• Published 3rd Sep 2018
  • 4,780 Views, 247 Comments

Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon Team up to Save Everyone - Codex Ex Equus

Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon team up to save everyone

  • ...

Epilogue - In Your Dreams

One Week Later

"Tell me again how beautiful I am."

Luna chuckled. "Thou art as beautiful as a summer's night, one with a gentle breeze that cools off the day's heat. Thy wings sparkle as all the stars in my sky, and thy carapace is as dark and lovely as my nights."

Chrysalis sighed in pleasure as she basked in the praise, snuggling up against Luna in their bed. She began to nibble on Luna's neck, letting her fangs scrape roughly against the pony's skin and causing Luna to end her compliments with a moan. Shifting her head, Luna snagged one of Chrysalis's ears in her mouth, running her tongue around its edges.

"S-stop that!" cried Chrysalis, despite the obvious pleasure in her voice. "I told you not to play with my ears!"

"Ah, but how are you going to stop me?" asked Luna, freeing Chrysalis's ear for a moment to speak before resuming her attack.

"I-I don't have to," stammered Chrysalis. "They can do it for me."

Luna looked up, blinking in disbelief. The bed was surrounded by Chrysalii, all of them staring at her with the same hungry, lustful expression.

"Your… changelings?" asked Luna, shocked. "I-I don't know about this. It doesn't seem right…"

"Oh, they're not my changelings," replied the Chrysalis on the bed smugly. "You see, after that whole debacle where we were turned to stone, I decided to do a little experimenting. It turns out I can be in multiple bodies at once. And now we're all here… to do whatever you want."

Luna let out a gulp as the Chrysalii descended on the bed, moving with slow, purposeful strides. Just as they started to climb on, every single one of them froze.

"Um… are you okay?" asked Luna, looking around. "Chrysalis? Dear?!"

The Chrysalis in her arms lay stiff as a board. She started to shake the changeling, trying to get some reaction, and accidently knocked her off the bed. She hit the floor, tipping over and rolling some distance away like a fallen statue.

"Honestly, now, is this really the kind of thing you dream about?"

Luna whipped her head around at the voice. Nightmare Moon strode into the room, face disdainful.

"I mean, I'd expect this from Celestia, but a pony who's basically me?" Nightmare shook her head in disappointment. "I hope I don't end up developing the same sick fetishes you seem to have."

"What are you doing here, you monster?" growled Luna, sitting up in the bed. "You dare invade my castle, my bedroom, while I am—"

"I'm not invading anything except for your dreams," interrupted Nightmare Moon, rolling her eyes, "and as I appear to now be the official Queen of Nightmares, not to mention normal dreams, this is actually well within my duties."

"So that's why I haven't been able to access the Dreamscape?!" Luna's eyes widened. "How dare you steal something so delicate and precious?! For the good of Equestria, I'm going to destroy you right here and now—!"

Luna tried to leap forward, only to find her hooves could barely move, as though she were trying to run through molasses. Nightmare watched, amusement clear on her face, as Luna took nearly a full minute to move to the end of the bed and climb off.

"Don't you just hate those nightmares where it feels like you can't run?" she said finally, chuckling. "But enough fun. You have something that belongs to me."

Nightmare Moon darted forward. She raised a hoof, bringing it up to Luna's head. Luna flinched, prepared for Nightmare to knock her head off or worse, only to go cross eyed as Nightmare's hoof pushed into her skull. Luna made gurgling sounds, a thin strand of drool running out of the corner of her mouth, as Nightmare rummaged around shoulder deep in her head.

After a moment, Nightmare Moon drew her foreleg back out of Luna's head, a crab-like creature covered in eyes and colored pure black in her hoof.

"There you are, James, did you miss me while you were trapped in mean old Luna's mind?" she cooed, stroking the nightmare creature with her free hoof. It made a series of dismayed chittering sounds, waving its claws in agitation, before calming down and making its way up her foreleg to perch on top of her head.

"Come on, let's go home." A door filled with light opened in the middle of the room, and Nightmare strode through it and disappeared.

Luna shook her head a few times, blinking her eyes and working her jaw as her mind tried to get back in working order. She looked around the room, at the piles of Chrysalii that lay still frozen where they had fallen.

"…What just happened?"

Author's Note:

Whoops, forgot to upload an epilogue yesterday. Have two!

This is the one epilogue that doesn't set things up for another story. In fact, it actually does what an epilogue is supposed to do: wrap up loose ends. In this case, the rescue of James, the cutest puppy-eating eldritch horror ever (that's right, he once ate a puppy. IT'S CANON NOW THAT I'VE SAID IT).