• Published 16th Aug 2018
  • 15,884 Views, 543 Comments

A Student Once Lost - Chiefs999

Banished to another reality. Twilight tries to figure out what makes this Equestia different than the one she grew up in. Getting accustomed to the differences of this reality, will Twilight be able to recreate Starlight’s spell and return back home?

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Chapter 8 - Preparations

Stirring in her sleep ever so slightly, Twilight groaned as she unwillingly woke up from her much needed rest. Without opening her eyes, she shifted against the pillow she was cuddling into, repositioning her head to a colder part of it which was still unusually warm.

With a content sigh, she used her magic to adjust her feathery blanket to accommodate her new sleeping position. After a few seconds, Twilight realized that only her upper body was covered, and that blankets weren’t usually made out of feathers. Which only meant one thing.

Opening only a single eye, the first thing she noticed was that she was not cuddling, nor was she resting her head against a pillow. But instead on a certain white coated alicorn who was deeply engrossed in a book that was magically suspended in a red aura above her.

Twilight’s gaze shifted downwards towards her own body, where she confirmed her suspicion that her blanket was not actually a blanket. But instead was Daybreaker’s large, white, feathery wing draped across her was indeed correct.

Upon realizing this, her other eye immediately shot wide open as she frantically pushed herself off Daybreaker and to her side of the bed. Her cheeks a bright shade of red. “I’m so sorry! I thought you were my pillow.” Twilight apologized.

‘Well at least I’m not tired anymore.’ Twilight thought.

Daybreaker glanced over at Twilight from the corner of her eye. “You say that as if it bothers me.” Daybreaker stated as she closed her book. Levitating it over to her nightstand and put it in one of the drawers before turning the rest of her head towards her student. Giving Twilight her undivided attention.

It was only for a split second, but Twilight caught a glimpse of the brown leather cover of Starswirl’s journal before it disappeared from sight. Which made her curious as to what Daybreaker was doing with it. “W-well...You tend to only do that sort of thing with your special somepony…I guess the same can be said about sharing a bed. Then again, our relationship is substantially different compared to most ponies.” Twilight replied. Unsure how to justify her actions without it turning into her usual rant.

While Twilight was deep in thought about it. Daybreaker saw an opening and seized it. “We used to share a bed quite often when you lived in Canterlot. Does that mean you’re my special somepony?” Daybreaker asked as innocently as possible.

Twilight’s ear flickered as she looked up at Daybreaker. Blinking a few times as she replayed what her mentor just said to make sure she wasn’t misinterpreting it. She knew Daybreaker was teasing her, or at least she thought she was, especially after everything that had transpired between them. In the end, she felt a little teasing back wouldn’t hurt. And that it would help her understand how Daybreaker really felt about her.

“Weeelll.” Twilight drew out, slowly circling the tip of her hoof against the bed sheet. “You are special…and you are a pony.” Twilight continued, fluttering her eyelashes before moving towards the tensed up alicorn. Raising a hoof and placing it gently against Daybreaker’s chest, leaning forward ever so slightly more so they were staring deeply into each other’s eyes. “I’m sure someone as smart and as powerful as you can fill out the rest.” Twilight finished with a gentle push before returning to her side of the bed.

Twilight covered her lips with her hoof in attempt to prevent herself from giggling, which failed miserably. Seeing the stunned state of her mentor was an amusing sight. Especially the way her feather’s ruffled against her side, as if they would flare out at any moment. It was a sign that she managed to finally get one over Daybreaker after all the teasing she had received.

Though it didn’t take long for Daybreaker to recover from the unexpected response. And what was meant to be harmless teasing to probe Daybreaker about her feelings apparently meant much more to her than Twilight realized.

Daybreaker leaned forward, resting her hoof on top of Twilight’s. Halting the smaller alicorn’s giggling who in return stared up at the deity with a confused expression as she shifted across the bed towards her. “I can…But I would much rather hear you say it yourself.” Daybreaker admitted, staring deeply into Twilight’s alluring purple hues with her own half lidded gaze.

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but was unable to formulate any kind of response, not even a squeak. She didn’t know what to say or even do as she watched Daybreaker position herself on top of her. Her large white forehooves resting at either side of her head.

Daybreaker waited for a few moments to see if Twilight would actually say it. She was a little disappointed that she didn’t, but she didn’t let it show. “No matter…You know what ponies say nowadays.” The deity started as she leaned down. Her eyes shifting to Twilight’s quivering lips. “Actions speak louder than words.” she finished in a near whisper.

Twilight’s eyes widened as Daybreaker puckered lips were getting frighteningly close to her own. Causing her to swallow the small amount of built up saliva in her mouth, her breathing growing faster and heavier.

Her mind kept telling her that she was in trouble. That she should speak up, push Daybreaker off her or even attempt to teleport away. But there was another, much smaller and quieter part of her that wanted her to stay. To repair and strengthen the bond that she used to have with her mentor that she sorely missed. Even if this wasn’t her Celestia.

They were close enough now where Twilight could feel Daybreaker’s warm breath against her lips. Her heart hammering against her chest. “Daybreaker I-“


Twilight let out a small sigh of relief as the weight on top of her disappeared.

Daybreaker opened the door with her magic, the door slamming against the wall causing Raven on the other side to jump in surprize. “You have three seconds to give me a good reason why I shouldn’t lock you away, or worse, for interrupting me.” Daybreaker growled, baring her fangs. Obviously not happy with being interrupted. “Three.”

Raven was very confused and frightened, but she didn’t let that deter her. She was probably already used to Daybreaker behaving like this was Twilight’s guess. She didn’t waste any time with words and instead held up a sheet of paper, presumably Daybreaker’s schedule for the day.

The sheet of paper was immediately set ablaze, causing Raven to yelp in surprise and drop it before it burnt her hoof.

“Two.” Daybreaker counted down, her fiery mane flickering as the room progressively grew hotter.

Raven held up her clipboard this time. “The paperwork for the increased budget of Ponyville is complete. All it needs is your sign-“ Raven didn’t have a chance to finish her sentence before a bolt of red magic pierced through the clipboard. Narrowly missing her head and leaving a large hole in the middle of it.

“One.” Daybreaker snarled. She went to get off the bed but a sudden tug at her wing prevented her from doing so. She glared daggers at the accuser, but when she realized it was Twilight who was holding onto her wing, her expression softened.

“I know you aren’t happy with her…Interrupting.” Twilight started. Glancing over at the panicked looking Raven who looked pleadingly back towards Twilight. “But you would also be annoyed if she didn’t do her job. I’m sure if she knew you were busy then she wouldn’t have interrupted unless it was urgent.”

Silence filled the bedroom until Daybreaker let out a loud sigh and shook her head. “Fine…Remake and delay today’s schedule as tomorrow’s. Then proceed to refill the budget form out and have it completed by then as well. That is all, I don’t want to be interrupted until breakfast tomorrow.” Daybreaker ordered.

“Y-your wish is my command!” And with that, Raven picked up the remains of her burnt schedule and scampered out of the room. Closing the door behind her, leaving the two alicorns alone.

“Just how many secretaries have you gone through since I died?” Twilight asked as soon as the door closed.

“She has been the only one. But that isn’t important right now.” Daybreaker replied as she brushed her hoof against Twilight’s chest ever so gently. “Now…where were we?” she asked in a sultry tone.

Twilight bit her lower lip, shivering at Daybreaker’s touch who seemed to be waiting for her response this time around. Raven’s interruption allowed her to escape that situation, but now it was up to herself to prevent it from happening again. “We were just about to discuss the duel we talked about yesterday.” Twilight replied.

Daybreaker didn’t reply at first, but eventually she moved her hoof away and let out a loud disappointed sigh.

Twilight swore she could hear Daybreaker mutter some dark, disturbing things about Raven, but that wasn’t something she necessarily wanted to pry further into. She still couldn’t believe she was so close to receiving her first kiss, and it being with her mentor of all ponies. ‘I can’t believe Rarity was right, I’m never going to hear the end of it.’ Twilight thought.

“I was hoping we could settle our little dispute at some point. Since you just opened up your schedule for the day, we shouldn’t be hard pressed for finding a time.” Twilight suggested, hoping this would dissuade Daybreaker from continuing her advances on her.

“If that is what you wish to do, then so be it.” Daybreaker replied, not overly keen on the duel in general. Though if winning meant Twilight would stop bringing up the Crystal Empire, then it would be worth it. “What about your wings? Don’t you think they need more time to heal?”

Twilight flared her wings out and gave them a few test flaps. When she didn’t feel any pain or discomfort whatsoever, she retracted them back to her side. “They should be fine…though I was hoping we could increase the overall time a little? Fifteen minutes isn’t nearly enough time.” Twilight replied with a question of her own.

“Then you should have thought about that BEFORE agreeing to the terms.” Daybreaker scoffed.

‘She really isn’t happy about being interrupted’ Twilight thought. Though if that was the case then she would just have to offer a new proposal in hopes to convince Daybreaker to add more time. “Alright how about this. We add another thirty minutes and if I lose…” Twilight started but wasn’t able to come up with anything.

Daybreaker remained quiet as she stared at Twilight with a raised eyebrow, the mention of another proposal piquing her interest ever so slightly.

“If I lose…” Twilight repeated, trying her hardest to come up with a condition that would please Daybreaker. “Then I will do any one thing you ask of me.” Twilight finished. As soon as those words escaped her lips she immediately regretted her decision.

Daybreaker’s ears twitched. “Anything?” Daybreaker asked rhetorically as a large grin spread across her face. “Thirty is a bit much, an extra fifteen and you have yourself a deal.” Daybreaker countered.

This gave Twilight an opportunity to decline the deal. But the chances of Daybreaker accepting a completely different proposal would be incredibly unlikely. And she knew that she needed all the extra time she could get. “Add some weights on your hooves as well and you have a deal.” Twilight countered again.

Daybreaker shook her head. “An extra twenty minutes, no weights, you do any one thing I ask you to do as well as everything that has been mentioned in our previous deal. That is my final offer.” Daybreaker stated.

Twilight thought long and hard about Daybreaker’s final offer. The fact that she could make her do anything she wanted was rather unsettling. She would have trusted Celestia without a second thought, but Daybreaker was another story, even though they were effectively the same pony. She tried to think of a catch or a trick that would put her in a favourable position, but nothing came to mind.

As much as it scared Twilight to know that Daybreaker could make her do anything she liked. Especially knowing how she really felt about her, she needed those extra twenty minutes. “You have yourself a deal. A total of thirty-five minutes, if I win I get to go to the Crystal Empire. If I lose I will never bring up going there again and you can make me do any one thing.” Twilight summarized as she held out her hoof.

“You mean when I win.” Daybreaker replied cockily as she raised her hoof in return to shake Twilight’s, sealing the deal. “So, when shall we start?” Daybreaker asked. Being considerably more enthusiastic about their duel now that she receives something in return for winning. “So many things I can make you do…I have a lot to think about when this is over.”

“I still need to talk to Rarity about something before she decides to head home. That shouldn’t take too long though, so I will probably end up doing that first. So maybe afterwards if it suits you.” Twilight responded, ignoring her mentors overconfident remarks.

Daybreaker leapt off the bed, still wearing her armor. “It will take some time for my subjects to set the course up for us, so I might as well get that over and done with. I shall have some of my guards’ escort you to the training grounds in an hours’ time, do you think you will be finished with your…friend…by then?” Daybreaker asked.

Twilight got off the bed in a more graceful manner. “Yes. It shouldn’t take that long, just wanted to ask a few questions and maybe have a bit of idle chatter is all. I expected to have more time to discuss what I needed to discuss with her down in the dungeons.” Twilight replied as both of them made their way out of the bedroom. However the black scorched floor next to the table caught Twilight’s eye before they reached the doorway, her eyes narrowing at the random unaffected rectangular shape in the centre. “What happened there? That wasn’t there when I came in.” Twilight asked.

Daybreaker looked over at the mark where Twilight was referring to. “That was just a minor magical accident when testing an old spell I haven’t used in a couple hundred years. I couldn’t be bothered cleaning it up.” Daybreaker replied as she pressed her wing against Twilight’s backside to usher her out of the room.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, not seeming convinced with the answer. “I have seen you cast spells that you haven’t used in over a thousand years effortlessly. And I can’t see you ever cleaning your room, maybe before you started calling yourself Daybreaker but not now.” Twilight pressed further. “Also what is with that unaffected patch in the middle? Did you cast it on something?”

The deity rolled her eyes. “Stop nit-picking every little thing I say, of course my servants are the ones that clean my room. Now let’s hurry up and get you to your friend so I can start making preparations for our duel.” Daybreaker responded, ignoring Twilight’s other questions.

Daybreaker led Twilight to where Rarity was staying in the meantime. Judging from how less fancy the decorations were in the hallways and how far they had to walk to get there. It was clear that she was not assigned a room in the VIP section like she had been.

Twilight looked back towards Shress and Day Dasher who followed closely behind. She still wanted to talk to Day Dasher about what happened earlier back in the throne room, but now wasn’t the best time to do so. That and she would prefer to do it more in a private setting, if she did in fact hear the cyan pegasus talk, then she doubted she would do so again around others who could potentially hear.

‘There is so much I have to do…though it isn’t like I’m pressed for time anyways. Maybe making a checklist will make me more organized and efficient’ Twilight mulled.

“I will send these two to come get you in an hour’s time, until then.” And with that Daybreaker left with her personal detail following closely behind. Leaving Twilight standing in front of a door which she assumed to be Rarity’s.

Walking up to the door, Twilight knocked on it three times. “Rarity?! It’s me Twilight!” Twilight called out. Hoping that she didn’t just wake the fashionista up, Rarity was never much a morning pony and she wasn’t in the mood to deal with her grouchiness.

Just as she was about to knock again, the door swung open, revealing a wide awake Rarity on the opposite side. “Oh Twilight! Perfect timing, please come in.” Rarity beckoned, stepping aside to allow her guest inside.

As soon as Twilight stepped inside, Rarity closed the door behind her. “It’s terrible Twilight! Horrible even! Surely you can do something about this travesty.” Rarity complained.

Twilight looked worryingly at her friend. “If you think it is within my ability then I will do whatever I can to help. Now, what is it that you need help with?” Twilight asked.

Rarity made her way towards the bathroom door, pushing it wide open and pointing inside with her hoof. “They have nothing! No towels, no toothpaste, none of those little bottles of shampoo or conditioner. They don’t even have soap Twilight! SOAP! What am I going to do? Especially after being locked up in that dirty, filthy, mucky, grimy dungeon!” Rarity complained. Some of those words mumbled from her burying her head into her hooves halfway through her rant.

Twilight immediately face hoofed. She knew Rarity tended to be quite the drama queen and over exaggerate from time to time, but she seemed to be much worse in this reality. “You had me worried there, but I’ll see what I can do about getting you cleaned up. I was given one of the VIP rooms, so there may be some cleaning products stocked in there that you can borrow.” Twilight offered, rubbing the side of her head.

Upon hearing the sound of giggling, Twilight stopped massaging her head and looked up at the amused looking Rarity. “Your own room? If I recall our queen mentioned something about you two sharing a bed back down in the dungeon. Why would you ever need your own room?” Rarity teased.

Twilight didn’t attempt to even try denying it. Especially after what happened earlier when Daybreaker tried to kiss her, which was something that Rarity did not need to know about. “I only have an hour before a guard comes here to get me. I would like to get down to business first and we can use the remaining time to gossip when we are done.” Twilight replied, trying to steer herself away from the embarrassing topic.

“Pray tell darling, what is it that you have to do in an hours’ time?” Rarity asked. Closing the bathroom door and walking back up to Twilight.

“Daybreaker thinks I'm incapable of defending myself, and is keeping me locked in the castle basically as a result. I’m going to prove her wrong with a duel.” Twilight replied with a wide grin.

“A duel against the sun goddess herself?” Rarity gasped in surprise. “Now this is something that I must see for myself. If you’d let me know earlier I would have prepared a cheerleader outfit for motivation.” Rarity quipped.

Twilight was expecting that Rarity would want to go home as soon as possible, so for her wanting to stay was definitely a welcome surprise. “If it were a normal duel then Daybreaker would wipe the floor with me in three seconds flat. No, we are doing one of the tests that the guards in the elite program have to pass in order to graduate. All I know is that there will be a gong that Daybreaker has to protect for thirty-five minutes. If I physically touch the gong with any part of my body during that time then I win, if time runs out before doing so then she wins.” Twilight corrected.

Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but Twilight spoke again before she had a chance to. “Anyways enough about that. You can try to come along if you want, but I doubt Daybreaker would let you stay in the castle for another day if that was your plan. She was rather unhappy with you staying here in the first place, though I’m sure there are many other places you can stay in Canterlot…Ones that do have those little shampoo bottles.” Twilight suggested. “There are a few things I wish to discuss with you about. One of them being about your banishment.”

“Yes, that was something I was meant to ask you about. I recall Daybreaker mentioning something to you about requiring our signature for it to be nullified. Is this true?” Rarity asked hopefully.

This caused Twilight to smile as she nodded her head in confirmation. “Yes, I managed to convince Daybreaker to lift your, and the other girls banishment. I can give you yours once the duel is over, however it will take some time to give Applejack and Pinkie Pie theirs, since Daybreaker won’t let me leave the castle to give it to them. Hence the reason for this competition in the first place. I have an idea on how to find Fluttershy, but Rainbow Dash on the other hoof…I have no idea how I am going to find her.” Twilight replied with an audible groan.

“I’m afraid I can’t help you with that one darling. Me and Sweetie Belle, we went our own separate way after the entire ordeal of us getting banished went down. Though if I had to guess, Fluttershy may know where Rainbow Dash will be. Those two have been friends ever since they were fillies, I very much doubt they would leave each other after being together for so long.” Rarity informed, trying her best to remain Ladylike and not pounce on Twilight to hug her. “You have my deepest thanks for convincing Daybreaker to lift our most unfair banishment.”

The thought of Fluttershy potentially knowing where Rainbow Dash would be had already crossed Twilight’s mind, but she appreciated that she was trying to help nonetheless. “It is certainly a possibility, but I wouldn’t put any bits on it. I just hope wherever she is that she is alright.” Twilight replied causing Rarity to only nod in response.

“The signing of the banishment forms was the main reason I wanted you to stay back. But since we have extra time, there are still a few things I want to talk to you about.” Twilight said as she thought over her next few sentences carefully, her eyes drooping down to Rarity’s hooves while she scratched the floor with the tip of her own. “When you barged into the throne room during court session, you were angry about one of us for what we put you and Sweetie Belle through. It seems that you are doing fine now…but I’m curious about how your sister is holding up?” Twilight asked quietly.

Twilight knew that it wasn’t her fault. That is was this realities’ version of herself that put them through the difficulties that they had faced. But since her actions were the exact same in her reality, with the only difference being the end result where she succeeded in casting the teleport spell and surviving the Nightmare Moon encounter. She couldn’t help but feel the guilt weigh heavily on her back.

Rarity’s expression turned glum, her ears lying flat against her scalp as she lowered her head. “Sweetie Belle she…It was difficult at first. But we managed to pull through and somewhat make a life for ourselves, it wasn’t ideal but we managed…However when you showed up.” Rarity started but took a few steps back while frantically shaking her head. “No…Let’s just say Sweetie Belle…She, no we…are in a tough spot at the moment. I’m sorry darling, this is something I can’t nor want to talk about.”

“I understand Rarity. I can tell that this is a sensitive topic for you and I will not push the matter any further. Though if there is anything I can do to make this up to you…Or should I say to make up for what the alternate me has done to you, then just let me now.” Twilight responded sadly.

Rarity couldn’t bring herself to even look at Twilight currently, a guilty expression plastered on her face.

Twilight had no idea what Rarity had to feel guilty about, but this was clearly a touchy subject for the fashionista, so she decided not to pry any further. She closed the distance between them with a large frown on her face before resting her hoof on Rarity’s back to comfort her. She hated seeing her friend like this and wanted to cheer her up somehow. “I hate abusing my titles…But maybe since I am a princess or since ponies think I am Daybreaker’s quote unquote consort, I can do something that wou-“ Twilight suggested but got cut off by Rarity shoving her hoof off her back.

“Can’t you see you have done enough as it is Twilight!? I said this wasn’t something I wanted to talk about! You may think that you are trying to help but in reality you coming back here has only caused even more problems!” Rarity exclaimed. Upon realizing what she just said, she took another few steps back. “I-I’m sorry Twilight…I don’t know what came over me.”

“I-it’s fine…I understand Rarity.” Twilight replied in a hurt tone, her eyes brimming with tears. “L-lets get y-you cleaned up.” Twilight stuttered as she wiped away some of the tears that were running down her cheek. She opened the door and left towards her own bedroom, the clopping of hooves behind her indicating that Rarity was following her.

The hour since Daybreaker left Twilight alone with Rarity was ticking by incredibly slowly. While letting Rarity use the bath in her bathroom to wash up. Twilight snuck into Daybreaker’s chambers, grabbed the journal that was stored away in her nightstand before returning back to her room.

Rarity was in the bathroom for much longer than Twilight had anticipated. However it would still be a while before a guard would be sent to Rarity’s room in order to fetch her. Which meant she wasn’t in any rush to get back, and was content on lazily lying on her bed while she reread Starswirl’s decoder entry, which frustratingly enough didn’t reveal anything new.

Twilight was still upset about what Rarity had said earlier, but she didn’t blame or hold it against her. She didn’t know how her coming to this reality would have made things worse for Rarity, but she passed that off as a splurge made in a fit of rage. Especially after getting nearly killed and locked in a dungeon, even if it was only for a short while.

She wanted to ask what Rarity was doing nowadays, she was curious to know if she was still a fashionista or if she took something else up. But she didn’t dare ask, at least until Rarity forgives her.

The door leading into the bathroom finally swung open, revealing a much more refreshed and rejuvenated looking Rarity. “Ahh thank you darling, you truly are a life saver.” Rarity thanked as she approached the dresser, playing with her spiral mane while admiring herself in the mirror.

Twilight glanced up at Rarity for a few moments before shaking her head and returning to her journal. “That wasn’t what you said before.” Twilight mumbled sourly.

“What was that darling?” Rarity called out nonchalantly. Not sparing Twilight a glance as she spun around in a circle, searching for any stray hairs.

“I said I’m glad I could help!” Twilight replied with a sigh. She managed to read over the entry another three times before Rarity decided to come out and join her. ‘Maybe Daybreaker was right, perhaps reading this is hopeless’ Twilight thought as she decided to do something else in the meantime.

Her eyes drifted over to her reference sheet, the spell with the missing pages being the first one to pique her interest. With Rarity busy admiring herself and there not being much to do until the hour is up, Twilight flicked over to the appropriate page and stared at the drawing once again.

The familiar clawing and screaming sensation returned instantaneously. She tried not to stare at the drawing as a whole, and instead focus on certain aspects of it, to see if anything in particular would stand out. She was certain she had seen this somewhere before, but couldn’t place her hoof on it.

She looked over at Rarity one more time, it was a desperate attempt but it was worth a shot. “By chance have you seen this drawing before? If not the image as a whole then at least the symbols?” Twilight asked.

Rarity finally stopped admiring herself in the mirror and trotted over towards Twilight. She peeked over at the book, making a thoughtful humming sound. “I can’t say that I have darling…Though those shapes and symbols would look absolutely fabulous on a dress. I know somepony who would pay top bit for that.” Rarity replied.

Twilight wasn’t surprised by the answer, but at least now she knew that Rarity still somewhat meddled in the fashion industry. “Thanks anyways Rarity.” Twilight replied as she turned the page and glared at the torn pages. From the looks of it there was a total of six missing pages, which meant that this unknown spell was 7 pages in total. Making it one of the larger and possibly more complicated spells in the journal.

“So what exactly is that book anyway? And why did you ask me about that strange drawing?” Rarity asked curiously, while Twilight’s eyes idly wandered to the next readable spell as she responded to Rarity’s question.

“This is Starswirl’s private journal. It contains some important events about his past, as well as theories and spell ideas that he hasn’t gotten around to doing before his sudden, yet unexplained disappearance. As for the drawing, I’m not too sure as of yet, but there is something about that spell that just doe-“ Twilight started, her eyes widening as a thought came to her mind about the spell she was absently reading. “Wait a minute!” Twilight exclaimed, turning her attention back towards her reference sheet, scanning it for a certain entry she knew she made.

“Uhhh is everything alright?” Rarity asked, wondering why Twilight stopped halfway through. Other than the spells to make daily life tasks easier and ones that would help her with her hobbies, Rarity had zero interest in magic whatsoever. But she was curious as to what Twilight was doing, or trying to figure out.

Twilight was too absorbed in her sudden revelation to answer Rarity’s question. “The answer was staring right at me the entire time! I did exactly what Daybreaker did and only focused on the problem at hoof instead of trying to find a way around it!” Twilight excitedly proclaimed, pointing at the entry she made about the spell she was referring to. “AH HAH!”

Rarity was going to ask what Twilight meant by ‘doing exactly what Daybreaker did’ but she had a feeling her question wouldn’t be met with an answer. Instead she peeked over to read the entry Twilight was pointing at.

“Page: 155.”

“Danger level: 4 - High.”

“Usefulness: Situational/Useless.”

“Short description: Theory on how magic can be used to trigger/replay past memories and events, including supressed ones.

“Long description: Different frequencies are capable of triggering the brain to feel a variety of emotions. A low frequency can make you feel tired while a high frequency is able to make you feel wide awake. According to Starswirl the same can be done with magic, though the process is a lot more dangerous and can risk potential brain damage, or the subject becoming amnesic if done incorrectly. Targeting particular sections or nodes of the brain with the combination of magic using the correct blah blah blah.”

After getting bored from reading Twilight’s lengthy disposition of the spell. Rarity immediately looked up from the paper and glared at Twilight. “If this does what I think it does. Under no circumstances are you ever allowed to stick your horn anywhere near me.” Rarity threatened.

Twilight’s grin only grew. “Every time I look at this drawing there is a clawing sensation at the back of my mind. As if I have seen this somewhere before, but I don’t know where and it has been frustrating me ever since. As you read in my description, I can use this spell to trigger and replay the memory of where I have seen it before.” Twilight explained. “And don’t you worry, I have no intention of using it on you.”

Upon hearing that, Rarity let out a sigh of relief. “So once you use this spell to remember what that one does, what do you plan on doing next?” Rarity questioned.

Twilight opened her mouth to reply, but she hadn’t thought that far ahead. She closed it moments later, her grin fading into a small smile. “I don’t know since I’m unsure what the spell does in the first place…but at least I will feel some kind of accomplishment for figuring it out. As well as getting rid of that nagging feeling I get every time I look at it.” Twilight replied uncertainly.

A few quick knocks at the door interrupted what Rarity was about to say. “Miss Sparkle! Are you in there?!” Raven’s panicked voice hastily called out from the opposite side.

Both Rarity and Twilight stared at each other for a few moments before looking back at the door. “The door is unlocked! Come in!” Twilight yelled back.

A sigh of relief could be heard before the door swung wide open. “A pair of guards went to where our guest was staying to fetch you. When you weren’t there a search order was immediately issued.” Raven stated as soon as she stepped inside. “We are behind schedule and our queen does not like to be kept waiting. Follow me please.”

Twilight didn’t hesitate in getting off the bed. “Of course, sorry we lost track of time. Let me just put this back in Daybreaker’s chambers then we can go.”

Raven shook her head “No time. Please come with me.” Raven instructed as she walked off, not looking back to see if Twilight was following.

“But her chambers are right the-“

“Her highness hates being kept waiting…besides, I don’t want to fail her more than I have done already.” Raven interrupted, her tone turning shallow near the end.

Not wanting to carry the journal with her, and having nowhere to put it. Twilight left the journal on her pillow and followed Raven out of the room. Closing the door behind Rarity as both of them ran to catch up with the secretary.

Raven gave Rarity a suspicious glance, but didn’t say anything about it and continued walking down the series of hallways. “Hopefully we run into some guards along the way. If not, i will have to escort you to the training grounds myself.” Raven explained.

The three didn’t get far as the sound of armour clanking and the clopping of hooves echoed through the halls. Progressively getting louder and louder until two familiar heavily armoured pegasi guards came rushing around the corner.

Day Dasher hit Shress a few times with her wing before pointing to where the trio were standing. “Excellent work finding them Raven. Call off the search, we shall escort princess Twilight to her destination as ordered.” Shress ordered when they were close enough.

With a nod of her head, Raven went on her way to do whatever it was that she did whenever Daybreaker wasn’t around. “Oh and one last thing.” Raven started as she stopped in her tracks, tilting her head to look at Twilight “Thanks…for earlier.”

Twilight gave Raven a small smile, nodding her head ever so slightly before Raven continued on and disappeared around the corner. “Twilight is to come with me. The guest is to remain here, or she can leave the castle if she wishes.” Shress said again.

Twilight stared at Rarity thoughtfully for a few moments. As much as she wanted to be with Rarity, she had a feeling that Daybreaker wouldn’t be happy with having an observer. “Very well, we still have the banishment forms to fill out. So I suggest you stay here until we get that sorted.” Twilight recommended.

Rarity nodded in agreement. “Good thing I didn’t have the cheerleader outfit with me then. I shall await your return in my room then.” And with that Rarity trotted off back to her designated room. The two guard mares shared a look, as if having a mental conversation before Day Dasher nodded, following the fashionista back to her room.

After a few minutes of walking, they eventually made their way outside. “Are your wings healed enough to fly?” Shress asked.

“I am capable of flying, why’s that?” Twilight asked in return.

“Good. We need to make up for lost time.” Shress replied as she entered her pre-flight stance.

Just as Shress was about to take flight, Twilight shook her head. “Daybreaker and I are about to have a duel. I can’t risk tiring my wings, which will put me at a disadvantage. Unfortunately we will just have to make our way there on hoof.” Twilight replied.

Shress got out of her pre-flight stance, staring at Twilight for a few moments. It looked like she wanted to speak up about it, but in the end she didn’t. “As you wish princess, please follow me.” And with that Shress walked off.

Twilight followed closely behind the guard mare, to where she assumed was the same training ground where she practiced defensive spells with Daybreaker. Day Dasher managed to catch up with them at some point and landed next to her partner. She still wanted to talk to the cyan pegasus about what happened back in the dungeons, but she wanted to be alone with her to do that.

“We were instructed to wait at the entrance until the contest is finished. Our queen is expecting you on the training field, it is best not to keep her waiting any longer. Your time of thirty-five minutes starts as soon as you step onto the field.” Shress instructed.

Broken out of her thoughts on how to win this little duel of theirs. Twilight looked around to see that they had arrived at their destination. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she stared into the entrance of the familiar training ground. Giving the two pegasi a final glance, she took a deep breath and hesitantly stepped inside.

It didn’t take long for Twilight to traverse the building’s layout, and before she knew it she made her way out onto the wide open field. Which looked completely different with there being no other ponies around and no training equipment scattered about. Even the cloud based obstacle course in the sky had been removed. All that was on the field was the wall that surrounded them, which was similar in appearance to a stadium with seats lined up above all the way around, fresh grass that covered the ground that had a white line plastered on it to symbolize the half way mark, and a large bronze shaded gong at the opposite side of the field.

She was beginning to regret not spending the hour she was given to come up with a strategy. Even if she did find a potential solution to something that had been bothering her.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed as she did a double take on her surroundings, wondering where Daybreaker disappeared to. ‘Did she come looking for me because I was late?’ She asked herself, unable to find her anywhere.

Turning her attention back towards the gong. Her horn lit up as she channelled a teleport spell. She may not be allowed to use magic to sound the gong, but there was nothing in the rules that mentioned she couldn’t use it to assist her in doing so.

When the preparations for the spell were complete, she unleashed it. But nothing happened, the aura around her horn fizzling away and she remained in the exact same spot. “What?” She asked aloud, though before she was able to deduce what happened, something struck her from behind. Knocking her off her hooves and sending her sliding across the grass in a coughing fit.

“If I used a spell that was actually designed to cause damage, you would already be dead.” Daybreaker stated as she approached from wherever she attacked from. “You’re late, I would never expect Twilight Sparkle of all ponies to be so tardy. You’re lucky I’m so benevolent and not deducting any time away.”

Daybreaker walked past Twilight, who managed to regain her breath and slowly got back up onto her hooves. She stopped and stood guard a small distance away from Twilight, the gong she was to protect a distance behind her.

“Now then, my most faithful student. What should I make you do?”

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long. This chapter was meant to be almost double in length. But since it was taking so long to do some of the edits, I decided in the end to just cut it in half. As a result of this decision, the baseline of the next chapter is already finished and just needs to be HEAVILY edited, which for me tends to take a while. Nevertheless, I certainly hope it was worth the wait.