• Published 15th Aug 2018
  • 1,248 Views, 67 Comments

Tapestry: A World Apart - Star Scraper

To save Rarity, Twilight and her friends must follow her to a war-torn world struggling to survive an eternal winter night, where Hearth's Warming never happened.

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Ch.03: Beloved Belle

Rarity shivered, feeling the soft, silky sheets of her bed underneath her belly, chest and right cheek, but no blankets on top of her. She could feel her little red glasses resting on her snout. Opening her eyes, she found her room dark in the middle of the night. She sat up in bed, a thick fog clearing from her mind only very slowly. Oh dear, I pulled an all-nighter yesterday on the Hearthstone... Wait, no, Hearth's Warming designs... And Sweetie Belle was yelling about... Did I miss something?

She reflexively levitated her glasses onto her nightstand, pausing her train of thought for a moment as the memories slowly emerged from the thick mist dissolving in her mind. She looked to the little calendar on her wall for help – Saturday, December 22nd.

She jumped onto her hooves on the bed with a yelp. Oh good heavens, our recital! She froze, thinking of what to do – then relaxed, flopping back onto the bed with a groan as she remembered she hadn't changed the date on the calendar. Oh, that was yesterday, it's far too late for that. The poor dear must be furious at me. She pulled the Saturday card off, a gentle blue magical glow only unicorns could see coming from it and her horn, then watched it flutter to the floor.

She looked over the rest of her room – a gentle trickle of moonlight came in her window, just enough to reveal her empty, but dirty room. Small scraps of paper, packaging, and materials scattered every horizontal surface and mannequin in sight. Empty of everything, including my own compassion, generosity, and consideration for my sister!... And wow, I’ve really made a mess of the room.

She sighed. And my relationship with Sweetie Belle.

She tugged on the plush comforter with her magic, pulling it out from under her and laying it on top of herself, relishing its embrace. Well, at least I got those orders in on time.

She remembered her decision to stay in Ponyville before she remembered she was originally planning on going with her shipment. Not even going with my designs for the Canterlot Hearth's Warming pageant! How uncouth! She sat up again, horror in her eyes. And I missed going to the duet recital with Sweetie Belle! After looking forward to it for all those months and all that practicing! She's entirely right to be FURIOUS at me! I've been absolutely awful! Just awful! I've betrayed both of the things I live for!

That I would die for!

Oh, come now, Rarity, don't be so harsh on yourself! You worked yourself to the bone for this one. You managed to complete both the orders, the ensemble for Sapphire, AND the costumes for the pageant! THE pageant! I'll be the premiere pony of the year in no time at this rate! She beamed, then the smile faded. But, I really should go check on Sweetie Belle... She was right to yell at me. If only there's some way I can make it up to her... Oh dear! We argued last night! What did I even say?... Something about work being more important!?

She recoiled as she searched in her mind and began to make out some faint memories. Sure I had been awake for... what, thirty-eight hours? But even that was no excuse for my behavior, there! Not for saying things as mean as that! On top of missing – she bit her lip, each time she said it to herself was more painful than the last. On top of missing the duet performance!

She sighed again, bowing her head. I was so mean to her because I was really mad at myself, wasn't I? Well, whatever the case may be, I must go apologize to her right now! She looked out her window. The curtains were wide-open to the night outside. If she's awake... at the very least I should check on her. I just can't believe I snapped at her like that! Didn't I learn my lesson on sisterhood from the Sisterhooves Social?

She climbed out of her bed, now painfully aware she hadn't even put on her robe, slippers, or prepared her mane for sleep. She shivered again at the cold, and her ruined bed-mane made her grit her teeth and stop in place. She shook the feeling off with a shake of her head. No, no, I'll go check on Sweetie, first. I don't even care that I was overwhelmed with stress to the point of passing out on the bed like this, I should not have treated her that way!

She quietly walked across the purple carpeting down the hall and to the door to Sweetie Belle's room, her thoughts continuing as she walked, she needs to know I love her, and she's the most important thing in the world to me! Even if I did miss our recital for my art... It was so I could continue to be successful for her!


She sighed, bowing her head as she walked down the dark hall deep in the night. No, who am I kidding? It was my fault. My friends had it covered. I could've – I should've – I had to have taken two hours off to go perform with her. She was counting on me. Oh dear, what did she even do? Did she sing solo?

She sings Over The Rainbow so well! I remember Twilight overhearing our practice and loving it! We can even sing it together at the Hearth's Warming Party! Yes, that's how I'll make it up to her! It will be her encore performance as a duet!

...If she forgives me.

She reached the filly's room, then quietly and slowly turned the knob and poked her head inside.

The room was brighter than the hall, but still so dark she struggled to make out what she saw, but definitely knew she saw a lump in Sweetie Belle's bed. Oh, it's just so cute how you bundle up under the blankets like that, Sweetie Belle... I'm sorry about whatever happened yesterday. I'm being a bad sister all over again. I'll make it up to you in the morning, I promise. But for now, sleep soundly you sweet, sweet little darling. I'll make everything right with sunrise.

She gingerly closed the door, and made her way back to her room to set her mane and go to sleep. This time, she'd go to bed properly; in pajamas suited for a Saturday night and tomorrow morning.

There was the unmistakable chirping of chickadees, and the bright light of morning shining on her eyelids. Rarity woke a second time, and with a large yawn, sat up, slid on her slippers and set herself free of her bed once more. She took a moment to walk over to her window, pull the curtains open the rest of the way and appreciate the beauty of the snowy Sunday morning in her silk pajamas. The snow was smooth, clean and fresh, only two sets of tracks in it. Even through the window and with the morning sun shining on her she still felt the nip of the cold, but it was softened by the serenity of the view and the feeling of resting after the stressful days.

The way the snow shines with a warmth of its own, almost – the icing on every house and tree. The sparkling crystals on every roof and every pond – so full of beauty and inspiration, like the heavens themselves decide to try a new style on the Earth every once in awhile. She yawned, turning to her work space. And the best time of year for a warm line of clothes and accessories – from cozy coats and soft scarves to extravagant earmuffs – she paused as she saw her open bedroom door. Oh, and something else very important I need to get to... Far more important than anything else.

She felt her messy bedmane on her head, her unkept coat and makeupless face. She again ignored the discomfort. I can be a bit ugly for a few minutes if it means catching Sweetie Belle before she heads off somewhere. Though the pegasi did put out that winter weather advisory yesterday. It's frightfully cold today...

When the weather is like this, the fireplace is so delightful. Maybe we can just stay inside today, and just read together. She can draw while I work on designs, or we can make s'mores, or practice our singing! Maybe I missed our big little performance, but maybe we can still at least sing together.

She couldn't help but smile warmly and feel a flutter of excitement, remembering the times they would simply spend together. There is one nice thing about the absolute mad dash to completion on a tight deadline – and that's the little time off after, no plans, just living in the moment, true relaxation...

But concern melted the smile away. Well, if she forgives my heinous mistake enough to even let me try to make it up to her. Maybe I don't deserve her forgiveness, but I should at least apologize, even if it won't take my mistake back...

She finally arrived at the door to Sweetie's room and knocked. After a moment of silence, she leaned in, listening for a response.

Nothing came except the distant chirping of birds outside.

“Knock knock,” Rarity chimed, knocking against the wood again.

After a minute of waiting, she asked “Sweetie, are you in there?” as she opened the door and popped her head in.

She saw the room exactly the same as it was last night – only now bathed with brilliant late-morning sunlight, and she could see clearly that the lump in the bed was only blankets. An uneasy feeling bit her as a voice gnawed at the back of her mind, that is exactly the same as the blankets were last night. She hasn't touched this bed. Did she go off somewhere last night?

She let out a small, nervous laugh, “Oh, just blankets. I'm sure last night it was her, though... Just... Happens to look exactly the same...” she closed the door and made her way downstairs, trying to quiet her anxiety. It's nothing, really, just some funny coincidence – maybe she was just out of her room for a glass of water last night. She could've gotten some water and even fallen asleep on the couch!

“Sweetie Belle!” she called, a slight chime of music in her words as she came to the bottom of the stairs. No reply came. She scanned the clothes racks of the empty boutique. Oh dear, I should check on things. She remembered how her friends helped run her store yesterday. I'm very thankful they saved my business hours, but... I'll check on things later. She continued walking, calling her sister again and again, the calls turning more from gentle chimes to demands. She checked every room from the parlor to the kitchen to the bathrooms to the laundry room. She found nothing.

Then the concern bit down a bit harder. The tracks! She trotted over to the front door, feeling an icy wall of air crash over her as she opened it. Both sets of tracks in the snow she had seen from her window led to and from here. One set was older than the other, both about the right size for Sweetie Belle, but neither looked fresh. She bit her lip.

She's not some little filly, I'm sure she dressed warm... But she's still a filly and I need to go apologize to her! As she ran inside and quickly grabbed winter clothes, another thought crossed her, maybe I could go straight to Applejack's or Mom and Dad's, but I don't know where she went, but those tracks will lead me straight to her! But on the other hoof, if I'm going out into town after her, perhaps I should spruce up a little. She approached one of the many mirrors in her boutique, looking at her bare face. After a moment of hesitation, she ran upstairs. Just a quick spruce-up! – I'm just going to be dropping by Applejack's, after all, or maybe Mom and Dad's. But really, Sweetie Belle, you're supposed to tell me if you're going out!

Missing the recital was my bad, but this one is yours! But her conscience instantly told her she didn't believe that.

The thought still nagged the back of her mind, when did you leave, anyways?

Almost half an hour had passed before her boots were sinking in the snow. I'll be brave and adventurous today. Let's see what shortcut my sister knows to Sweet Apple Acres. She was following the tracks – and could, because they did not follow any of Ponyville's roads, or even dirt paths that she knew of – not that I'd be able to tell if this were a dirt path under all this snow...

On her right was a great field, a few sparse houses, and Ponyville a bit further across a frozen river hidden under the fresh snow. On her left, the rolling white hills disappeared into patches of forest. The paths bumped up and down, climbing higher and higher as she traveled.

She paused for a moment when something clicked in her mind. She looked down at Ponyville to her right, slightly below the horizon. This is that field me and Twilight had that conversation in, isn't it?

It felt oddly fresh in her mind – enough that she could tell this was the field, despite the snow and the sun masking the appearance it had worn on that summer night. Well, Twilight may have to worry about immortality and gotten that creepy book from the old castle, but I have to worry about neither! I don't intend to outlive Sweetie Belle by a even a single lifetime, either.

She slipped an uneasy laugh. Outlive her? Why did I use that particular wording? It's not like she's in any mortal danger... Her frightful laugh quickly sank, and a weight appeared in her gut.

She stole another glance at Ponyville below, and Canterlot, visible on the mountains far off on the horizon, before continuing her trek.

She descended the main hill for a second mile of travel. She followed the tracks around a patch of forest on her right, then stopped in place. The tracks led straight towards – it took her a moment to realize it was a pond, but it was quickly unmistakable. Surrounded by low hills and flat, there was a small pier at its edge and a cottage not far from it. A patch of snow on its edge was missing, revealing the ice underneath.

She galloped madly through the snow, sending a splash of white up around her. “Sweetie Belle!” she screamed.

There was no answer.

In moments and another quarter mile she was at the pond's edge. The tracks clearly led to a patch where the snow was gone, but the pond had long frozen back over. But another set of tracks came back out to her left – she sprinted up the newer tracks, then stopped when she saw – they led to the base of a leafless tree, where a large patch of snow was missing, and a much fresher set of tracks approached and left.

It was all within her sight – one set of tracks led from the nearby cottage, and the other into town. She had been following them enough now to tell – somepony had come from the home, found Sweetie Belle resting by the tree after she’d fallen in, and took her into town.

She had barely started sprinting down the tracks to Ponyville when she heard somepony calling her. A mare was waving her down from the house the tracks came from. She rushed over to her until she felt she was close enough to call her.

“Where's my sister!?” she yelled.

“The hospital! He took her -”

Rarity couldn't hear anything else she said over the sound of her own hooves crushing and plowing through snow.

It was immediately obvious to the nurse at the desk that it was either a truly dire emergency, or somepony blowing something out of proportion when Rarity burst in. Her kicking the door open to the hospital's emergency room earned glances from the various ponies waiting inside with fevers and cold chills.

But without a lot of blood or obvious pain, the nurse behind the desk didn't react much until Rarity was right at her.

“Where's my sister!? She's just a little filly – white coat, mane is in adorable little curly bulbs of blush pink and periwinkle purple, she came in just – a few hours ago? Last night – I'm not sure!” She panted madly, almost as wet from sweat as all the snow she'd been running through.

“Oh, m'am, was she admitted for hypothermia? By some stallion who didn't know-”


“M'am, we can't be entirely sure, but... we had a filly brought in earlier this morning, and...” she paused for a moment. “I'm sorry, but despite everypony's best efforts, we weren't able to save that filly. But maybe you can help identify the body and see if it was her?”

At once, most of the chatter in the waiting room went silent. Rarity immediately paused her heavy panting, her throat freezing, her eyes going wide. Her breath quickly caught back up to her, but now pained, panicked and raspy. “No, no, it – it can't be her... It - it must've been... perhaps it wasn't here, or just...”

“There are no other hospitals in town, miss,” she explained, putting a little sympathy into her voice, then continuing more delicately, “Uhm, even if it's not her, maybe you'll know who it is? We haven't been able to identify her, maybe you can help us.”

“Uh, y-yes, sure... I'll...” she seemed to stare past the nurse and far beyond the wall behind her. “Yes,” she reiterated.

“Alright, I'll send for the coroner to take you to the morgue. Can I get your name and the date and town of birth, please?”

Rarity stood frozen. “R-Rarity. May fifteenth, nine seventy-six, here in Ponyville.” Her voice was hollow, devoid of emotion, and distracted.

“Okay, just wait here for a minute, m'am, we'll be right out shortly.”

“Right... wait...” She moved slowly, her gaze never quite landing on anything in the room. Other ponies gave her sympathetic and concerned looks, but she saw none of them.

A stallion showed up with some official-looking coat, asking for her. It felt like a dream – she didn't notice the details, and at any particular point she couldn't remember how she got there. She followed him behind the double-doors into the hospital. “She came in this morning, carried by a Mr. Davenport.”

“Oh. I know him.” Her words were drawn out. It was clear she wasn't listening entirely.

“Is he a friend, or relative? And you're the filly's sister?” he asked.

“Yes,” was all she answered with, not even sure what she was saying.

“I must warn you, miss, the filly does match the description you gave...” his voice tapered off.

She just looked at him. Just enough life sparked into her expression to show anxiety, her ears pulling back and lowering about halfway. “B-but you can't be sure?...” she plead.

He simply gave her a sorry look, before finally leading her into a frigid room with several bed-sized trays. Three had what were clearly sheets draped over bodies on them, and of the three, one was the size of a filly. There was a small, distinct bump at the head of a horn.

Her breathing froze for a moment as she realized how disturbingly similar the lump of blankets on the tray were to the lump Sweetie Belle had left in her boutique.

They looked very different. But she felt as though they looked exactly the same.

Her heart began to race.

She stopped in the doorway as he walked in, then he turned to her.

“Please, come in,” he gently called her.

She dragged her hooves in, refusing to look at the hidden bodies – but once she did look down at the small one, she couldn't take her eyes off of it. “Show me,” she lipped, unable to force the air through her lungs to say the words out loud.

He nodded.

He moved next to her, then grabbed the corner of the sheet and carefully folded it down, revealing the filly's face.

Sweetie Belle was dead.