• Published 8th Sep 2018
  • 1,518 Views, 91 Comments

Washout For Your Feelings - Beakwood

Thunderlane had many expectations for his life, but falling in love with a mare that has a death wish wasn't one of them.

  • ...

Lack of Empathy

Upon return to the arena Lightning Dust had the unpleasant encounter she dreaded that would happen at any given time.

At distance she recognized her teammates along with two other ponies, one which she was far from happy to encounter.

She landed with an excessive amount of speed, but her hooves slowed her down after dragging across the terrain for few seconds. She took off her helmet as she came to a stop, staring with great displeasure at the pony she disliked the most after Spitfire.

As if her head wasn't hurting enough from the difficult talk she had with Thunderlane, especially his confession of his feelings towards her, she still had a team and an old 'acquaintance' from the Academy to deal with.

"Lightning Dust." Rainbow Dash said with a great amount of displeasure, her eyes narrowing at her old nemesis.

"Yeah, whatever." Lightning retorted, much to Rainbow's surprise. The cyan mare wasn't expecting such nonchalant attitude in return.

Rainbow struggled with words, unsure of what to say in regards to such dismissal behavior but, before she could reply, the orange filly next to her spoke with a great amount of excitement.

"Oh, oh! Hi! Name's Scootaloo! I'm a big fan!" She said with a ginormous smile covering most of her muzzle.

Lightning was about to regard the filly but she halted as Rainbow's frown deepened, her angry stare now directed at her smaller companion.

"Yeah, yeah, you are." Rainbow said with a clear amount of bitterness. "She wanted an autograph." This last part now adressed back to Lightning.

Lightning wasn't sure of what was going on, thought she couldn't care less about Rainbow Dash and her life issues. She sighed in contempt before looking at her squad mates. Her eyes detaining on Rolling's patched injury.

'So what's next?! A wing?! A tail?! A head?!'

Lightning shuddered. She did not like the way she felt all of sudden. That sense of imminent doom never stuck on her before, but now...

"Hey, ya kay mateh? Ya seen ya saw a boggy." Rolling Thunder asked, chuckling at the idea.

Lightning wasn't sure of what to say. She never expressed worry or fear about the possibility of getting hurt, at least physically. It wasn't like her to be scared or worried, but things weren't as they were just few days ago.

She finally had a good reason to worry.

"Yeah, just gotta shake stuff outta my mind. And...get some posters so we can give her the autographs." Lightning replied, sounding awfully tired.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at Lightning's exhausted behavior. She couldn't help the spark of curiosity on knowing what had the other mare so worn out.

"So how's Wonderbolt life going for ya? I heard ya doing alright in the main squad." Lightning casually asked towards her old wingmate.

Rainbow Dash felt her question was way too casual.

"Hum...yeah, it's alright. I'm nailing it and being awesome stuff." Rainbow replied awkwardly enough. "Huh, why do you ask?"

"Eh, just wondering. I can't help but think it gets old after a while." Dust replied while shrugging.

"No way! Being a Wonderbolt is awesome!" Scootaloo's energetic response made both Dust and Rainbow chuckle.

"I don't doubt." Lightning said, a sad smile on her face as she looked away at the empty arena, her recently designed track devices laying peacefully after being used so intensely for few minutes. "Though I don't think I will ever know what it feels like."

An uncomfortable silence followed those words. Scootaloo wasn't sure why Lightning would be so negative about it. Rainbow Dash was sure she was somewhat to blame for that, and despite seeing Lightning being so successful as a Washout, hearing the despondency latched into those words, it gripped Rainbow's consciousness in a way she did not expect.

"Can I be a Washout?"

A simple question that stunned all ponies around, they all stared down at the hopeful filly in bewilderment.

"As if! You're Wonderbolt material Scoots." Rainbow replied indignantly.

"But I want to be a Washout!"

"Huh, let me think. No!" Rainbow Dash said, her previous anger returning instantaneously.

"I wasn't asking you!" Scootaloo rudely retorted, much to Rainbow's shock.

"The answer is still no."

Rainbow Dash's head lifted in surprise towards the turquoise pegasus. She was expecting a lot of things, but a denial from Dust wasn't one of them. Scootaloo was looking completely crestfallen.

"Sorry kid, but this ain't no joke. Even if ya were older ya don't have enough to qualify for this sort of routine." Lightning explained somewhat apologetically. Rainbow Dash was slightly impressed. "One wing flap at a time, when ya get to the Wonder-

"I can't fly."

Lightning felt like chocking on her own words. Her eyes widening in both shock and disbelief towards the young mare. Her eyes switched between Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, her silent demand for explanations was evident.

Rainbow wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground and disappear.

"Wait." Lightning said, looking somewhat annoyed. "You can't fly?! And...you know that, right?" She asked towards a flustered Rainbow Dash, who nodded hesitantly. "Then why you're telling her she's Wonderbolt material ya dipshit! They will never take non-flyers!"

"Hey! Watch your language!" Rainbow retorted heatedly, indicating the filly at her side.

"Huh, I don't think anything Lightning says will be any different from what I heard you say Rainbow." Scootaloo declared, rolling her eyes at the irony.

Rainbow's face reddened to the point of combustion.

"Fucking unbelievable." Muttered Lightning as she heard Rolling Thunder laughing nearby along with Shorty. "So you can't fly, and that's why ya wanna join."

"Yeah! I saw all the amazing stuff ya'll do without even flapping! I do a lot of that stuff with my scooter! There's this time I slingshot myself all the way to Cloudsdale an-

"YOU DID WHAT?" Asked Rainbow, who seemed on the verge of a heart attack.

"Huh, oopsie?" Scootaloo chuckled awkwardly.

Lightning stared at the duo, unsure if she should laugh or not.

"Is she your sister or something?" Lightning asked, feeling intrigued by Rainbow's protectiveness.

Rainbow sighed. She wasn't sure how to reprimand Scootalo for that suicidal stunt she just revealed, and Lightning's question was a bit tricky to respond.

"Well, kinda, in a sense." Rainbow replied while scratching the back of her head. "We ain't blood related if that's what you asking, but I definitely look after her as if she is."

Lightning nodded. She could now understand why Scootaloo was back talking so much at Dash. That and her being on her teen stage was also a huge contributing factor.

"Can I join though?" Insisted Scootaloo with begging eyes. Rainbow muttered something unintelligible under her breath.

Lightning couldn't help but feel bad about the kid. Having wings and not being able to fly was enough to bring any flying creature into a irreversible depressing mood, but Scootaloo seemed very cheerful and with a strong sense of spirit. Dust couldn't help but admire her resilience.

Though she would have to be the portray of bad news nevertheless.

"Hum...kid...I'm really glad ya look up to us so much, more even so considering Rainbow Dash over here." She indicated with a nod of her head towards the other daredevil mare. Rainbow huffed. "But...as much I wouldn't mind giving ya a shot for the team...I can't let ya do it until ya get older and that it doesn't risk my career if ya get hurt."

"Huh?" Scootaloo stared confused, unsure of what kind of problem her presence in the team coukd cause.

Rainbow, surprisingly, seemed to have understood it better.

"What Dust is trying to say, at least I think it is, is that if you get hurt while performing underage it might cost the Washouts their license to perform any more shows, not to mention Lightning might have to answer for endangering a filly." Rainbow explained, much to Lightning's surprise.

"And here I thought you were really stupid, perhaps not that much." Dust said with a grin on her face. Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"I know, right? I ain't tha....hey!" The cyan mare protested once realizing what was said. "What gives?! I ain't that dense! And you stop laughing!" This last being adressed towards Scootaloo.

Lightning watched as the filly tried to control her histerics while Rainbow made her best to ignore it.

"So, Dust." Rainbow said, a heavy frown on her face that had nothing to do with Scoots laughter. "Why did you left the arena all of sudden?"

"Wait, you were actually watching the show?" Lightning couldn't help the tone of disbelief in her voice.

"Huh, I didn't have much of a choice, especially with Scoots dragging me to it." Rainbow explained sheepishly. Lightning shrugged, it was a fair excuse.

"I had to go after my coltfriend, he kinda had a problem with his... huh... inner self."

Rainbow Dash did a double take once she heard the word 'coltfriend'.

"Wait, wait, wait! You have a coltfriend?!" Rainbow asked, visibly perplexed at the news.

"Is there a problem with that?" Dust responded defensively, not liking Rainbow's tone of irony.

"No, no, no. I, huh, thought it would be, you know...the other team stuff." Rainbow said enigmatically, probably due Scootaloo being nearby.

"Ah think she meants she expected ya to be eating donuts." Rolling Thunder intruded into the conversation with all her charismatic wit. Lightning laughed while Rainbow flushed red.

"Yeah, that's fair. What about ya? Have found anypony who can bear your attitude?" Lightning asked humorously. Rainbow scoffed.

"As if, I'm too awesome for anypony to sway me like that!" Rainbow retorted proudly.

"It's not really that bad, ya know? It's nice to know there will be somepony out there that will care to know if you're alright. I didn't know what that was like until...recently, but now....heh, I don't mind in the slightest. It feels nice actually."

Rainbow frowned in deep thought. She couldn't imagine how different it would be from having a ton of friends that really cared.

"Who's your special pony anyway? They must be really thick if they actually can put up with you."

Lightning glared for a second before replying, she had nearly forgotten this was Rainbow Dash who she was dealing with, not a friend of her.

"Yeah, it's Thunderlane."

Rainbow blinked, then scratched an ear with her hoof before doing the same with the other ear.

"Hum, sorry? I think I didn't hear that right."

"I'm dating Thunderlane ya dimwit. How hard is for you to know who that is?" Lightning asked with a smirk.


Rainbow's outburst surprised all the ponies nearby, including earning the attention of some others far away.

"What? Is he hard to talk with?" Lightning asked, not sure what the drama was all about.

"But, but!" Rainbow was clearly having a mental stroke at that point. "He's gay! How can that even be?!"

"Gay? What does that mean?" Scootaloo asked, genuinely curious about that word she never heard of before. Rainbow pointedly ignored her.

Realization dawned over Lightning as she understood what was happening.

"Hum, I'm not sure how to say this, but... that whole thing about Thunderlane being gay was a lie." Lightning explained, wondering if Rainbow's shock was past beyond more than that detail. "So, yeah. Ya better ask Cloud Kicker more about that."

"She knew?!" Rainbow sounded downright furious at this point. "Fucking twat!"

"I think Scootaloo wasn't lying about hearing you being colorful after all." Lightning joked. The orange filly giggled while Rainbow glared daggers back at both of them.

Dust was more than satisfied with the development of the current events, at least nopony was trying to strangle the other. She couldn't help the awkwardness she felt in regards to the orange filly, her disability was the worst nightmare for any flying creature. The mere thought of never being able to fly again was terrifying, but then why wouldn't Dust think that it could happen with herself?

Thunderlane wasn't exaggerating when describing the consequences of a failed stunt, not to mention there were worse things than losing a wing. Yet, here she was, challenging fate at each show and training, not thinking the 'what ifs' of her actions.

It's weird to think that Spitfire dared to warn her of the same. Though Spitfire's way of warning others was just as smooth as falling down a cliff filled with cactus right into the maws of angry alligators that could swim in an acid lake.

Or perhaps it was just the fact that she didn't like Spitfire. Thunderlane was a totally different story.

Also she expected to have admirers in her current career, but to see somepony that breaths under Rainbow's shadow to be so delighted with The Washouts gave Lightning some insight. Perhaps Rainbow Dash wasn't all of that as everpony usually says.

Rainbow's popularity was mostly due her association with Princess Twilight, being a Wonderbolt didn't change her status as much as one would think. Rainbow was popular enough before even joining their ranks.

Lightning heard enough from Thunderlane about Rainbow being the favorite pegasus of Ponyville. Though he described Dash an an 'iconic kid idol'. A pony any filly or colt would look up to, and a few adults here and there.

Yet, how come this orange filly, who was clearly so close to Rainbow Dash, would look at Lightning with so much praise and expectancy?

Were the Wonderbolts really falling that far behind?

"Anyways, gotta prep for night show. Ya know, we gonna be a member short with Rolling's injury." Lightning said as a crazy idea suddenly popped in her head. "Why don't ya join in for a short? If there's somepony who can do awesome here that's definitely ya."

Scootaloo took a sharp intake of breath, her body shaking from sheer excitement. The mere idea of seeing her favorite pony doing her most favorite activity was bringing her emotions near the point of explosion.

"No, thanks. I'm already a Wonderbolt." Rainbow outright refused with a solemn expression on her face. Lightning sighed while Scootaloo deflated.

"Come on Dash. It's just for one show. I'm sure ya will like it. " Lightning insisted. "Also, ya don't need to do it for me, do it for the kid. That probably would mean a lot to her."

Rainbow frowned, conflicted at the idea and the sudden drop of Scootaloo into the conversation.

"It's too dangerous. Spitfire would never -

"Spitfire? Are ya for real?" Lightning asked, anger surging from inside her chest. "Ya ain't gonna get hurt, chill. Safety equipment exists for a reason. I'm only asking ya cause I'm sure ya the only pony who can pull these stunts without a sweat."

Rainbow wasn't all that convinced. While this was a different situation from the past incident back at the Academy, she couldn't help but feel some familiarity with the development.

"Not sure if I should believe you. You didn't think it mattered when I got hurt back in the Academy. I don't see why would you care if it happened again." Rainbow said, letting her thoughts on the matter very clear.

Lightning shared a quick glance with her Washout teammates, exchanging silent words before adressing the cyan mare on the matter.

"Look, what happened back then... I'm sorry, okay? Ya right, I wasn't a good friend. Or a good teammate. It was my first time flying with somepony who could keep up, at first I thought I finally found somepony like me! Fearless, tough and daring. I was so assured we were the same..."

Lightning couldn't help the bitter chuckle from escaping from her muzzle. Rainbow felt the bitterness as if it was her own, an old feeling resurfacing as she saw the incredible amount of regret and disappointment in Lightning's face.

"I fucked up. After years of dealing with the adversities, I hadn't learn yet that nopony is the same like I am. I thought I was right, even the Bolts made me reassured that I was right. And... I... I was too prideful to admit I've made a mistake. Yet, it hurt to see ya didn't care to see me go. I thought... friends forgive eachother, right? But... I guess ya never thought of me as a friend. That's why ya were fine. Ya got all ya wanted, me far away and the badge on your chest."

Rainbow had no idea of what say. She imagined many things, but to hear Lightning telling her how betrayed she felt by Rainbow's omission during Lightning's dismissal. It was surreal.

This was awfully similar to her fallout with Gilda, something that Dash wished nothing more than forget. Gilda and her were good friends again, but not thanks to Rainbow's willingness to make things right.

Twilight more often than enough gave Rainbow Dash enough earfuls in regards to one of Dash's worst peculiarities. Her unforgiven bitterness to those who wronged her someway.

Cloud Kicker often complained about Rainbow's terrible attitude to ponies she didn't like, even those who were not at fault.

You keep that ridiculously foalish attitude and you will hardly keep friends for too long. You have serious issues of letting things go, learn to accept that others can make mistakes too Dash!"

Wiseful words that came from a very pissed blonde mare. Especially after Rainbow, rather unnecessarily, poked at old wounds during a reunion of the Winter Break, a special occasion in which weather ponies would gather to celebrate the end of an entire week effort of ridding the skies from several tons of snow clouds.

Rainbow didn't care much for Kicker's words, but as time went by she started to realize how many of her friends became so distant. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were her closest friends. Yet, every other pony she knew beforehoof simply didn't bother to talk with her.

Dash wasn't really sure what made ponies so uncaring towards her person lately. Kicker hinted at Rainbow being less 'helpful' than what she used to be. Which could be interpreted as Rainbow Dash causing more troubles than solving them.

Rainbow took too long to realize that her old friendships were crumbling around her while she dedicated most, if not all, of her free time with the other Element Bearers. The biggest wake up call being Kicker's harsh words after Rainbow learned about Thunderlane being flagged a member of the Wondebolts.

"I better not hear you're giving Thunderlane trouble. We all had our fair share of you during these last few years, Thunderlane more than anypony. Do yourself a favor and let him focus on his career. You don't need more ponies to hate you at this point."

Rainbow wasn't sure were Cloud Kicker had gotten the idea that ponies hated her. But she learned, not too soon after that day, that she no longer was Ponyville's favorite anymore.

And there was nopony else to blame but Rainbow Dash herself.

"It's not only the failed stunts, property damage, or unnecessary aggressiveness you use when talking with certain ponies. You made a lot of them suspicious after what happened with the last Winter incident. Twilight was out of her mind if she thought nopony wouldn't find out somehow. You screwed up so many times lately, barely helps anypony, pranks and hurts others without a care, sets terrible examples and yet you had three jobs! Rainbow, did you ever stop to think that you may have too much when you hardly deserve all of it? I had to fire you from the Weather team cause ponies wouldn't stop complaining!"

It was hard to listen that ponies had grow to dislike her, not only because of her attitude but also because of her success. Yet, Rainbow couldn't deny that being a teacher in Twilight's School was anything but earned. The fact that Twilight pays Rainbow a considerable amount was probably one of the reasons that had ponies so infuriated.

Rainbow tried to argue in her defense. Saying she has sacrificed a lot to save ponies when they needed her. Kicker, being true to her name, slammed into her with unforgiving truths.

"Yes, nopony denies that. But when has you ever donated anything to this town aside your muscles? Your house alone is worth half Ponyville Rainbow! Even Filthy said you were incredibly high for his standards! Most your friends are barely sustaining themselves. Hunter, Helia and Chaser work two jobs to keep their houses. Thunderlane worked extra hours and never had days off unless I paid him to not work for a day or two! When did you ever bothered to help any of your friends when not during a monster attack or unforeseen accident? And don't get me started on Gilda! Pinkie told me she was selling and eating rocks for a living! Did you ever bothered to ask Gilda what her life was like? Or to wonder how she felt seeing you living in such a majestic house while she lived in a dump?"

Rainbow probably would've remembered more if not for the fact she was crying at that point. Kicker was merciful enough to stop chastising her for few days after that.

"-s ain't no flyin on mah hood. It's not like she could anyway."

Rainbow blinked. Did she actually got so lost in thoughts that she forgot the ponies around her?

"And what did you do?" Scootaloo asked, sounding amazed at whatever Rolling Thunder was talking about.

"Pff, ah just hold my matehs till brick shore. Can't say ah wanted to jiff all juice up mah house. Hah!"

Rainbow could only stare in utter confusion as both Rolling Thunder and Scootaloo laughed their heads off while Lightning and Shorty rolled their eyes.

"Huh, I didn't understand any of that." Rainbow said to nopony in particular.

"No big surprise. Ya had your head on the clouds for few seconds. That and only the kid here seems to have understood it." Lightning said as she preoccupied herself with signing some posters. "Also whatever it's going in your head will have to wait. I gotta see somepony after I'm done here. I know you and I have to talk some things through... let me know when you're ready."

Rainbow felt the urge to say something, but she no longer knew what to say. Her head was spinning and she wasn't sure anymore if she should feel something about it.

Rainbow Dash always imagined that Lightning Dust felt resentment about her expulsion from the Academy. Dash had no doubt Dust hated Spitfire, but she did not expect for Lightning to not see Rainbow under the same light.

Rainbow wanted to have a reason to hate Lightning, to say she was dangerous and that she should be avoided. Now she only could say that Dust was a pony Rainbow herself let down when it mattered the most. Another failed friendship of her life.

Would Twilight have done any different? At least Twilight and the others didn't seem that much upset despite the near death experience. Should Spitfire have done different? Should have anypony said anything at all?

"Hey, Dust... do you... don't you hate me?"

Lightning paused, her eyes averting from the poster in her hooves to the cyan mare standing still nearby. A calculated expression on her face. She sighed as she put the pen away and pushed the signed posters towards Scootaloo.

"I don't hate you. I just... I don't feel like I can ever trust you again. Even if we fly together someday, somehow... I don't think I will ever be able to call you a friend again."

Author's Note: