• Member Since 24th Jul, 2018
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  • MLuna's Worsening Problem
    Luna assumed that her bedwetting issue would only be temporary, as would the diapers she had been forced to wear to lessen the impact of said issue. However, things were about to get even worse for the Princess of the Night...
    Nido_King · 3.2k words  ·  55  29 · 1.8k views
Comments ( 8 )

Not exactly sure how this is a sequel to the story you linked to, it doesn't make any mention of Trixie or that Luna is aware of her problems.

On its own it isn't bad, but I feel like it could use more detail in a lot of spots. It feels very bare bones.

Aww, this was pretty cute. And cloud-stuffed diapers is a wonderful bit of world building, too. Not gonna lie, I may steal that down the line, if that’s ok. :pinkiehappy:

Really cute story, maybe a bit short but it was pretty nice the scene where Princess Luna puts her diaper on :rainbowkiss:. Also that final and your headcanon of how visiting thousands of nightmares could have that side-effect is amazing :pinkiehappy:. Very well done! :twilightsmile:

Interesting concept. 'The Dream Realm' can have all sorts of effects and being influenced by a dreamer is one I didn't consider until your story. If Luna can influence dreams it makes sense the dreamer could influence Luna, too.

You played the situation with Celestia very well. At least she's getting better... right?

Comment posted by Frasse deleted May 19th, 2020

i feel like this entire story is something you tell your self so its feels normal to get diaperd up

I'll admit this was cute, the princess of night, has become the princess of pamps
-shies away into a corner-

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