• Published 14th Aug 2018
  • 2,476 Views, 24 Comments

Camping Trip - Cirrus Sky

Sunset and Rainbow have a bit of a drive to reach their chosen camping destination

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The sensation of floating in warm honey held her mind, it was so restful and Sunset Shimmer was grateful for a chance to rest. Her analytical brain was reminding her that she was actually in bed, covered comfortably with a quilt and basking in the morning sun that reached past the curtains. But she could tarry today, enjoy the comfort and warmth.

Well, her intention was to tarry, but two little feet landing unerringly upon the small of her back woke her and forced a squawk of surprise from her mouth. Giggles answered that. “Mommy, you sounded like the birds at Aunty Fluttershy's house!”

Sunset grumbled and groaned a little. It looked like her youngest had been sent for wake-up duty. Fortunately she had one advantage: Aurora was four and significantly smaller. “Aaaahhuuu, you have awoken the Tickle Monster!” Sunset put some of her unwillingness to wake into her voice, to make it sound more threatening.

“No no no no no.” Aurora had dropped onto the bed after standing on her Mom and had been lying on the large bed waiting for Sunset to get up. But she had not bargained on the Tickle Monster. She couldn't scramble away quickly enough as arms snagged her and fingers sought to tickle.

“Oh yes, the Tickle Monster wakes and she must get some tickles lest she gobble you up!” Sunset pulled Aurora in and began to tickle her tummy mercilessly, loving the sound of her little girl's giggling laughs.

“Noo Mommy!” Aurora laughed and laughed, wriggling to escape but not succeeding. Her pastel streaked hair was frizzing up and her little amber cheeks were blushing from laughter. As she was getting out of breath Sunset thought it was about time to release her daughter but a bark sounded out and a canine plummeted upon them both, stopping the tickle monster.

“Bwark!” The corgi crossed with goddess knows what else nuzzled enthusiastically into her little mistress and Mom. The older of the pair tried to push the hound back a little.

“Crackle! You're not supposed to be on my bed.” Sunset tried to sound cross, but the dog was wise to it and loosed her best simpering look. Aurora, released from the grip of the tickle monster, was already hugging the dog.

Resigned to her company, Sunset dropped back onto her pillow with an arm open for girl and dog to come and cuddle. She might have woken up earlier, but she could still wallow in bed longer.

Until the yell of “Breakfast!” Was hollered up from the kitchen. Crackle was off like a shot and Aurora was running along behind.

“Don't run on the stairs!” Sunset shouted after the girl, she was quite rough and tumble but it looked bad in the ER if you were bringing your kid in with another concussion. It couldn't be good for the girl's head to keep being bashed during poorly thought out stunts. “And she's only four...” Sunset sighed, wondering just what life would be like when the girl was bigger.

She got out of bed into a stretch, deciding that the shorts and vest she had on could stay on for breakfast, she stretched one last click from her neck and went in search of food. The landing mirror displayed her crazy bedhead, another thing to deal with after eating, and Sunset made her way downstairs.

There was sizzling coming from the kitchen, pan cooked food was her partner's “speciality” and the omelettes did end up quite tasty. Sunset grinned, vacation time was the best, the whole family was home together.

Entering the kitchen, she was greeted first by Crackle who barked and wagged her tail before shoving her face back into her food bowl with gusto. Aurora was sat at the breakfast island in her seat, looking eagerly at the cooking range and the figure with a shock of colourful hair preparing the food.

“Good morning.” Sunset yawned as she spoke, entirely unintentional but still effective. She found her seat at the table.

“Hi lazybones. I knew 'Rora would get you up.” Rainbow Dash laughed and brought the pan from the range to the table. The athlete had long ago lost her own habit of sleeping in, Olympic training schedules demanded a tight timetable. Now she was a coach, so even on vacation days she rose earlier than Sunset. She pressed a quick kiss just below Sunset's temple and started to split the omelette with a spatula.

“Ma, we're all out of apple juice but there is still orange.” The small boy was carrying a carton of said juice into the kitchen. “Good morning Mom.” Noon Shadow carefully placed the juice on the table and padded over to hug his Mom.

“Hey Noon. How's my boy?” Sunset couldn't resist ruffling his burgundy hair, there was a slight blaze of gold at the back that matched her hair, but his pale blue skin made the boy look biologically Rainbow's whenever the pair were together.

“I'm good Mom. Ma let me help with making breakfast!” Noon took his seat, the eight year old got a normal chair, his parents confident that he'd not fall off it.

“Yeah, our little egghead is going to be a master chef, kid is super smart at everything.” Rainbow grinned. She had served the omelette and was now putting out glasses for the juice.

“When can I help Ma?” Aurora asked already poking her food with a fork.

“When you are bigger kiddo, there's hot stuff in the kitchen even when it's not Mom cooking a meal.” Rainbow winked to Sunset who couldn't help a blush. They'd been together since high-school and still the daredevil flirted shamelessly.

“Once you can reach the counter-top on the step stool you can help with getting things ready to cook.” Sunset promised. She looked at the food on her plate. “Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold.” The answer to that was two kids eagerly digging into the cheese omelette. Sunset sliced hers up to eat and checked that the little girl was doing okay.

Aurora refused help cutting her food unless it was her big brother offering. Fortunately Noon was a conscientious child and was happy to help his little sister. Sunset and Rainbow had never experienced a sibling dynamic and they were both regularly proud and amazed by the two little people they were raising.

“This is delicious, thanks Dash.” Sunset savoured the bite she'd taken. Sat next to each other at the table, they were shoulder to shoulder opposite the children.

“Heh, flatterer. This was mostly Noon's work though, he made sure the cheese was grated really fine, read it in one of the cookbooks when Pinks was babysitting.” Rainbow took a bite of her breakfast and grinned. “Way to go kid by the way.”

“Thanks Ma.” Noon ducked his head, embarrassed by praise just as much as his Mom since her reformation.

The little family continued their breakfast, the children were old enough to eat without help and Aurora only needed a little supervision. Their youngest was a ball of mischief in contrast to the studious and quiet Noon. Crackle was scurrying around the table to catch any dropped scraps, her wagging tail brushing people the odd moment.

“We're going to Everfree today kids, remember?” Sunset had finished her breakfast and was drinking her coffee. She had a hand free now the omelette was gone, sometime during their meal Sunset's and Rainbow's hands had strayed to each other and they were holding hands. Not wanting to part, she'd simply waited to finish her food before having her brew.

“Yay! Everfree!” Aurora cheered and waved her hands. Crackle jumped and barked, in excitement at the trip, or the egg flying around the room, no one was to know. “Is Aunty Sparky gonna be there?”

“Yep, she asked us to all come visit.” Rainbow carefully pulled the plate from the reach of flailing hands, Aurora had plenty of breakfast left to eat. “But we got to eat first kiddo.”

“'kay.” The little girl stopped and started to eat instead.

“Can I take my telescope with us?” Noon asked. He had set his fork down having cleared his plate. “I can even pack it in the case myself now.”

“Of course you can Noon, I think Aunty Sparky would love to stargaze with you too.”Sunset told him. Noon grinned and coloured with a blush, Sunset had an inkling that the little boy had a tiny crush on her clever friend, he certainly idolised the scientist.

“Finished!” Aurora yelled, her fork and knife clattering to the tabletop, Sunset was glad they were the plastic kind or her kitchen surfaces would be a mess.

“Alright, go wash up and get ready for our trip.” Sunset advised the pair. “If there is anything you just have to bring it has to fit in a backpack.”

“But...” Rainbow butted in, looking forlorn.

“Excluding sports equipment and the telescope.” Sunset smiled softly to Rainbow who was sharing high-fives with the children after that allowance. “But we want to get going in two hours, so off you go!” Excused from the table, Aurora jumped from her chair and raced away, Crackle hot on her heels. Noon was just as excited today, running out of the room.

“Careful on the stairs!” Rainbow yelled, matching Sunset admonition earlier. She shook her head, “Sorry the kid got my energy, somehow... magic?” She shrugged. Sunset reached out and tousled the namesake hair of her wife.

“I don't know about that, I mean you pretty much didn't let go of my baby bump the moment it began to show. Maybe something got in there.” Sunset chuckled, “I'll load the dishwasher, seeing as you made breakfast.”

“Thanks Sunny. Imma take a shower.” Rainbow leaned in and kissed an amber cheek, getting one on the chin in return. Moving with her usual speed, but with more co-ordination than their youngest. She refrained from running up the stairs, taking them two at a time instead.

“Careful love.” Sunset muttered as she rinsed and loaded the dirty plates and cutlery into the machine. Happy with her job being done she closed it up and set the programme. They would be done before it was time for the family to go.

Despite her youthful dismissal of rules, Sunset obeyed those she set in her home, if only because she knew how much hypocrisy burned. She walked up the stairs, checking none of the framed photographs had been set askew by energetic family members.

There was the wedding shot, a candid capture that both women had not been aware of until Photo Finish presented it as a first anniversary present. Rainbow was holding her close, eyes soft as they swayed to music in a space lit with string lights that glowed like fireflies.

Next along a matched pair of frames, two photos, Sunset holding a tiny newborn in her arms shown in each. She looked exhausted but glowing with pride and joy in them both, even if she had argued against the picture being taken. She had just given birth after all.

As a professional recording artist, she had the time available to carry a child, a career that allowed her respite on demand. A pinch of sadness lingered in that thought though, a clinic and a devastated partner to support after a result from the doctor that read with words like “hostile” and “unable to carry to term”playing through her minds eye.

Shaking her head to clear the memory she focused instead on the last framed photo, the whole family at a party Pinkie Pie had thrown. Complete with all the Aunties, all the children and everyone that had become family to the reformed unicorn exile. She was smiling again, anticipating their trip away now, when she reached the room.

Rainbow was in their shower, her dirty clothes strewn across the room. Sunset was tempted to share, but they had a timescale to keep in mind, one that didn't exactly have space for fooling around in the shower.

Waiting her turn, Sunset went about picking up the laundry to put in the hamper. She caught sight of herself in the mirror and couldn't help a little primp. Her hair needed a brush like it always did in the morning, but the woman looking back at her was almost the same as the girl who had walked out of a portal.

Sure, she had gone up a dress size after Aurora, never getting rid of the extra, but Rainbow loved it. There were some stretch marks, again Rainbow adored them almost as much as their children. Considering the kind of dense athlete she had first taken Rainbow Dash for, Sunset was forever charmed by the woman who'd stolen her heart.

“You should have joined me, would've been quicker.” Rainbow gathered her shorter partner in close and whispered in her ear. She was wrapped in a towel and Sunset still in her sleep-shorts and vest, but the amber skinned woman was irresistible to the athlete however she looked.

“Hmm, we both know it would have taken a lot longer.” Sunset breathed, arching in to rest the back of her head on Rainbow's shoulder. The advantage it gave to kiss the blue jawline was irresistible. She trailed a few along, stopping before both of them decided to ignore the schedule, and two children who'd need chivvying along.

“Not fair.” Rainbow grumped, holding on to kiss Sunset properly now they were out of view of small eyes. Sunset moaned but dragged herself away.

“I'm going to shower, you can pack what you need for the weekend.” Sunset headed for the washroom. “Could you help the kids with their things?”

“Sure, but we are so going to continue this when we get a chance.” Rainbow grumbled a little and chucked her towel at Sunset when she teased from the doorway with poking tongue.


After some great wrangling and a lot of Sunset's skill at organising and plans, the family were packed. Despite the warning at breakfast, it looked like Aurora had decided that her largest cuddly toy just had to come with them.

“But Mooom, I need to bring Mr Teeth with me!” The little girl was clutching to the stuffed toy shark (twice her height). She was close to crying.

“'Rora, there isn't enough room in the car for Mr Teeth to come with us.” Sunset tried to keep her temper, she had explained in a number of ways to explain to her daughter just why the shark wouldn't go in the car comfortably. So far nothing was working.

“We need to leave him to guard the house.” Rainbow said, walking up with a bag of clothes. She had heard the argument and the hint of a tantrum from Aurora, not to mention Sunset's own thinning patience. Her words had suddenly shifted the focus.

“Ma?” Aurora looked to her other mother, a quizzical look instead of a teary face.

“We need Mr Teeth to guard the house while we are away.” Rainbow said, she dropped the clothes bag by the car. “Crackle is coming with us, so someone needs to be home.”

“Oh.” Aurora seemed to consider it, scrunching her eyebrows and tilting her head. “Where does he need to sit in the house?”

“We'll go find the perfect spot. Come on.” Rainbow ushered Aurora back to the house “And when we've got Mr Teeth all set on guard, we can choose someone else to come with us yeah?” She shot a grin to Sunset who mouthed a thank you. This solution had prevented any meltdowns before the trip even began. They made a good team even when it wasn't something that involved the Elements of Harmony.

Finally the car was packed with the clothes and things the family needed for the trip. Clothes, sleeping bags, telescope and any personal sports equipment Rainbow just had to bring. But there were also two guitars packed in the thankfully spacious trunk, Sunset's required luggage for their trip.

The children were in their seats with colouring books and spotter's guides, Crackle was latched to a seatbelt and situated in her basket. Sunset was in the driving seat and Rainbow had jumped in the passenger seat, they would swap for the drive home.

“'Rora , Noon, Crackle!” Rainbow called “Sound off!” A little tradition that Rainbow had started before journeys as a family, it always made Sunset smile.

“Here.” Noon called back.

“HERE!” Aurora shouted out, waving her arms. Crackle barked, hearing her name.

“And Sunset.” Rainbow looked across at her partner and grinned. It was still crazy to her sometimes; two kids and a dog, but she would still count herself lucky that Sunset loved her.

“Present.” Sunset leaned in and kissed Rainbow.

“Bleh.” Aurora declared, old enough now that affection between her parents was not appreciated.

She selected a colouring book and a box of crayons. Noon was already ignoring them, he was trying to decide which of his I-Spy books to work through.

“Okay kids, shout if you need a rest stop or if Crackle looks like she wants one, we've got juice-boxes and snacks in the front if you need some.” Sunset checked that the bag was with Rainbow and got a thumbs up. “House is locked, we've all got what we want to bring?”

“Yes.” Three voices chorused and a bark was added so Crackle felt included.

“Alright, lets hit the road!” Sunset turned over the engine, put the car in drive and they pulled away from the house. Rainbow started playing with the radio right away, a continual habit to find a station or song she liked. In less than half an hour she'd be hooking her phone up to the car to play music, but she always scanned every station on the radio first.

The drive through the Canterlot suburbs was always peaceful, they would skirt the down-town area heading for the interstate so it wouldn't be a stressful city drive. It was pleasant to travel through the suburbs she had grown up in, they had both wished to settle in Canterlot once Rainbow had finished her demanding sports career and moved into coaching.

Sunset often felt rootless, landing in a world that was not her own, but when they had turned the key to their new home she had felt contented like never before. It was great to come back to the city full of memories.

They passed the park where she and Rainbow had run together once a week, part date and part competition. A block a few streets away had the coffee bar Sunset had been “discovered” in, gaining a recording contract and the money to put herself through college that summer after school finished.

While the music agent approaching her had been a pivotal moment, the memory of Rainbow cheering her on and coming to every gig at the place was most cherished. She still played there from time to time, even gifting the cafe a gold disc. Ever grateful to the people who got her where she is today.

The high school wasn't on their route, but the sign directed for Canterlot High made Sunset smile. She'd grown as a person there, made friends, found a partner for life. The place where a helping hand led her to a new path, the music room where she and Rainbow had their first kiss. Not to mention the portal to her original world.

They'd visited a few times as a family, however today was not a day for Equestria. Everfree was a happy destination for the family, even if Rainbow and Sunset still packed their geodes just in case.

Reaching the interstate, Sunset joined the road. It was about an hour to drive until the rural route they needed for the lake split off from the highway.

The kids were quietly occupied, Crackle was snoring in her basket and Rainbow had decided on some music. Sunset sat comfortably and drove, enjoying the silence.

For all of ten minutes.

“Can I have a snack?” Rainbow was leaning over the bag of snacks to see what treats Sunset had packed.

“We've only just got on the road Rainbow. If you have a snack the kids will want a snack. Then they'll want a drink.” Sunset sighed. “Then they'll want a rest stop.”

“They always want a rest stop anyway.” Rainbow countered. “So I'm gonna have a snack.” She rummaged around and found a candy bar, her favourite. “Sweet! You always pack the best stuff Sunny.” She grinned and bumped her shoulder to Sunset's, mindful that her wife was driving.

“Of course, I know what everyone likes.” Sunset kept her focus on the road. “And I know I have to keep you all fed and watered on a road trip.” The redhead teased.

“Can I have a snack please Mom?” Noon was still looking out of the window. He had a book on his lap and a pencil in his hand. Glued to the passing traffic in the hopes of ticking another vehicle off his spotting list.

“We got Caramel Bars, granola crunch, cracker packs, Ooo Peanut Butter Crackers!” Rainbow was looking through to see everything. “Seriously, you are the best Sunset.”

“Can I have a cracker pack please?” Noon looked to the front seats and his mothers.

“Of course you can.” Sunset smiled, nudging Rainbow. “Do you want a juice box too?”

“I'm okay thanks Mom.” Noon reached out for the bag of crackers from his Ma. “Thanks Ma.”

“No problem kiddo.” Rainbow put the bag back in the footwell and relaxed back into the comfy seat, watching Sunset drive. The athlete had once balked at being a passenger but now appreciated the chance to sit and watch her partner.

Sunset was focused on the road, her teal eyes watching as she should while driving. Every now and then her brow would furrow as she judged the actions of drivers ahead of her. Rainbow loved Sunset's look of concentration, it had been something of a distraction during the few classes they shared in high school. These days it didn't get in the way of classwork or study sessions. Not that she didn't have some fond memories of certain study times during senior year.

Teal eyes flicked across to her. “Okay Rainbow?” Sunset had noticed the inspection.

“Yeah, just enjoying the view.” Rainbow smirked and winked. She could still fluster Sunset if she tried. A pretty blush coloured Sunset's cheeks, her confidence was always tempered by her humility.

“Ma, Mom. Can I have a juice-box please?” Aurora asked, swinging her legs from her booster seat.

“Sure, but you've gotta remember to tell us when you want a rest stop before we pass one. 'kay?” Rainbow took out a grape flavour box, Aurora's favourite, and handed it over. “Noon, could you put the straw in?”

“Uh huh.” Noon nodded and helped his sister.

“Remember kids, let us know before the rest place, not after.” Sunset repeated, too often it was a race to the next one when children realised they wanted it as they passed the turn off.


Crackle barked and frolicked in the grass, on her lead, Noon taking her to the space set out for dogs. He had been the one who begged for a dog and had agreed to be a responsible owner, so he took on the chores without argument.

“We managed an hour and a half before a stop at least.” Rainbow said. She was glad it was one of the nicer spots to stop at, some could be downright skeevy and she'd never let the children out of the car there.

“Yeah, we have done pretty well.” Sunset watched Aurora clambering on a jungle gym to burn off some energy and fidget before the next hour of driving. They were sat on a picnic table, seated like they used to a lot in college. Sunset sat higher than Rainbow, on the table, while Rainbow sat on the bench, her head resting back against her partner.

Sunset had her fingers buried in colourful hair, trailing them on her wife's scalp. Rainbow wasn't quite purring, but it was a close thing. Still watching the children playing ahead of them. A welcome break from concentrating on the road ahead. “There's no traffic reports, so it should be a clear run.” Rainbow locked and pocketed her phone.

“Great, if they are this excited by the trees and grass at a roadside rest-stop then the kids are going to be eager to get to Camp Everfree. We'll let them run some energy off then get going again.” Sunset rested her hands in striped hair. Rainbow hummed and leaned into it.

“Good plan. You have good plans.” Rainbow sounded sleepy, her head lolled to the side and rested on Sunset's leg. Sunset switched to stroking a blue cheek, Rainbow had looped an arm around Sunset's calf and was relaxing against her partner. Sunset began to hum a tune as she carried on smoothing Rainbow's hair. Quiet moments like this were to be treasured while the kids were still small and dependant on them.

After a good chase around for the dog and children and a little R&R for Sunset and Rainbow, they all piled back into the car to continue the journey.


Rural routes were very nice to drive, with their pretty views and greenery. Sunset liked the plants and trees around them, it reminded her of childhood and the brief happy times as a youngster. They had turned off onto the rural route twenty minutes ago and she was already feeling more relaxed.

Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash and Aurora were not so taken with nature.

“Are we nearly there yet?” Rainbow asked for the sixth time. She was trying to get the GPS on her phone to reveal their location relative to Camp Everfree, but it looked like signal was patchy. Aurora was silent only due to her peanut butter crackers and apple juice. The third helping on their journey.

Silently thanking the universe for one quiet family member, Noon was dutifully ticking birds and trees in his Nature I-Spy, Sunset checked their surroundings. “We're about a half hour from the camp. Okay Children?” She inclined her head to Rainbow, keeping her focus on the road. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Rainbow sticking her tongue out and crossing her eyes.

Keeping one hand on the wheel, she swatted at her wife, Rainbow catching the hand to hold. “Hey, its not my fault I prefer nature when I can climb it, swim in it or off-road over it.” She laughed. “'Rora knows what I mean.”

“Do y'think we can canoe?” The little girl asked, on their last visit she'd not had her swimming certificate yet, but now that it was framed up in pride of place with Rainbow's pennants and medals, Timber would let her out on the lake.

“Of course 'Rora, you got that swimming test beat!” Rainbow turned around in her seat to look at the girl. “Uncle Timber said you had to be level three at least and you've gone and blasted past level five.” Rainbow had never pushed the children into sports, even after her competitive career had been ended by an injury earlier than she'd have liked. While Noon was happy to play school sports, he'd not taken to them like his younger sister.

Aurora loved to compete, she had Sunset's own athleticism and drive coupled with Rainbow's confidence. The support they both gave her let the little girl throw herself into challenges and sports with abandon.

Sunset was glad that the girl was so keen on sports, Rainbow sometimes felt detached from the children, with no biological input herself. But Noon loved to watch matches with his Ma and Aurora already declared she wanted to be a “'lympic medalerist” like her Ma was. They both loved Rainbow so much.

“You're getting that misty smile again.” Rainbow said. “Getting all nostalgic for camp?” She winked, making Sunset giggle. They had visited the camp a number of times in the past. Eventful and memorable for reasons unrelated to fraught magical crises.

“Maybe a little.” Sunset replied, spotting the sign for the turn-off to camp. “We're almost there now.” There was cheer from the children as they saw the familiar sign pointing them off the main road and through the forest.

The road was well kept, their SUV had no problems off-road but it was nice to have a simple drive.

Now Rainbow, Aurora and Noon were all eagerly looking out for first sighting of the camp site. Crackle was up and barking, wagging her tail and jumping to her window too, picking up on the excitement and probably the scent of squirrels.

Navigating the dirt road, Sunset smiled at her family's joy and kept her own lookout for the campsite, it was quite fun to pip them to the win from time to time. Alas, this time it was not to be, Noon pointed and shouted “I see the camp gate! I see it!”

“What, aww man.” Rainbow groused, “All those I-Spy books have created a spotter monster!” She laughed and reached around to pat Noon's knee. “Good going kid.”

“Rooarraaaaah!” Aurora growled aloud “I'm a Rora Monster!” It had set Crackle barking, but Noon and Rainbow could only laugh. Sunset was having a job not to laugh more than she should while driving. They parked up in the Camp Everfree lot making a great deal of noise.

Making sure the car wasn't running, putting it into park, Sunset finally allowed herself the full laugh she'd been holding in. “Yes 'Rora, you are some kind of monster. But you're Mommy's monster.”

“And Ma's.” Rainbow had got her breath back. “You guys ready to see where we'll be staying?” She got out of the car and opened up the door to the back, helping the kids from their seats and unlatching Crackle from the belt.

“Are we stayin' in the tents? I want to sleep in a tent!” Aurora danced around, happy to be out of the car. Crackle yipped and yapped, jumping around them. Noon was putting his books into order, keeping hold of his nature one.

Sunset walked around from the driver's side to Rainbow, slipping an arm around her wife. “Made it.” She smiled and leaned against the taller woman.

Rainbow put her arm around Sunset and planted a kiss on red-gold hair. “Yeah we did.”

Author's Note:

Short one shot. It was an idea I liked when I was brainstorming plots that fit the theme for the contest. I hope people enjoy this bit of fluff. Plus I had a recent two hour drive for my own camping holiday (yeah yeah, not far by US standards, but it bit of a trip for a Brit) and it got a few more ideas going.

Crackle the dog is indeed an expy of Crackle the dragon. Corgi shape and Crackle shape matched well I thought.

Anywho, here is something written to completion that I am happy with. Here's hoping it shifts the burnout I have been feeling on my other works.

Comments ( 24 )

very enjoyable i liked it hell id like to see abit more of this universe out side of the contest

Nice little story

Very cute little story, I enjoyed it! Just one question... I couldn't quite figure out what this paragraph was implying though:

As a professional recording artist, she had the time available to carry a child, a career that allowed her respite on demand. A pinch of sadness lingered in that thought though, a clinic and a devastated partner to support after a result from the doctor that read with words like “hostile” and “unable to carry to term”playing through her minds eye.

I'm pretty sure it's referring to someone miscarrying, but I can't figure out if it's supposed to be Sunset or Rainbow, and why a doctor would use the term "hostile" in that scenario -- unless it's supposed to be saying that one or both of them is a really poor, hostile patient?

awesome story.
is there a link to the contest submissions?

New Shimmy story. I will save this for later.

Essentially, Rainbow tried, it didn't last long. Sometimes, sadly and without any reason why, a woman can have something that is termed a "hostile womb" which means it is possible to get pregnant but not actually carry a baby full term.

Journeys Contest

Hee. Sweet little slice-of-life bit! With all the British spellings I expected to see “motorway” and was surprised (and pleasantly amused) to see “Interstate” instead. I’m not familiar with “rural route”, though, unless it’s just a generic reference to “small highway in the countryside”. (I’m in California, which pretty much calls everything a “state route” if it’s got the state-highway shield sign, and I’m not familiar with British or European practice for anything smaller than a motorway.)

I am glad you liked the story :twilightsmile: I try my best with words when I can. I feel it jarring when people use terms contrary to the culture or area they are setting the story, so I do a little research. I know of highways/freeways and I know of the Interstate and a little looking I found the term Rural Route, it seems to be a one used by the postal service. I liked it, made me think of those maybe slightly narrow roads that wind through the countryside, still paved but not busy.

In the UK we have Motorways, A-Roads, B-Roads and then anything else is a named road. (Used to work in Highways, so yah). Europe has all kinds of names, what with all their different languages!

Ah, right, I thought “rural route” sounded vaguely familiar—the different context threw me off. It’s the circuit followed by a postman making his rounds to deliver mail to a set of rural households, part of the USPS’s Rural Free Delivery service.

Heartwarming. Thank you for sharing. :pinkiehappy:

Sunny D is such an underrepresented ship, and most of it is just fetish stuff, and the ones that aren’t don’t even focus on the relationship between the two.

So this was nice. Makes me think that that foretold Nightmare sequel will actually happen. It won’t.

Lovely story, Rainbow and Sunset are really sweet together.

I am dabbling in The Nightmare Returns, but nothing comes out right. :fluttercry:

Thanks. Glad you like the story

Might make a prequel on how they got together. Might just write more Dash/Shimmer (aka Sunny D)

I love writing fluff. Glad you like it.

Aww...this was sweet. It's not that often that I see a shipping fic dealing with the couple years in the future when they got children of their own. And even if I'm not a huge shipper of this particular ship, the writing itself had me sold that, at least in this story, the two of them were in love and very happy with each other.

Though one thing I kept wondering, especially with the inclusion of Crackle the dog...is what happened to Tank? Tortoises live a long time, and Tank is just so devoted to Rainbow that it is hard to see her giving him away for any reason. It's not a deal breaker, but it was something that got me thinking. (though I might be biased given that I'm a tortoise owner in real life and am not too fond of dogs to be honest)

Tank lives with Rainbow's parents, he lived with them during her sporting career and they became very attached to him. Now that she is back in Canterlot she can go and visit more often. Sadly a Gecko doesn't live as long.

I love all kinds of animals and honestly wanted to include a dog for the traditional family make-up. But I had precedent for Tank, my friends parents have three tortoises that belonged to their three children (who are my friends) even though growing up has meant the three kids now live all different parts of the country.

Not bad. I think this would be a fun idea you could expand on.

That was a good story, as great as all you've made.
I've read it before (not really noticed it was an entry), but as the contest has ended, wanted to say that I hope, and would be glad if you'll be placed ;)

Sunset was glad that the girl was so keen on sports, Rainbow sometimes felt detached from the children, with no biological input herself. But Noon loved to watch matches with his Ma and Aurora already declared she wanted to be a “'lympic medalerist” like her Ma was. They both loved Rainbow so much.

This slightly confuses me. Did Sunset use a sperm donor, or was it by magic with physical features coming from Rainbow? Other than that loved it!

Donors for both kids. You can request for traits when considering the process, hair and eye colour, ethnic background etc. In a world like theirs it should be available.

Author Interviewer

I can't believe you named the dog Crackle. XD That's great! And Mr. Teeth is best guard shark.

It just stuck in my head, the idea of a Corgi cross that was Crackle, making that funny pant-snuffle that dogs do and bounding about.

A whole two hours! Oh boy. Anyway, this was a sweet tale with a nice, mellow tone. I enjoyed it. Crackle the dog was also a neat touch.

Very neat and enjoyable!

“Bwark!” The corgi crossed with goddess knows what else nuzzled enthusiastically into her little mistress and Mom. The older of the pair tried to push the hound back a little.

Corgis! My favorite dog breed!!! :yay:

“Don't run on the stairs!” Sunset shouted after the girl, she was quite rough and tumble but it looked bad in the ER if you were bringing your kid in with another concussion. It couldn't be good for the girl's head to keep being bashed during poorly thought out stunts. “And she's only four...” Sunset sighed, wondering just what life would be like when the girl was bigger.

Good question. :applejackunsure:

“Hi lazybones. I knew 'Rora would get you up.” Rainbow Dash laughed and brought the pan from the range to the table. The athlete had long ago lost her own habit of sleeping in, Olympic training schedules demanded a tight timetable. Now she was a coach, so even on vacation days she rose earlier than Sunset. She pressed a quick kiss just below Sunset's temple and started to split the omelette with a spatula.

Good for you Dash! :twilightsmile:

“Bleh.” Aurora declared, old enough now that affection between her parents was not appreciated.

You'll get used to it. :ajsmug:

Crackle barked and frolicked in the grass, on her lead, Noon taking her to the space set out for dogs. He had been the one who begged for a dog and had agreed to be a responsible owner, so he took on the chores without argument.

What a good boy, taking care of the family pet. :pinkiehappy:

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