• Published 26th Aug 2018
  • 214 Views, 6 Comments

Together as one - MoonshadowLuna330

There must be a balance of good and evil, They can't live without each other.

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Good N' Evil

An onyx alicorn paced around her room,ears flatten against her head. “Alright, that's enough! moonshadow, receiveth thy plot out h're!”Shadowedmoon’s angry, yet tired voice echoed in her head above the wailing of her other half. Moonshadow kept wailing, getting louder with each bout. Shadowedmoon stopped, sat down, and put her hooves over her ears.

“why does this always to me! My heart ripped from my chest once again, I am useless to this world!" Moonshadow wailed in response to Shadowedmoon. Shadowedmoon just rolled her eyes, her horn erupted with sea green magic. Her wings flew open and she stomped the ground with her hoof.

“Enough! receiveth thy plot out h're!”Her horn glowed brighter and a royal blue, hazy figure split from her. Moonshadow sat there bawling and wailing in front of Shadowedmoon. She looked up, Shadowedmoon glared at her with glowing eyes.

“I told you to take over me, so I wouldn't get hurt!” fresh tears rolled down her already sodden cheek fur. “ Yet here I am, heartbroken once again!” Moonshadow's wails turned to angry growls. She shot up right, her eyes filled with rage and heartbreak,“As well as you wanting to feed on anypony you could get your hooves on! It makes things worse!” She snorted at Shadowedmoon, getting real close to her muzzle. Shadowedmoon's eyes narrowed, the flames flickering from them got darker and her slitted pupils got smaller.

“how dareth thee! we've hath kept thee safe, hath kept thee from getting into troubleth, healed thee at which hour thee did need t the most. we doth all the w'rk! while thee sitteth on thy plot, bawling thy eyes out! “Shadowedmoon reared to her full height, as she tossed her head in anger. She slammed her hooves down, making the moon crystal floor beneath her break. “we feedeth to keepeth our strength up, f'r thee!” She hissed, baring her long sigmoid fangs and pointing her right steel-plated hoof at Moonshadow. Moonshadow's ears went back, her lips curled in a snarl.

“No you don't! You just think of yourself! You flirt with everypony, even if they don't even know you! It hurts me, I can feel what you feel. I can hear every thought that you have! You hurt me more than anypony ever did!” Moonshadow stood up, the fur on the back of her neck stood on end. Tears rolled down her cheeks, landing with an echoing plink on the floor. “You are nothing more than a nightmare, just like Nightmare Moon was to my mother.” She growled, looking up angrily at Shadowedmoon.

“But I am not her, I'm different!” Shadowedmoon put her hoof to her chest and looked at Moonshadow, her eyes turning soft. “Nightmare Moon didn't keep Luna safe, she just terrified Luna's subjects. Giving them nightmares, and wanting the night to last forever.“ Shadowedmoon came over to Moonshadow, putting a wing around her. “I'm not like that. Yes, having the night last forever does sound nice. But that's not my desire. I've been with you since you were born, I've been with you through all of your hardships. Through all your heart break, until you finally asked for me.“ With a swift movement of her wing, Shadowedmoon scooted Moonshadow closer to her. Moonshadow shuddered under the unfamiliar feeling of a half bat, half feathered wing. Tears rolled down her face again, as she took a shaky breath.

“I know you have, but..”

“No buts. I want to put all of this in the past now. I want to work together with you.” Shadowedmoon kissed Moonshadow on the head. All of a sudden, Moonshadow pushed Shadowedmoon back.

“No! This is one of your mind games, to get what you want!” Moonshadow shot up, her royal blue pelt stood on end. “ Put me back Shadowedmoon! Put me back in my hole!” Moonshadow demanded, snorting and throwing her head in anger. Shadowedmoon folded her wing, and stood straight.

“No.” She looked straight at Moonshadow.

“No?” Moonshadow snarled, her eyes flashing.

“Just thinking, you have come so far.. What song was it that kept you going? Ah yes! Shatter Me. It talks about breaking free of your shell. You have done that already! You don't want to go back to your old ways, do you?” Shadowedmoon began to stalk around Moonshadow, eyeing her like a predator.“ we'll give each other the strength to keep away from falling into our past. The world is cruel, yes. But, we can face it together. With my power and your caring nature, we can rule this world and bring it to life.” She stopped right in front of Moonshadow, who was still ridged with anger. “You've been through enough alone, just like Nightspell and shadow'sspell. Let us be a guide to the both of them, let us show them how we became strong by becoming one. And having a balance of Good and Evil. “ Moonshadow looked up again at Shadowedmoon.

“You're right." Moonshadow mumbled, as she hung her head and relaxed. Shadowedmoon looked at her.

“What was that?” She asked. Moonshadow lifted her head and sighed,

“You are right. We need to show not just them, but the whole world how good can't be without evil.” Moonshadow stood up, looking at Shadowedmoon in the face. “ And how evil can't be without good. There needs to be a balance of both.”Shadowedmoon grinned madly, her serrated grin gleaming, as she ignited her horn.

“You ready?” she asked Moonshadow.

“Yes, but i am in control of your feeding from now on. I choose when you feed, who you feed on, and where you feed.” Moonshadow said, in a firm tone. Shadowedmoon took sharp inhale and exhale.

“Fine.” Shadowedmoon nodded curtly. Moonshadow ignited her own horn. Together they began to chant.
“By the power of thee, good and evil. Dreams and Nightmares, Moon and stars. we are the princess of the night! Together as one, by this night!” An explosion of sea-green magic engulfed the both of them. What stood in their place, a tall royal blue alicorn.Eyes glowing an electric blue, with sea-green flames flickering from them.