• Published 12th Aug 2018
  • 2,349 Views, 163 Comments

MLP: Actualization Online - Slendy

The world of MLP: Actualization Online has begun, with two brothers making a bet to change the world in their own way. However, they won't be the only ones who wish to change the digital world, as all players come to see, there is no way to logout.

  • ...

Raid - [The Vault of Forestation]

---~[Previously on MLP: Actualization Online]~---

"I will start with the name, this is the Raid Lair known as, The Vault of Forestation, it is a massive, forest maze with limits to how high you can fly, and there are three paths into the maze, all of which with a switch of some-kind at the end, once the mini-boss guarding the key is defeated, all paths will intercept at the Boss Lair, of course, traps, mobs, and misdirecting paths are around every turn, so this is no mere maze."

"Once we reach the boss room, all parties will plan their strategies to taking the Boss down. So far, only two pieces of information have been given about the Boss. One, the name of the Boss is, [Twisted Angulation], and that its room is separated into platforms surrounding the Boss. That is all the current information we have."

[Gateway Forestation]

This was it, the grand day of the first ever raid in MLP: AO, it was rather exciting, I actually couldn't get much sleep last night because of it, I even told my brother about it, he said that his 'Mafia' as he described it had been busy taking down a rebel faction in their location, a bunch on underground [BEEP], which was certainly up his alley. But now, it was time. Now, however, I drew my attention to the nervous looking Rain, who was looking through her menu like crazy, muttering to herself about different items.

"Hey, you'll be fine, just stick with me, and Seraph will handle all the rest for us." I comforted, as she jumped at my wing touching her back, but she sighed, smiling weakly. "Nervous?"

"Absolutely, I mean, I knew I would 'eventually' be part of a raid, but not with the first players to ever beat one!" She exclaimed, making me, and Seraph laughed a little, before I pulled her muzzle to look at me, as I gave her welcoming smile

"You'll be fine, just think of all the exclusive gear we're gonna get from doing this, all the powerful stats to press on to better adventures!" I cheered, whist I looked to a drooling Seraph, as she giggled with a blush. "Well....most of us are excited for loot, she just wants stats to sell for a fortune to people."

"Yeah, so....who was it I was going to be with for the time being, through the first part like you mentioned?" Rain asked curiously, so I scanned the crowds, before I pointed to a guy in all black, the only thing showing was his black legs, his silver, spiky tail, and the locks from under the hood, along with his muzzle


"I talked to him earlier, said it would be fine to tag with him." I explained, then I brought up the system, which was important, as I showed her a basic map I drew up IRL, showing three paths. "Inside, we'll depart at the fork, you stick with SilverCrow's squad down the right path, me, along with Klaw's group will take the center path, and last, Seraph will be with the rest down the left path. Then, we meet up at the end, simple....except, not at all as easy as I say it, due to traps, monsters-HMM!?"

Seraph had shoved a hoof in my mouth, shutting me up as she rolled her eyes, pulling back to let me breathe.

"Stick by them, you'll be fine, once we make to the boss we'll take it down without a hitch!" Her upbeat attitude for a cheap Info Broker was certainly a change in atmosphere, but with us now at the gate, it was time

"Alright, all key bearers place your key on the door!" I heard Klaw call up, as I nodded to my team, before I trotted up to the door, pulling the sky out of my items list, and holding its ruby figure before me. Beside me, I saw that Klaw wielded the Amethyst key, then SilverCrow held out an Onyx key. Then that Bombard [BEEP] brought out a Topaz key, followed by an Emerald Key from a mare, a stallion had an Amber key, and last was a Changeling with a Sapphire key. "Now!"


Within the moment the vibration ceased, we stood back at the gust of wind pushing past us, as I held onto my scarf, before the wind mellowed out, and the black corridor of vines, leaves, and thorns greeted us. Then, fireflies flew past us from the Everfree Forest, before igniting the way in an aura of emerald light, the gloomy tunnel leading to the innards of the Raid Lair. Hell, even the ambiance gave me chills.

"Ok everyone, follow me, SilverCrow, and Trickstar, all those who are under their squad should stick with them, encase the separation is triggered!" I must admit, Klaw had everything down to a 'T', from leadership, to keeping all the plans as straight as an arrow, alongside being respected by everyone, he was really good at it, I'd lie if I wasn't a tad bit envious

But now we followed into the dark abyss of The Vault of Forestation.

The hollow moans were all around us now, as the clanking and clopping echoed around us, with some using illumination spells to aid the fireflies in keeping us straight. It was almost morbid, how dark, and loud the noises were, with snapping vines, and what sounded like crunching in the darkness of the tree-like ground, no longer dirt, or even grass, just bumpy vines, and bark. Then, the fireflies departed into three lines like a fork.

"Looks like our paths divide now...." I hummed, looking to Klaw. "Time for the next step."

"Agreed....Everyone, time to part ways, remember, this is a maze, so stick together, and find the switch to clear your path, when you do you should be safe, and beware of the mini boss down your path....I....dug some information up from a friend of mine, as it turns out....the boss moves through-out the maze, so....be careful." Ok, now I was nervous

"Agreed." SilverCrow bowed, before he silently called for his team to follow him. To my left, I saw Seraph grin, pulling her rapier out with her magic as she followed her squad leader, leaving me, Klaw, and Bombard with our players

"White, mind if you stay with me up front, your high perception would be invaluable in avoiding any unnecessary fights?" Klaw asked me, as I nodded, moving to stand just ahead of them, as one player held a lantern beside me. "Now then, lets press on."


[Raid Lair - Central Reservoir]

"Sir, more Shamblers ahead, two I think!" A player called, just as I saw Klaw burn the last two with a breath of fire, the heat throwing us a wave of warmth, while it illuminated the area in a fierce glow of orange for a few seconds, then he turned, seeing the two armoured ponies, their armour shattered, and held together by vines, with leaves covering their now bark-like skin, whist their eyes glowed a sickening green

"Right then, one more breath attack." Klaw mused, moving to stand before us, as he pulled his head back, his scaly cheeks puffing out

[Draconic Seal - Dragon's Roar]

Within the moment he called the spell's incantation, he threw his head down, releasing a torrent of flames that licked the overgrown tunnel in a whirlwind of flames, devouring the two Shamblers whole with a single fell-swoop. However, I didn't see the trails of green light fly through the flames where I was flying, but I did see something waving a staff in the air behind the impact.

"Its not over yet!" I called down to them, as the flames cleared from a sudden opposing force, only to reveal the knights still standing, weapons held in their hooves, as a human skeleton held a staff, cracking the bottom of it off the ground, as its tattered, royal blue cloak blew in the wind, its blue, pinprick eyes stared at our squad

[Ruined Wizard - lvl 15]

"Seems this may require physical force, Bombard, can you-" I couldn't allow this to linger anymore, so I flew past Bombard with ease

"Hey, what the hell!?" Bite me, asshole

Passing Klaw, I drew Parting Glass once more, just as my wings began to glow a light-blue hue, their rounded tips sharpening like knives as I glared at my three targets, seeing them all bunched together was a perfect opportunity.

[Sky Seal - Sky Rasher]

Once chanted, I flew like a bullet, striking both level 14 Shamblers down, as I curved my body up like a soaring hawk, then they burst into a streamline of emerald green. I quickly front-flipped in the air, flying over the staff that was swung horizontally in-front of me, as I held my sword out, striking the spine of the Ruined Wizard, before I spun upside-down, dragging my blade diagonally down to the right, before I spun again, following the same pattern, and knocking the Wizard forwards. Then I landed my back hooves on the ground, before I thrusted forward, impaling the Ruined Wizard through the back, as its health bar vanished, along with its body in a flash of blues, and silvers. Then, I hovered in the air for a moment to catch my breath.


My cheek was grazed slightly at the last moment I pulled my head back, as I felt the laceration sting like a cold ice-pick to the face, which was baffling, but I threw cation aside, as I flew towards the two Hunters, holding bows in their magic as their pointy hats covered their eyes.

[Forgotten Hunter - lvl 13]

Growling in pain from the arrow fired at my face, I flew for them both, channeling my magic into my left hoof, whist I held Parting Glass to my right, as they continued to fire arrows in my wake, which I simple ducked, and rolled to avoid, before I watched them fire two at the second I was within hoof's reach of them. In that frame from when they released the strings, I spiraled to my left, skimming the arrowheads, my blade slicing them in two. Before I called out with righteous anger.

[Sky Seal - Airlock]

I bared my teeth, before I threw a heavy left cross into the cheek of a Hunter, his body propelling into the second Hunter, as the air pressure shot them like a shotgun blast, throwing them both flying into the right side of the tunnel, and as the dust cleared, I stood on solid ground again with a grin, their bodies went limp, their torso's pinned against a massive torn on the wall, before they too turned to streams of silver and green. Then I closed the tabs of loot, not bothered for the time being of what they contained.

"Holy....hell." One player breathed, as the squad walked up to me

"Nice going!" Another praised, making me rub the back of my neck as I slowly placed my blade back in its scabbard, then Klaw patted me on the back with a chuckle

"You are certainly full of talent, when did you learn to pull a stunt like that?" He questioned humorously, as Bombard grumbled, walking past us

"Showoff..." I stifled a laugh at that

"You're welcome, buddy." I snapped back, before the others followed him, just as me, and Klaw walked behind the rest, some even patting me on the way which was nice to feel, not often I was praised, so I got a tab bit flustered by their comments. "To answer your question, I've played games for years, so I picked up a few tricks here and there."

"Well, I certainly would be willing to test that metal in the future, hard to come by someone this deadly." He praised, before he hummed in thought, as if he was looking at his party. "How're your friends?"

"Well...." I trailed off, looking to see that Rain was only injured slightly, whist Seraph's glowed yellow, meaning she was in-combat. "So far so good, both are still in the green, and Seraph is in combat. Not to pry, but is your team doing ok?"

"Ah yes, SilverCrow, he's the only one not present with us, but he's doing fine, in the yellow, but he's never gone below that margin, and I don't expect him to." Klaw answered, but then we stopped, seeing the group looking at the end of another corridor, but unlike the last few turns, it had something at the end

"Yo Klaw, we found the switch!" Bombard yelled, pointing at the strange object before us. It was a simple, vine-covered lever, with an emerald ensnared around the vines, even in the dim lighting, my perception could still make it out from such a distance

"Good! Lets activate it and-" Hold on....something isn't right

"Wait!" I snapped, holding my hoof up, my ears twitching at the echoes around us, thankfully, no one moved an inch, allowing me to listen closely, then, I slowly turned my head to the right of us, seeing the open corridor that lead into the darkness where the fireflies faded

"Problem?" Klaw asked sternly, before I slowly reached for Parting Glass, frowning at the heavy footsteps I felt rattle my own. That's when Klaw moved to stand at my left, his claws flexing. "Men, go for the switch, we'll catch up in a moment!"

"Its him....the mini boss, and....I think it might be familiar?" I wasn't really sure, but something about the green aura around the hulking mass was strange, but soon, the fireflies brought the mini boss to light, and with it, the gears of my head turned at the sight. "Of [BEEP] right the hell off, you again!?"

"You know this thing?" Klaw pointed, as we saw it fully come into few

Its black armour was now broken in places, with the binds on the back of its shattered helmet replaced with vines, as leaves, and moss covered other pieces of its black-clad body. Whist a giant, silver greatsword was clutched in its right hand, the visor staring at us with a green tinted glow.

[Keeper of Angulation - lvl 16]

"Yeah, its the same iron-clad asshole I fought on my second day in this world, and a real mean piece of work; well....he has a different name, maybe he's just a variant?" I was praying on wishful thinking. Since it looked down at me, pointing a mossy finger at my face, making me dart my head side-to-side, before I pointed my sword at myself. "I think he remembers...so does the music..."

With its threat, and music in toe, Keeper grabbed his greatsword with both hands, before he paced towards us, crushing any plants in his way of me, and my face. When he came closer, I saw Klaw throw back his cape, before he pulled out something from under its form, and my eyes widened in awe, before I chuckled evilly

"Hehehe, you have a goddamn buster sword! Hahaha, ahh, you're boned now Watcher!" I cheered, before I screamed at the massive blade coming down on me, only to hear the metal ring blindly, as Klaw deflected the attack, knocking his sword to his side, whist Keeper stumbled back, his sword dropping from its left hand back to its right. "Ok, flying now!"

"Best you do, but tell me, how did you defeat this foe before?" Klaw asked patiently, holding his buster sword over his left shoulder, whist grasping it both hands. Well....I looked, but no real wall had any sort of protrusion strong enough to hold his blade this time, but....maybe

"He had a weak-point on the back of his neck, if we can expose it, it might leave him open for our magic to finish him off, seeing as he may not have the same immunity as before." I explained, before I flew back, avoiding the swipe of Keeper's blade, before he thrusted it towards Klaw, who held his bust sword like a shield, blocking the strike, but his feet skidded back a few meters

"Well then, I think I can buy our magic some time to recharge, you focus on getting ready to strike him down." Klaw commanded, so I flew for Keeper, as he swung his greatsword up, but I just flew around it again, but my ribs soon screamed in pain for a moment, as his fist collided with me, throwing my back against the wall of the maze, then he brought the blade down on the wall, diagonally slicing the wall to his left

I now flew to the other side of the hall, drinking a health potion as I watched it seep into the green again, watching as the red mark on my ribs vanish, was it only me, or were these attacks beginning to really hurt? Or was the fact that the first boss I ever faced coming back with a vengeance? Most likely both the former and latter.

Keeper then moved for Klaw, who swung his blade to Keeper's right arm, whist Keeper clashed with Klaw, sparks of green, and orange flying as they pushed against each other's weaponry, before the branches flew from their blades pinning one-another, both now looking into each other's faces, before Klaw was punched by Keeper, throwing him back for dazed strike. Then Keeper brought his blade to his side, before he spun like a cyclone, but Klaw raised his guard, the impact throwing him against the wall I flew above, as he hissed under the pain, before he watched Keeper loom over him, his blade high.


I continuously kicked Keeper in the skull with my flybys, making him grunt, swinging his greatsword around in a horizontal arc of red light, as I dropped from the air, the explosion of air tearing the ceiling apart, as I flew under his legs, before belting Keeper with the butt of Parting Glass, knocking him back from Klaw.

Taking the distraction, I watched Klaw grasp his buster sword in both his hands, holding the blade to his left, allowing his Sword Skill to burn through his stamina, as an emerald coat covered the blade, and he used his own wings to spin his body through the air, bringing his buster sword in a horizontal arc of green.

[Sword Skill - Rupture]

With a cry, the blade shattered the armour of Keeper's knees, causing the boss to roar, before dropping his blade beside him, as he fell to his hands, and knees, shaking his head in a daze. Now I was high above him, as I decided to join in on the sword skill usage, channeling my stamina into my own edge, its sheen now a flaming red.

[Sword Skill - Rage Spike]

My back hooves touched the ceiling, before I bent my wings back to thrust my body down, as the crimson blade sunk into the exposed neck, before I inverted my grip, trailing the blade through the left-side of Keeper's neck, his scream of defiance matching with the blade he latched around his fingers, just as I flew off his neck, the blade spinning round like a rotor blade in my direction.


Klaw saved my hide again, his blade recoiling the hidden strike of Keeper, as he shakily moved to his feet, whist me, and Klaw backed up for a moment, just as he placed his buster sword on his back again, covering his wings, before I watched his cheeks puff out again.

"No, wait." I pushed my hoof in front of his stomach, as I watched Keeper rise to his feet again, his health now in the red. Then, a lightbulb sounded in my head, as I smiled wickedly at Klaw. "Say, ever heard of a fusion move?"

His eyes stared for a moment, but they ultimately blinked, as his smile crossed his lips again, just as we turned to face Keeper, placing Parting Glass back in my scabbard as I ran directly at Keeper, his own weapon raised once more to face me, drawing it higher to his left, then I stretched my wings out, grabbing the handle of Parting Glass, but still flying towards the lumbering boss.

With one final second, with a final phantom blade, his came crashing towards my body, and upon the second it drew close enough, I swung my blade from its scabbard, striking out at his greatsword with the tip of my blade, splitting my ear drums at the noise it made for a moment, as I saw the stunned icon appear above his health, as I flew back from the recoil, staring back at Klaw, how then puffed his cheeks out again.

[Draconic Seal - Dragon's Roar]

[Sky Seal - Sky Rasher]

I then holstered my blade, before I stretched my wings wide, the wind embracing my wings with a sharp sheen of blue, before I felt the flames coil around my body like a warm cloak, yet it didn't burn, as I watched my wings turn from a smooth blue, to a flaming orange, and blue, as the flames covered my body, before I launched myself back at Keeper, the rush of wind, mixed with the fury of the flames was unlike any embrace I felt before, it was unreal, almost alien, and yet I smiled all the same.

[Unity Move - Draconic Sky Sword]

My whole body melted straight through Keeper's armour, burning a permanent, pegasus shaped hole through his body, leaving behind a molten wound of fire, as the compressed air shattered the armour, dispelling that same mist to the ceiling, as he fell to his knees, before finally dropping down onto his face, his body flashing white, before erupting into a flurry of colours, as the flames on my head blew themselves out at my landing.


Twist-Fang Gauntlet
550 Bits
600 EXP

Twist-Fang Gauntlets
"Worth was tested, and blinded by rage"
Defense - 20
Weight - Medium
Resistance (Element) - Life 10%
Resistance (Critical) - 15%

[Level Up!]
[10 - 14]

[Stats Increased]
Agility +3
Strength +3
Endurance +4
Perception +3
Magic +7
Charisma +2

Seeing a rare piece of armour that I was happily leveled for, I equipped it, and soon, my left hoof was covered a dark oak fabric, with green stitching across the back, and two thorns jutting out the front, and down to cover my hoof, alongside a small amethyst gemstone between the thorns. When I looked up at Klaw, he wore a new helmet of the same style, also looking content with his findings, as the golden aura faded from him too.

"Seems are luck finally came back to greet us?" Klaw contently smiled, as I walked up to him, finding able to whip the sweat from my forehead, and after this boss, I never wanted to see another walking pile of armour for the rest of my time in this world. "We should catch up with the others, don't want them to worry, do we?"

"Oh no....the greatest boss awaits us now!" I gulped, shivering slightly as he raised a brow at me. "Rain, when she worries."

"Oh dear...." Klaw my brother, you have no idea

[Throat of The Forest]

Ah, music changed again, something....ominous, I like it. But now me, along with Klaw came into view of the rest of the players, thankfully all Twenty Seven of us still alive, though some were healing or buffing for the road ahead. Then, I was strangled by an unseen force to my right, whist Klaw chuckled humorously.

"What the heck happened, you're health nearly dropped completely!?" Rain barked at me with a mixture of worry, and anger, as her ears flattened against her head. I wasn't given a chance to speak though, as I was punched in my left shoulder by Seraph, who smiled smugly

"Way to make two girls worry, nerd." She was pushing her luck now, but I let it slide, as Rain let go of me, smiling happily as she pointed above her head, and Seraph's, both carrying Raid Exclusive Gear. Rain had a charm dangling from her neck, which looked like an eye of a Timberwolf Alpha, and Seraph wielded a new dagger to her left hip, following the design of some of the enemies I previously fought, being covered in plant life, whist a soiled, silver blade coiled between the vines

[Purplrain - lvl 13]

[Seraph - lvl 15]

"Well, it seems we're all prepared for this fight, but I won't lie, that Keeper was a pain in mine, and Klaw's asses, since, and you'll never believe this, it was The Watcher from our magic quest with Pinkie?" It would be best to tell them why I was late, since we couldn't run the risk of it following us, but from their reactions, it seems they never ran into their bosses

"Strange....I never saw ours?" Seraph hummed with a hoof to her chin, her eyes narrowed in confusion, whist Rain looked back my hallway

"You think he'll come back again?" Rain wasn't wrong in that regard, seeing him come back once was bad, but if he was going to do it again it may cause some problems in the future, so all I could do was shrug, before I looked the group now moving for the bridge ahead of us

The arch-like bridge was formed by massive vines, even adding a rail as the fireflies lit the way across the black ravine below, and I saw no bottom to the gut-wrenching pit. The rest of the Raid Lair looked to me a massive chamber cut off by a ravine, it would explain why the map now only showed a singular way in, and out of the maze, since this was the only way to get to the boss. But the atmosphere, even the suspense was killing me, the fact that we were mere feet away from whatever, [Twisted Angulation] was.

Then, we finally stopped at another massive set of doors, this time, they were completely covered in moss, with gemstones aligning the rim of the door, with an arch of trees over the top. Klaw was out in front, before he turned back to us all with a serious expression, I would too in this case, since it was the most critical part of the Raid.

"Now, I first wish to say that I am pleased that every party had survived the maze, some were close to death, but you all pulled through in the end. Now, beyond this door in the final hurdle, we have no way of knowing what the boss is capable of, nor do we have a clear strategy in mind, so, if you see an opening, call it out, and we can come up with an aim to defeat this Boss. Am I clear!?" He called out, leading to everyone to nod in agreement, before he turned, pressing his hand to the doors

"Hey, don't die this time, nerd!" Seraph yelled over the vines snapping from the force of the doors, as sunlight peered into the bridge behind us

"Don't get distracted by everyone's gear." I retorted with a chuckle, as she smacked me on the back of the head. "Let the record show, no denial."

"Now then men, CHARGE~!" And at the battle cry, we ran for the door

[Forestation's Heart]

We all yelled in righteous fury, breaking into the arena before us, as Celestia's sun rose above a fissure in the center of the room. The arena was massive, with us on the starting platform, and around the arena, split into different sections of rock as large as a house, all circling the center, which was completely devoid of any platform, then, I smelt what was bubbling below us.

It was like a swamp, as some of us looked down to view bubbling, green....well I hope it wasn't acid, but it certainly looked unhealthy, as green smog hung around in a thin layer above the green lake. So, that explains the platforms being completely torn to pieces, but what about the-


The doors had clambered shut behind us, as the room began to shake upon the instant they closed, as fireflies glowed within the vines of the walls, basking the whole area in sunlight, and and emerald hue around the edge. Most players quickly leapt to other platforms, whist me, my team, and a handful of others awaited the shaking to cease, but I nearly fell over if not for Klaw grabbing my back, as we watched the massive, black hand pierce the center of the arena.

The hand clasped onto a platform, hoisting its other arm up too on another, before it shot into the air, spraying green liquid across the area, before we watched its body sink slightly into the lake, down to its waist. It was a mass of vines, both normal, and the plunder vines Discord made, with trees atop its broad shoulders, as a forest seemed to grow on its chest too, alongside a lime-green energy pulsing among the vines like blood. Its head was similar to a knight, with glowing green eyes, and no mouth, and bare trees pointing atop its head like spikes. Bark covered its joints like armour too, all matching with lime-green runes across the surface.

---~[Twisted Angulation - lvl 20]~---

Then, three health bars appeared below its name, as it lurched up, the branches all twisted and snapped, as it seemed to release an inhumane roar of defiance at our presence. This was it, The Vault of Forestation's closing act. Time to ante up!

To Be Continued....


Purplrain - lvl 13 [Stealth class]
(You) White Hat - lvl 14 [Offensive class]
Seraph - lvl 15 [Support class]

Current Level: 14
Magic: Sky/Air Magic
Twist-Fang Gauntlet
855 Bits

Twist-Fang Gauntlets
"Worth was tested, and blinded by rage"
Defense - 20
Weight - Medium
Resistance (Element) - Life 10%
Resistance (Critical) - 15%

New Skills

[Draconic Seal - Dragon's Roar] - Release a torrent of flames upon your enemies

[Sword Skill - Rage Spike] - Your blade glow bright crimson, before you thrust forward with deadly force (1-H Sword)
[Sword Skill - Rupture] - Swing your blade in a horizontal arc of emerald light, shattering armour (Greatswords)

[Unity Move - Draconic Sky Sword] - Your wings a blade of wind, as your body burns bright with power

[New Passive Added]

It seems your foes really want you dead. If you defeat a boss they have a chance of coming back again for you! (Excluding Raids, and Invincibles, thank god!)

Author's Note:

The big raid is here! And the fight against the colossal boss will go down next time! But it seems there might be more to the Raid Lair than any of them realize. Anywho, hope you enjoyed, and seeya in the Arc Finale!

Arc 1 Finale: Raid 2 - [The Vault of Forestation]