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Never Steal Pinkie's Smile

3rd person pov.

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville, the sun was shining, there was not a Cloud in the sky, and Cloudy Arrow and Cvt were walking and talking w/ Cloudy Arrow just finishing up telling Cvt a story idea he had come up w/.

Cloudy pov

"Hope this goes well for you," Cvt said.

"Thanks!!!"I replied smiling. " yeah and I reward you with a smile of my own" :pinkiehappy: Cvt continued as we entered Sugarcube Corner.


"Well, got to go, have an angry pink pony running after me... Oh, she is actually angry."

"IM GOING TO GET YOU!" Pinkie shouted as she got ready to pounce."Oh, this doesn't look-GAH" Cvt said as he narrowly avoided her and started to run with the angry PInk pony chasing after him and me right behind them.

I looked around trying to find Cvt or pinkie. I'd run out of breath and had to stop. I was about to start looking when I saw Cvt running towards me. He stopped next to me, breathing heavily with his hands on his knees.

"Hold on... Been chased by Pinkie....."

"THERE YOU ARE, YOU SMILE STEALING THIEF!" shouted Pinkie. When we heard that we turned and ran.

3rd person pov

"Oh, great, I'm about to get shot out of her cannon. Whelp, I'm screwed. Lesson learned. Don't take smiles from Pinkie."

said Cvt. Pinkie had finally caught up with us and had put him in her cannon and lit the fuse.

Cloudy pov

Cvt you okay??? I asked

*Cough* "N-No... Pinkie is really mad, "*Cough* I flew out of her cannon... It was fun.... Until I landed...." groaned Cvt. "Wait, how do I have my laptop right now?" he questioned just noticing the rectangular device on the ground in front of him.

"Oh silly, you see, I planted a bomb in there, so you would find it". Pinkie said giggling.


"Don't take my smiles."

" WAI-" Cvt started to say before he was cut off the bomb exploding.

"Ha Ha, you thought it was a real bomb. It was just a candy bomb." Pinkie said.

"Yeah, I can see that, I can see that, and MY BROKEN LAPTOP!!!!"Shouted Cvt angrily.

"Well, maybe don't steal my smiles."

"you know what?"

"THAT'S IT!!!!!!!"

"Oh, what are you... What is that?" questioned Cvt worryingly when he saw Pinkie holding a giant blade.

"It's the Great Knife you know, that sword thing that pyramid head always carries around. You know, the one from Silent Hill."


"Have you forgotten who I am?"

"Oh, right," Cvt said in realization.

"Revenge time!!!!!"Pinkie said

"Pinkie, Please don't kill him"I begged, clearly terrified.

"Fine, I'm sorry." Pinkie said dropping the blade which resulted in a loud Clang.

"It's fine, and I'm sorry for taking your smile's" Cvt replied.

"Alright!" Pinkie said and proceeded to bounce off as if none of this ever happened.

"Thank Celestia you’re okay Cvt I said relieved and proceeded to hug him.

"Well, thank you Cloudy... Wait, where are we?" He asked looking around.

"I don't know"I replied "Oh dear..... Celestia, it's cold if only I had my jacket." said Cvt obviously cold and worried.

"Here you go," Celestia said giving him his Jacket using her Magic.

"Thank you- WHAT!?!?!?!?!"