• Published 9th Sep 2018
  • 499 Views, 9 Comments

Family Road - aceina

My entry for the sunset shipping contest sunset and her family take a vacation together and think of the past

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Chapter 1

`Family Road


A medium sized brown RV with sunflowers painted on the side drives down an old dirt road out in the middle of nowhere driving is a middle aged woman with orange skin and red hair with yellow streaks she has on a black leather jacket with golden spikes a black tank top there is a small jagged scar on her stomach with her cutie mark on it and blue jeans on her left ring finger is a golden ring with a emerald on it

Sitting next to her is her wife Wallflower blush a woman with light green skin and mossy green hair dressed in a loose fitting sweater and baggy jeans on her left right finger is a golden ring with a ruby and 2 small topaz's on it*

In the back of the TV are two kids the 6 year old twins of Sunset and Wallflower one has orange skin with dark green hair she is dressed in a little pink dress, her name is Sunblush. The other has green skin with red hair and green streaks in it. She is dressed in a purple t-shirt and ripped jeans holding a fluffy pink teddy bear, her name is Fire Rose*

Sunblush started to cry* “Give back miss cotton bottom!”

Fire Rose sticks her tongue out. “No, if you want your stupid bear you should hold on to it better.”

The now crying twin runs to the front of the RV. “Mommy, mama Fire Rose took miss cotton bottom and we were going to have a tea party

Sunset pinches the bridge of her nose and sighed. “Honey you handle this, im driving.”

Wallflower sighs and mutters to herself. “I was enjoying the countryside too.” Then she unbuckles and gets up and gentle pats sunblush on the head. “Its ok, mommy will handle this let's go get miss cotton bottom back from your sister.”

The trouble making twin spots her mother coming and gulps. “Uh hey mommy, uh what you doing here... er come here often?” She said as she looked around nervously.

Wallflower taps her foot. “Fire Rose,” she said as her voices rose a few octaves.

The now sweating child looks around. “Uh hey mommy look i found sunblushes bear uh miss candy fluffy bottom or whatever, I was looking for it for her,” she said as she gives a fake grin.

Wallflower just sighs. “Sweetie just give your sister back her bear and please, please, please behave.“

Fire Rose grumbles and hands the stuffed bear to sunblush as wallflower walks back to the front of the RV* tattle tale

Sunblush takes her bear and sticks her tongue out “You’re just mad cus mommy and mama love me more.”

Fire Rose gasps then starts running to the front of the RV crying. “Mommy mama sunblush says you love her more! It’s not true is it?”

Wallflower having just buckled back in starts hitting her head on the dashboard over and over.

Sunset stops the RV. “That’s not true my little firecracker we love you both the same come here,” Sunset motions for fire rose and then gives her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. “Now why don't you and your sister play a game of mario party together?” Sunset said before she stopped herself thinking of how bad of fights that lead to. “Why don't you play a co-op game together? You have plenty.”

Fire Rose beams. “Ok mama,” she said and skips along. “Hey sis sorry about the dumb bear, let's play a round of tireks final reckoning VR together i call player 1.”

Sunblush pouts. “Aww you always get player one,” she said and hugs miss cotton bottom.

Sunset starts up the RV as Wallflower stops pounding her head* having twins is not easy but…” She says and looks back at them. “But I'm glad we have them they make our lives so much better.”

Sunset glances at her ring and remembers when wallflower proposed. It had shocked her that her that the timid girl could muster up the courage to do it.


In a fancy restaurant Wallflower was dressed in a nice somewhat tight sweater and jeans constantly checking her right pocket making sure the ring was there constantly worrying she forgot it. She has rehearsed this 100s of times and it always goes badly, she imagines sunset laughing at her and mocking her for daring to ask and in one nightmare sunset turned into a giant pickle and attacked tokyo.

She finally she spots her beloved walking into the restaurant in a nice black dress who takes a seat across from wall flower.

Sunset sets her purse down. “Sorry i'm late traffic was horrid and well can't exactly drive my bike in a dress,” she said as she chuckled

Wallflower is sweating not hearing anything sunset says. “Uh huh yea…” Sunset gets ready to ask if everything is ok when suddenly Wallflower shouts and shoves the ring box forward. “WILL YOU MARRY ME!?”

Sunset blinks then laughs abit wallflower gets ready to start crying and sunset panics. no “No i will marry you, sorry. I'm just laughing cus…” Sunset reaches in her purse and takes out a ring box. “I was going to ask you to marry me.”

Wallflower smiles and starts laughing too.


Sunset smiles at the happy memory. “Yeah, though it was not fun carrying them around for 9 months.”

Wallflower’s eyes travel to the scar on sunsets stomach as she remembers how she almost lost her wife that day do to complications in the birth*


Wallflower is sitting in the waiting room crying as she sits outside of the ER scared she may lose her wife and the twins she carries. Waiting and waiting for news, her phone is constantly vibrating with text alerts from their friends sending well wishes all of them rushing to canterlot hospital from all over the country to offer support.

She has always hated being touched by people other than her beloved wife Sunset, but right now she just wants to break down sobbing in to all of their arms.

Aa female nurse steps out. “Wallflower Blush?” Wallflower quickly looks up at her. “Your wife and children are going to be just fine.

Wallflower hugs the nurse shocking her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” The nurse smiled and pats Wallflower’s back.

The nurse leads wall flower to a room where Sunset is just starting to come to. Even knowing she is ok, seeing tubes up her nose and in such a fragile state makes Wallflower’s heart stop for a second. Wallflower rushes up and hugs Sunset. “I was so worried...” she said with a sniffle. “I don't want to lose you.”

Sunset groggily hugs wallflower. “Hey, hey im ok, im ok. It will take more than that to get rid of me, I’m too ornery.”

Wallflower smiles as the nurse brings the twins in. “Are you two ready to meet your mommys?”

The nurse hands sunset both twins and sunset smiles at them. “Hey there little ones, I’m your mama Sunset and this is your mommy Wallflower. You 2 are going to have an amazing life, I promise you we will make sure of it ok our little Sunblush and Fire Rose.”

The nurse smiles.”I guess that is there names then I’ll be sure to fill out the birth certificates.”


Wallflower shakes the unpleasant memory off. “I love you and the girls so much, you make a plant obsessed idiot like me feel so loved.”

Sunset reaches over and holds Wallflowers hand. “You’re not an idiot and your plants are beautiful, you’ve won awards all over the country for them.”

Later that evening the RV is parked in front of a small diner the family sitting down and Fire Rose sniffs abit. “Did someone die in here, cus it smells really really bad.”

Wallflower puts her face in her hands as sunset hisses. “Hush Fire Rose thats rude.”

Sunblush looks around scared. “I don’t want to eat where someone died.”

Wallflower speaks up. “No one died sweetie, your sister is just being a brat.”

A waitress walks up dressed in blue uniform her nametag reads Sugar Bottom she has pink skin and green hair. “So what can i get ya’ll?”

Fire Rose stares at the woman as if thinking sunset speaks up. “We will take 4 orders of pancakes, a strawberry pie, two glasses of orange juice, a coffee for my wife, and a tea for me please.”

Sugar bottom nods and walks off.

Fire Rose is still thinking. “Hmm where have i heard the name sugar bottom before?” She said before Sunblush whispers something in her ear* oh right

A bit later Sugar Bottom comes back with their drinks. “Your food will be ready in just a bit.”

Fire Rose speaks up as sunset starts to drink her tea. “Sugar Bottom i know thats what my mommy calls mama when they are in there room alone and they think me and sis cant hear them.”

Sunset spits her tea out choking and Wallflower starts hitting her head on the table. Sugar Bottom blushing clearly embarrassed about this whole thing but she laughs it off. “I have twins myself don't worry. When they get older the headaches get worse.”

When the food is brought out the twins start fighting, Sunblush shouts. “No fair your piece is bigger than mine!”

Fire Rose shouts* thats cus im the biggest and the oldest

Sunblush shouts, “Nuh uh!”

Fire rose grabs Sunblush’s hair and pulls it. “Uh huh!”

Sunset takes a deep breath. “You two have the same sized slice, please behave

The twins glare at each other and start to eat there pie and nibble at their pancakes, not taking their eyes off each other. After finishing dinner Sunset pays for the meal and gives Sugar Bottom a 50$ tip to make up for this whole mess.

Once back inside the RV, Sunset looks at the twins. “When we get home from this trip you 2 are grounded for a month.” She then starts the RV back up and starts to drive.”

Wallflower sits down in the passenger seat. “What your mama said only make it 6 weeks.”

Both twins shouted in unison. “NO FAIR!”

Author's Note:

And that's it. I wanted to do more but i got busey and had to rush this out. I wanted it to really feel like just being in the middle of a relationship. I hope at least someone enjoys it.

Comments ( 9 )

Cutting it close aren't you Aceina?

Couldn't honestly enjoy it either, not with the grammar issues. Sorry, Ace.

Author Interviewer

in one nightmare sunset turned into a giant pickle and attacked tokyo.

If nothing else, this image will stay with me for a while.

your welcome

The grammatical and spelling issues with the summary are enough to make me hate the work already.

Grammar was a problem, but overall a good story. I'm not picky, my brain fixed all the mistakes as I was reading it anyways. So I enjoyed. If you ever want to write and need help with grammar don't hesitate to pm me.

thank you *Smile* i do have some one who can help me with grammar this was a bit of a time crunch kinda worked on it last minute for the contest lol

but glad you enjoyed the story

This needs work. The grammar issues make this difficult to read, and the overall story is too short to get invested in.

As a general rule, shorter sentences are better than long, meandering ones.

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