• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 8,405 Views, 223 Comments

Burden of Love, Curse of Hatred - Knight of Crows

A brony goes to a convention as Estarossa, he doesn't regret buying Rebellion.

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The Visit

Twilight POV (on the run)

This is bad, really bad! Rainbow needs help and fast, but Estarossa's fighting that monster on his own. Galand of Truth, and Estarossa used to be friends with that monster? No, Rainbow comes first! We need to get to a hospital now!

*clang* *clang* *rumble* We all heard and felt that from here.

"What in the hay is goin' on up there?" Applejack asked

"I don't think any of us want to know." I said

"Do you think they will be alright Twilight?" Rarity asked

"I don't know." Estarossa, you were supposed to protect us I thought as tears started pouring down my face even harder than before. You did this, Rainbow might die because of you. I'll never forgive you!

We got about halfway down before another earthquake hit causing me to drop Rainbow, thankfully Pinkie caught her.

"What are you doing? We need to go!" This is the most serious I've seen Pinkie, but understandable given the circumstances. No! I need to stay focused! Rainbow's life depends on it.

The run down ended at about the same time the noises and earthquakes stopped. Just seconds before we made it into town we felt a strong gust of wind from the direction of the mountain. Turning around we all saw a giant black flaming tornado and we lost our balance from the force. Wasting no time getting back up we ran into town and pushed our way to the hospital. Once inside it took no time at all for Nurse Redheart to see Rainbow's condition and get her to the ER. We all collapsed right there, but I still needed to do something.

"Girls." They turned to face me "I need to alert the princess about this as soon as possible so I need to get to the library now."

"Don't worry about it sugarcube, just get back here right after." Applejack said while the others nodded in agreement

"Thank you girls. Please be alright Rainbow." I said the last part to myself while leaving the hospital. I ran to the library as fast as my hooves would let me and nearly collapsed again upon entering getting a concerned look from Spike.

"Are you alright Twi?" He asked

"No, I'm not. Where are some quills a-" He tapped my side to show he was ready to send the letter "Sorry Spike, but I need to write this myself. Why don't you go read your comics or something?" Please take the bait.

"Well alright." It's a good thing he's only a colt at times I thought.

Dear Princess Celestia

The dragon isn't going to be a problem anymore, but not for the reasons you might think. Once we reached the top we encountered a monster calling itself 'Galand, the Truth of the Ten Commandments' and it killed the dragon before we got there, reveling in doing so. Rainbow tried to attack it not believing it was very strong, but it cut off her wing. That monster knew Estarossa and seemed to have a grudge against him for some kind of betrayal. Speaking of Estarossa he said you sent him as protection and he FAILED! And if Rainbow survives she might never fly again because of his negligence!

I'm sorry, I'm too overwhelmed right now.

Sincerely, your faithful student

Estarossa (Jack) POV

'Have you calmed down Jack?' Mael asked

"I think so. That was all surprisingly therapeutic, and that's one less threat we'll have to worry about." I thought to him

'Even so we now have other matters to attend to and prepare for. Starting with those fools from earlier.' I am not looking forward to this

"Honestly I'd rather not go, but if I don't now I'll regret it. Well I've nothing better to do at the moment so I may as well." I summoned my wings and stored away Galand's weapon, I figure it'll have some use later and if not I'll hang it on my wall.

Flying up it only took me a second to see Ponyville and a few seconds to reach it. I had already seen the hospital on my way here so finding that was easy as well. Upon entering the staff and patients froze up until I asked where Rainbow was. When I think her name was Redheart asked me who I was and my relation to Rainbow I told her I'm the only reason Rainbow lived long enough to reach the hospital. She immediately got out of her seat and took me to the room, but I dismissed her and waited outside after hearing Celestia's voice. From the sound of it she just got here too.

"Twilight, what happened?" Celestia asked

"My letter said it all. Estarossa failed to protect us from HIS friend who killed the dragon before we got there." Wow way to pin the blame on me bitch. I decided now to step in and saw Rainbow was conscious. Not sure if that's a good thing so soon.

"Well that's funny if you think about it. I seem to recall suggesting you grab the elements, your only effective means of self defense and you said you didn't need them. From the looks of it none of you packed any medical supplies at all as well. I also seem to recall warning you and Rainbow about what might come to pass due to your naivety and her hubris. Did I also not tell you all to run away 3 or 4 times only to have you ignore me and in Rainbow's case break that promise? I also seem to recall stopping Rainbow from bleeding out by cauterizing the wound. Maybe if you all listened she might still be able to fly."

"You were supposed to p-" Twilight started but I interrupted her

"Did you or did you not make any preparations for self defense? Did you or did you not prepare for injuries of any kind? Did you or did you not do the exact opposite of what I told you to do? The answer is no to the first 2 and yes to the last. Why you all stood there like deer in headlights until Rainbow in her infinite wisdom lost her wing is beyond my understanding. I can't protect you from your own incompetence much less your own stupidity! What's not to understand about 'run away'?" Everyone tried to argue but Celestia stepped in before everyone started shouting

"Enough!" Celestia shouted herself "I am very disappointed in the 6 of you! Estarossa did more than he was required simply by trying to prepare you for the worst." She turned to Twilight "Yes he was supposed to protect all of you, but me sending him should have warned you of the dangers you all might face, dangers you took no precautions for!" She turned to Rainbow "And as for you Rainbow Dash there is a reason why Pride is among the Seven Deadly Sins. I hope that regardless of whether or not your wing can be reattached that you'll take this lesson to heart and gain some much needed humility. Come Estarossa, we're finished here." She turned to the doctor that was about to come in "Please send the bill to the crown." To which he nodded, I turned to Rainbow then back to the door just before I left.

"There is a saying where I'm from: 'You reap what you sow'. I hope it was worth it, risking everything even your life to prove yourself. Take this to heart, glory doesn't put food on the table, glory doesn't pay the bills, glory doesn't save lives, glory is nothing but bragging rights. I can name a lot of things worth more than glory: Your life, your limbs, your job, your home, your dream of being a wonderbolt, and more importantly your friends. If your life and the lives of those around you, especially your friends truly mean so little to you then you are not worthy of the element of Loyalty. If the lives of others and yourself truly mean so little to you then." I summoned 1 Rebellion blade "While I would prefer to not do so, I may have to kill you myself as your actions today have proven you to be a threat to yourself and everyone around you." And with that I think I made my point and broke her if her sobbing is anything to go on.

If you're as 'awesome' as you think you are you should have no problems turning this around. Prove to me there's something redeemable about you besides your loyalty.