• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 418 Comments

Clockwork - 71NYL-5CR4TCH

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*Authors note: I'm extraordinarily hungover but a promise is a promise, so I'm sorry if the quality isn't top notch.*


Love is perhaps the most important emotion that can be found within us.

The insanities it may drive us to, or pull us from, have proven that it holds a power so raw over one's psyche it can make or break you in a heartbeat.

So why is it so mysterious?

As deep as we may dive into our own physical brains to observe chemical and electrical reactions, one's consciousness, their soul, remains a great mystery to us.

For as we can try to replicate these same reactions in the motherboards of computers, or the lines of a page, we can never truly capture it. Computers and stories still cannot feel. Cannot love.

Only we can love.

So how am I to say it to another? What I feel for her?

We may master communication to it's fullest extent but I can describe to you the emotion I feel no better than I can explain the color red.

I can only say its name.


When even only a single soul captures true love in your heart it truly consumes all that you are, vanquishing all other hatred and loathing because there is simply no room, no room for any other thought than the adoration you have for another. So in love for her I find love in all.

So suddenly that which has plagued me has blessed me.

So rapidly that which weighs me, lifts me.

And in this gap, this precious, precious gap between 2 completely ordinary seconds of time I have been changed.

I have the power, the ability, the gift to stop this world, this universe on a dime, and live in this moment forever, for eternity...

But then I would miss so many more.

So why oh why would I want to do that?

But how does one know what love is?

What is that defining line? When is it crossed?

Somepony once said to me "You just think your in love. You're too young to know what love is."

But isn't thinking your in love, and being in love the same thing?

There are no physical symptoms of love in ones body, they exist only within the mind, the soul.

One does not have a hypochondriac case of love, the idea is laughable.

And to say one is to young to know what love is...absurd.

A foal loves it's mother from the moment it is born.

Perhaps romantic love?

But then what is the age limit?

So the question remains, this all-powerful, soul consuming feeling, how do we define it?

It certainly can't be measured, nor made exclusive to any individual or group.

What is love?

Love is when their is a remarkable fondness, in my eyes, so remarkable that love, true love...

Is knowing deep in your soul that there is another out there, whether they are in your arms or a world away...

That you care about more than you care for yourself.

And I do love her.

So whether we have known one another or for 5 minutes or 5 years it does not matter.

Because to me...

To love...

A second is all the time in the world.

Author's Note:

One other author's note: Some of the monologue in this chapter was inspired by a brilliant indie film known as LOVE. It is available on netflix, and if you like this style of writing I highly recommend it. I also recommend it if you hate it. It's just really good.