• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 17,592 Views, 863 Comments

Hope and Shadows - dlazerous

Follow the lives of the main six and their children as they face an uncertain future

  • ...

Apple Brandy Makes Strange Bedfellows

Hope and Shadows
Chapter 2 "Apple Brandy Makes Strange Bedfellows"
By Steven Little
My Little Pony is © Hasbro

“You can’t be serious, he actually propositioned you?” Diamond asked.

“Yeah I know; I stopped him from stealing somepony’s radio and instead of begging me to let him go, he asks me out.” Apple Bloom said with a small smile.

“So, what happened then?” The pink pony inquired.

“I made him give back the radio then I deposited him at the local police station. I told him that he admitted his crime and served out his sentence, I’d think about giving him a chance.”

“You didn’t?!” Diamond gasped in shock.

“I did, hey he was cute and he didn’t seem to mind my messed up appearance so that earned him some bonus points.” The yellow mare explained. “After I told him that, he confessed that he only asked me out because he thought it would catch me off guard and he could get away, he already had a wife and daughter.”

“The nerve of some stallions!” Diamond Tiara declared.

“It’s alright, I’m used to ponies treating me differently,” she sighed. “Anyway, I had to leave the next day anyway because Luna and Twilight showed up in town looking for me. Those two had been dogging me for years.”

“I’m sure the Princesses didn’t mean you any harm.”

“I know that Diamond but I promised myself that I wouldn’t come back until I had my cutie mark. Of course, I had no idea that I’d run into Dusk in the next town.”

“Oh, and what did you think of the little princeling?”

“He grew up handsome but I always knew he would, his parents being who they are, it couldn’t be helped.” Apple Bloom acknowledged with another small smile. “In a way, he was the one who finally convinced me to come home.”

“After seventeen years, how was he able to accomplish that?” The pink mare asked.

“Well, he recognized me immediately and the little jerk froze my hooves to the ground before I could run off. He’s obviously learned a great deal from Luna. Either way, I gave him the silent treatment for a while but he just wouldn’t go away. He saw the scars on my flanks and I guess I just snapped because I started yelling at him. Okay, I was screaming at him but he just sat there and let me scream in his face. He said that I could shout all I want but he wouldn’t let me go until I agreed to listen for a change.”

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense; what did he say?”

“He said a lot of things that I don’t really want to get into right now. Needless to say, it got to me and I promised I’d come home. I wanted to see Zecora first but unfortunately I never got there. You know the rest,” Apple Bloom summarized quickly. The yellow earth pony realized that Diamond Tiara had been staring at her scared flank. “You know Diamond, you keep staring at my hind quarters and I’m going take it personal.”

Tears were rolling down the pink ponies cheeks as she looked up at Apple Bloom with a look of utter remorse stamped on her face. “I’m sorry Apple Bloom, I couldn’t help it.” She stammered out. “It’s because of me isn’t it; the reason your flanks are scared like that. It’s all my fault.”

“Listen Diamond, I’m not going to lie; I’ve hated you for a long time. You were the meanest, snottiest, most horrible filly I ever knew. There were times I thought you were horrible to me for no other reason than to see me suffer. I…”

“I was jealous.” The admission that interrupted Apple Bloom left her mouth hanging open. “You had everything. You had your friends, your family; heck you were even picked to be a member of Princess Luna’s personal entourage. All I ever had was my dad and he really only cared about his business.”

“What about Silver Spoon?”

“After you left, I found out that she didn’t really like me, she just acted like me so I wouldn’t pick on her. She was afraid of me.” The pink earth pony told her.

“What did my leaving have to do with it?” Apple Bloom asked.

“The day in class when Mrs. Cheerliee explained to everypony that you had left town, I made a comment, something about the town and everypony being better off with out you. Silver Spoon slapped me across the face. I’d never seen her so angry before. She said I was a horrible mare and that’s when she told me the truth, the reason why she hung around me all those years.”

“Wow, I never would have guessed. I mean, no offense or anything but you kind of deserved it.” Apple Bloom remarked.

“I know, I did deserve it but that was the day everything started to change. Mrs. Cheerliee expelled me from school and nopony would talk to me for months. For once in my life I think I felt a small fraction of what I put you through and it was horrible. It was around then that I got a visitor. Twist was heading home after her third day of work with Bonbon when she saw me sitting in the garden behind my house. She walked into my backyard and without saying a single thing she gave me the biggest hug I think I ever had.”

“That sounds like Twist. She always knew when somepony needed a hug and she was never shy about giving them one.”

“Yeah, she’s something else alright.” Diamond said, smiling at the thought of her wife. “Anyway, she said that she was sorry about how everypony was treating me. She said that what I did and said about you wasn’t right but that doesn’t give everypony the right to treat me so bad. She told that if I wanted, she’d be my friend. At first I though she was setting me up as some sort of joke but she swore that she was sincere. Normally I would tell her to get out and leave me alone but I was so lonely that I took a chance. From that day forward, she and I were inseparable. We went everywhere together; she even got me into a kitchen to help her make her sweets. Me, in a kitchen, can you believe it?”

Apple Bloom smiled as she listed to Diamond Tiara related everything she and Twist went through over the years. “I have to ask, if you two were so close, how did Pipsqueak come into the picture?”

“It’s a little complicated. Twist and I fooled around a bit, nothing really major yet and we weren’t in a committed relationship; I think it’s important to understand that. Anyway Pip had this wild idea about opening a playhouse here in Ponyville. Since my dad is the richest pony in town he came to the store to ask my dad for a loan. Being the pony that handled the books, I was present during the meeting. I listened as Pip explained his dream about opening the first theater in town. The passion and drive I heard in his voice mesmerized me. I sat there listening to him and found myself getting lost in his words. Pip had matured into a very handsome stallion and that didn’t hurt either. Long story short, my dad agreed to loan him the money and I was appointed to oversee the business to make sure it turned a profit. I worked very close with Pip for weeks and I have to admit that we’d been flirting with each other fairly heavily. When he asked if I knew anypony who could handle concessions, I naturally suggested Twist. It was only a few days before we opened the doors that I found out that Twist had been making small advances toward Pip as well. When I found out about it, needless to say, I was shocked.”

“Oh no, I can tell that didn’t go over well.” Apple Bloom said with a slight cringe.

“Indeed,” Diamond agreed. “I said some things, in retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have but Twist was always the rock that grounded me. She calmed me a down and we talked it over rationally. We both cared for each other but somehow we both had feelings for Pip as well. I suggested that we let him decide and we both agreed that no mater what happened we’d still be friends. That next day we sat down with him and let him know exactly what was going on. That dammed stallion knew the whole time. If he weren’t so cute, I’d have slapped him. He explained that he knew about our feelings for each other as well as our feelings for him. He admitted that he was very attracted to both of us and found it impossible to decide. That’s when Twist said something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. She suggested that the three of us should be mature enough to share and be happy with being with each other.”

“And it’s been that way ever since.” Apple Bloom spun around to find a thing but strong looked brown and white mottled stallion standing there with Twist and the two young fillies from the picture on Diamond’s bed stand. “You girls been behaving yourselves, nopony loose any teeth?” The two fillies jumped onto the bed and snuggled close to the injured mare.

“Yes dear, I was just telling Apple Bloom about everything that happened while she was gone.” Diamond Tiara explained, as she hugged her daughters as hard as she could

“Oh, did you tell her about Silver Spoon and Snails running off together?” Twist asked.

Apple Bloom was trying to figure out which foal was Twists and which belonged to Diamond when she heard that statement. “What?! Snails and Silver Spoon, really?”

Before anypony could answer, Applejack, Big Macintosh and Garnet poked their heads into the room. “Everythin’ okay in here?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah sis, I was just having a little discussion with Diamond here, nothing to worry about.”

“Good to hear.” Macintosh remarked. “We talked to Fluttershy and your other doctors, they said ya’ll could come home when you’re ready. We even made up your old room, just the way you left it.”

Thanks Big Mac, I think it’s time I get home. Some familiar surroundings will do me some good.” Apple Bloom started to stand up when her front legs buckled, dropping her to the floor.

Macintosh offered a hoof to help his sister up. “Garnet, give me a hoof here.” He asked. The purple stallion stood to one side of her to give her something to lean on as she slowly got to her hooves. “Easy does it sis. You’re a might weak after being in this hospital for so long.”

Apple Bloom was slightly irritated at the comment. “I’m not weak.” She said a little coldly. “I just need to get my blood pumping again, I’ll be fine.” Apple Bloom smiled and slowly walked toward the door.

“Good luck Apple Bloom. If you ever want to talk, you’re always welcome at our place.” Diamond Tiara told her.

“Thanks Diamond, I just might take you up on that offer after I’ve had some time to rest.”

Garnet walked up next to the yellow earth pony. “Would you like help getting home?” He asked.

“No thank you. I appreciate that you stayed with me while that poison worked itself out of my system but right now I need to be with family. I’m sure some other filly around here wouldn’t mind your attention.” Apple Bloom never once turned back. She walked between her brother and sister out the door and down the hall, making their way toward the hospitals exit and the road to Sweet Apple Acres.


It took them three times as long to get back to the farmhouse than normal but Apple Bloom insisted on making the journey herself, unaided. Walking into the house, the youngest of the Apple siblings slowly made her way to the stairs. “Do you want anything to eat?” Her brother asked her. “I’m sure that hospital food can’t compare with good home cookin’.”

“Thanks Big Macintosh but I think I’m just going to go to bed for a little while. I’m just so tired. I’ll get something later.”

“Need help up the stairs sis.” Applejack asked.

“No, I’ll be fine, just have to take it slow. Thank you though, I appreciate it.” She said smiling at her sister. It took her a little while but eventually she made it to her room. Mac was right; the room was exactly as she left it. Walking over to her bed, she slumped down and quickly fell asleep. It was several hours later when she woke up. Slowly opening her eyes she found a mass of freckles and two large blue eyes staring back at her. “Who are you little one?”

“My name’s Toffee. Are you really my aunt Apple Bloom?” The inquisitive little filly asked.

“Yes, your mother is my sister. How old are you Toffee?”

“I’m three and a half years old. Mommy says my ribbon used to be yours. Do you want it back?” It was obvious to Apple Bloom that the little filly didn’t want to part with the ribbon.

“I loved my ribbon but I think it looks cuter on you. You keep it safe for me okay? Your grandpa Apple gave that ribbon to me when I was about your age. It’s very special. Can you do that for me?”

“I promise Aunt Apple Bloom. Mommy said you’ve been gone a long long time so I brought this for you.” The little foal pushed a photo album in front of Apple Bloom. “I have to go to bed now, it’s past my bedtime. See you in the morning.” She said as she wandered across the hall to her own room.

Apple Bloom stared at the album for what seemed like hours. Finally finding her courage, she opened the album and began to flip through the photographs. The first two pages were pictures of the grooms. She admitted to herself that they looked handsome in their top hats and bowties. Looking to the next page she saw Spike. 'Wow Spike.' She thought to herself. 'You went all out there.'

Turning the page, she found the pictures of the brides. Apple Bloom marveled at the dresses she assumed Rarity had made. On the next page were the group photos. The first picture she saw was of the parents. Apple Bloom counted the parents noting their relation to her sister's friends. She realized that either they could not attend or like her parents, were deceased. The next photos were of the colts and fillies in attendance. She smiled at how smart Scoot and Belle looked in their blue tunics. In front of them were the younger ponies: Tootsie Flute, Dinky, Dawn, Dusk, and Garnet. It was the image of Garnet that caught her eye. The little purple unicorn colt was wearing a bowtie that was the same color as her mane. Thinking back across those seventeen years she remembered that the hatbands and bowties of the grooms were supposed to be the same color as their brides mane. Flipping back through the photos she found the pictures of the grooms. Sure enough, they matched. 'Did he have a crush on me that far back?' She asked herself. She noticed also that paper around the picture of the fillies and colts was wrinkled and discolored as if it had gotten wet and dried multiple times.

Apple Bloom continued to flip through the photos. The reception, the family photos, every picture that would have included her, she found the same discolored pattern. "They're tear stains."

Apple Bloom looked up from the album and found Caramel sitting in the doorway. "How long have you been there?" She asked timidly.

"Long enough." Before she could object, Caramel walked into the room and closed the door behind him. "I still remember the day Princess Luna told us." He said, sitting in front of her. "Exactly one day after the wedding as you requested, she gathered us all together and told us that you had left Ponyville to find your place in the world. She showed us the letter you wrote and gave Applejack your ribbon. I don't think I've ever seen your sister so heartbroken or angry. She actually punched Princess Luna in the jaw.”

"She didn't!"

"She did, and after allot of hurtful things were said, a search party was organized and we went after you, all of us. Every free moment we had was dedicated to finding you and bringing you home. Princess Celestia herself sent a whole regiment of her royal guard split between Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to scour the forest but all they found were a few hoof prints and the occasional telltale hair. It wasn’t till then that we realized you had left the forest behind and were somewhere out there, traveling the world by yourself." Caramel paused. "For fourteen years we held out hope that you’d come back to us. Every time we got a report that you had been sighted, Princess Luna or Twilight would check it out personally, but every time they came back with nothing but a case of mistaken identity or the news that you were gone from the town without a trace. Each time they came back emptyhoofed your brother and sister would cry themselves to sleep."

"Big Macintosh cried?" She had never known her brother to cry, not even at Granny Smiths funeral.

"According to Fluttershy, yes. It wasn't until Applejack and Fluttershy became pregnant that the search was called off. The royal family continued the search by themselves until the day you came back. Others would have helped but they had families of their own that they had put on hold for too long. I'm ashamed to say that after all those years without so much as a word or a shred of proof that you were still alive, many of us thought you were dead. We held a small ceremony by the pond. Everyone was there except for the Princesses. They wouldn't give up the hope you were still alive. Out by the pond there is a headstone next to Granny Smith with your name on it."

"Where's Applejack, I should probably talk to her about this."

"Whatever you and your sister have to say to one another, it can wait till morning." Caramel got up and walked toward the door.

"Hey Caramel, thanks for talking to me." She said remorsefully. "I'm sorry for putting all of you through so much hurt."

Caramel walked back to his sister-in-law and lifted her gaze to meet his. "No Apple Bloom, thank you. I've never had a real family before and now that you're back, this family is whole again." Caramel smiled. "And even if it doesn't look like it, I understand why you left. You had some problems you felt you needed to work out on your own. I've been there Apple Bloom. The despair, the hopelessness, they're old companions of mine but I learned to stop listening to them and that's when I found your sister. Just promise me that if you start having those feelings again, when you feel like your world is crumbling around you. Remember that there are a lot of ponies here that care about you and we're always willing to listen and help you no mater what." Caramel left the room quietly and closed the door behind him.

Apple Bloom lay there and listened to his hoofsteps grow softer and softer. 'I never knew Caramel had such problems in his past.' She thought to herself. The sound of someone crying broke her train of thought. Getting off her bed she walked out into the hall. Standing absolutely still she listened. At first all she could hear was her own heartbeat then she heard it. Somepony was crying at the end of the hall. Using all the skill she learned from years in the forest, she stealthily made her way to the end of the hall. The room in front of her used to belong to Granny Smith but the voices she heard belonged to Applejack and Caramel. Apple Bloom pressed her ear against the door.

"Tell me it's real this time Caramel!" Applejack cried. "I've dreamt of her coming back so many times before. Tell me this time is for real!"

"Shhhh. it's all right darling, it's real. Apple Bloom is back home and safe. She wants to talk to you in the morning."

"She does?"

"Yes, now come to bed, you need your sleep as much as the rest of us. It's been a long day."

Apple Bloom backed away from the door and silently made her way downstairs into the kitchen. She didn't feel like sleeping anymore and the thought of the overly sweet food ponies usually eat made her sick to her stomach. She couldn't get the sound of Applejack crying out of her head. She wanted to forget. She wanted to forget the pain she caused her siblings. She wanted to forget the anguish she caused the Princesses Luna and Twilight, but mostly she wanted to forget all the lives she put on hold because of her own foalish selfishness. Apple Bloom looked around the kitchen but nothing interested her. She did notice that the house didn't look all that different from what she remembered and if her memory was correct then she knew exactly where something was to help her forget, at least for a little while.


Garnet had just finished locking up the sheriff's office when he felt a strange warmth coming from the pendant he had hidden under his collar. Quickly putting his keys in one of his belt pouches, he pulled the pendant out to find it glowing a dark crimson color. "Oh, Apple Bloom, what are you up to now?" He said with a sigh. At the mention of her name, the pointed shield began to glow purple and pointed in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. No matter which way he moved the pendant it always pointed in the same direction.

'An Apple Bloom tracking device, interesting.' He thought. Garnet ran as fast as he could toward the local apple farm. Approaching the front gate, he slowed from a fast gallop to a slower canter. He checked the pendant again and instead of the house, it pointed toward the barn. Garnet knocked on the large barn door but no one was there. Checking the pendant again he noticed the shield wasn't pointing toward the barn but more to the side of the barn toward the orchard. 'North past the barn; there's only one thing out there other than apples. Figures she'd go there.' He thought to himself as he ran toward the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse.

Garnet galloped through the orchard haphazardly until he reached the small tree house in the northern most corner of the apple orchard. Approaching the ramp that led to the open door of the clubhouse, Garnet could hear singing. "We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, on a quest to find out who we are. We will never stop the journey, not until we have our cutie marks…"

Garnet sat outside the door watching Apple Bloom prance around the clubhouse. "I haven't heard the song in seventeen years."

"Oh, hi Garnet. I figured you'd show up sooner or later. Come to join the party?" She asked him giggling.

"How much of your brother's Apple Bourbon have you drunk?"

"Only a little."

"And those three bottles I passed in the orchard on my way here?" He asked.

"Oh, I guess I forgot about those." Apple Bloom drained the last bottle in a single gulp and let it fall to the floor. "All gone, poo."

"Didn't anypony ever tell you that you shouldn't drink alone?"

"But I'm not alone, you're here silly. Oh! That gives me an idea!" She got up very close to Garnet and whispered in his ear. "Last time I was here, well not the last time I was here, I was all crazy and stuff. The time before the last time I was here, I caught Scoot and your sister going at it like a couple of bunnies. It sounded like they were having a lot of fun. How about it Garnet, you want to have some fun with me?"

Garnet was shocked to say the least at the sudden proposition. "Uhhhhhh…"

"Here, I'll make it easy for you." Apple Bloom walked in front of him and lowered her chest to the ground, presenting herself to the purple unicorn.

"No Apple Bloom." He pushed her rump to the side sending her into a roll.

She continued the roll until she lay on her back, spread eagle in front of him. "We can do it like this too I guess."

Garnet took hold of her left hind leg and folded it to her right effectively rolling her onto her side. "Apple Bloom, you're drunk." He said, sniffing the air. "And apparently you're in estrus too."


"Do you know what kind of a position this puts me in?"

"I can think of a few positions I'd like to get you in." Apple Bloom giggled.

"I'm serious Apple Bloom. I'm the only sheriff in this town. I'm alone with a drunken mare in heat that I'm not married to. I could get in allot of trouble. Think Garnet, think. Well I can't leave you here by yourself and I can't stay here with you, that has disaster written all over it. I guess you're just going to have to come home with me."

"Anything you want handsome." Apple Bloom tried to get to her hooves but stumbled repeatedly. Garnet levitated her onto his back and set about snuffing out all the lights. "I can walk you know."

"Somehow I doubt it." He said as he walked out the door and down the ramp of the clubhouse. As he made his way through the orchard, Garnet felt his passenger put a hoof against a very sensitive spot. "Apple Bloom; if you do not remove your hoof from under my tail immediately, I will bind your legs."

"Aww, you're no fun."


Garnet walked through town to his home as fast as he could with Apple Bloom draped across her back, her front and rear legs bound. Making it to his front door, he silently entered and shut it behind him. "Hey Garnet, late night tonight?"

"Oh, hey Dusk. Give me a few minutes; I'll be right back." Garnet took the inebriated mare to his bedroom and eased her onto his bed, releasing her bonds at the same time. "You should probably get some rest. I imagine your head will hurt pretty bad in the morning."

Apple Bloom yawned loudly. "But I'm not even tired." She said as she laid her head on his pillow. Garnet smiled and lay down next to the bed.

As softly and gently as he could, he began to sing to her. "Hush now quiet now, it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now quiet now, it's time to go to bed." He was halfway through the second verse when he heard her snoring gently.

'Works every time.' He thought, remembering how he used to baby-sit Jato and Honey.

Garnet leaned over; he softly kissed her velvety nose and whispered into her ear. "Sleep tight Apple Bloom. I have always and will always love you. I just wish I could tell you when you're awake." Garnet got up and quietly left the room and closed the door.

"Aww, that was sweet." Dusk said, leaning against the wall just outside of Garnet’s bedroom.

"Shut up." Garnet said sarcastically. "Seriously though I need you to do me a favor. As soon as it's light, I need you to get your sister and those two lovebirds Honey and Jato, and bring them here, see if you can get Tootsie Flute and Dinky too"

"No problem, but I have a few questions. One, who was that? Two, I can smell the alcohol all over her so why is she here instead of the station? And three, why is she in your bed?"

"That mare is named Apple Bloom. Yes, that Apple Bloom. The reason she's here is if your mothers, my parents, or her sister found out I put her in a cell, they'd have my hide. Yes, she is drunk and yes she's in estrus at the moment, which is why you are going to stay away from her, or I'll tell Tootsie Flute you have a crush on her."

"You wouldn't? Dude that's so cold."

"Just keep your hooves to yourself and we wont have any problems. As for the reason she's in my bed, well it's more comfortable than the couch and she really needs a good night sleep." Garnet said.

"Okay, well if she's sleeping in your bed, where are you going to sleep?"

"To be honest with you Dusk, I don't think I'm going to get any sleep. I've got a lot of work to catch up on as well as a letter to write to Applejack. I'm just going to be on the couch working on reports. I won't fall asleep, I promise." Dusk retreated to his own room leaving Garnet to his work. Walking over to the coffee table he spread out the small stack of reports he needed to finish before work the next day. Before starting on his work, he took out some parchment and began his letter to Applejack.


This is Garnet. I'm writing to let you know that Apple Bloom is with me. She hasn't run off again. I'm sorry to say she had an incident with four bottles of Big Macintosh's Apple Bourbon. Judging from her reaction, I would suggest locking up any other alcohol in the house. Also, and I am hesitant to mention this, Apple Bloom is in estrus. Don't worry; nothing happened though I did have to shoot down her offer rather bluntly. I figured I'd introduce her to Dusk and the others in the morning then we'll bring her back to the farm. I just didn't want you to worry. Her absence has been hard on all of us. Take care and I'll see you in the morning.



Using the teleporting spell he learned from Princess Twilight, he sent the letter to Applejack, specifically to her dining room table. With that out of the way, he started in on his reports. Nothing truly important ever happened in Ponyville. Most of his reports consisted of run of the mill infractions, mostly public drunkenness since Berry Punch opened her bar. Garnet didn't really see the point of writing up reports for such minor things but his mentor, Sheriff Silver Star insisted on it.

Apple Bloom woke with a splitting headache. From the other room she heard somepony snoring loudly. Looking around her surroundings, she noticed with shock that she wasn't in the Cutiemark Crusader clubhouse. 'Oh Celestia, who's bed is this and where is that snoring coming from?' She asked to herself.

Rolling out of the bed she cautiously walked out of the room and into the hall. She stood there silent and perfectly still when a gray-blue alicorn stallion walked up beside her. "You're still good Dusk." She said without the slightest bit of shock or surprise. "There aren't many who can sneak up on me. And where is that noise coming from."

"That would be Garnet."

"Does he always snore this loud?" She asked.

"Only when he's not sleeping in his bed. Anywhere else isn't comfortable enough to keep him from snoring." Dusk explained. “I heard you and Diamond Tiara were talking all last night about your travels and why you came back to Ponyville. Did you tell her?”

“I gave you my word that I would not. Your secret is safe with me for as long as you want me to keep it. I owe you Dusk and I always keep my word so do me a favor and never, ever, ask me that question again.” Apple Bloom walked toward the sofa and found Garnet sitting there was his head resting on the table and his front legs hanging down limp. "I'll take care of this." Apple Bloom said. Crouching down, she crawled between the table and the sofa. Positioning herself under Garnet, she stood up with him draped across her back. Walking back towards the hall she paused in front of Dusk. "You didn't see anything."

"See what?" He responded.

"That’s a good little princeling." Apple Bloom walked back into Garnets bedroom and closed the door. She lowered Garnet gently to the bed when he started to talk in his sleep. His voice was very coltish and not the deep soothing voice it usually was.

"Mommy, Daddy, why are you so sad?" He said softly. Apple Bloom didn't want to wake him but felt a little guilty listening to him talk in his sleep. "Where's Apple Bloom, why wasn't she at the wedding. I though she liked us."

At the sound of her name, she couldn't help but listen. 'He must be dreaming about the time I was gone.' She thought to herself.

"Why is Aunt Luna crying Daddy? Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm sorry Mommy. I know I'm not supposed to go into the Forest by myself but I want to help." He said kicking in his sleep.

"Why did she leave Bell? Was it something I did? If you guys find her I promise I wont tag along with you anymore. I'll leave you all alone so I wont bother you. Please bring her back."

Apple Bloom could help but tear up. 'It wasn't you Garnet. You were only six years old. You had nothing to do with it.' Her mind cried out.

"I don't care what you say dad, I'm going after her and you can't stop me. Hey, leggo. Let me go! You can't keep me in this room forever!"

'The outside world is no place for a colt on his own. Had he really tried to come after me by himself twice?' She asked herself.

Garnet had curled himself into a ball and began to cry softly. "Why did you leave Apple Bloom? Please come back, I miss you so much; we all miss you. Please come back." Garnet had broken down into quiet sobbing.

Apple Bloom climbed into bed with him and snuggled into his hooves. Laying her head against his chest she began to stroke his mane. Very softly she spoke to him. "It's okay Garnet, I'm here, I came back, everything's okay."

"Why did you leave us? Why did you run away? I missed you so much."

"Oh Garnet. I didn't mean to hurt you. You were only a colt at the time. I didn't know how you felt. I just couldn't handle it, seeing everypony with somepony to love and nothing for me. No cutie mark, no special pony to love me, nothing." She said, barely above a whisper.

"You've always had me Apple Bloom. I know I'm not a big pony yet but one day I will be and I'll try real hard to be big and strong like my dad. Then, maybe you'll like me too."

"I do like you Garnet." She whispered to the sleeping stallion.

Garnets voice became deeper, less coltish. "Sleep tight Apple Bloom. I have always and will always love you. I just wish I could tell you when you're awake."

Apple Bloom looked up. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and steady. 'He's still asleep.' She thought. Snuggling closer to the stallion, she closed her eyes with a contented sigh. 'So this is what it feels like to be in love?'

Morning came all to quickly for Garnet. He tried to stretch but found Apple Bloom in his hooves. Garnet mentally freaked out. 'Oh dear Celestia please tell me I did not mate with her last night. Please tell me that I did not take advantage of a boozed up mare in heat.'

Apple Bloom stirred and looked up at him. "Good Morning. Sleep well?"

"Uhhhhh. Yeah actually, how did I get in bed?" He asked.

"You were snoring pretty bad out there, woke me up. I walked out there and Dusk told me of your sleeping issue. I brought you in here and put you into bed. It was the only way I was going to get any sleep. Don't worry, nothing happened. By the time you woke me up with your snoring my mind was already starting to clear so don't worry."

"Okay. Would you like some breakfast?" He asked hopefully.

"I can get my own breakfast." Apple Bloom stood up and stretched.

"Apple Bloom, I didn't mean anything by it, it was just a question."

"I know, thank you. I'm still not used to being around other ponies. Sometimes it can get a bit claustrophobic if you get my meaning."

"I understand. Too much interaction probably isn't all the good right now but I had invited over some mutual acquaintances and a couple of new friends I thought you might like to meet. Nothing big, no pressure just thought you'd like to meet them."

"All right, but I need to get some food. I'll be outside if you need me." She said as she walked out the door.

'Outside?' Garnet thought to himself. He got up and quickly followed. He found Apple Bloom grazing in the back yard. Walking outside he decided to join her. Garnet found that the experience of grazing on his own lawn wasn't all that bad. He still preferred a dandelion sandwich but all in all it wasn't an unpleasant experience. Walking back inside, they sat on the couch.

"So, uhm, about last night, I don't want you to think I'm one of those ponies who shakes her flank at just any stallion."

"Not at all." Garnet reassured her.

"I mean I never would have done that if I hadn't been drinking."

A cyan blue Pegasus colt zoomed in through a window and interrupted the moment. "Buck yeah! I win. I am the greatest! I am the greatest!"

"Jato, calm down please." Garnet asked him.

"From the shock of red orange and yellow in your dark blue mane, you'd have to be Rainbow and Soarin's son." Apple Bloom said

"Buck yeah I am. You want to make something of it?"

“Cool it Jato, she’d squash you like a bug before you knew what was happening.” Garnet warned.

“Okay, okay. So Garnet, who’s the broad?”

“Excuse me?” Apple Bloom asked.

“You’re skating on some pretty thin ice Jato, and I’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from using that word around my house.” Garnet informed him.

“It’s just a word, what’s the big buckin’ deal? Buck, buckity, buck, buck, buck.”

"Jato, language. I swear you use that word just to irritate people." A white alicorn with a violet and dark blue striped mane walked into the house. Right behind her was a golden colored earthpony with a blond mane. "If your mother heard you talking she'd ground you for a month."

"Hello Dawn. I must say that you grew up every bit your mothers. How are they anyway? I haven't seen her since the hospital."

"My mothers are fine." She said flatly. "They send their regards and hope that you are well."

"Who were you racing anyway Jato?" Garnet asked.

"Just Honey. She still thinks she can out run me on the ground."

"Aww, did you hear that, he called me Honey."

"That's because it's your name Honey." Dusk said shoving her lightly as he came in the door. "Sorry Garnet, Dinky’s out of town and Tootsie Flute has to pull a double today so I guess we're all here, what did you want?"

"Everyone, this is Apple Bloom. She was a friend of mine when I was very little. You guys don't know her really. Dawn, Dusk, you two were just babies and Honey; you and Jato weren't even born yet. Apple Bloom had to leave on, uhm, a mission out of town for a long time but she's back now and I just thought you'd like to meet."

"I'm sorry about what happened a few weeks ago, barging into your home and everything. I was sick but I'm better now so, no hard feelings?" Apple Bloom asked hopefully.

"I don't know about Dawn but I don't hate you. Anyone Garnet likes can't be all bad." Dusk said giving her a big wink.

"I've just met you and I already know I like you! Have you met my Mom? I know she'd like you too. Oh we should go over there now, she'd through you a super duper big party and her parties always make ponies happy so if you want we can go there and you can meet my Daddy too…"

Jato put a hoof over Honeys mouth. "Honey, you're rambling again."

"Sorry Baby Bird."

"Don't call me that!" Jato protested.

Apple Bloom couldn't help but laugh quietly. "You have to be Pinkie’s daughter. You act so much like her."

"You do know my parents! Oh this is just wonderful, I bet they'd love to see you again."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Dawn said. "You're a bad liar Garnet, I already know about Apple Bloom and the real reason she's been gone for the last seventeen years."

The other ponies looked at Dawn in shock. "What do you mean Dawn. She didn't go on a special mission?" Jato asked.

"No, she didn't."

"Dawn, don't do this." Her brother pleaded.

"She ran away from this town and every pony in it. She didn't care about what it would do to our parents or our friends. Ask your parents, each of you. Ask them why they spent so much time away from home while we were growing up. Ask them why they cried themselves to sleep almost every night." Dawn was upset to the point of tears. "And just when we were starting to have a normal life you come waltzing back to screw it up again."

Apple Bloom sat there in shock. The words hurt but in her mind she believed they were deserved. Slowly getting up from the couch, she silently walked toward the door. She took one look back at Dawn and the room full of confused and unsure ponies. "I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt anyone I just wanted to come home. I'm sorry." She said as she walked out the door and back toward Sweet Apple Acres, her face red and her eyes full of tears.

"Apple Bloom wait!" Garnet shouted as her ran after her.

"Way to go Dawn. That was real classy. She's trying to make up for things past and you just rip into her." Her brother scolded.

"Yeah Dawn. Mom and Daddy already told me all about it. It's sad about what happen but you didn't have to be a big mean, mean, meany pants about it." Honey reprimanded.

Jato just stared at Dawn for a while. "You know, I don't really know what's going on but that was totally not cool." Jato flew out the door after his friends and the crying mare leaving Dawn standing there.


Garnet eventually caught up to Apple Bloom as she approached the west bridge out of town. "Apple Bloom, please wait." She stopped, allowing him to catch up. "I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't know Dawn was going to react like that."

"I should have expected it. My actions caused so many ponies so much pain and it's all because of me."

"Don't say that Apple Bloom." Dusk said as he walked up to them. "We're not all like my sister. She tries so hard to be like our mothers and our Aunt Celestia but dang it all she can get under a pones coat sometimes. She's not all bad she's just confused right now. She'll come around, you'll see."

"Oh, I'm so glad I found you." Honey ran up and gave Apple Bloom a big hug. "Please don't be sad because if you're sad then I'll be sad and if I'm sad then my little baby bird will be sad."

"Stop calling me that!" Jato shouted as he landed next to Apple Bloom and Honey. "Yeah, sorry about Dawn. What she said wasn't cool at all. Hope you don't think we’re all that way too. I don't know about any of this but I'm sure it can't be all that bad."

Apple Bloom grabbed Jato and hugged both him and Honey. "Thank you, thank you all."

Jato struggled in Apple Blooms grasp. "Ack! Why do mares have to be so mushy?"

The group of five ponies walked down the road to the Apple family farmhouse. Most of the morning chores had been completed already as the reached the old homestead. "Thanks for walking me home guys and thank you for being my friends even though I'm much older than you. I don't have many friends and I count myself lucky to be involved in your group. I hope we can hang out some more in the future."

"No problem Apple Bloom. We all think you're pretty cool." Jato said smiling.

She now stood in the doorway of her home. Turning to Garnet, he watched the happy expression fade from her face. "Garnet." She said softly. "You need to put out that torch you're carrying. Go find a mare you can be happy with. As far as I'm concerned, you're always going to be that little unicorn colt with the red bowtie." Apple Bloom leaned out and softly kissed him on the cheek. "I'm not good for you Garnet. If you keep pursuing me you're only going to get hurt." Apple Bloom closed the door on a very shocked group of ponies, none more so than the purple unicorn stallion who stood there, mouth open, listing to the sound of crying swiftly fading from the other side of the door.