• Published 14th Aug 2018
  • 1,612 Views, 31 Comments

P.S We Love You - deadpansnarker

As an alicorn, Twilight was always destined to watch the majority of her friends depart before her, a truly devastating event. But what if after their deaths, she receives a letter from them, which will send her on an adventure she'll never forget?

  • ...

The Letter

Hello Princess Twilight Sparkle, these are your friends speaking to you from the great beyond. Oooooo...

Pinkie, this is no time for your silliness! We're trying to write a serious letter here!

Aww, I love being silly, Rarity! For example, did you know I could do this?

Darling, in case you can't hear the 'delightful' sound of Pinkie pulling a rather large raspberry with her tongue, I'll spare you the descriptive prose. Apologies for the quite informal introduction, for this was not what was intended. You know what Pinkie's like when she gets going, she's a law unto hersel...

And if you thought that was cool, wait 'til you see what I can do with my...

I am so, so sorry my dear for the constant interruptions, but rest assured Pinkie has now been restrained sufficiently so we may carry on this correspondence in relative peace. It might only be a short time before she breaks free, but that should give me sufficient pause, as the self-appointed composer of this letter from the six of us, to relay our message to you clearly and decisively. Besides, I have by far the best cursive, wouldn't you say?

Anyway, what we all want to tell you, dearest Twilight, is that you are amazing. Who'd have thought a humble librarian from Canterlot would go on to teach as many other species about friendship as you have, and spread your wisdom far and wide through so many different kingdoms? You may very well be the single biggest contributor towards world peace and harmony in recorded history, no disrespect to princesses Celestia and Luna who I'm sure played their part.

We know you hate all the endless praise and thank you's you receive from all those whose lives you've managed to touch in some small yet meaningful way, you think of it as 'just doing your job'. We also realise you dislike intensely all the pointless embellishments that come from being part of the royal family: you just want to be known as 'Twi', 'Twilight' ...or Egghead!!

Rainbow Dash, stop interfering with my sincere speech and get back over there to make sure Pinkie is secure!

Ahem. Returning to the issue at hoof, and the very reason for us writing this letter today, is despite all the noteworthy things you've done with your life thus far, we believe that you could do even more. Maybe nothing quite so thrilling as saving the world from a power-hungry villain, or satisfying as finishing a good book, but nevertheless me and the girls have put together a list of things we think you should consider doing, if you can tear yourself away from your other duties for a bit. Ask Celestia nicely, I'm sure she'll understand.

Here they are in chronological alphabetical order:

Applejack: Spend a day on my farm learning how everything is done.
Fluttershy: Form a special bond with an animal who'll reciprocate your love.
Pinkie Pie: Get up on stage and perform a live stand-up act!
Rainbow Dash: Do an awesome feat of speed in the air to make me proud!
Rarity: Make the best dress you possibly can without the aid of magic.
Starlight Glimmer: Visit my old village, and see how everypony is getting on. It's been so long...

If you can do all of these in our memory, we would truly be honoured. It's not just for us though, we think you'll gain immeasurably from the experience, too. After all, anything's better than moping around an empty castle full of cobwebs for days on end feeling sorry for yourself, isn't it?

We know you'll miss us something awful and believe me, the feeling will be mutual, and you'll always be in our hearts wherever we are. We shall see you again someday, but until then dry those tears away and put on your best challenge face, because you have work to do! We're saying this for your own good as your nearest and dearest friends, because we know how hard it is to pull you out when you're stuck in a rut.

So if you know what's good for you, you'll get a head start on the list as soon as you're able (the order is entirely optional) and eradicate all dreary thoughts of 'misery' and 'sorrow' from your head post haste. Nopony wants to see you suffer in our absence darling, and we really think that by keeping yourself busy with the activities we've set, whilst remembering all the fun times we had together, it'll help you much more than shutting yourself away from the world. Please consider this our gift to you, and most of all, try to enjoy it!

Yours always


...and of course, moi.

P.S Please don't be mad at Cadance for keeping this letter secret from you until after we'd gone. We gave her specific instructions to hold onto it until then... and Fluttershy asked politely in her sweetest voice. I ask you, how could anypony possibly resist that?

P.P.S We do hope you manage to patch things up with Spike. Yours was a friendship meant for the ages, and it would be a crying shame for it to be over because of something so trivial. In fact, let's make that another item on the list. Go and speak to as soon as possible! Also, tell him I'm terribly sorry things didn't work out between us... life is full of so many regrets, isn't it dear? Please make sure this isn't another one of them.

P.P.P.S We love you.

Author's Note:

Well, let's see how this does. Part of my new operatus modi is to not let plot bunnies fester and hop around in my head, but release them as soon as possible to give myself more thinking space. This story is based on one such idea, from a cheesy movie I was forced to watch (don't ask). Let's just hope the fic turns out better than the film. :moustache:

It took a lot of work to establish head canons for the future of Equestria, but I think I did a pretty good job. The only thing I didn't get into was perhaps if any of the Mane 6 were married, did they have any kids etc. I may delve into that in future chapters, along with what happened between Twi and Spike. I assume he'd still be alive, since he's just got his wings in the show now and dragons tend to live longer than ponies (at least, I assume so).

Anyway, it should be interesting to sketch out future character dynamics and continue along with this plot... as soon as I've updated a few other fics that probably need attention just as badly. Later! :scootangel:

Comments ( 28 )

The title of the story reminded me of a novel I had read which had the almost same title...! It was the first novel I had read! xxxx

Thank you. Hope you enjoy! :scootangel:

Well, most popular movies originate from popular books, so it wouldn't surprise me at all. :twistnerd:


Fluttershy: Form a special bond with an animal who'll reciprocate your love.

She already did that, Fluttershy. Remember Owloiscious? No? That's okay, neither have the writers.

Good point, though!xxxx

Can't wait to see what you think :raritywink:

She's talking about right now, because obviously Owoliscious isn't alive any longer. I was planning on bringing him up in that part, anyway. Stay tuned... :moustache:

Pinkie is the best.:rainbowlaugh:

And yep, Twilight has work to do!

How do you hit featured with 8 up and no down?
I didn't hit featured with over 100 up...

Maybe you have the mature setting off, that's why you can see it. :rainbowdetermined2:

Oh shoot I do.
But I didn't when I was looking for mine!

This is something I didn't know I wanted. Keep up the good work!

No greater honour, than fulfilling some unknown wish. :raritywink:

Glad I could help. :scootangel:

Damn you onion cutting ninjas! Ill get you yet!

Good luck with your quest, must be very distracting. :moustache:

...I'll take that as a positive sign, then? :raritywink:

Can't beat the classics. :rainbowwild:

I'm honestly excited to see what's next. Very exciting!

Well, at least someone is. Thanks for reading! :raritystarry:

It's a good thing this will never happen, considering Starlight is destined to be an alicorn also. 😈

I always imagined this as being just the way that they would care about each other. I'm already looking forward to reading more of this story!

Dragons tend to be given life spans from as little as 200-500 years to being immortal. I personally like the idea of Spike being immortal along with Twilight. Off course, you could kill off spike too and have her deal with that too, but that's just mean.

Haven't read any of the chapters yet, but just reading the description, was the inspiration Violet Evergarden episode 10?
Because if it is, I'm going to need tissues because I can't watch that episode without crying.

Any plans for continuing this?

At some point. I just have too many ideas, too many stories to update and not enough time. I still have the notes about where this story is headed though, so never fear... I'll get back to it eventually. Thanks for reading! :scootangel:

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