• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 29,844 Views, 384 Comments

How I learned to stop worrying and love the Changeling - Harry Leferts

Having been summoned back after being sucked into a portal, Twilight and Chrysalis are... making out

  • ...

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro, not me

Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis sighs. "And that's putting it mildly... Especially when you consider the first world we went to..."


Shaking her head free of cobwebs, Twilight slowly stands on shaky legs as she looks around. 'Where... am I?' Taking note of the vegetation, she narrows her eyes. 'This is tropical. Am I somewhere in Zebracia?'

Whipping around at a groaning sound, her eyes widen as she notices Chrysalis standing up from where she had landed. For her part, the Changeling Queen looks around for a moment. 'Where...' Noticing Twilight, she snarls. "YOU!" Seeing the lavender Unicorn's eyes widen, Chrysalis feels a moment of satisfaction. "I don't know how you sent me here... but you're not leaving here in one piece!" Concentrating on her magic, Chrysalis feels it well up... only to fizzle out, a few sparks escaping her twisted horn. "What?"

Feeling her confidence coming back, Twilight gives her a smirk. "Seems that I have you at a disadvantage." Charging up her own spell, Twilight casts it, only for the same thing to happen. "Huh?"

Snorting, Chrysalis grins nastily as she shifts her head downwards, one hoof pawing at the dirt. "While using magic would have been quicker, I suppose that beating you physically with my two hooves will be much more satisfying."

And with that, she charges towards Twilight. A moment later, Twilight also lowers her head and does the same. As they get closer, Twilight grimaces. 'Got to time this exactly...'

And just as they're about to collide, Twilight flips onto her back and as she slides under Chrysalis, kicks out with both her back hooves, sending the Changeling flying. Shaking her head to clear it, she gets up. 'That little...' Chrysalis turns just in time to meet the full brunt of Twilight as she tackles her, knocking both females to the ground as they descend into a fury of hooves flying out. Chrysalis relying on her many years of experience and instincts and Twilight on what her brother had taught her along with bits and pieces from Dash and Applejack. After a few minutes, Chrysalis manages to pin the Unicorn under her, the Changeling's breaths coming in gasps. "HA!" She doesn't get the chance to say anything else as Twilight managed to grabs a rock and smash it into the side of Chrysalis face, dazing her and causing her to stumble back a few steps. As she does so, one of her back hooves slips as it pokes through the bush, revealing a steep incline right behind it. Still slightly dazed, she turns at a shout to see the very sexy Unicorn charging at her, panting. The fires of passion burning in her gaze as her fury gives her a primal attractiveness that-



Back in the library, Chrysalis gives her marefriend a completely innocent look. "What?"

And, of course it completely fails as Twilight blushes, her friends and family all staring with dropped jaws. "YOU KNOW WHAT!"

Chrysalis huffs a little before waving Twilight off. "Hey, I can't help but want to spice it up a little." Giving the purple a large, saucy grin, Chrysalis leans forwards with hooded eyes. "And you are very sexy when you're angry. And the makeup is always something to remem-"

Twilight once more interrupts her with a wide eyed look. "STOP THAT!" She then points a shaking hoof at the others who are still trying to process what's going on. "They don't need to know that!"

Her rant is silenced as Chrysalis pulls her close, whispering in the poor, heavily blushing Unicorn's ear. "And not only are you sexy as Hay when you're angry, but you're also cute when you're flustered."

Trying to glare, Twilight's lips can't help but twitch. "You're incorrigable..."

Chrysalis just shrugs, a large grin on her muzzle. "And you know that is one of the things that you love about me."
Shaking her head to clear it, Pinkie leans forward and lays her chin on her hooves as her eyes sparkle. "So... what happened next?"

Once more, Twilight sighs before tilting her head to the side. "Well..."


Flying down the incline of the hill, the two continue their scuffle as they bounce off trees and some rocks. Striking out with hooves and horn (and in Twilight's case her teeth), the two ignore everything until they hit a level section of the hill that's less overgrown, Twilight hitting a post as Chrysalis rolls into a ditch. Snorting at her, Twilight nonetheless winces at the aches throughout her body, including the rather large goose egg on her head. Glancing at what she hit, she notices that it's a sign. Mumbling, she reads it. "'Site B'? What's that and where is it?" Dismissing it, she turns as the exhausted Chrysalis climbs out of the ditch. "Look, we're not getting anywhere here. I think-"

Chrysalis just snarls as she takes some steps towards the Unicorn. "You think... that... this IS GOING TO STOP ME!?"

Lowering her head, she prepares to charge, only for a crash to catch their attention. Turning, they're confronted with a large, reptilian creature. It's massive head is like that of a hornless dragon as it stands on two large tree trunk sized legs which end in three toed feet. Twilight notes it's absolutly tiny (in comparison to the body size) arms ending in two fingered hands. But what really catches her and Chrysalis' attention is the mouth full of sharp dagger like teeth, a few the size of her horn. Taking a step back, Chrysalis tries to take to the air, only for her wings to not function. Any other thoughts end as it lowers it's head and gives a roar that reverbrates inside the two's very bones before it charges at them. "RUN!" Since they're right next to the rainforest, they run into the trees, the massive thing crashing through the foliage behind them. Taking a chance, Twilight looks back in time to see it charge a fallen tree, busting through it as if it was made of matchsticks. 'What is that!?'


"It's a Tyrannosaurus Rex silly!"

Rainbow Dash gives Pinkie a look partway between annoyance (due to the story being interrupted) and exaspiration (due to it being Pinkie) "A what now?"

Pinkie just shakes her head with a grin. "A Tyrannosaurus Rex! Or T-Rex!" Rubbing her chin with her hoof, Pinkie becomes thoughtful. "Though I suppose that you could call it a Sharptooth..."

Rarity is about to say something when Twilight shakes her head, a small smile on her lips. "She's right you know. It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex. A dinosaur."

Now even Celestia is looking at her puzzlement. "I'm... afraid that I do not know what that is Twilight."

Twilight's about to launch off into a explination when Chrysalis breaks out of her shock and points a shaking hoof at Pinkie. "How the Hay did you know that!?"

Twilight just sighs. "It's Pinkie Pie."

Still shaking her head, Chrysalis throws her forelegs open wide in confusion. "I know that you told me about her, but still... how does she know!?"

Then Twilight, her friends (outside of Pinkie Pie), Luna, and Celestia look at each other and then back at Chrysalis before saying the same thing at the same time. "It's Pinkie Pie."
Rolling her eyes, Twilight sighs. “Anyways…”

Weaving around the undergrowth and trees while leaping over the odd fallen log, Twilight and Chrysalis manage to keep a few meters ahead of their pursuer. Hearing another roar, Twilight glances to the side to see Chrysalis starting to fall back some. “KEEP RUNNING!”

Scowling fiercely, Chrysalis screams back. “I AM RUNNING YOU FOAL!”

Catching a bit of a second wind, Chrysalis starts moving faster as Twilight shakes her head. “WE GOT TO DO SOMETHING! WE CAN’T OUT RUN IT FOREVER!”

Snorting in amusement through her panting, Chrysalis gives the purple Unicorn a sneer. “ WHY? ALL I GOT TO DO IS OUTRUN YOU!”

Groaning internally, Twilight scowls. “WE GOT TO WORK TOGETHER TO SURVIVE!”

Chrysalis is about to snarl back when she realizes that the crashings' stopped. Taking the chance, she glances back and sees that whatever the creature was, it’s no longer following.. ‘It… gave up? IT GAVE UP!’ Slowing down, she gives Twilight a superior smirk. “HA!”

Also, slowing, but for another reason, Twilight starts whipping her head one way and then another. ‘This is too easy…’ Remembering something Fluttershy had told her, Twilight’s eyes widen as she rushes towards Chrysalis. “RUN!” Chrysalis is about to say something when Twilight collides with her just as the T-Rex bursts from a nearby tree stand, it’s open jaws catching Celestia’s student’s flanks with a glancing blow. A blow, that sends a flare of fiery pain through Twilight’s mind as her and Chrysalis fall down yet another hill. It doesn’t take long for the two to reach the bottom, Twilight wincing partially from the pain in her flank, and partially from seeing Chrysalis hit a tree head first. “Ugh.” Taking a breath and biting back a yell, Twilight looks back to see the T-Rex roaring. Noticing as it starts heading for part of the hill nearby that’s on less of an incline, Twilight starts looking around for a way out.

‘Got to get away!’ Suddenly she stills as she sees a river nearby and remembering the stubby arms, she sighs in relief. ‘There we go, thank Celestia!’ Taking a step towards it (hissing as she does so), she hears a groan and looks over at the dazed Chrysalis. ‘I can make it by myself, but if I do…’ Glancing back to where the T-Rex is making it’s way down the hill, she sighs. “Not even she deserves that.” Limping over quickly, she manages to get one of Chrysalis’ forelegs over her shoulders. “Come on, up and at them.”

Shaking her head through her daze, Chrysalis looks at the Unicorn carrying her as they limp as fast as they can to the river. “Why… why are you doing… this…”

Grimacing, Twilight frowns. “Because… it’s the… right thing…”

Scowling as her head clears, Chrysalis only mumbles. “I would… have left you… behind…”

Snorting, the Unicorn gains a slight smirk. “Good… thing that… I’m not you…. Isn’t it?” They’re within forty feet of the river when the T-Rex stalks out of the trees behind them, no longer rushing as it senses that they’re exhausted. Seeing this, Twilight’s eyes widen alongside Chrysalis’ as they hobble faster as the massive creature stalks towards them. ‘Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! Cadence! If there’s anyone out there, please do something! Distract it or something! Anything!’

Feeling Chrysalis freeze up, Twilight turns to her to tell her to hurry only for herself to freeze as a massive creature rises from the river. The first thing to catch her attention is the massive sail like fin on it’s back followed by the crocodile-shaped head. This, along with it’s massive claws cause her stomach to drop. “That’s… wasn't what I meant…”
Staring at the two large predators cautiously making coming towards them. Noting that Chrysalis is frozen, Twilight starts wracking her brain for a solution. Suddenly remembering something that Fluttershy told her about large predators, she grins before turning to the Changeling beside her. "I've got a plan..."

Being shaken out of her shock, Chrysalis soon has a dropped jaw. "You're insane!" Twilight raises an eyebrow, but doesn't have to say anything as the Rex roars out a challange to the Spinosaurus. "But insane is good."

Seeing the large predator emerging from the river, the Rex is torn between leaving the small prey things to the other and trying to drive the Spinosaurus off. Growling softly, it snarls and stomps it's feet... only for something to hit it in the face. Shaking it off, something else hits it in the eye causing a swift bolt of pain. Blinking it off, it roars in rage as it sees the two little things throwing things (sticks and stones) at it while making loud noises. Unknown to it, they're also throwing items at the Spinosaurus.

Throwing another stick, and getting a roar as it hits the creature that's been chasing them in the eye, Twilight feels a momentary of primal satisfaction before screaming at it. "COME ON YOU MORONIC BEAST! YOUR MOTHER WAS A CHICKEN AND YOUR FATHER A SALAMANDER!"

Picking up a rock and throwing it with all her strength, Chrysalis watches as it bounces of the Spinosaurus' snout, causing it to jerk back before adding her own shouts as she picks up a stick. "COME ON YOU... STUPID... LIZARD THING!"

Blinking just as she's about to throw a nut of some kind, Twilight turns with a icredulous look. "'Stupid lizard thing'? Really?"

Chrysalis scowls as she throws a stick. "You didn't give me time to come up with anything better you know!" She stops as she hears a roar. "I... think we have their attention."

Twilight glances back to where the T-Rex is about to charge. "Yeah... I think so too." Seeing the two carnivores charging, she holds up a hoof. "Wait for it..." They get closer. "Wait for it..." And just as they're nearly on them, Twilight drops her hoof. "NOW!" Each of them jump in a different direction to the side, causing the two dinosaurs to nearly collide. Rolling, she looks back as the two giants begin fighting. 'Thanks Fluttershy...' Hearing a yell from where the two predators are moving, she groans. "I don't believe this..."

Dodging the legs coming down, Chrysalis is wide eyed as her heart beats in pure terror from the near misses. 'Not like this... please not like this...'

A moment later, she finds herself in the air as a purple blur slams into her. Curling up into a ball as the clawed feet slam into the ground around her, Twilight rolls out of the way. 'Why...' Coming to a stop, her eyes freeze open as two of the feet smash into the ground mere inches from her head before she dragged to her hooves by Chrysalis and runs. Once more grabbing Chrysalis, she starts pulling her along. "COME ON!"

Seeing where they're going, Chrysalis whips her head around as she shakes off her terror. "Are you nuts! One of them can swim!"

Hearing a roar of pain, Twilight looks back in time to see the Spinosaurus swipe at the Tyrannosaur's head, only for the T-Rex to grab the arm in it's jaws and start trying to tear it off. Wincing, Twilight gives Chrysalis a weak grin. "Somehow... I don't think it's going to be that big of a problem..." Reaching the stream, they breath a sigh of relief when another screech draws their attention back to the fight and Twilight begins paling as she gulps, trying to keep what's left in her stomach down as the two monsters pull away from their fight. Bleeding heavily and covered in gashes from each others claws and teeth. "Oh... Celestia..."

Snarling, the Spinosaurus suddenly lunges at the T-Rex with all the speed of a striking snake. Thanks to the dodging, the Rex manages to only get bit on the lower back. Roaring in parts defiance, pain, and rage, the massive head swings around and slams into the finned predator's ribs. Jarred from the hit, the Spinosaur let's go and gives the Tyrannosaur an opening it takes, as it's teeth rip into the back of the super-predator's leg. The two once more pull apart with the Spinosaurus stumbling as it's leg barely holds it up. But sensing weakness, the T-Rex lunges and sinks it's teeth into the other predator's throat. Struggling, the Spinosaurus manages to slash the Rex across the face. But it's efforts are futile as with a final, wet crunch, it jerks once. Then twice. And finally falls limp. Seeing the wounded Rex drop the now dead predator as it roars in victory, Chrysalis gulps. "I... think that we should get out of here..."

Nodding, Twilight turns and winces as she limps towards the river. "Yeah, that would be a good idea..." After crossing it, they turn back one last time to see the Rex standing on the opposite side, watching them with a burning gaze through it's good eye. After a moment it turns away and walks towards the dead body of it's former foe. A few hours later has Twilight gasping as she wipes away some sweat. "It's so hot..."

Nodding, while flicking her mane out of her eyes as she looks around, Chrysalis nods. "It is." Coming out to a cliff edge, she looks down and grins as she spots some buidlings. "Looks like we might have found some civilization." Hearing nothing, she turns to see Twilight leaning against a tree causing her to blink as she takes a step towards her. "Are you okay...?"

Twilight just nods, her flank sending jolts of white hot pain everytime she moves. "Yeah, I'm..."

She doesn't get to finish as the world seems to turn inside out and her vision goes dark. Chrysalis' eyes widen as she rushes to where Twilight's fallen. Once there, she takes a step back as she sees Twilight's flank, in particular the angry red infected wound there. Looking back at where she knows the buildings are, she grimaces as she looks back at Twilight deep in thought...


Leaning forwards, Rainbow blinks. "So... what happened next?"

Tapping her chin, Twilight becomes thoughtful before sharing a look with Chrysalis. "I think... lunch."

Celestia blinks. "Lunch?"

Twilight nods as she gets up. "Yes, I'm feeling pretty peckish right now."

And with that she starts heading towards the kitchen with Chrysalis following. Shaking her head, Rarity turns to Fluttershy. "So Fluttershy dear, what did Twilight mean by it was thanks to you she knew what to do?"

Blushing as everyone looks at her, Fluttershy shifts a little. "Um... After the Ursa Minor attack, Twilight came to me asking about large predators..." Taking a breath, Fluttershy continues. "And like I told her, when two large predators meet, the smaller one will usually back down, unless something angers it..."

Coming back into the room with a daisy sandwich in one hoof and a plate of them floating behind her, Twilight once more sits down with the group as she takes a bite. Swallowing, she blinks at the looks before smiling. “Is there a problem?”

Sighing, Rarity gives a shake of her head. “Twilight dear, we’re waiting to hear the rest of your story.”

Taking another bite, Twilight nods before swallowing and answering. “Ah.” Looking at the sandwich in her hoof, she smiles. “You know Spike, you make the best daisy sandwiches other then Mom.” Sighing, she shakes her head. “Ah, you never know what you miss until it’s gone.”

Snorting as she comes up behind her and sits down, Chrysalis shakes her head. “You really got to stop teasing them so much.” Burying her muzzle into Twilight’s mane, she starts inhaling deeply. “Mmm…”

Taking a sip of tea, Cadence reaches out and takes a sandwich for herself. “I take it she’s feeding off your love at the moment Twilie?”

Rolling her eyes at the nickname, Twilight sighs. “Yes, and? She needs it to survive after all.?” Seeing Pinkie looking between her and Chrysalis curiously, Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Yes Pinkie?”

Tapping her chin with her hoof, Pinkie leans forward. “How do you kiss? I mean, she’s got fangs.” Holding her hooves in front of her, she tilts them downward near her mouth. “Rawr, and all.”

Rolling her eyes, Twilight is about to say ‘Like any other type of kiss’ when she finds her head grabbed by a grinning Chrysalis. “Why… like this!”

Turning Twilight’s head a little, she lays one on the surprised Unicorn. A moment later, both their eyes close. Of course, a clearing throat soon distracts them and they pull apart to see a smirking Luna. Breathless, Twilight nods. “Ye-yeah, like that.” Hearing strange choking sounds, they look to see Shining Armor, Night Light, and Celestia staring at them with surprised faces. Right at that moment, Shining twitches as his tea cup’s handle (held in his hoof) breaks causing it to hit the table and shatter. Sighing, Twilight uses her magic to repair the cup and clean the mess as she ignores the three twitching ponies. “Well… back to the story I suppose…”

Wincing, Twilight slowly comes to. “Ugh…” Smacking her lips from the dryness and feeling like her mouth is full of cotton, she tries to remember what had happened only to feel a dull ache throughout her body. Hissing, she tries to move her legs before realizing that one of them won’t move. At this, her eyes shoot open in panic revealing that she’s in a darkened room with the evening sunlight coming in from a small high window. Shaking her head, she turns her head towards the leg that’s not moving only for them to widen. Her entire flank is covered in some odd, green substance looking almost like plastic. “What is…”

Hearing a sound, she turns to see Chrysalis come in through a door. A moment later, the tiredness in the Changeling’s face changes to surprise and (to Twilight’s shock) some relief before it’s gone under her mask of indifference. “So you’re awake.”

Licking her lips with a tongue that feels like it’s covered in Sandpaper, Twilight grunts. “What happened… “

Snorting, Chrysalis heads to a nearby container and takes a tin cup before dunking it. Walking over, she slowly raises Twilight’s head. “Here, drink this.” Seeing Twilight about to gulp, she glares. “Slowly.” Nodding, the parched Unicorn starts sipping, the water, while warm, feeling wonderful to her dry throat. “As to what happened, you passed out from fever. Apprently that wound on your flank got infected you silly thing.” Noticing Celestia’s student look at her flank, she shrugs. “One of the binding secretions us Changelings can create. Had to cover the wound somehow.”

Swallowing, Twilight nods. “Um… thanks.” Chrysalis just nods as she slowly sets Twilight’s head down. Puzzled, Twilight blinks as she yawns. “So… why did you…”

Raising an eyebrow as she heads towards a pile of ferns in the corner much like what Twilight is on top of, she sighs. “You saved my life. And so I had a debt to you to pay.” Seeing the Unicorn nod, the Changeling Queen clears her throat. “So, why did you save me?”

As sleep slowly over takes her, Twilight sighs. “Because it was the right thing to do…”

Watching as the pony on the other side of the room slips into a deep, healing sleep, Chrysalis sighs while looking out the window as dusk covers the island. ‘The right thing…’

Noon, the next day, Twilight once more stirs to life. “Mmm…” Opening her eyes, she notices that she’s once more alone in the warm, humid room. She turns to see a door open and Chrysalis stride in with a bundle of vegetation. “Um… hello?”

Grunting as she nods, Chrysalis drops the bundle near Twilight before walking over and looking at her flank. “Hold still.” Twilight watches with wide eyes as Chrysalis opens her mouth and sprays something from her fangs onto the covering of Twilight’s wound. A moment later the covering starts to desolve revealing a somewhat healed cut, still slightly inflamed. Checking it, Chrysalis nods. “It’s coming along nicely.” Once more opening her mouth, the Changeling Queen makes a choking sound before spiting a green substance on the wound, which soon hardens. “There. One last thing to do.”

Blinking, Twilight watches as Chrysalis makes her way to look her in the eye. “What are you-"

She suddenly gets cut off as Chrysalis with her fangs extended, sinks them into Twilight’s neck . Her prey instincts flaring, Twilight starts struggling as panic over takes her, only for the Changeling biting her to hold her down with surprising strength. Pulling away, Chrysalis licks her fangs in satisfaction. “There.”

Pulling away, Twilight holds a hoof against her neck as she tries to get her panic down. “YOU BIT ME!”

Chrysalis simply shrugs, unapologetic. “I simply injected you with a substance to kill disease.” Seeing the slightly curious look, she rolls her eyes. “We Changelings can produce many compounds to keep our food source going as long as possible.”

At those words, Twilight’s mind leaps to (what is to her) the logical conclusion. “I… were you feeding on me!”

Looking around, she tries to find a reflective surface, only to stop at a snarl. “HOW DARE YOU!?” Gulping, she turns to see the enraged face of Chrysalis. “I SAVED YOUR LIFE AND THAT IS WHAT YOU ASSUME!?” Shaking, Chrysalis gets to her feet and starts heading for the door. “And here I thought that you might be a different pony, but like all the others you are prejudced!”

Twilight winces as the Changeling leaves the room, slamming the door behind her. Groaning, Twilight starts facehoofing. “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” Sighing as she lays back, she stays like that for a few minutes before grunting as her hunger betrays her and she grabs some plants that Chrysalis had brought. Chewing on them, she can’t help but think that they taste like ashes in her mouth.


Silently staring at the ceiling, Twilight at first doesn’t seem to acknowledge the sound of the door opening in the darkness of the night. After a moment, she speaks up though. “I’m… sorry for my reaction earlier, it was uncalled for.”

There’s a moment of silence before Chrysalis’ tired voice answers. “Yes, it was.”

Biting back a groan, Twilight facehooves. “Look, it is just… you said that you use it on food sources and I thought…” Sighing again, Twilight turns her head. “I shouldn’t have leaped to conclusions like that.”

She can almost feel Chrysalis’ eyes on her. “I suppose that you’re not thinking clearly due to your fever and stress.”

Gritting her teeth, Twilight suddenly lets out a explosive sigh. “No, I have no excuse for how I acted.”

After a moment, Chrysalis nods before speaking in a quiet voice. “Perhaps you are a little different from other ponies after all.”

Nothing else is said as the two settle in for the night. Neither is much said for the next two days until Twilight sighs one morning. “I’ve been wondering something…”

Replacing her bedding with new ferns, Chrysalis grunts. “Yes.”

Licking her lips, Twilight clears her throat. “Why do you hate ponies? I mean… besides what happened in Canterlot and Ponyville I mean.”

Chrysalis pauses for a moment in her task before she continues. “You ponies are prejudiced.”

Twilight blinks a little at this before raising an eyebrow. “No we’re not.”

Whipping around, Chrysalis sneers. “Of course you are!” Swallowing her anger, she lets out a long hiss before stalking towards Twilight. “When a Pony sees a Changeling… do you know what they’re first response is? Hm?” Seeing Twilight stunned Chrysalis snorts as she turns. “You all scream, run, and hide. And if we’re unlucky, we get attacked because of how we look!”

Swallowing, Twilight gives her a slight shrug. “We-well… if you hadn’t attacked Canterlot-“

Eyes’ glowing in pure rage, Chrysalis turns and gets right into Twilight’s face before she can finish. “EVEN BEFORE CANTERLOT THEY DID SO!” Breathing heavily, Chrysalis’ voice becomes soft and cold. “Do you know… how many of my people met their ends at the hooves of your Princess’s precious guards? Hm?” Not getting an answer, she roars in Twilight’s face. “TOO MANY!” Turning away, she starts stalking. “Every time one of my people tried to make peaceful contact, we were run out. Freaks… monsters…” Closing her eyes, Chrysalis starts trembling. “And then my mother, the previous Queen tried to make peace… and was murdered by you ponies!”

Celestia suddenly straightens in shock as she interrupts the story. “What!?”

Chrysalis looks at her from her position and snorts. “It was your Guards that killed her. She was defenseless, having shown up to a scheduled meeting with the Guard Commander near the wastelands alone to show that we were no real danger… when she was ambushed.” Blinking away a few tears, she trembles a little. “The meeting was a trap. She tried to fight her way out, but numbers took her down.”

Narrowing her eyes, Celestia gives Chrysalis an even stare. “When was this?”

Giving the Solar Princess an even stare of her own, Chrysalis calming tells her. “Two centuries ago.” She then smirks. “We had our revenge though when we wiped that fort from the face of the planet.”

Wide eyed for a moment, Celestia soon closes her eyes in grief. “Casius you fool…”

Now Luna gives her sister a questioning gaze. “Who is Casius…?”

Grimacing, Celestia takes a breath before answering. “He was a Guard Commander who got his rank through court politics. He was… arrogant to non-ponies to say the least. If you weren’t a pony, he looked down on you as being… less. The only reason he was even a Commander was that back then the Guard was quite political.” Closing her eyes, Celestia lays a hoof across them. “Me and several other suspected that he had been using his position to bully those who weren’t Ponies. Didn’t help matters that those under him were from families allied to his own so we could never gather evidence.”

Still gazing steadily, Chrysalis takes a breath. “So why. Why the wastelands where no one could watch him?”

Taking her hoof away from her face, Celestia stares into her tea. “It was after a… diplomatic incident involving the Griffin Thane’s daughter. So… I had to get him out of view.” Looking up, she sighs at the stony expression Chrysalis is giving her. “I sent him out to the Wastelands along with his command because as far as I, or any Pony knew, there was nothing there but wandering monsters and desolation. Him and his family’s powerblock were enraged over it, but could do nothing in this case. A few weeks later I received word that he had found a group of insectile monsters. So… I sent a messenger with orders to leave them be unless they were a threat. But… by the time they arrived the fort had been razed to the ground. We all just assumed that he had angered a dragon or an Ursa.”

Chrysalis just narrows her eyes. “And you never thought to check up on what he reported?”

Celestia just snorts. “A week later a swarm of parasprites ravaged the farm land nearby so…”

She then looks at Luna who slowly nods, a disturbed look on her face. “She’s not lying Sister…” Looking at the glaring Changeling, she sadly smiles. “I was once the holder of the Element of Honesty. And, while no longer connected to it, I can still sense lies…” She then looks away. “And I can tell that you’re not lying.”

Closing her eyes for a moment, Celestia opens them and gives the Changeling (currently being softly nuzzled by Twilight) a sad, sympathetic look. “I am so sor-“

She gets cut off as Chrysalis holds up a hoof. “Stop. Stop right there.” Letting a breath out through her nose, she slowly shakes her head. “Twilight had convinced me long ago that you had nothing to do with my Mother’s death. And…” Taking another breath, Chrysalis sighs. “I see that now she was correct.” Looking away, she gives a shuddering breath. “Lets… just put this into the past.”

Celestia just nods herself as she stares into her tea…