• Published 30th Oct 2018
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Ponyville Noire: Kriegspiel—Black, White, and Scarlet - PonyJosiah13

War has come to Ponyville. As a criminal mastermind, a cruel pirate, and a mare with mysterious motives fight for control, Daring Do and Phillip Finder are put to the test with new cases and new foes.

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Case Eleven, Chapter Two: The Leads

“But why would they want to kidnap my little filly?!” Twilight Velvet cried in a mixture of terrified worry and vindictive anger, hugging her daughter tight to her chest, as if to shield her from the dangers of the world.

“Mom, let go, I’m fine,” Twilight protested, trying and failing to squirm out of her mother’s grasp as she and her parents both sat on the sofa of her home. As soon as Twilight had called them, they had both immediately rushed over from their hotel and were now sticking as close to Twilight as possible.

“I do have one theory,” Phillip said, studying the constellations on the woven rug beneath his hooves. He, Daring, and Flash were sitting across from the sofa on supplied cushions; Spike had taken up sentinel at the living room window and was glaring at anything that moved outside.

“Whitestone recently got her claws on a spell called the Lazarus Ritual,” Phillip explained, giving Daring a brief sideways glance. “From what I understand, it’s in an ancient language, and complex; she probably wants Twilight to do it for them. Think it’ll give them an advantage in this gang war.”

“What does the Ritual do?” Night Light asked.

“Apparently, it can raise an army of zombies,” Daring snorted. “Whitestone must be desperate if she thinks myths like this are real.”

“What I’m more concerned about is finding the Silver Talon,” Flash grunted, double-checking his revolver, magically repaired by Twilight. “If the damn thing wasn’t invisible, we could end this right here and now.”

“How do you make an entire warship invisible?” Daring asked.

“Invisibility is a tricky spell to use,” Twilight stated. “Bending light around an object requires constant energy into the spell, and you also have to consider visibility for the subjects: if no light’s going into their eyes, they can’t see. And putting a ward onto a moving object is tricky. I doubt that it’s a spell on the ship itself.”

“Maybe an artifact?” Night Light suggested.

Velvet suddenly brightened with an idea. “Maybe that Amulet thing that I researched for my next book!” she cried. “The Amulet of In…” She closed her eyes, tapping her forehead in thought. “Inyak...Intap…”

“Ina’yk,” Daring stated.

“Yes, that’s it!” Velvet said.

Twilight pulled Ancient Artifacts and Totems from her bookshelf and began flipping through it. “Ah, here it is,” she declared, opening the book wide and placing it on the table so that everypony could see.

The page displayed an illustration of a circular amulet, runes written around the circumference. Inscribed into the golden surface was a tangled mess of tentacles, claws, and wings; eyes and mouths were placed amidst the twisted limbs, with seemingly no rhyme or reason to their placement. In the center was a large ruby carved into the shape of an eye.

“The Amulet of Ina’yk was made by a cult serving Discord in around 350 AE,” Twilight read out loud. “It uses chaos-based magic to interfere with the sight and hearing of anypony who looks at it or whatever it’s attached to. The cult used it to hide their temples from the sight of their enemies, but it was believed lost for centuries.”

“It’s not lost anymore,” Daring stated. “I stole it.”

Everypony blinked at her.

“It was way back in ‘39, when I was still running with the Family,” Daring narrated, looking down at the floor; she started pawing at the carpet with her right hoof, scratching at the cursed brand as it began to itch and tingle. “We’d heard through our contacts in the treasure-hunting world that this professor at Trottingham U was after this amulet that could turn things invisible, so naturally, we wanted a slice of that. We got in touch with him; he planned on selling the Amulet on the black market and needed some...less-than-legal help, so he agreed to give us a cut.

“He figured out from his research that the Amulet was being hidden in some temple in the San Palomino desert, so Sparks, two more of my ‘siblings,’ and I trekked out. Took us four days to get out there, and then he led us out into the desert: used some kind of spell that let him see the Amulet, I guess. It made his eyes glow every time he used it.

"When we got to where he said it might be, a couple of miles northwest of Nowhere—no, seriously, that’s where it was,” she stated in response to everypony’s quizzical expressions. “He took out a spell that he’d copied from the Kyaltratek and performed it, sent out a wave of energy in front of it. And the temple just...appeared in front of us. It was this huge stone obelisk smack in the middle of the desert. We climbed up there through this old, crumbling temple, found the Amulet hanging from the rafters on the top room, and took it down.”

Velvet blinked and tilted her head a bit to the side, frowning. “What?” Daring asked.

“That’s it?” Velvet asked. “From everything I heard about you, I thought that what you did was a bit more exciting than that.”

“I didn’t mention the tatzlwurm attack, or the bandits in Nowhere who jumped us, or the professor going completely cuckoo as soon as we got down from the temple and trying to eat me,” Daring deadpanned.

“...Oh,” Night Light said, eyes wide with surprise.

“Cool!” Velvet gasped, her eyes even wider with awe.

“Mom!” Twilight scolded.

“Anyway, we left him in the desert, got back to the city, and sold the Amulet through our black market contacts.” Daring scowled at the floor, folding her right foreleg into her chest as the burning increased. “Wouldn’t surprise me if it fell into Silvertongue’s hooves,” she added, mainly to herself. “He had a lot of the same contacts as us, even back then, when he was just a small-timer…”

Phillip reached out and took her hoof, squeezing it gently. Daring took a slow breath and closed her eyes, focusing on the gentle warmth of his touch. Slowly, the burning faded away and she gave Phil a grateful nod.

“This is speculation,” Phillip stated flatly, releasing her hoof. “What we need right now are facts.”

“I’d like to know where the Talon is getting its supplies,” Flash scowled. “It has to stop somewhere to refuel and take on more food and things. And that’s without mentioning the shells for their cannon that they use, or the prosthetics that Roaring had. Where do they get those?”

Twilight and Night Light’s eyes brightened. “Does that sound like what I think it sounds like?” Night Light asked.

“Research party!” Twilight cheered.

“Not tonight,” Daring scolded. “It’s late, you just went through a big shock, and I polished off an entire bottle of AJ’s cider by myself and I’m gonna be feeling that pretty soon. We all need some rest.”

“Guys?” Spike said from the window. “There’s a red car out there that’s passed by the house three times.”

Phillip and Daring both stood up, snatching their guns, and stomped towards the door, bursting through it and out onto the lawn. As soon as they stepped into the light of a street lamp, the red Hayson Superior Seven raced away with a screech of tires. Daring started to take off after them, but Phillip pushed her back down to the ground.

“Not worth it. Got the license,” Phillip confirmed as they headed back inside, locking the door behind them. As the door shut, the purple wards surrounding the house flashed briefly.

Inside, Twilight had started shaking again, hugging herself as she sat on the couch. Her parents were both hugging her tight, with Flash holding one hoof.

“I’ll stay the night with you,” Flash was saying. “We’ll keep you safe, Twilight.”

Twilight looked up at Flash, then at Phil and Daring; the vulnerable fear in her eyes made her seem almost like a child again, and Daring was suddenly struck by the realization of how young Twilight was, despite her intelligence and skill. Young enough to be her own daughter, at that.

“Yeah, of course we will,” Phil nodded.

Twilight managed to smile. “Thank you,” she nodded, suddenly looking very tired. Concern flashed across her face. “Oh, no! The Swords of Asocrac can cut through my wards! And maybe they won’t need it: if my wards are vulnerable in any one place—!”

“Twilight,” Flash interrupted, squeezing her hoof sharply. “They won’t get past the wards: I’ve seen you cover every inch of this house with wards, just like you did with Phil and Daring. And you added that extra charm, the, uh...that alarm spell.”

“The Caterwauling Charm, right,” Twilight nodded. “If anypony tampers with it, it’ll sound an alarm.”

“And we’ll be here all night: they won’t come near if we’re here,” Flash reassured her. He kissed her on the forehead. “It’s gonna be fine.”

Twilight frowned. “But—”

“No, Twilight,” Velvet cut her off, lifting her daughter up in an aura of reddish-purple magic and carrying her upstairs. “Time for bed.”

Twilight grumbled a bit, but her protests soon died as she was carried out of sight. Night Light hugged Flash gratefully, then trotted upstairs after his family.

“I’ll put a pot on,” Flash stated, headed for the kitchen. Spike resumed his post at the window, glaring at anything outside.

Daring looked down at the still-open book on the table. The Amulet of Ina’yk stared back up at her with its single ruby eye. The memory of scorching sand stinging at her eyes and burning her hooves rushed at her from the past; the image of a black obelisk, ten stories tall, flickered before her gaze. Her ears were suddenly filled with the echo of the professor’s voice speaking words that made no sense, sounded like no language she had ever heard before or since, but rattled her bones like marbles in a jar.

“If you’re thinking about that, you know it’s a long shot,” Phillip scowled.

“I know,” Daring replied curtly. “But I’ve seen that thing, I know what it can do. It makes sense to me that it’s what the Talon uses: I doubt they’ve got any Royal Academy of Magic graduates in their crew.”

Phillip sighed. “I still say you’ve got ‘roos loose in the top paddock to try a long shot like this, but we’ll give it a burl. You have any ideas on how to confirm that?”

Daring took out her hip flask and took a brief chug of the Manticore Rare inside, ignoring Phillip’s unimpressed glare. She allowed the gears in her mind to turn for a moment, then grinned as an idea sparked through her synapses.

“I might have one idea…”

The taxi trundled up the road; the dust that flew up from the tires glowed in the early morning sun. Up ahead, Daring spotted the sign. Even from this far away, she knew what the black letters said.

“WARNING: Entering Restricted Area. Anti-Flight Spells Active. Area Patrolled by Armed Correctional Officers.”

She braced herself, but there was simply no preparing for the inherent wrongness that came with the wash of anti-flight spells passing over her, the sudden halt of the familiar, comforting tingle in her wings. She let out a breath as they passed the boundary.

“You sure you want to do this?” Phillip asked from beside her, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

“I’m fine,” Daring grunted, scowling at the brick walls that loomed over them as they approached. The taxi halted at the very mouth of the parking lot, as if the toothpick-chewing hippogriff driver was unwilling to get any closer to Frostback Prison than she absolutely had to. The two exited, and Phil tossed the driver a few bits. As soon as they were clear of the vehicle, the taxi turned around and flew back up the road, kicking up dust that the two detectives coughed and choked on as they approached the massive gates.

“Look, I know you think that this is a waste of time,” Daring replied, shooting Phil a sideways glare and trying to force her frantically pounding heart to slow down; with every step she took towards the brick and steel edifice, her blood seemed to grow colder. “But I want to try this. Flash has got his angle covered, and I…” She grunted. “Okay, fine, it’s just a gut feeling. But I still want to follow it.”

Phillip still said nothing. Daring scowled at him as they approached the guard hut in front of the doors. “If you don’t even think this is worth following up on, why did you even come?” she asked.

Phillip stared ahead for a few moments more, then sighed and spoke softly. “Didn’t want you to do this alone.”

Daring paused for a moment; some of the tension that had been building in her stomach evaporated into a pleasant warmth. She half-smiled and kissed Phillip on the cheek. “Thanks.”

Phillip smiled back at her for a moment as an officer emerged from the hut, carrying a clipboard.

“Morning, detectives,” the silver-haired green unicorn nodded, stretching out his back. “The warden told us that you’d be coming in.” He glanced at Daring. “Guardian’s still ticked at you for calling that damn early in the morning.”

“Tell him that ideas don’t come on a schedule,” Daring replied with a small smirk as the two signed in.

The officer returned to the hut and spoke into a radio. A moment later, the massive iron gates opened wide with an electronic buzz, revealing the paved pathway surrounded by the double perimeter of chain-link fences leading up to the reception door and bay doors. “Officer Greenwing will meet you inside,” the unicorn told them.

“Thank you,” Phillip nodded as they headed inside. Pushing through the door, they entered the reception area. The receptionists nodded to them on the other side of the glass and gestured for them to wait.

“Better tuck these in here,” Phillip stated, shrugging off his vest and trilby and placing them inside one of the guest lockers with the keypads. Daring placed her pith helmet and the contents of most of her pockets in another locker, and they locked them both with a three-number combination.

After a minute of waiting, the steel “One” door opened and a younger grass-colored pegasus officer with a sandy brown mane stepped through. As he passed through the Netitus security gate, the gate flashed red and let out a warning blare. Ignoring it, Officer Greenwing approached the detectives.

“Morning, detectives,” he said in a chipper tone, shaking their hooves. “I’ll be taking you inside to the conference room we use. First, please take off your shoes and step through the gate here.”

Phillip stepped through the gate: the metal construction remained blue and silent. Daring passed into the gate, but once she was halfway through, the gate turned red and buzzed loudly.

“Oh, yeah,” Daring muttered, giving an embarrassed grin. “I’ll be right back.”

She disappeared into the bathroom and came out a moment later with a cuff key, razor blade, and a cigar tube covered in a heavily lubed condom.

“You just carry that with you all the time now?” Phillip asked, giving the tube a raised eyebrow.

“Never know, right?” Daring smirked, stashing her gear in her locker.

Greenwing blinked at Daring for several seconds, then shook his head and closed his jaw. “Uh, okay. Let’s try that again.”

Daring passed through the gate again, this time with no trouble. Once they got their shoes back on, Greenwing led them up to the steel door.

“One door!” he called into the intercom and the door buzzed open. The trio entered the small hallway outside of the control room and the two door buzzed open to allow them entry to the main lobby.

Immediately, the same, dreadful cloud pressed down on Daring. The mixing malodor of sweat, body odors, and drugs. The low, constant buzz of the fluorescent lights assaulting her ears, mixing with the faint, muted shouts from the inmates. The almost palpable waves of anger and hostility that tingled beneath her skin, slithering through her frantically pounding heart. The coldness of the too-close walls, making her feel like a cockroach with an iron hanging overhead, every instinct screaming at her to run away.

Five-count inhale. Pause. Five-count exhale. Pause. In. Out. Breathe. Breathe, Daring. You’re okay.

Greenwing led them straight ahead and through a thick steel and glass door that led into a small room with a table and a set of chairs. He unlocked the door with a set of keys and gestured them inside. “I’ll call down the inmate you wanted, and I’ll be waiting outside,” he informed them, shutting the door.

Daring and Phillip both sat down at the table. Daring reached into a pocket and extracted a set of notes that she had made up the previous night. “You got the plan down?” Phillip asked.

“I got it,” Daring nodded. “I’m just hoping that this guy will want to talk to us.”

“Me too,” Phillip nodded, glancing at Greenwing as he spoke into his radio.

A minute passed. Then two. Greenwing stood outside the door, looking from side to side. He spoke into the radio again, then glanced at Phil and Daring.

“He’s not coming,” Phillip grunted, standing.

“Wait,” Daring said, pulling him back down.

At that moment, there came the sound of steps up the hallway: the soft padding of paws mixed with the clicking of talons. A dark brown griffon appeared, trotting up the hallway with his head held high, green eyes staring at Greenwing with a mixture of contempt and hunger, clearly imagining slicing his belly open and feasting on his entrails. The tattoo mark of the silver talon on his neck burned argent against his flesh.

Giving Greenwing a contemptuous sneer as he opened the door, Ashtail entered the room. He paused and glared at the detectives. “What’s this about?” he growled.

Daring scowled as she examined the griffon pirate, biting back a comment on how he was clearly still eating well after his capture at the temple, even if she doubted that they were feeding him pony’s offals. Instead, she took a slow breath and ordered herself to calm down.

“Morning, Ashtail,” Phillip nodded. “Hoped you’d be willing to talk.”

Ashtail remained standing at the door, scowling thoughtfully, thinking over his options.

“We were hoping you could help clear something up for us,” Daring said with a small smirk. “Namely, how to find the Talon.”

Ashtail snorted, striding forward to stand on the opposite side of the table to them. “You never will,” he sneered. “You know the Talon’s invisible. Your Navy’s been trying to find it for years and has always failed.”

“Except they didn’t know how you did it,” Daring replied, allowing her smirk to grow a tinge wider.

Ashtail’s sneer flickered for a moment, a cloud of confusion and concern passing across his eyes briefly. This is why they’d picked him as their target: he lacked a poker face, and his interrogation had displayed that he tended to speak a little more than more experienced criminals would consider wise.

“You’re bluffing,” Ashtrail snarled, simple curiosity compelling him to stay, to hear what they had to say.

“They’ve tried searching for invisibility spells, camouflage paints, the normal shit,” Daring listed off. “But they didn’t think of an amulet.”

Ashtail’s eyebrows went up a few inches, then immediately snapped back down. “What amulet?” he asked.

Daring grinned and held up an illustration of the Amulet of Ina’yk that she’d drawn earlier. The drawing was thoroughly detailed, with the red eye especially realistic.

Ashtail’s eyes widened in horror, and Daring let out a victorious laugh. “Thanks for the help,” she declared as she and Phil stood up.

Ashtail’s expression shifted into rage and he dove at Daring with a shriek of hatred, claws extended to tear at her face.

His claws never made it into her flesh, for even before Daring ducked, Phillip’s shoulder crashed into Ashtail’s side, driving the breath from his lungs as he was flung into the cinderblock wall. Grunted and spitting through the pain, Ashtail tried to scramble back to his claws, only for two great weights to pin him to the carpeted floors. “No! Fuckers! Fuckers!” he howled, trying to get up.

“Thirty-three, thirty-three, conference room!” Greenwing howled into his radio as he charged into the room. His wing snapped open a pouch on his duty belt and extracted his pepper spray bottle, which he immediately fired into Ashtail’s face. The griffon shrieked in furious pain as the stinging scent of capsaicin filled the room, scratching at eyes and throats and flesh. More officers charged into the room, wrestling Ashtail into shackles and dragging him out of the room, orange spray dripping off his face.

“You won’t find the Talon!” Ashtail shrieked as he was carried down the hall towards the solitary wing. “Whitestone will be waiting for you, motherfuckers!”

Phillip coughed, trying to keep his eyes open so that the air would start to degrade the spray in his face. “We’re betting on it,” he replied as he led Daring outside. He smiled and nodded, patting Daring on the back. “You were right,” he admitted.

“See?” Daring grinned through a cough. “Sometimes hunches play out.” She coughed again and spat into a trash can. “Shit, I forgot how much that burned. Let’s get back to the others.”

“So you were right about the Amulet,” Daring reported to Velvet and Night Light at Twilight’s home later. “I gotta give you credit for that.”

Velvet grinned and raised a hoof towards Night Light. He smiled in reply and bumped his hoof against hers.

“So what now?” Phillip asked.

“I told you, there’s a spell in the Kyaltratek that tells how to find and reveal it,” Daring said. “Too bad that Professor Tome went back to Manehattan.”

“But there’s an original copy in the Royal Archives in Canterlot,” Night Light reported. “I’ve been a member of the Archives long enough to access the Restricted Section.”

“That’s a nice offer, but we’d need somepony who can read it,” Daring said. “The Kyaltratek is written in a dead language.”

“I may know a pony,” Night said slyly.

Daring blinked. "You? How?"

"I needed a history credit in university," Night Light shrugged. "You'd be surprised how much can be gleaned from older texts."

“What about Flash and Twilight?” Phillip asked. “And where’s Spike?”

“He decided to accompany Twilight to work today,” Velvet said. “Something about keeping her safe.” She giggled. “Not many kids get to say they have a dragon for a bodyguard.”

“Cute,” Daring nodded. “Are we going to Canterlot or not?”

“Patience,” Phillip said. “The next train to Canterlot isn’t until this afternoon, and it’ll take all night to get there. First, I want to see what Twilight’s up to. Then we need to get some packing done.”

“You’re coming?” Daring asked.

“Can’t let you have all the fun,” Phillip replied.

Velvet squealed in delight and clapped her hooves. “I’ll go reserve tickets!” she cried, bouncing out of the house. Night Light sighed and followed her.

“The family resemblance is uncanny, isn’t it?” Daring shook her head as they exited.

“She might’ve actually made a good partner to you once,” Phillip smirked, allowing Daring to scoop him up beneath the forelegs.

“What, as a temple raider or something?” Daring snorted as they headed towards the precinct. “Have you been reading Hayana Pones?”

“You think you’ve got enough files here?” Daring commented, staring at the stacks of boxes and files on the tables of the forensic lab.

“That is what I am telling Twilight Sparkle,” Doctor Suunkii deadpanned, frowning from over his microscope. “Before you is any and every evidence relating to thefts involving the crew of the Silver Talon, particularly those near the waterfront. Officer Flash Sentry believes that there is a common link in these thefts that will demonstrate by what method they ferry their bounties to the ship.”

“And here we are,” Twilight stated, entering with another box of files carried in her magic, with a decidedly unenthusiastic Spike following. “Dock records for boats that were docked along the Maresippi River. If we cross-reference the robberies…”

Phillip stared at the duo with a pensive frown. “You have no bloody idea where to start, do you?” he deadpanned.

“That’s what I’ve been telling her,” Spike muttered, scowling at the boxes of files.

“Well, we...Flash and I thought that we might as well try to cover all of our bases, so we’d just cast a very wide net, so to speak, and…” Twilight cringed a bit, looking over her massive collection of boxes. “I guess I may have gotten a bit carried away…” she admitted with a blush.

“Your enthusiasm is admirable, Twilight Sparkle,” Suunkii stated. “But perhaps it is time you learned to recognize your limits and place more reasonable expectations upon yourself. And your colleagues,” he added, giving Spike a sympathetically weary smile.

“I suppose you’re right,” Twilight nodded. “I’m just...I’m not sure where to start.”

“Perhaps we can focus upon the vehicle that was used in your abduction?” Suunkii offered. “Detective Rubber has reported that the taxi was stolen seven months ago and has been tentatively connected to a number of abductions since. I am currently examining forensic evidence taken from the taxi.”

“If we can figure out what abductions the taxi was used in, we might be able to connect it to a ship that traveled down the Maresippi!” Twilight cried, brightening. “Of course! C’mon, guys, let’s get to work!” She snatched up a microscope slide and started setting some fibers onto the plastic.

Spike and Daring caught each other’s eyes and sighed in unison.

“Ponyville tower to Flash. Ponyville tower to Flash. You are cleared to land back in reality.”

Flash blinked and looked up, realizing that Bumblebee was waving a chocolate bar in front of his nose. “Sorry, Bee,” he muttered, accepting the snack and taking a slow munch on it.

“Your head is on another planet this morning, Flash,” Bumblebee said, crunching down on the bag of mini-cookies that he’d gotten out of the deli that they’d stopped at on their beat through the Industrial District. “You’re still worried about Twilight getting almost kidnapped?”

“Yeah,” Flash nodded, barely tasting the chocolate he was chewing on. The freshly-healed wound on his foreleg started to burn again, the still partially-repaired muscles complaining about having to bear his weight.

“Don’t worry too much, Flash,” Prowl reassured him, leaning against a streetlamp on the corner. “Whitestone isn’t known for her brains, but no one’s dumb enough to attack the precinct when it’s full of cops.”

“And that’s when they don’t have a dragon for a bodyguard,” Bumblebee added. “How’d she even get a pet dragon? I could’ve used one as a kid.”

“What, having a ‘vampire’ for a best friend wasn’t enough?” Prowl replied with a smirk that showed off her fangs.

“Well, it scared off most of the bullies,” Bumblebee agreed.

“Spike isn’t a pet,” Flash replied. “He’s like her little brother. She apparently hatched him as part of her entry test into the Royal Academy of Magic.”

“Some test,” Prowl commented.

Flash shook his head. “I just wish that there was some clue I had to help find the Talon,” he said. “Twilight and Phil and Daring all have ideas, but I’m her coltfriend and…” He sighed angrily, shoulders slumping.

“Flash, we all have our duties,” Prowl said. “One of the things I learned early on in the Air Force was to worry about your own duties and do your job. Wasting your time worrying about things that are out of your control is just going to drive you insane.” She gave him an even look and patted him on the shoulder. “There are other ponies that need you right now, Sentry. I need your head in the game.”

“Sorry, sarge,” Sentry nodded. “I’ll stay focused.”

But even as they continued on their beat, passing in the shadows of the great industrial chimneys and brick walls that made up the center of the Industrial District, Flash kept turning over the images in his mind. The taxi going the wrong way down the road. Seeing Bentley in the driver’s seat. The chase. Twilight whimpering and shaking in his grasp.

Roaring dropping out of the sky. Pain across his forearm. A cursed blade with twin black suns streaking towards his back. Moonlight glinting off a metal wing…

The three officers’ walkie-talkies crackled to life. “Any units near Steel Boulevard, a 10-10 reported at Adamantium Prosthetics, 47 Steel Boulevard. Three ponies involved. Any units to respond.”


“Of course!” Flash cried, already taking off for Steel Boulevard, dropping the unfinished candy and fumbling for his radio. “Officer Sentry responding, 10-76!” he cried.

“What a waste of candy,” Bumblebee commented sadly, staring at the already-melting candy on the sidewalk.

“C’mon,” Prowl rolled her eyes, scooping Bumblebee up and chasing after Flash. "Sentry, slow down! Wait for us!"

Author's Note:

Not much happens here, but it's all to set up the later events of this case. Hope you enjoyed regardless!

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