Sun sulks a little, and asks, "This isn't a dream is it?"

"No," Caballeron answers.

Sun sighs, and put on a stern look, "Alright, I'm willing to believe that you're not someone in a costume, but I'm going to cut to the chase. Why did you and your men brought me here? And where in the world are we going?"

"You seem to be more assertive then you appear. But to answer your question, we're heading to the desert close to the City of Sonnambula to find the pyramid of Prince Hisan. When I find the pyramid, the treasure will be mine. I just need Somnambula's necklace you have on your neck to unlock it," Caballeron explains.

Sun look on the necklace. Then makes a stern look at Caballeron.

She then holds onto the necklace, "It belongs to me and you can't have it."

"You sure are stubborn for a young girl," Caballeron frowns.

"Listen, I don't care who you are, I'm not some child who wants to be pushed around. I'm willing to bet that Daring Do won't let you get away with this, and I'm not…" Sun sternly explains, as she make her way to the door.

But Caballeron stop her by grabbing her on the wrist, "Going anywhere! You may not be willing to give ne the necklace, but I'm the mastermind here!"

"If Qibble was here, he'll think it's debatable or something," Sun bluntly says in her thoughts.

"And as I say, you will remain here until Daring Do comes to rescue you. And if she want you in one piece, she will let me keep the necklace," Caballeron says in anger.

Caballeron drags Sun and force her to sit down. She then brings out handcuffs, and cuffs both of Sun's wrists to the railing close to the window. Sun struggles her wrists to pull the cuffs off, but they won't budge.

"And now you will wait here until we get to our destination. Don't go anywhere," Caballeron remarks.

He maniacally laughs, and leaves the room. But then a man wearing sunglasses walks into the room and stand guard. Sun sighs knowing she is unable to get out of here. She can only hope her friends can find her. But without her phone or any means to calling for help, she won't be able to get away.

Back at the convention and it's already late in the evening, the main ten are still worried about Sun. this time, Vice Principal Luna, Discord, and Screwball and her friends are with them. The door opens and A.K Yearling comes into the room.

"Hey kids, how are you feeling?" asks.

"Not very happy right now," Rainbow sadly answers.

"Yeah. Our friend has been kidnapped and we don't know where she is," Pinkie adds.

"Sounds like you kids are taking this very hard," Ms. Yearling suspects.

"I'm we are taking this very hard. Sun was a very special student," Luna explains.

"Special?" Ms. Yearling questions.

"Yeah. She's very intelligent, athletic, and very talented," Luna explains.

"She's so kind," Fluttershy says.

"So loyal," Rainbow adds.

"Honest," Applejack says.

"And always make us smile with her kind words and singing voice," Pinkie adds.

"And always know what do do when things go wrong," Sonata adds.

"She has a good heart," Falling Star sadly adds.

Then Adagio says, "Sun even help some of us with difficult past, even though we done actions we felt ashamed of."

"She's very forgiving as well," Aria says.

"And a great friend," Twilight replies.

"Form what you all are telling me, it sounds like she must be very special and very loved," Ms. Yearling replies, feeling
touched by the story.

Ms. Yearling looks down.

"It's a shame that a girl like her was caught in all of this," Ms. Yearling says in her thoughts.

The girls look to see Ms. Yearling is looking very concern about something.

Applejack walks over, and asks, "Ms. Yearling is there something wrong?"

"It's… it's nothing. I need to get going. I had to leave earlier than expected. I depart early in the morning," Ms. Yearling

"How come?" Screwball asks.

"And where are you heading?" Applejack adds.

"A city close to the desert. And I'm going there for researching, and such for my latest book. I hope you succeed in finding your friend," Ms. Yearling says.

Ms. Yearling leaves the room, and closes the door. At this time, the room is rather quiet, maybe too quiet.

Applejack calmly says, "Girls, I think is not being honest with us about what she said."

"Why you say that?" Rainbow asks.

"Is how she answer Screwball's answer. It doesn't sound so sure," Applejack answers.

"She's probably sad as we are right now," Pinkie answers.

"For now, there's not much we can do. I'd suggest we get some rest for the time being and head back home tomorrow morning," Luna says.

Luna leaves the room, along with Discord, Screwball and her friends. The main ten are the only ones left in the room.

"This stinks! We're supposed to have a great time this weekend and our friend is gone," Rainbow complains.

"I know. I hate it too," Applejack says.

"Me too," Fluttershy agrees.

"But what can we do?" Pinkie asks.

"I don't know, the police explained there aren't much evidence to go on," Falling Star says.

With a determined look Adagio gets up, and says, "We can't just sit around, we got to find Sun ourselves."

"What?!" The girls exclaim in shock.

"Adagio, are you sure about this?" Aria asks.

"I'm sure of it. Sun save us both including Sonata when we were cursed. I'm willing to save her from this," Adagio says, looking serious.

Twilight gets up, and says, "If you're going, I'm going too. Sun was able to help me when I was consumed by magic. I felt like I owed her along for giving me friendship."

"Me too. She saved me from rogue magic and from my own grudge. I practically owed her alot," Falling Star says.

Then Rainbow says, "I'm with you. Sun is our friend, and I never leave a friend hanging."

"I'm in too," Applejack says.

"Me too," Fluttershy and Pinkie answer.

"And so do I," Twilight adds.

"We're coming too right," Spike asks, and Nina looks with a simple stare.

"Of course you can come," Twilight answers.

"Then it looks like Operation Rescue Sun is going to take place," Twilight says.

Then Aria says, "But we're going to need some help. We don't exactly have the money to begin our journey."

"And we don't know where to start," Fluttershy adds.

Falling Star picks up Sun's journal, "Maybe Princess Twilight can help us on this."

"Dear, Princess Twilight…" Falling Star says a she writes.

Back in Equestra, Princess Twilight and her friends are are in the throne room. So far, the girls and Spike are reading their favorite books. Princess Twilight also has the journal she uses to write to her fellow princess and friend, Sun. Suddenly, the book begins to vibrate.

"Sounds like, Sun is writing back from her fun at the convention," Rarity says.

"I'll bet she's having a great time there," Pinkie says.

Twilight levitates the book over, and opens is. But when she does, she can see the writing is not Sun's.

"That's strange, it seems Falling Star is the one who writing in the journal," Twilight says.

"That's strange, I wonder what's going on?" Starlight asks.

Princess Twilight continues to read the entry, and her eyes widen in shock.

"Um Twilight, are you okay?" Fluttershy asks.

But Twilight is nothing anything.

"Everything alright sugarcube?" Applejack adds in concern.

"Things are not alright. My friends need my help, and they need it now," Princess Twilight answers.

Around the same time, Sun feels useless about being held prisoner.

"At least the guards are gone, but I'm still cuffed to the railing. How am I supposed to get out here. All I have is my geode necklace, my pendent, Somnambula's necklace, and my wig," Sun says in her thoughts.

Just then, an idea comes to her head, "My wig! Rarity put har pin to keep my wig attached to my hair."

Sun takes off her wig despite her hands are cuffed. She then look around,and take the hair pins off of the wig cap, and uses one of the to pick the lock. She knows that she needs to get them unlock before Caballeron and his men come back. After a few minutes, Sun is able to unlock one of the cuffs that is enough to get her arms free from the railing. She then is able to unlock the other one with no problem.

Now Sun is free from the cuffs, she knows that she needs to get out of here. Sun can see her only way of escape… the window. Sun puts her wig on so it will stick with her. Then Sun opens up the window, and is able to crawl out.

"What I'm doing is crazy, but it's the only way," Sun says in her thoughts.

Sun looks behind her to see the open field, and looks like it will be a soft landing. Sun has to put her faith to the test with her hope and judgement. Sun jumps off the train, and lands in the field full of grass and flowers. She has a rough landing. Sun manages to get up, and look to see the train is driving away.

Sun sighs, "Now that I escape, I need to find my way back home. But which way."

Sun looks around to see it's getting late. She knows that she is long away from home. Sun then notices that the grassland
look like they are turning to sand further up the road.

"Looks like I need to follow the tracks, and hope I get to a town. Either way, I mustn't give up hope that I will be able to reach home. And must never give up hope that my friends and I will see eachother again, " Sun says.

And so Sun begins her long journey down the train track to find her way back home to her friends and family.

Author's Note:

Looks like things have taken hard turns. The girls decide to go on a rescue mission, and Sun is able to escape. But will they be able to find each other.