• Published 5th Aug 2018
  • 2,196 Views, 5 Comments

Birth - Bookpony579

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It was a cold, snowy night, one of the first of the season, when Twilight found herself shaken awake by her mother and whisked into the car and soon found herself in the hospital waiting room.

Shining had called just a little while ago with urgency in his voice.

Cadance's baby was coming.

Spike, sitting on Twilight''s lap, let out a big yawn and looked out the window, it was only a few hours after midnight, and the sun hadn't even begun to rise yet.

"Oh! This is so exciting Spike!" Twilight gushed. "I can't wait to meet my new little niece or nephew!"

Spike yawned again. "Couldn't they have waited until after sunrise?"

"Oh trust me Spike," Night spoke up from his seat. "Babies come whenever they decide. Shining came a week late, and Twily came almost a month early. And early in the morning to boot!"

Velvet rolled her eyes. "Well I wasn't exactly having a fun time either, mister.

It was then that Shining Armor emerged from Cadance's room, dark circles under his eyes and looking frazzled.

"What's wrong? Is the baby here yet?" Twilight asked.

Shining shook his head. "After Cadance threw a lamp at me, they decided it was best if I wait out here."

Night laughed. "Tell me about it! You should have seen your mother when she was in labor! Thankfully they managed to fix the wall and our insurance covered the rest of the damage."

This earned him a swift punch in the shoulder from his wife, eliciting giggling from Twilight.

A ding sounded, and a few new faces emerged from the elevator.

"Hello everyone! Are we late? Is the baby here yet?" Celestia asked.

Velvet shook her head. "Not quite yet, but have a seat. First borns usually take a while. I remember being in labor for almost a whole day before Shining decided to grace us with his presence."

Celestia and Luna sat near and chatted with Twilight's parents while a tired Sunset slumped into the seat next to Twilight.

"Hey Sunset! Aren't you just excited for the baby!?"

Sunset, with noticeable bags under her eyes, just yawned.

"I would have much preferred it if the baby had decided to come at 4 in the afternoon and Celestia not literally dragging me out of bed so we could get to the hospital."

Twilight just giggled as Sunset gave her a sleepy glare.

Several hours passed by as they continued to wait. Even in the waiting area, they could hear the somewhat faint sounds of Cadence's labor pains.

"Shouldn't the baby have been here by now? What if something's wrong? What if the baby doesn't like me, or I'm not a good father?" Shining panicked as he paced back and forth.

Twilight looked up from her phone to comfort her brother. "Shiny, relax, Cadence is going to be fine. And you're going to be a great dad! You and Cadence have been looking forward to this for months!"

"Take it from me son." Night said. "You've both though long and hard about this and did everything you could to prepare for this moment. And the baby's going to love you the moment it sees you."

"He's right! This baby's going to love you to bits!" Pinkie said.

Pinkie's sudden presence startled the family, causing some of them to break into a variety of girly screams, waking up Sunset and Spike and causing them to fall to the floor.

"Pinkie!?" Twilight exclaimed.

"That's me!"

"What are you doing here!?"

"Well, I was right at home sound asleep when all of a sudden my Pinkie Sense is going off. Of course, I didn't know what it meant, so I decided to check online where I saw that your mom had posted the news to her mystable profile, so of course I had to come here straight away to greet the baby along with the rest of our friends!" She gestured to the elevators, showing four sleepy teens standing there looking at their Pink friend with irritation.

"Really Pinkie? You couldn't have waited until after the baby was born to call us?" Rainbow yawned.

"But I wanted us to be here the moment it's born! That way I can throw a 'Congratulations on Being Born' Party!" Pinkie explained.

"Perhaps it's best if we left the actual family in peace during this time?" Rarity suggested.

"Oh don't worry about it!" Night spoke up. "You girls are more than welcome to wait with us! You're all practically family anyway!"

Smiling, the girls joined the rest of them.

"Oh! This is do exciting! I love helping out when one of the shelter pets goes into labor. The babies are usually so small and so cute!" Fluttershy gushed.

"Ah'm with ya there. When one of the animals on the farm goes into labour, I'm usually right there helping, and the babies always look so gosh dang adorable!" AJ paused. "Well, one you clean the birthing fluids and blood off them first."

Rarity shuddered at that image.

"Well, I on the other hand am more than happy to provide my services for baby ensembles." Rarity said, already thinking of designs she could do for a newborn.

"I'm sure Shining and Cadence will appreciate it." Twilight smiled at her friend.

Just then a nurse came out and looked around until her eyes landed on Shining.

"Mr. Armor?"

Shining's eyes widened in surprise before answering. "Yes?"

The nurse gave him a warm smile. "Would you like to meet your newborn daughter?"

Shining blinked for a moment, seeming to not believe the news, before breaking out into a big smile. "YES!"

"Then follow me."

As the two left, the room became filled with excited chatter.

Twilight's friends huddled around her with hugs and congratulations.

"Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh!" Twilight squealed. "I have a niece! I'm an aunt! Best day ever!"

"Ohmystars! Ohmystars! Ohmystars!" Velvet was jumping up and down in excitement. "I have a granddaughter! I'm a grandmother! Best day ever!"

"Hmmm...." Celestia remained seated and went into thought. "Great-Aunt Celie....not bad." She said with a smile.

"Oh! I'm so excited! Who's excited!? I am so excited!" Pinkie hopped around, even doing a cartwheel.

A few minutes later, Shining came back out with the biggest smile on his face.

"Who wants to see my new little girl?"

Celestia, Luna, and Twilight's parents eagerly began following him.

"Go on ahead." Sunset said. "You deserve a little time with your new niece."

Twilight smiled and headed down the corridor.

They soon arrived at a door and, with Shining softly shushing them, quietly followed him inside.

There, sitting up in a bed looking exhausted but smiling nonetheless was Cadence, who held a little bundle wrapped securely in a light blue blanket. When they entered, she nodded at them to come over.

"Hi everyone." She said softly, due to not wanting to disturb the baby and the fact that her throat was sore after all the screaming and shouting. "Meet my little girl." She moved part of the blanket to reveal a tiny, light pink baby girl who was sound asleep. Even as a newborn it was obvious she took strongly after her mother, with her pink skin and the curly pink hair with blue stripes sprouting from her head.

"She's beautiful...." Twilight whispered.

"Just like her mommy." Luna whispered, smiling at Cadence.

"She sure is." Shining said. "Now I just have to work on killing anything with a y chromosome that comes near her, and I'm good."

"Oh my..." Velvet put a hand to her heart as she and her husband smiled at their new granddaughter.

It was then that the baby began to fuss and opened her eyes, revealing them to be light blue.

"What pretty eyes!" Celestia gushed.

"Just like her daddy's." Cadence said, smiling at her blushing husband.

"And her granny's." Night said, smiling at his own wife.

"What's her name?" Twilight asked.

"Well we were talking..." Cadance said, nodding at her husband who finished the sentence.

"....and we decided on 'Flurry Heart'."

The now name Flurry Heart glanced at each of the adults in the room before her eyes settled on Twilight.

"Do you want to hold her?" Cadance asked, noticing her daughter staring.

Carefully, the baby was moved into Twilight's nervous arms.

"Hi Flurry..." Twilight gave a little wave as she held her newborn niece. "I'm your aunt Twily."

Flurry blinked, before smiling and reaching up towards her aunt.

"I think she likes you." Shining said.

Twilight couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"Welcome to the world Flurry. You're family's weird and crazy, and has a tendency to attract trouble. But we love you, and we're going to do everything possible to keep you safe and happy. Ok?"

The baby gurgled happily, even though she couldn't understand a single word.

"You're going to have a lot of great adventures with us. Don't you think?" Twilight looked at her brother.

Shining took a moment to think, before smiling at his sister.

"You know what? I think you're right."

Author's Note:

Heeeerrrreeeeees Flurry!

Comments ( 5 )


Adorableness can give you cavities.

Excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, general wrap-up and future story set-up in all the right places. :-D I particularly liked Night Light's voice of experience concerning when babies are born and the reactions of everybody when they met Flurry for the first time. Hopefully, they'll be able to keep calm when babysitting her after finding out she has the powers of a high-level mage/potential demigod. (though such a thing might lead to some interesting homages to the Incredibles' "Jack-Jack Attacks" short [:-D]).

At any rate, I'll certainly be looking forward to more of your work.

How cute!!, and how funny is Pinkie drag her friends from their homes.

"Now I just have to work on killing anything with a y chromosome that comes near her, and I'm good."


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