• Published 30th Jul 2018
  • 3,396 Views, 6 Comments

A Matter of Friendship - BrilliantCreativity

After the events that transpired at Twilight's School of Friendship, Fluttershy takes Discord back to her place to have a little heart to heart chat.

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A Matter of Friendship

Fluttershy was in her classroom trying to fix all the vines and get rid of the broken furniture left by Iron Will. She hadn't expected to see him again but when she saw him leaving, she realized he hadn't really changed that much. Twilight gave a light knock on Fluttershy's classroom door.

"Come in," she said as she fixed her blackboard. Twilight entered with Spike, who now had his dragon wings strapped to his sides. "Oh, hi Twilight. What can I help you with?" she asked. Fluttershy took note of the displeased look on her friend's face. It wasn't a moment too soon till Starlight walked in as well.

"Oh no," she whispered. Fluttershy bowed her head meekly. She knew what was about to happen. Twilight coughed and looked Fluttershy in the eyes. "I know that Discord was having...issues with nopony inviting him to anything that had to do with the school and that made him...upset, to say the least but..." Twilight looked over to Starlight to continue. Said pony stepped forward and look at the buttercream pegasus.

"Listen Fluttershy, I know that Discord has been reformed and all, but it's just...today he was kinda acting a bit like...his former self," as soon as those words left Starlight's mouth, Fluttershy's head bolted upright with a distraught look in her eyes. Starlight quickly tried to rephrase her words, "I mean he definitely wasn't as bad as he used to be or anything! And don't think that we'd ever do anything too harsh! Especially like turn him to stone-"

"What?!" Fluttershy gasped. Starlight shook her head and hoof back and forth, "What I mean is that we wouldn't do that! Ugh...just please try to understand," she took a deep breath and Fluttershy began to calm down as she nodded her head, "What I'm trying to say is that when Discord was trying to...make my job harder, he seemed to replace what he was truly feeling with chaos and it was only when I actually confronted him did he stop. So-" Starlight glanced over at Twilight, who then nodded, "So, Twilight and I talked it over and we really think that you should talk things over with Discord; try to get him to open up a bit more, even if it's just around you. Otherwise...we fear that if he just keeps it all bottled up, like how I did with Trixie, he's just gonna blow up with chaos magic."

Fluttershy was silent and just as Starlight was about to say something else Fluttershy spoke up, "You really think that he'd go back to his old ways?" she whispered. "You really think he'd...b-betray me a-again?" she sniffled, hearing her own vice crack.

"No, no, no, no," Twilight repeated, rushing over to her friend who had suddenly burst into a fit of quiet sobs, "All we're saying is that...everypony needs to talk about their feelings, good or bad. Just as Starlight mentioned her and Trixie. This is no different. We're just saying that Discord needs to do the same thing, especially since chaos magic is very unstable...please don't cry. We all know that Discord would never, ever," Twilight lifted Flutter's chin up and looked into her eyes, "ever in a million years do that again. He cares about you too much to do that Fluttershy, you know that?"

Fluttershy let out a small laugh and wiped her tears away. "H-how can you be so sure?" she asked. Twilight gave her a look that meant seriously? "Because we all see the way that you two look at each other, you both have a very high respect and appreciation for one another..." Twilight smiled. Fluttershy grinned and rolled her eyes. "Starlight and Spike back me up here!" Twilight shouted.

Spike had some sort of smirk on his face. "You know when Big-Mac was going through that whole thing with Sugar Belle?" he mentioned. Fluttershy tilted her head to the side in confusion, "Y-yes, but what does that have to do with-"

"Discord said that he didn't believe in love, said something about it being a huge laugh made by the greeting card industry or something," Spike continued. Fluttershy didn't know how to react, but she did let out a small laugh, "That does sound like something he'd say, doesn't it."

Spike nodded a "Mhh hmm...but also-wait, Twilight can you show memories like a movie screen with your magic?" he suggested. Twilight nodded and ignited her horn while tapping it to Spike's head. Suddenly an image emerged from the Drake's scales. It showed Big-Mac, Spike and Discord all in Applejack's kitchen. When it reached full view, it began to play as if it were a video.

"Well you two have certainly bought into this romance nonsense, hook line and sinker," said the draconequus.

"For a formerly friendless immortal desperate, you're pretty cynical," Spike argued.

"I'm a realist, and love like all things warm and fuzzy isn't real."

"Aw, come on, you act tough but deep down you're a softy. I mean you don't have tea with Fluttershy every week because you like tea," Spike smirked.

Fluttershy began to feel the heat rise to her cheeks as she shot a friendly glare towards Spike who simply shrugged.

"But I do like tea, every tea, all the teas..." Fluttershy watched as Discord began naming all the teas that they had had during their previous tea parties. She shook her head, smiling, and sighed.

"While I appreciate you showing me this, I don't understand why you did," Fluttershy said, confused. Spike held up a finger and pointed it towards his head as he watched the memory float back in.

"The point, Fluttershy, is that by the end of the night Discord did believe in love and he still does. Though he has definitely shown and said aloud that he cares about you, I think this is the final proof you need. If he's admitted it to himself yet, he does love you. Which is why he'd never break your trust," Spike finished with his flaws on his sides.

Fluttershy blushed and hid behind her mane. "I don't know. Discord doesn't like to talk or bring up that kind of stuff but...I will do it. Maybe if I open up to him first about...some things then maybe he'll feel more comfortable about the whole situation."

Twilight wrapped her friend in a hug, "Thank you Fluttershy. I knew we could count on you, and don't worry, nothing bad is gonna happen to Discord."

Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you Twilight, I needed that."

As Fluttershy exited the School of Friendship, she saw Discord standing in front of her on one of the stones in the pathway, which is where Starlight told her she'd find him. He was blowing bubbles by making two of his talons into the shape of a circle.

Discord heard Fluttershy coming as he'd grown accustomed to what her hoofsteps sounded like. The only sign that he knew she was there was a twitch of his ear.

"Hello dear Fluttershy, were you given a magical formula by Princess TS to turn me back to stone?" he asked smugly. Before Fluttershy could protest Discord appeared in front of her and held and talon to her lips.

"No need to make excuses, don't worry I understand. After the way that poor old Discord acted today he's been recommended to be apprehended is that right?"'

Fluttershy glowered and pushed Discord's Eagle Claws away. "Of course not!" she said bravely as she continued to walk passed him.
Discord was confused and decided to hover above her as she walked. "Why Fluttershy, did you have a little run-in with Iron Will? I must say your confidence is quite astounding as of right now."

"Discord...walk with me," she said, subtly calmly. She had to do this the right way. She knew how much Discord hated to talk about anything that was feeling related so she had to ease him into it.

"Actually I think I'll hover," he stated. Fluttershy rolled her eyes at his childishness. "I'm sorry that I didn't think to invite you to any of the School's events," she apologized. "I didn't think you'd want to but I should've asked, regardless."

"It's quite alright my dear, there are no hard feelings. I completely understand," he implied. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow that Discord couldn't see.

"Discord, I know it's not alright. Out of all your friends, I'd say you spend most of your time with me...unless-no, never mind. Anyways Starlight told everyone about what happened and I'm sorry that you felt left out. It was my fault for not being inclusive towards you about it and I'm truly sorry."

Discord thought carefully about what his best friend had said, noticing the stutter and also the sincerity in her voice. He sighed and jokingly patted her pink mane.

"It's forgotten. I suppose I overreacted a tad, but please don't blame yourself. Only I can have sympathy in this conversation otherwise you're just being greedy."

Fluttershy smiled. "I'm glad to hear you say that Discord."

The rest of the walk was left to the silence as Discord watched Fluttershy walk below him. He thought about teleporting them right to her cottage but he decided against it for unknown reasons. Probably because he knew that Fluttershy was thinking and didn't want to disrupt the process.

The pegasus stopped on the bridge near her property with her back to the draconequus. The sun was slowly setting but it was still light out.
Discord was confused as to why the two had stopped. She looked him in the eyes, her gaze almost seemed to appear pleading. But for what?

"Discord, I realize that you like your privacy and don't like to talk about anything personal but...you need to start talking about your feelings. I also realize that when you don't talk about them you just bottle it all up and then have a meltdown later," she said sternly, throwing her hoof in the direction of the school even though it was out of view.

"Fluttershy have you been taking confidence pills? Seeing Iron Will must've really had an impact on you, I mean seriously-"

"No Discord! I'M being serious! Stop bringing up Iron Will! I don't even know why you would even think for a second to replace me as a teacher with that-that minotaur! He's done nothing good for my friends and especially not for me! I am trying to talk to you about something important and all you do is make jokes, but please, just please...listen to me," she said, finally calmly down and drying her moist eyes.

Discord floated down to the ground and looked at the pegasus. He had no idea that Fluttershy had met Iron Will before, but he had a feeling that he shouldn't have found the minotaur, let alone bring him up in conversation for whatever particular reason.

"I'm listening," he said. Discord hated seeing Fluttershy upset, especially towards him. It reminded him of when he was the evil Chaos Lord and even when he was in the changeling hive.

Fluttershy let out a breath. "You should've told me, Discord. If I had known how hurt you were over the fact that we didn't invite you to the school events then I would've done it without a second thought. Opening up is not easy, I know that; but you have to, especially when you have someone willing to listen. I care about you Discord, I care about you a lot, I would never ever wish ill will upon you. So please, talk to me," she asked, staring into his red pupils.

Discord let his ears flop down to the sides of his head. "I-I...I guess it just sorta felt like you didn't care, or whatever...about me. I dunno I guess that maybe I just wanted to be thought of or some sentimental garbage like that. Just...I guess it bothered me that I wasn't invited to a big milestone in your life. I'm proud you're a teacher Flutters, you're probably really good at it and it just kinda sucked that I was missing out. I mean...it did bother me slightly when you kept rescheduling our tea parties after 4 o'clock and wouldn't really talk about what was happening and...stuff..." he exhaled and felt such a wave of relief for finally getting it out.

"Oh god, that was agonizing," he laughed. Fluttershy smiled and flew up to wrap her hooves around his neck. "I'm proud of you too and once again I'm really sorry. Some element of kindness I am, I was such a terrible friend towards you...again," she whispered her last part but Discord caught it.

"What do you mean again?" he asked suspiciously as he held her away at arms length. Fluttershy pretended not to know what he was talking about and cocked her head to the side. "Now it's your turn Flutters...confess."

He was right. Friends should be open and honest with each other and if she was going to get him to open up to her more then she'd have to do the same thing.
Flutteshy hung her head and then looked back up at him. His eyes held genuine concern and she couldn't help but think back to what Spike had been talking about.

"I guess...I know this was a long while ago and I still 100% forgive you of course but I guess I never really forgave...myself," she sighed. "What're you talking about-"

"Tirek," she stated, looking into his eyes once more. His features slowly began to turn into something. The look he gave was so many things at once. Discord looked hurt, sad, angry, affectionate and confused. He slowly put her down and took a step back so he was in full view of her.

"That was in no way your fault Fluttershy! I had heard rumors from your friends that you blamed yourself but...still?! Why?! Why would you blame yourself and why would you hold this against yourself all this time!?" he shouted, obviously trying to figure her intentions out.

"I-I just. I figured that if you had preferred chaos magic over ou-our f-friendship th-then obviously I wasn't a good friend to you, or I had done or said something wrong! I was closest to you and you know that! But maybe at the time you hadn't thought that you were closest to me! I knew that I had slipped up, or forgotten something and...I still don't know what exactly it is," she softly admitted.

Discord gritted his teeth but let out a steady breath to try and calm down. "Keep going...I know there's more. Get it out, get it off your chest because I am here and I am listening!"

He was right once again. How did this happen? She was supposed to get him to confess but it seemed that the tables had turned.

"Fine. Discord," she looked him straight in the eyes as they locked eye contact, "when you did that it broke my heart. I felt abandoned and worthless and stupid for thinking that you would ever truly care about me but...I was utterly and completely wrong. I figured that since chaos is your nature it was bound to happen but...I thought that my friendship would make you change your mind and then today..."

"Go on."

"And then today I thought that I had failed again. Today I realized that we haven't been as open towards one another as we should be, and that is my fault. And with Iron Will...I just never wanted to see him again-"

"Why?" he asked, his arms crossed defiantly. Fluttershy couldn't believe all of this was happening. She had never been this open with anyone and apparently Discord felt the same way.

"A long time ago, before you and I became friends; actually it was a short while after my friends and I...umm, you know-"

"Turned me to stone? Yes I believe I recall, now do continue," he said.

Fluttershy flattened her ears. "During that time period I was known to be a doormat, even more so than I am today I guess. But I took this class led by Iron Will to be assertive and...it didn't go well. I ended up yelling and getting angry with everypony, which led me to lock myself up in my house for days. I closed all the windows and barred every entrance with wooden planks while I was tied up to a chair in my living room. I thought I was a monster and I hated to even look in the mirror. I don't know what happened but honestly Iron Will and I left things off on decent terms but after hearing about what he did to Twilight and how he taught my class, I guess nothing has changed," she let out.

Discord walked over to Fluttershy and at first she was scared until he picked her up with his magic and held her in his arms. Fluttershy allowed a singular tear to roll down her cheek. He wasn't mad.
His fur was warm and soft, which was good for comfort as she held on tighter.

"Fluttershy...though your first words...I admit...stung a little, I'm glad you told me. So...if it's any conciliation I want you to know that you were the best friend towards me when Tirek came around. I left not because I wasn't satisfied with your friendship but instead because I was selfish and didn't realize what I know now and that is that your friendship means more to me than anything...even chaos," he said before kissing her forehead. Fluttershy felt the heat rise to her cheeks once more as she nuzzled his neck.

"And I'm sorry about Iron Will...I didn't know," he confessed. Fluttershy smiled, "It's okay, I forgive you. I forgive every bad thing you've done in the past and anything you'll regret in the future," she laughed to which he joined her. Calmly he stroked her pink strands of hair and watched as night fell. Discord saw a shooting star in the distance and felt something come about him. He had no idea where it came from or how but something just...came into vision, as if it had been blurred for so long and finally it just became clear.

"I love you Fluttershy," he said, before even thinking. Had he said that before? No. No he hadn't. Had he ever said that to anyone before? No. No he hadn't. "I've never admitted that let alone said that to anyone before," he spoke absentmindedly. Fluttershy felt so many emotions about her. He was already holding her but she felt like they weren't close enough. She wanted to have him as close as possible so that he would know she felt the same way, but if she couldn't then, "I love you too Discord. So much. Thank you for talking to me."

"Heh. I admit, it was quite interesting to say the least and I'm not planning to do that more than necessary but...I trust you Fluttershy, more than anyone and if talking like this makes you feel better then I'll do it. For you. No one else."

Before she could think, Fluttershy put her hoof on the back of Discord's head and the other on the side of his neck and kissed him. The contact didn't last long but it felt so right to her. Maybe that in itself was wrong but...it was how she felt. She pulled away when she realized the surprised look on Discord's face and worried for a second that she shouldn't have done that. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happen-" she stopped when she saw mini fireworks behind Discord as he lunged back in and crushed himself against her. Fluttershy just shrugged in her mind.

What was happening?! Was this normal?! Should he stop? Is this what he wants or is it just in the moment? No. This wasn't just about the moment. This was right.

She had gotten him to confess, in more ways than one. She hadn't realized how much of a big deal this all was until now. This hadn't been a matter of friendship or trust or confessions. This had been a matter of love.

Comments ( 6 )

You live up to your username. :raritywink:

Very cute :yay:

another great fanfic.

This was wonderful! ^.^

I don't understand the downvotes for the life of me.

Very good. Wish I could have seen this episode first.

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