• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 4,757 Views, 127 Comments

Spike's Out of His Depth - TheSecretBrony

The Official sequel to "Spike's Home Alone"

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Chapter 1: Picking up where we left off.

Spike's Out of His Depth.
Official Sequel to Spike's Home Alone by

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Sorry for the long hiatus!

Three weeks had passed since Twilight Sparkle had returned from her week in Canterlot and finally it seemed there was a return to normalcy. She thought her week away was something worthy of note, it isn't everyday the Princess asks you to teach at her prestigious school after all. Who'd have thought she'd be one upped, by Spike no less. At first she'd thought she'd misheard him, it was so preposterous, Spike and Fluttershy? Even Celestia was surprised when she received the friendship report written by Spike, so it's no wonder that it sent poor Twilight's mind for a spin. Thankfully that was in the past now and whilst public opinion of Spike and Fluttershy's relationship was varied at best, she and the other elements had come to accept it as the norm, even if they didn't approve too much of Twilight's coping mechanism.

The library had recently undergone some drastic renovation, namely the addition of a new bedroom for Spike. After all, he was a growing dragon who could no longer fit in the little basket at the foot of Twilight's bed, and considering his newfound maturity, a little privacy wasn't exactly out of the question. Spike's room was converted from the practically disused laboratory, the study of the magic of friendship hardly called for the usage of such sophisticated scientific equipment. Twilight was actually a little jealous, the ex-laboratory was much more spacious than her room, though given Spike was going to grow quite a bit more in the coming years, she couldn't protest. He'd decorated it as simply as he could, not wanting to trigger another greed-growth. He had a wardrobe for his small collection of suits and outfits, a dresser for personal items, upon which rested a picture frame, showing Fluttershy and himself, and a bed. He could hardly believe his eyes when it was delivered, a king-sized bed big enough for four ponies. One thing was certain Spike wasn't going to wake up with any back problems in the foreseeable future. It was on this bed Spike now lay, his limbs splayed out in all directions and his forked tongue hanging down his cheek as he snored. Twilight was upstairs busily rushing about, constantly flicking her gaze to the clock and her frustration growing with each glance.

"It's nearly noon! Why isn't he up yet!" She cried. Today was important to Twilight, namely reshelving day and her so called "Number One Assistant" wasn't about to help. His door was locked and he couldn't seem to hear her shouting on the other side of it. True she could probably teleport into the room, maybe take a bucket of cold water with her, but she didn't want to be the one to breach the agreement between them. Though each passing second made the thought more and more tempting.

"Honestly I pay through the nose renovating that room for him and how does he repay me? Sleeping in!" Before the disgruntled unicorn could continue with her rant, however there was a knocking at the door. Dropping the books she was levitating, Twilight walked over, taking a moment to collect herself. It wouldn't do to scare away a customer. Mentally checking that she'd reached a level of calm, Twilight slowly opened the door. Waiting on the other side, picnic basket held under one wing and a book under the other, was Fluttershy.

"Oh good morning Twilight!" Fluttershy said as she walked past Twilight, added the book to one of the many piles and began looking about the library.

"Morning Fluttershy, how can I help you?" Twilight pushed the door shut before returning to organising the books.

"Oh it's nothing, I just came by to drop the novel I borrowed, thanks for recommending it by the way."

"My pleasure is that all you wanted, I'm a bit busy today..." Twilight said, taking note of the basket.

"Oh! Spike and I had a little picnic planned for today, if that's okay. Where is he?" Fluttershy said, remarking the surprising lack of certain purple scaled assistant.

"Oh great so he's going to be spending all day with you again..." she muttered.


"Nothing,nothing!" Twilight rolled her eyes and scoffed. "He is still in bed would you believe."


She threw a hoof in the air "Yeah! And on reshelving day of all days!"

"Oh dear..." Fluttershy began pawing at the ground. "Well how about I go and get him?"

"By all means, but I'm telling you he's practically comatose, how else could he not hear me screaming?"

"I don't know, I'll go see." She silently tiptoed her way downstairs, being sure not to interrupt Twilight's work.

Twilight however shouted down after her "Fluttershy?!"

"Yes Twilight?"

"I really hate to do this but please can I borrow your boyfriend for a couple of hours, I need all the help I can get!" She pleaded out of pure desperation. She'd only been at it for an hour or so but she was already lost without Spike noting everything down.

"I don't know Twilight, I'll try to get him up first."


As she approached the large door to Spike's room she reached into her picnic basket, producing a bronze key. She slotted it into the door and turned it, sure enough the lock clicked and the door swung open. As quiet as a mouse she approached the side of Spike's bed and nudged him.

"Spike? Wakey-wakey." Spike's eyes fluttered as he stirred, as his eyes fell on Fluttershy they shot open and Spike careered backwards of the bed dragging his quilt with him.

"F-Fluttershy? How did you get in here?!"

"Good morning Spike. You gave me a key remember?" To prove it she waved it in front of him, before returning it to the basket.

"Oh, right er good morning?" He said sheepishly which Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle at. Taking a couple of seconds to make his bed, he turned beaming at Fluttershy. "Shall we?" Fluttershy nodded and the pair started making their way upstairs. As they approached the top Spike held his arm across, stopping Fluttershy in her tracks. She looked at him in confusion. He pressed a claw to his lips, signalling for them to be quiet. Twilight was too lost in her work to notice them, and given what they had planned for today it didn't serve Spike any justice to be caught by her now. Not unless he wanted to spend all day reshelving. Slowly the pair crept along the floor of the library occasionally ducking behind stacks of books, doing everything they could not to be seen. However when they were mere feet from the door, Spike's tail accidently knocked over one of the ladders propped against the shelves. Twilight was on the sound instantly, glowering she turned on Spike snorting like a bull. Wide-eyed Spike turned to Fluttershy and shouted one word.


They bolted, Spike having to duck to avoid the large dictionary Twilight threw at him, pretty soon they were off and down the street, leaving the librarian to scream after them.

"COME BACK HERE YOU TWO!" She quickly retreated back into the library however, after realising her shouting had drawn maybe just a little too much attention.

Out of breath, the two stopped near Sugarcube corner, Spike laughing victoriously.

"Oh man, did you see her face, she was livid." He rubbed the back of his head and grinned "I am so gonna get it when I get home!"

"Wasn't that mean, I mean she just wanted you to help her?"

"Knowing Twilight, not at all, besides I've been helping her for years. Is it so wrong for me to want a break from time to time?"

"I guess not."

"She'll make up for lost time when I get back I'm sure, totally worth it though." Fluttershy laughed as Spike pulled her towards him. "So what now?"

"Hey guys!"

"Gah!" The couple split apart in shock as Pinkie dropped between them. Spike clutching his chest looked at her in disbelief. "Pinkie! What have I said about sneaking up on me like that!"
Ignoring the the sugar-fuelled sneak for a moment he walked over to his startled marefriend, who in the commotion had taken refuge in a nearby plantpot. "Fluttershy, it's fine, just Pinkie Pie."

"Oh hi Pinkie." Fluttershy said nervously as clumps of dirts started to tumble from her mane. She removed the shrub from the top of her head and replanted it before returning to Spike's side.

"So what are my favourite couple up to? You two on a date, huh? Are you? Are you? Oooo picnic basket!" Not waiting for an invitation Pinkie dived under Fluttershy's wing and buried her head firmly into the basket. "There is a lot of stuff in here huh?" Before Spike could interject Pinkie had darted over to the doors of Sugarcube Corner, opened them and proceeded to bounce up and down excitedly in the doorway. "I know, I know, I know, come in, come in I have something to give you." Spike and Fluttershy looked at each other, then back to the jittery mare, then back to each other. Shrugging they walked into the bakery, following Pinkie who had sinced disappeared without a trace. Waving to the Cakes who responded with a pair of warm smiles, the couple sat down at one of the tables by the window as they awaited Pinkie's return.

Around five minutes passed in awkward silence, Spike resting his head in his hands. "Do you know what she's getting us?"

Fluttershy shook her head, "No, I have no idea, but knowing Pinkie it could be anything."

"It's odd really, it's not like Pinkie to take so much time, I swear one of these days I'm going to figure her out but right now I can't make heads or tails."

"I wouldn't worry Spike, I don't think anypony in town 'gets' Pinkie, besides she always has the best intentions."


Spike and Fluttershy began to pass the time, going over their plans for the day once more. A simple picnic in the park, a walk through town before heading back to Fluttershy's. As much as the pair enjoyed spending time with each other, Fluttershy's duties to the town's animal population had to take precedent, Spike didn't mind though. He actually found it to be an endearing quality and served as a constant reminder that he was the lucky boyfriend of probably the sweetest, kindest pony in Equestria. Spike had ordered a milkshake whilst waiting for Pinkie, that turned out to be a mistake as mid-drink she popped up behind him, clutching a present by the ribbon in her teeth. The scene that followed should be reminscent to any who've ever had milk spurt out their nose.

After cleaning the resultant mess, for which both Spike and Fluttershy apologised repeatedly to the Cakes for, Pinkie placed the gift on the table. "Here you go!"

"Okay Pinkie, I'll bite what is it?"

"It's a surprise silly!"

Spike clutched the bridge of his snout, "Pinkie, I swear to Celestia, if anything pops out at me..." Tentatively Spike cut away the ribbon and peeled away the wrapping, at arms length of course. Under the wrapping was a simple, white carboard box. Slower still Spike pulled the lid up. Nothing exploded, popped, burst, sprung or jumped. Taking that as a good sign both Fluttershy and Spike peered into the box. Reaching inside they retrieved their gifts, smiling with uncertainty at Pinkie who, as always had a huge grin on her face.

"Do you like them?"

Pinkie's gifts were a pair of plushies, one of Spike and one of Fluttershy, each labelled as being for the other. Fluttershy cuddled hers whilst Spike just stared at his perplexed.

"I asked Rarity to make them, look she did one of me as well." Sure enough Pinkie produced a plushie of herself from her mane. "Aren't they just the cutest, you can cuddle them and snuggle them and they're oh so soft. I thought it was a good idea, this way you can always hug your special somepony, even when they aren't there!"

Fluttershy smiled and hugged Pinkie "Thank you Pinkie, this is so sweet of you, you shouldn't have."

"Yeah, really you shouldn't..."


"Sorry it's just, aren't I a little old for this."

"Oh I wouldn't worry Spike, I'm pretty sure Big Mac still has that Smarty Pants doll. If a tough guy like him can have a doll, surely you can."

Spike looked up at her slightly hurt. "Are you saying I'm not tough?" He said puffing up his chest.

Fluttershy giggled and turned to her friend "He loves it really Pinkie, thanks."

"No problem." Then for a moment she stopped, "Hang on, that's reminded me. Have either of you actually spoken to Rarity recently?"

Spike and Fluttershy looked at each other, mouths open then down at the table, each cuddling their plushies. Spike spoke first.

"Actually no, from what I've heard she doesn't leave the boutique much."

"Me either, she keeps canceling our spa appointments."

Spike waved a hand dismissively, "Meh, I wouldn't worry about we all know what Rarity's like right? She's probably just buried in her work again. She's always taking on more than she can handle, I should know I worked there often enough."

Fluttershy then spoke up "Actually Spike I've been meaning to ask you about that."


"When was the last time you visited the boutique."

"I dunno, three weeks? Oh..."

How could I have missed that?! The whole reason I started going there...

"What is it?"

"I just realised, since I've started dating you, I haven't been anywhere near the boutique."



Spike looked down, twiddling his thumbs "Yeah, man, it makes me sound really shallow but I think maybe, maybe my er, my crush was the only reason I helped out there."

Fluttershy nodded thoughtfully "Well I guess that makes sense, it was a way to spend time with her. But your over that now, right?"

Spike, becoming flustered, sat up quickly "Absolutely! Or should I kiss you again to make sure?" Fluttershy turned bright red as Spike planted a kiss on her cheek and hid behind her mane in embarrassment as the young drake chuckled to himself.

She is so cute when she does that!

I really wish he wouldn't do that in public! Oh my, is-is anypony staring? I don't think I could take it if they were staring!

Pinkie silently d'awwed, when suddenly she sat up, like an electric shock had just been sent through her chair.

"Oh, oh, maybe we should visit her! We could go now!"

"Ehhh, I don't know if that's a good idea." Spike said, earning him shocked glances from both Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"What? Trust me, if she's buried in work and I'm pretty sure that's all it is, us visiting her is going to be the last thing she wants. Believe me she barely has time for her little sister when that happens, never mind friends. Got to admire the dedication really."

Fluttershy nodded "Alright, but I still think we should stop by and say hello at some point."

"How 'bout this? If we don't hear from her by the end of the week, I will go over there and drag her away from the sewing machine personally." Spike cracked his knuckles and stood up, Fluttershy followed suite "Now then, shall we carry on with our date?"

"Lead the way!" The two walked off side by side, leaving Pinkie humming to herself.

I wonder if I should get Rarity something, maybe a surprise, oh I know, I could get her a plushie too, and Twilight and AJ and Dashie, we could all get plushies! Oh wait, Rarity makes the plushies, silly Pinkie! It's not a surprise if she makes it! How about cake, she'll probably be stressed after all that hard work and cakes really good, or ice cream, or better yet ice cream WITH cake, it can have sprinkles and frosting and-

Suddenly Pinkie Pie stopped thinking all together. She began to shudder.

"Oh! Another doozy! I wonder what this one could be!" She looked around expectantly for something to happen, when nothing did however she returned to skipping about the bakery before heading into the kitchen.

"Now what flavour would Rarity like..."