• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 2,677 Views, 33 Comments

Size Doesn't Matter - Pixel Berry

Two people wind up in Equestria as The Ant-Man and The Wasp.

  • ...

Chapter 2

John made his way into what looked like a village of some sort. Different colored horses trotted around, looking much older and bigger than the trio he met. He hid inside a can as he saw the same trio of fillies running, the unicorn still screaming her head off.

Meanwhile, Liz was currently hiding from a unicorn mare, somehow following her even though she was crying that she ‘lost her hands’ while a cream coated mare with a blue and pink mane and tail comforted her. She could only assume that was the ‘Bon-Bon’ she was calling out to.

The two backed up into each other in the same alleyway, both jumping, with Liz aiming her blasters at him and John grabbing a toothpick as a sword. But they were relieved to see it was each other.

“Oh god! Liz!? You're alright!” John exclaimed.

“John! You son of a bitch!” Liz replied, the two quickly giving each other a hug.

“Man, I had a bad encounter with some unicorn.”

“Oh? Was it a mint unicorn that was crazy after finding a human?” Liz guessed.

“Uh… no… I think it was a filly. She screamed and threw me like a bug.”

“Guess that's bad. But at least you weren't captured by a unicorn who wanted your hands.”

“... What kind of world have we landed in?”

“I don't know. Looks like some little girl's dream world.” She commented, placing a hand over her forehead.

“Yeah. Talking ponies that are cute.” Liz turned to him. He looked back. “What? I'm not lying.”

“... Anyways… is your suit working?”

“Other than the ability to grow, yeah, It works. You?”

“I can fly and shoot lasers. But I also can't grow.”

“Let me guess. Low energy?”


“Crap. And by the looks of this, these ponies live in a medieval-like village. How the heck are we going to get that type of power!?” As Liz spoke, two ponies were rushing by them.

“Come on, Sandbar!” A little pink pegasus filly with a curly mane spoke. “Twilight's about to teach us energy extraction!”

“I don't see how that ties in with friendship.” The turquoise colt spoke with a bit of a laid-back surfer vibe.

“... That was easy.” John spoke. He sprinted to the colt and jumped into his tail. Liz followed, but flew and landed in the colt’s mane.


After a few minutes of hiding, the pair of humans looked out, seeing that their ride ended up in a classroom of sorts. It looked similar to a university classroom, but all around were ponies, and surprisingly, a griffin, a yak, a dragon, a bird-horse thing, and a bug-horse. The sheer size of the room alone overwhelmed the two, but the fact they were surrounded by giants made it even more terrifying. The class door room opened, and entered was a lavender, unicorn-pegasus mixed pony.

“Good afternoon, class.” She introduced herself.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Twilight Sparkle.” The class replied in unison. John and Liz stood next to each other, right next to the flank of the colt they rode in on.

“Twilight Sparkle?” John asked. “Guh! Hope there's not a vampire around she's interested.”

“Shush!” Liz replied, taking a seat.

“As you know,” Twilight continued, her horn picking up some chalk and writing it down on a chalkboard. “We're learning about energy through electricity!” She drew as she began to speak. “As many of you know, electricity is made from Cloudsdale from the weather factory, who put in excess lightning into their clouds to the world below. While this is considered traditional, the Crystal Empire was the first to discover that, while it takes longer to make, certain crystals can generate electrical currents and last a REALLY long time. But thanks to some advances in both technology and magic, we've been and to capture the insects known as Twittermites and use their electricity to power. Of course, the act of doing so can only be handled by professionals, with the Twittermite farms being in certain locations around-” The door slammed open as the trio of fillies came running in.

“Princess Twilight!” All three shouted in unison. “There's something important!”

“Uh… take a five-minute breather, class.” Twilight followed the fillies.

“So… this world has the technology, but nothing modern?” John asked.

“Or this area is more traditional,” Liz replied.

“Well, at least we know what we got to do.”

“Yeah. And I doubt these ponies are going to help us.” She glanced over to where the three fillies and pegacorn went.

“... Are you suggesting?”

“We're not stealing, we're simply… borrowing.”

“Uh-huh, tell yourself that.” Liz facepalmed herself.

“Look, we gotta do this if we are going to be big again. I don't want to wind up being a stain under some horse's hoof, or be captured and experimented on.”

“Yeah… what will we do when we're big and caught?”

“Let's just focus on what's happening now instead of the future.” She sprouted her wings and flew up… well, at least tried.

“Hey! What about me!?”

“You're Ant-Man! Find a flying ant.”

“Where!?” Liz pointed at the bug horse thing. “... Oh hell no! I don't think that thing is even part ant! And look at it! Think I can control giant ants!?”

“Hank Pym did in the movie.” She crossed her arms, only to spin forward. John looked at the giant insect, then back.

“If this fails, you're giving me a ride.”


Stepping outside of the class, Twilight's calm demeanor turned sour.

“Girls, it's rude to interrupt my lectures.” She spoke, ears folding back with her negative emotion.

“We know, and we apologize,” Applebloom stated. “But we found somethin’ that's weird.” Twilight sighed, lowering her head a little.

“What is it?”

“We were all playing outside,” Scootaloo began. “Everything seemed normal, but Sweetie Belle swore she heard someone and-”

“A bug was on my face!” Sweetie Belle interrupted, even rubbing her muzzle thinking that something else was crawling on it.

“So… a talking bug was on your face?” Twilight asked. “Girls, I think you stumbled upon a lost Breezie. Just point me where it went and-”

“Oh no, Twilight, this wasn't a Breezie,” Applebloom spoke. “This thing didn't have any wings at all!”

“Yeah! And it had the head of an ant!” Scootaloo added.

“And it stood on its hind legs!” Sweetie Belle concluded. Twilight gave a confused look.

“Can you draw me what it looked liked?” She asked. “Maybe it's just-”

The sound of something banging on the walls was heard from inside her class. Twilight and the fillies entered back into the class, seeing their insect student flying around with no real sense of direction.

“Ocellus!? What are you doing!?” Twilight demanded.

“Coming, Master…” Ocellus spoke in a monotone voice as her eyes were spinning as if she was hypnotized.


John was caught off guard at how easy it was to control the giant insect. Controlling it, however, was out of the question.

“No! No! To the left! The left!” He ordered, which had it crash against the desk. “No! My left! My left!” It crashed through the window. Twilight fired a beam from her horn, which froze the giant insect in place.

“Okay, this is a bust!” Liz shouted, flying out of the broken window. John stopped controlling the insect and ran away. Much to his surprise, he was able to jump WAY higher than he thought he could do… but collided with Liz in the air, making both of them fall to the floor.

“Could you make things worse?” Liz asked, feeling rather sore to take flight once more.

“There you are!” The all too familiar voice of the unicorn spoke. Liz and John turned to see the woman's captor. “Ooh! You brought a friend! And this time, I'm keeping my eyes on you!”

“RUN!!!” The two humans got up and sprinted. Their unicorn hot on their tails.


Ocellus shook her head, regaining control. “Ugh… my head.” She moaned. Her eyes widened as she looked around the damaged room. “What happened!? Did I do this?”

“Ocellus! What happened!?” Twilight asked, her voice almost toned like a stern mother finding their child do something bad.

“I… I don't know. I was just talking to Yona about how Twittermites are like jellyfish, and next thing I know, someone called for me.”

“Called for you?”

“It was like I was being told what to do… but in my mind. I blanked out and that's all I remember. I swear!”

Twilight gave a skeptical look. “I'll need to see you after class.” She simply stated.

Ocellus’s pupils shrunk as her ears folded. “Am I in trouble?”

“Oh no! Not at all. I just need to ask you more in-depth questions.”

“Oh… okay…” Ocellus’s head hung low as she flew to her next class, still feeling that she was in a lot of trouble. 'But, what happened back there?'