• Published 25th Jul 2018
  • 324 Views, 0 Comments

Under a Mewling Moon - Kawa

Cats with plans, visiting pony princesses, and a phobic politician. How could that possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 1

The Federation of Felidia (originally the nations of Abyssinia, the citystate of Felidia and the Greatcat Republic) was originally a loose collection of city states that one day, in the distant past, decided to come together. Ever since they started trading with Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom, the nation started to run on a higher industrial output of milk and yarn, and eventually becoming the premier exporter of dairy and scientific curiosities from felines interests in things not known yet, for instance theories on what the moon is made of or where did the idea of cheese came from. They had been a largely unimportant player in the political field, until the Parliament of Claws decided to name one of their best into the rank of Purrmier, a new rank denoting the first citizen, thinking that this would finally put them on the map for anyone not interested in making cookies, sewing or reading a weird theory in a popular magazine’s last few pages. So they chose Letrune Inedil, who was pretty well known for her acting work and being kind of friendly with anyone who knew her. This and name recognition was enough for the first election to choose her over other candidates, launching the former actress into the seat dedicated for the first citizen to represent all feline citizens. This was 7 years ago.

The renamed Federation of Friendly Felines of Felidia had no massive change since adopting their new, friendship-based system. The Friendship University continued to produce curious items and strange ideas, the milk still flowed and got transferred in large cans to anyone who paid for it, and the only change noticeable was the added word of “Friendly” at various buildings. The Ministry of Friendship had been busy publishing the Daily Purr & Friendship magazine, which was full of interesting articles from around the world, and with a page of comics at the end; they also tried to make any visiting tourists remain for anything else than the theatre industry. The Friendship Commune had made milk farms work with a very important 1.351% increase per year and the (Friendly) Parliament of Claws had a yearly Friendship Parade in the main avenue, where they showcased their friendly, happy cats and colourful, shiny carts and rather comfortable trucks for the world. The world still did not really cared about it, and nobody really took their time to visit for anything but watching cute cats performing the comedy Returning home from Far Away Land, or to buy cheap cookies by the bulk and resell it for a higher price tag. Someone had to do something...

“Care for some tea with milk, Princess?” Letrune asked as she poured to Celestia.

“Oh, thank you, really kind. Delicious cookies, too.”

“Thank you very much! Fresh from a planned bakery commune.”

“Your nation is really friendly and adorable, Purrmier.”

“Aw, thank you very much! You make me blush...”

Reliven opened the door - the Minister of Friendly Affairs arched his eyebrows on seeing the Purrmier in the dining room, wearing her best gown, while filling tea for a cardboard cutout of Princess Celestia. The 1 meter high, slightly exaggerated picture (no feline would think that her eyes are that big when you got photographs) was leaned against a chair, with a goofy smile drawn on the already smiling face. He rubbed his dark tan arm and softly coughed.

“Ah, um, hi! Something I can help with?” the Purrmier said, pouring milk all over the tableware.

“I thought you had sent the invite to the Princess of Equestria...”

“I did! It went off with the mail, guess theirs is as slow, if not slower, than ours.” the Purrmier replied, as she positioned between Reliven and the fireplace, where a batch of papers were smoldering. “I mean, I am sure they do take naps too and all that.”

Reliven was unsure. He had a really good opinion on the massive increase in quality of life, but he was sure that the foreign affairs didn’t improved at all. Sure, the ministries became bigger and everyone had a better way to travel abroad since they connected a railroad in (as in, had their own, non-compatible railroad with anyone). Most felines got a radio, could often go for a night time stroll, had a well-paying job and could travel abroad. He even felt a bit overwhelmed when she named his niece as Rector at Friendship (formerly Felidia) University, and often showered many important felines with various medals she made up - all of them having names like “High Cross of Friendliness” and “Friendship Medal of Valor”.

“I am unsure if you understand Equestria or their ponies.”

“Ummm, I did read their brochures and all that.”


“And the scientific articles on them too! Did you knew they eat hay?”

“Yes.” there was a short pause while Reliven collected himself. “So, tell me, what is their capital city?”


“Who you know from their nation? Enough to name three whom are not a leader.”

“Starswirler, Duskdash, and… Twinlight?”

“What are we trading with them?”

“We sell milk and they sell cake.”

“One out of five... “ he sighed. “You know this is a rather bad grade for anyone being a leader?”

“I know… but their names are so confusing! And you know how busy i was with… training myself and the parade and the new factory plan in Tabbytown and the…”

“Let’s face it. You are scared of them.”

“No! I mean… Sort of confused and uneasy but not scared! I just want us have the best possible living.”

“I do agree, but you can not put us on the map if you don’t know the map.”

“Ummm and why me…?”

“....Because the Parliament chose you as Purrmier? It means head of state, representative, first in line when you do meet new people.”

“But I often do!”

“You only attended the ball when the ponies came over to see the first Friendship Parade.”

“I had a horrible case of furball… I could not do more than just poke in and excuse myself!”

“All four days they visited?”

“Mother always said I got a problem with my throat.”

“It was a rather rocky start. Listen… As a friend to a friend, and as your helper, we need to get Princess Celestia to open actual diplomatic relations with us, not just this… Theatrical set you built.”

“But we did become friendlier.”

“I am not denying it. It is just that we doesn’t really have more than sending boxes to each other. We need to be more open… As you said in your last speech.”

She blushed - which meant that her tail idly flung close to her body while she looked around the room, everywhere to avoid eye contact. Reliven sighed.

“Listen… You are scared. That is all right… But you got responsibilities. You do need to step over your fears. Think of it like… Like your first acting. You were afraid?”

“Oh my whiskers I was! First actual proper role… Just ten lines but i felt so worried…”

“Well, politics is alike acting. You play your role and if it goes well, you get a thunderous applause!”

“...And if i fail?” she whispered.


“I just… ummm… i agree but can not we get a diplomat do this…?”


“Meewww….” She sat down in the chair and Reliven tried his best not to get slightly upset. She seemed to be a bad choice now, sitting over a cup of cold tea, with a cardboard cutout next to her. Letrune felt scared and she felt as if the cardboard Celestia would smile mockingly on her. When Reliven excused himself and left silently, she turned around, and sighed. She repeated in herself that it is just a picture. A toy. Nothing to be scared of…

“This tea was amazing.” she heard her voice, causing her to spin and knock over the flat Celestia.

“Okay… calm down me. Just your imagination…” she thought as she left and gone for her room. Being the Purrmier meant she got an office in the Parliament, with a small napping room. She gone in, locked the door and for lack of an audience, let her acting go and started to throw a tantrum. She groaned into the pillows, threw the stress ball of yarn across the wood-paneled room, kicked it when it bounced back, pounced on the squeaky rubber mouse and hopped on it a bit, then flopped on the pillows and started crying.

She heard the sound of hooves, clanking on the outside floor. Sneaking to the door, she opened it to….

...wake up and feel the sunlight on her right. She fell to a nap… which means the sound of the… THEM was just a dream.

In Equestria, the royal throne room was almost empty. Luna flipped over the Royal Courier, and placed the paper down on the table again.

“It seems the biggest news this week was ‘Ponyville Mayor has new socks’. Do you think it means things are finally at a peaceful time?”

“I think so.” Celestia answered as she got off the throne and started walking off. The audiences were over, and the two royal sisters were finally alone. “You think we deserve a time off of our duties?”

“Certainly so.” Luna smiled.

“...And you have an idea?”

“Applepulco!” Luna shouted with joy, even hopping a little. “I always wanted to just go there, none of those seapony issues, no serpent attacks, and no transdimensional pirates taking over the bar!”

“Well… beach season is still about a month.” Celestia added “What about Abyssinia? Last I heard, they had rebuilt that lovely pastry restaurant. Remember that?”

“That was a loooong time ago. I doubt it even stands after the entire Storm King invasion.”

“If it had not, this new thing they did surely helped.”

“Waaait. You want to have a vacation or a diplomatic event?” Luna’s eyebrows arched up. “Can’t you just stop being a Princess for a week or so, sister?”

“I can, but we should not shirk on our duties.”

“And what else you had in mind, besides that same old?”

“Well, the Catskill Mountains are very lovely this time of the year. We could try to scale them, and without having an angry, fire-breathing dragon circling around there.”

“You mean… Not flying?”

“Not flying.”

“And we could get to the Mewsville Museum? I read they had some artifact recovered. I wonder about that.”

The train station was essentially split in two, one side had a few iron-armored ponies and the other had a few cats in camouflage clothing. Their spears were piled up on the border and both sides were engaged in a heated match of Science: the Communicating; the commanders of both garrisons locked eyes while they put their cards on the table. They effectively ignored the train stopping at the Felidia side of the station, and only stopped the match because that was not the usual milk-tanker.

A very deliberately stepping, well-dressed cat lady got off and walked to the table set up at the border. The garrisons very suddenly got their spears and got their uniforms in shape but the commanders haven’t got their chance to cover up the table.

“Good afternoon.” she said, as she stopped. The feline commander very gently tried her best not to start making up excuses and the unicorn beamed the biggest smile he could do. “Hope the game goes well?”

Moment of hesitation.

“Yes, Purrmier.” the feline answered. “Heated Battle here was winning…”

“Oh, please, continue, I just wished to see the ledger if any train is coming outside the usual.”

The commanders each felt better a bit and the unicorn produced the ledger from under a few cards. The Purrmier flipped over the pages, and then gave the book back.

“Thank you! Just keep doing what have you done before.” she said and went back, sitting in the carriage, next to Reliven.

“Well, you did great! Not a single issue. Now you only need to learn to look directly on the ponies.”

Author's Note:

Hi there. Letrune here. I hope you liked this little test run; I asked Kawa because I think I should use his fanbase. I mean, see if the story holds merit and I wished not to register. I am hoping it was all right and made sense, and that you enjoyed it.

I still have a fanbase?! Anyway, Letrune's copy is over on her DA, right here.