• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 220 Views, 1 Comments

Ice Like Stardust - BrittyFIM

The Ponyville ice rink is rarely occupied, but occasionally you just may meet a new friend, or something more.

  • ...

Figure yawned, stretching out her legs, sore from the previous day. She struggled out of her bed, cracking her stiff neck as she stood up. She rubbed at her eyes with her hooves, yawning again. She gazed out her bedroom window, the bright morning light showed through, making her wince at the sight. Through the window, Figure could see the snow slowly melt away, drops of water cascaded from her roof, falling past the window to the ground. Luckily for her, the pegasi didn't have plans to melt the ice rink yet. She had a great time teaching her new friend how to skate the previous night, and couldn't wait until next week to see him again.

She brought herself into the kitchen and put on a kettle, making a small cup of hay tea. The sun beamed down on the frozen snow, reflecting the light into Figure's house. The sky was a bright blue with a few small clouds scattered about. They were white and puffy, not unlike the clouds the pegasi use in the summer. Figure used her magic to close the curtain slightly, to the point where she wouldn't need to look out the window. She disliked this kind of weather. It was fine when it was an appropriate season but in the winters, it tended to ruin her mood. All this weather did was create slush, and melt all the fun, all so that it can snow and harden up again in a day or two. But such was routine every year, and every year she got a good portion of skating in, so she wasn't too upset.

She planned to meet up with Star Dust again in a few days as she wanted to continue teaching him the ropes of figure skating. She was having fun with it and loved hanging out with him, he was really nice. He had very quickly gotten the hang of it the night before. Figure already had him up and moving, he mostly just needed to get used to it. But overall he was doing well, and Figure liked to take pleasure in watching him happily celebrate victoriously after moving a few feet without falling. The two got to know each other well the previous night. Star Dust had been majoring in math and often helped and tutored others in the subject. The two also talked about Ponyville. To Figure's surprise, Star Dust actually lived not too far away from her own house, only a few blocks. Apparently, the stallion moved in only a few weeks earlier, he even said that he was still unpacking. Figure had offered to help but he had declined the offer, even with Figure's magic. She felt flustered when she talked to Star, her heart would race and flutter, her hoofs would feel light and her mind would go blank. She felt very awkward around him, but she liked it. She was happy talking to him.

She spat out the foamy water from her mouth as she placed away her toothbrush. Using her magic, she tossed a cup of mouthwash in her mouth, quickly spitting that out too. As she proceeded to comb her frizzy mane back, she thought about the upcoming weekend. What she could teach the stallion, and what they would chat about. She was excited and happy for that day to come.

Figure headed down the steep hill towards the ice rink, being careful to hold her balance as she moved. The upper layer of snow had hardened over the past few nights, causing a small layer of ice to for above the fluffy snow. The thin layer broke with each step, plunging her foot onto a less slippery material, keeping her from tripping. The thin chill of wind making her shiver slightly, a smile forming on her face. It had been about a week since she had seen Star Dust, but she had been excited for this day, as she got the opportunity to meet up with him once again. As she descended the hill, she looked over at the rink. There seemed to be only a few people there, Star Dust was already on the ice, slowly sliding around from side to side. The other ponies were seemingly packing up and preparing to leave, allowing Figure to be alone with Star Dust. A grey, unicorn mare with sky blue eyes and a light blue mane was placing her skates in a small bag and drinking a small bottle of water. Another unicorn, this time white with crimson red hair, was doing the same but had already begun heading away from the rink and towards the town. Shortly, everything became silent barring the slow steps of Figure through the snow, and the soft slicing of Star Dust's Skates on the ice.

Quickly she reached the rink, Star sent a wave in her direction when he saw her and Figure returned the gesture happily. Star wobbled his way over to the rink's rail and beckoned Figure over. She quickly made her way over and gave a small, friendly hug to Star Dust over the rail.

"Hey Figure," he smiled. "I have something to show you!" He sounded excited. Figure smiled back and watched as Star Dust brought himself out onto the ice. He lunged himself forward, kicking his hind legs to gain speed. Suddenly, he curved his legs sideways spinning his body around, catching the ice with his back skates, and after a small wobble was gliding butt first around on the ice. Figure chuckled at the display, especially with how dilettante it looked. Figure clopped her hooves together in amusement as she watched him attempt to turn himself right round again.

"Go Star!" Figure jokingly cheered his way. Star Dust brought himself over to the rink's entrance and laughed at himself. "Heh, good job. You're doing well," Figure encouraged.

Star giggled. "You say that now, but you didn't see me fall to the ice a hundred times practicing... in front of people."

"Heh, don't worry," Figure laughed. "It happens. But hey, it's only us now... and you're learning quite fast. You'll be amazing in no time."

"You mean I'm not amazing?" Star joked sarcastically. Figure gave him a small side bump with her shoulder.

"Here, let me get my skates on and I'll be right there." Star saluted and headed back out to the middle of the rink, still practicing his movements. Figure sighed as she watched him. Even though he was new to skating, he had a distinct elegance to his skating, even if slow. He was nice. He was cute. He was perfect. Figure's heart began beating quicker.

She took to the ice like a bullet, shooting around speedily every which way. Star looked on with a gleeful face, the prism of color the ice shown making it a wondrous display. Figure preformed her display once more, Star taking it in more this time and watching closely. He noticed in her jumps, her lean body would bend and flex, her legs turned greatly. her cheeks were a flushed red as her soft looking, wavy, green fur drifted in the cool air. He felt his own cheeks begin glowing a soft red as he watched. She was amazing to watch. The pink stripe flowing through her hair whipped through the wind behind the blurry green mare.

"---So, you got that?" Figure asked the stallion. Star Dust jumped back slightly at the sudden appearance of Figure directly in front of him.

"Uh... Yes..." He lied giving a fake smile. Figure raised her brow at him, giving him a bemused look. Star blushed awkwardly.

"Eyes up here when I'm teaching you," Figure joked raising a hoof to her eyes. Star immediately went completely white besides the hot red gushing of his cheeks. He stepped back slightly with a scared look on his face.

"No...no ...no, that's not what it was at all I was... I-Ididn't mean to, I-" Figure made a guttural laugh towards Star. "Sorry," Star cried embarrassed.

"Hehe," Figure giggling. "I'm kidding." She shot a hoof around Star's neck in an attempt to comfort him. "Don't worry," she said hugging him. "It's fine." Star smiled happily, along with Figure as well. Her warm fur felt nice on his neck and it was comforting in the cold night's air. He slowly pushed his head into her neck, more warmth encompassing him. Figure didn't pull away, instead, embracing him further. The two trotted over to the bench and sat down next to each other. A warm smile grew on Figure's face as she looked over towards Star. His own face held a similar smile to her's as she looked up into the colourful, starry sky.

"I know this is probably really weird, but we are really good friends, you are my best friend for me I’d say even if we did just meet. But, and I know this will sound weird, but I think I, in a way... I have “fallen for you” if I’m being honest." Figure blushed beet red as she spoke out suddenly. Her voice wore a quivery, awkward inflection. Star jutted into his seat as he looked from the sky to the green mare sitting beside him, taken aback at what she has just said. He opened his mouth slightly as if to speak but silence was all that came out. Eventually, he found it.

"You think you've fallen for me?" He asked.

"Yeah, I know it sounds weird but... Sorry," Figure sighed, embarrassed.

"Feelings are weird, that's for sure. I guess the burning question on your mind is whether I reciprocate that or not." Figure waited patiently for an answer that never came.

"Yeah... It’s okay if you don’t. I know we know little about each other. It’s just what I know about you so far, I love it. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"Don't worry," Star responded in a calm, soothing voice. He wrapped his hooves around Figure, squeezing the mare gently. "You don't have to say more, Figgy..." His voice wavered ever so slightly on that last word.

"Figgy," she exclaimed, sniffing a little. "I like it."

Comments ( 1 )

What a beautiful story, I love how genuine everything feels in this story, such natural pacing! Next chapter when??

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