• Published 12th Sep 2018
  • 226 Views, 1 Comments

The Taste of Metal - RamenNinja101

When two siblings fall for the same girl, bonds are tested in this family drama

  • ...

The Way Things Are

Aries managed to escape the chaos of the gala while his supportive ‘aunt’ and mother caused a scene, loudly arguing over something petty, no doubt, and putting a damper on the otherwise festive atmosphere. He’d never been more grateful for his mother’s ill-tempered manners.

His formal attire was beyond uncomfortable. No matter how many times he’d told the seamstress to use soft, delicate materials like silk or velvet, the woman seemed to have her heart set on whatever new and exotic stylish fabrics she could find for a suit. Often backfiring, leaving the musician with red rashes from chafing, among other things. But luckily, trends tended to be set by royalty so he had the benefit of seeing the rest of the company in cloth just as uncomfortable. The ruffled edges itched at his skin, the tie was knotted a bit on the tight side, and the headband he wore kept catching on the baby fine strands of mane on the back of his neck. It was dreadful.

The stallion had to admit, though, it was a stunning suit. Blue was definitely his color, and he loved the freedom of wearing lightweight fabric. He was glad he thought to ask for his black jacket as a backup for the weather; the nights were getting colder as autumn dwindled away and winter approached.

It was on the balcony through the library that the pegasus finally stopped walking, the swish of his tail and clack of his hoof shoes finally quieting as he wrapped his leather jacket around himself and peered out at the garden lights twinkling lowly in the distance.

He sighed.

Becoming the musical entertainment had been his biggest success. So why wasn’t he happy? He was rather rebellious as a child, especially in his teenage years, and had run away on multiple occasions. At fifteen, he’d managed to avoid being caught six months, thanks to a certain changeling. Even now, he had very few regrets about it. Of course he felt apologetic towards his parents, whose heads of hair began graying during his absence, but this was his dream, this was his adventure. And even with all the love and support his father Night Whisper and Mother Plush Ramen gave him, he still could not get them to understand. It wasn’t just about the music; it was about bringing creatures together to listen to his music. It wasn’t just about the money…

He hadn’t spent any great length of time away from his family life and musical life in years, though he still did occasionally sneak away for a night to relive those blessed six months of freedom. Honestly, it was even better now, being an adult. Well, as long as he wore a hooded ensemble to hide the factor of his fame. He was the lead singer of his bad after all. Ponies would remember that. Aries of the ‘Neighsayers’ The one and only.

A small, secretive smile tugged at her lips as he remembered nights spent in dirty taverns by the city and the company he held in those exhilarating moments, of the casual and carefree flirting that always lead to kissing which inevitably led to skirts hiked around a female’s hips and their backs pressed into a hard surface and his own lips on the exposed skin of their neck. The thought alone would be enough to keep him warm on frigid night such as this if he weren’t also preoccupied with thoughts of lyrics and responsibilities and romance.

“Aries? I thought I’d find you up here.”

His heart just about jumped out of his chest.

Wrapped in nothing but red silk, the stunning light blue mare glanced up at his burnt orange face, his blue mane messy and windblown, he looked positively exhausted. Her thin brows rose in amusement. She looked every bit the dangerous scoundrel that her reputation suggested. But there was something slightly off.

“Ah, My biggest fan. Mercury. I didn’t think you’d show.”

She grinned to his response, stepping away from where she’d been leaning against the cold stone wall and moving towards him.

“Well it wasn’t easy. Your blasted mother is down there.” She responded.

“Fair point.” He chuckled. Knowing his mother all too well.

In a flash, her arms were around his waist and her lips were on his own, needy and intense and everything he had been missing for months now. His back hooves clicked in his ridiculous cuffs and he breathed deeply through his nose, his hooves traveling up the length of her torso to cradle her jaw as he thoroughly and passionately kissed her into oblivion.

“I’ve missed you too.” He gasped after they finally broke for air, foreheads tenderly pressed together as they caught their breaths.

“Mm, not as much as I.” She admitted.

She kissed him again, softer this time, less sensual but full of affection. He could feel every bit of tension melting away, thoughts of the Gala and his parents and his uncomfortable attire all fading. When they pulled apart, he gave her a shaky smile.


“Believe me. I missed it, too.”

Her hand moved up and over his shoulder and even with the cool air he now felt warm. He loved the way her gaze felt as she glided her lips up his neck, the way her hoof trailed over his cheek, the way she couldn’t seem to stop staring at his face.

“There’s a dance going on, you know.” He vocalized.

“I do know. I saw all those snooty heads inside the palace.”

“If you knew I’d be out mingling and entertaining with high society all night, why did you come?” Aries commented

“Please, like you could stand to be around such nonsense for an entire night without a moment to yourself. I know you better than you know yourself, love. Besides, even if you hadn’t come to our favorite little rendezvous spot, I would be a fool to risk not seeing you at all. Perhaps I’d have stolen some suitable clothes from one of the many, many rooms in this place and masqueraded as a guest at your big night.”

“I think you’re underestimating the keen eye of my mother. I doubt she’d let someone who could steal her baby boy through the doors.”

“Steal?” She gaped, looking utterly appalled. “I’ll have you know this ‘Baby’ of hers has seduced me more times than I can count.” She snickered, shoulders bouncing with laughter. “Besides, if your mother inside the palace is as crazy as those soldiers around its borders for security then I imagine I’d have no problem at all slipping past them. Haven’t I done it enough times to prove my stealth and cunning?”

“You know, I seem to recall giving you a map of the palace grounds with the exact route to take to avoid getting caught.” Aries smirked.

“Well I won the heart of the man of the hour despite you giving me the map. Ergo, it’s thanks to my own cleverness and charm that I manage to avoid being caught and charged with breaking in without paying. Not to mention the outfit I had to acquire. Or the undoubtedly hefty sentence for sullying Plush Ramen’s precious son’s innocence.” Nuzzling against his face, she blew back her pink and grey shaded strands of hair, revealing those dangerous red eyes, matching her dress perfectly under the moonlight.

“Sullying?” He laughed. “You give yourself too much credit.”


His eyes softened. Her words were clearly made in jest, but even the thought of her being sentenced to a life in fines– or worse, his mother’s wrath – for her silly crimes made him bristle. He was not under the impression that she was some wholesome and upstanding mare, with a heart of pure gold and intentions of the noblest kind. She had a dreadfully violent past and even now she stripped good men of their sanity and money for entertainment. But it didn’t make her a monster. It didn’t make him love her any less.

Besides, Aries wasn’t entirely opposed to her acts of treason. Plenty of musicians got their taste at danger. Why on earth his parents insisted on coming at all had boggled him, he could never understand. Despite being divorced, they came to support his band. This was admirable. But sometimes he felt so… trapped. The blanket excuse of, “You’re our son, we love hearing you and want to know you’re safe, Aries.” Did not offer him any comfort. He enjoyed their persistence to be in his life. But he was a grown stallion, and now? He wanted to make his own decisions.

“You’re a good mare,” He said, tugging on the water charm hanging around her neck. “And you’re mine. No one else, not even discord himself, is allowed to have you.”

He felt the brush of her hoof against his hip, rolling in circles as her gaze darted between his eyes. For a moment, he thought she might kiss him again, but she surprised him with her next words.

“I can’t keep doing this, Aries.”

It felt like his heart turned to ice in his chest.

“What?” He breathed, tightening his grip on her.

“I meant the sneaking around,” She clarified, wrapping her hoof around his to ease his grip. Aries marginally relaxed, waiting for her to explain herself. “Do you really think that it’s possible for us to keep this up forever?”

“I… I don’t-“

“You’re gone for months at a time, Aries. I miss you every day and I just… I can’t do it. I can’t accept that I only get to see you like this, for late-night trysts in the library when you tour close to home for a few days. It’s not enough.”


“Let me finish, please.” He hated the uneasy crease in her brow and the sorrowful sheen to her eyes, wanted to kiss away her fears, but he allowed her to continue uninterrupted. “You can’t honestly tell me that you don’t have women lined up in that ball right now who aren’t desperate for your hoof. Mare’s your parents and the whole musical fandom would see as worthy of you and fit to rock by your side.”

Aries wanted to argue that he would never accept any of them even if his life depended upon it but he barely got to open his mouth before Mercury pressed on.

“And I know – I know – that ultimately that decision would be yours, but darling, I am terrified that one day you might change your mind, come to your senses and realize that you deserve- just- so much better than me.”

“But, I love you!” He argued. “You. And my senses are fine, thank you very much.”

She stayed silent for a long moment. He could count the breaths they took for all the silence encompassing them, the sounds of music and laughter from the other side of the palace so indistinct that even the sound of the wind brushing in the trees was less hushed.

“Then come away with me.”

All the air left his lungs as if he’d fallen straight on his back.

“I… what?” Running away with his band was one thing, but to run away from them too… for her was another. He loved her more than anything... But did he want to give up everything?

“Come with me. Marry me, Aries. Think about it. You hate it here. You’ve told me more times than I can remember. You don’t have to stay, do you? Your sister can keep your parents attention in your absence and… and we could be happy together.”

Of all the insane ideas She’d had during their years together, this one topped them all. Run away with her? (Did She say, “Marry me” or was he losing his mind?)

“Aries,” She continued, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Imagine it. We could travel anywhere we wanted, anywhere in the world. You’d be free. No more ridiculous expectations or playing for ungrateful clients or wearing these-“ She gestured to his suit and sighed. “-incredibly marvelous tux’s that, according to you, are ‘less comfortable than a burlap sack.’”

That got him to smile a little, even though his mind was full of warring thoughts. The sincerity of her words and the hope he could see plain as day on her face were enough to sway some of his doubts.

It… was crazy, right? There was no way he could…

But then, even if it were the most reckless, irresponsible, absurd idea, it sounded precisely like something he’d do. At least, something he would have done back when he were young and wild.

Had he really changed much, though, from that independent youth? Here he was, escaping from his fans and crowds of creatures and having a romantic rendezvous with his secret lover at close to midnight. And truthfully, he liked the pony she was. Breaking rules, running off to have adventures, seeking the beauty in the world beyond Equestria walls was the quintessence of Aries.

Mercury offered him a chance to collect, her smile brightening among the stars. “I’ll be back later, it sounds like you’re needed down there, think on it?” Flaring her horn to life, the unicorn opened up the door, carefully trotting out with the smallest of winks in his direction.

She wasn’t wrong. The crowd had begun to stomp their hooves for his next musical number. An encore it appeared was needed. Shifting blue orbs glanced to the moon for a sign. A signal of some kind. He wasted no time in galloping back down the stairs and to his destiny.

“Let’s finish this night, not with a fizzle, but with a bang!” He projected to the audience, his band cheering along with the crowd as he played a rather ironic song for the occasion.

“Anywhere you go, anyone you meet
Remember that your eyes, can be your enemies

I said, hell is so Close, and heaven's out of reach

But I ain't givin' up quite yet

I've got too much to lose…

Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl

Hold me down, sweet and low, and I'll carry you home…

Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl…

Hold me down and I'll carry you home”

It was wrong. Really wrong. She knew that. She accepted it. But that didn’t mean she had the willpower to stop herself. Nova was a strong, independent bat pony. She didn’t need a man. She certainly did not need her brother and his fame to take over as the favorite sibling. Catching sight of his ex girlfriend in the mist of the gala, the intrigued mare had slipped out for a mysterious story all her own.

Mercury was an incredibly beautiful mare. She didn’t need different lighting or various angles to see that. Medium, wavy pink and grey locks of mane, irises the color of roses, a smile that could knock a man or woman straight on their arise. And, perhaps unintentionally, she’d also add in the flirting skills of a master into the mix. Nothing could stop her.

In any case, over the past few months, Nova had been practically glued to the mare. In secret mind you. Aries teased her relentlessly over her secret crush, but thankfully, was far too busy to put the links together. They broke up, it was fair game! Not that she made many moves… It’s not like they could really fault her for staring. The pony was, objectively, a stunning specimen of a woman. Her bias didn’t really have any bearing on that. Admittedly that if she hadn’t been this attractive, it would have made things a lot easier. Sneaking around with her brother’s ex wasn’t the situation she dreamed of.

Stepping outside into the cool brisk air, her blackened mane swayed in the moonlight as Nova’s glowing bright blue eyes wandered for its desired target. Her violet dress catching wind.

“Psst.” She called out to her.

A twitched sonic sensing bat ear had turned in attention. It was time. Venturing forward and into the royal garden, her heart skipped in uncertainty. They had been flirting for months now, and it was time to finalize this romance or end it!
Despite her cool stature, she was desperate for release.

Were her lips as soft and succulent as she imagined? How would it feel to dip her tongue into her mouth, heatedly slanting her lips over hers? How would it feel to have those plush lips wrapped firmly around her? Wait w-hat? Would Mercury be hesitant in her explorations, giving Nova the opportunity to guide her and whisper her desires, or would her talented tongue leave her with no composure or grace, taking Nova to the brink with ease as she could do nothing but moan her name?

She groaned, hating herself for the break down process of questions exploring her cranium. Pupils dilated at the sight before her. Basking in the midnight glow from the moons vibrant rays, her rosy silk dress draped tightly over the woman’s slender frame. Staring at her with those deadly blood red eyes, Nova gulped. Feeling the saliva backfire as it scratched down her dry throat, wings twitched in anticipation.

“You totally came.” The bat pony spoke in a slur of words.

“I told you I’d find you.” She smiled, her voice traveling like a warm apple pie on a summers day.

Nova froze, watching her closing the distance between them. Raising a hoof to her face, Mercury spoke in a sultry tone.

“And I always find who I’m looking for.” She leaned forward, lips just missing the creature’s own.

Yearning to finish the job, Nova dared continue. Placing a hoof on the back of her head, she plunged. Smashing their lips together in one moment’s breath, she feared rejection… What she got however, was a passionate kiss in return.

Placing her front hooves on Nova’s flanks, Mercury held her tight. “Mmm” She mumbled, her tongue slipping in to deepen the kiss.

Blushing immensely, she accepted her tongue with a willing desire to please, offering a low moan before feeling the mare suddenly back off? Mentally whining at the distance, she regained her composure, for now. “Is… e-everything okay?” She stuttered, fighting the urge to throw herself back at the gorgeous woman before her.

The pony could only smile in return, her gaze mesmerizing. “I want you.” She whispered, her tongue trailing the edge of her large bat ears for sensation. Shoving Nova down with a tail curled around her hoof for a successful trip, Mercury grinned at the sight before her.

Face beaten with flourished cheeks, Nova’s blood boiled, her body heat rising, chest pumping at the mare standing before her. “R-really? What... about the g-ala?”

“To hell with the Gala,” is a sentiment that Mercury thoroughly repeated. She’d much prefer the taste of her tongue and the smell of arousal and lingering morning cuddles on her fur to anything else right now. Running her front hooves across the sensitive skin of her thighs and under her violet dress, she lightly caressed Nova’s flank, causing the mare to lift her hips, attempting to chase her touch.

“It was never about the dance, it was about the prize” She admitted, laying her body on top as they rest in a field of exotic flowers. “That is, if you want…” She paused. Asking out of courtesy. She could read the answer in her eyes. “I wouldn’t want to push things too far. I can’t help how I feel about you.” She was always thinking of her first, putting her own needs aside because she thought that was what would make her happy.

Amazing, Nova thought, how a spark of desire those months ago became this – a deep and earnest love beyond her wildest dreams. Her parents, with their failed attempts at true love, must be able to understand that, if nothing else. Her brother? He’d manage… She broke his heart. Or so he told her. But the way he spoke, appeared mutual and respectful. Sliding one arm around her shoulders and one around her waist, she stared at the lips she so desperately wanted to kiss, and brushed the tip of her nose against her own, sighing into her warmth.

“Shh,” she whispered against the unicorn’s lips. Plunging first, their lips locked, bodies grinding in a heated embrace. “Ooh goodness… I love you…”

“The rain is gonna fall
The sun is gonna shine

The wind is gonna blow
The water's gonna rise

She said, when that day comes…

Look into my eyes, no one's givin' up quite yet, we've got too much to lose…

Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl…

Hold me down, sweet and low, and I'll carry you home.

Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl

Hold me down and I'll carry you…

All the way.”

The Gala came to an end, creatures of all kinds lingering in the outside air as they said their goodbyes. Aries stayed behind. Inside and placing his guitar back in its case, hoof steps closed the distance to the stage as his mother appeared before him.

Strands of grey mixed in with her naturally feathered blackened mane as she brushed it back, its long stature annoying in the once crowded room. “You were great out there.” Plush spoke low, a proud mom face displaying properly over her cheek bones.

Being a momma’s boy, Aries had a soft spot for his mother and everything she had went through. Turning around to face her, his smile was instant. “Thanks mom.” Wrapping his hooves around her in a loving embrace, he stayed. “I’m so glad you, Aunt Glow, and Dad… Could make it.” His gaze shifted. He loved them all, but couldn’t quite understand why they never got it to work.

The orange coated mare embraced him in return, fighting the proud motherly tears that threatened to emerge. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” She claimed. “Besides, someone needs to remind you that fame isn’t forever.” She snickered, teasing him. Knowing of his father’s arrival at the Gala had Plush on edge for most of the night. Ending on such bad terms, his presence alone was enough to send her into an emotional overload. With her friend Orange Glow by her side for the most part, things seemed to go smoother than she anticipated.

“Of course, what other agenda would you have?” He laughed, pulling apart, blue orbs locked into her own as the two shared a moment of silence.

“Watching my baby and protecting him from harm.” A smirk spread across her face. If she was honest, she’d always be looking out for his best interests.

Aries mentally sighed at this notion. Mercury’s words flooded his mindset. Marry her and run away from all of this? The overprotective barring, the lack of faith in both him and his decisions… But on another hoof, he loved her. She was his mother… And she was only doing what she thought was best. His head begun to pound, anxiety taking over.

“Mom, I think we should talk.” He sat down on the stage edge, his gaze shifting.

Plush had spoken not a word, her eyes scanning his face for uncertainties as she sat beside him. “Shoot. What’s going on? You know that you can tell me anything.” She added.

As he explained the situation before her, his words were clear and precise. His honesty overflowing with emotions. He explained to her what happened with Mercury, and how much he still loved her. The overbearing desire to make her happy and the trapped feeling overwhelming him from the life he led. And the secret outings he would take to meet up with her when tour seasons end. And how he wanted to marry her. It was all so clear.

“Please don’t freak out…” He finally added.

For the most part, Plush had remained silent. Taking in his honesty for what it was worth, she let him finish. Upon his last request, she let out an audible sigh. Curling her wing around him for a tighter bond, his mother fought the urge to scream. How stupid could he BE?! To return to the same mare that dumped him for leaving her for his career? She could practically feel her rage boiling at the seams. Despite this, her son’s concerned face kept her temper at bay. It was his happiness she was after. All she wanted was for him to remain happy and safe… What was a mother to do? “And here I thought you were going to tell me that you were touring farther away.” She chuckled low to herself, hoping to ease the tension.

Plush found herself at war. If she told him to go, she’d lose her baby boy forever. If she told him to stay, she might lose him anyway… “I think, you should do what makes you happy. I’m sorry if you felt trapped. I only wanted what was best.” She retracted her wing, feeling self conscious about her mothering abilities.

Aries smiled, leaning his head on her shoulder as she finished. “Oh mom, I know that now. You know I’ll always love you.”

“And you say your fine

But your still young
And out of line

When all I need's to turn around
To make it last to make it count

I ain't gonna make the same mistakes that put my mama in her grave…

I don't wanna be alone…”

Brushing a curl of mane from Nova’s unconscious face, Mercury smiled in awe. She was precious when she slept. “Oh Nova, I wish I could spend eternity by your side.” She admitted. Shifting her gaze to the stars, red vibrant eyes closed for a moment of silence.

That was, before hoof steps threatened to break up their quiet night out. Panicked, Mercury had flared her horn to life, teleporting into the tree above them for shelter. Teleportation was a skill most unicorns didn’t possess. She was no exception. A few feet max was her level of get away. She wasn’t a princess nor was she a master of magic, despite her dabble in such fields. Watching from the sky, her eyes remained fixated on the bat pony down below. If only she could have teleported her too!

The hoof steps coming into play had been none other than Aries himself! He was looking for her? “Nova?” He shouted, knowing his sister adored flowers, it was his first thought. Finding his sister sprawled out on the ground, panic set in as he dropped to her side.

“Nova! Come on… Wake up!” He shook her, his emotions on the forefront of his mind. “Mom!” He shouted, praying she was close. Despite his efforts, his sister remained unconscious.

Watching this before her, Mercury felt a twinge of dread overtake her. Guilt acting as a spider, crawling up her spine. If she was going to follow through with her plans, she needed to act and fast. “Buck…” She whispered. Teleporting behind her old lover with a gasp to her voice, the mare placed a hoof to his back.

“Aries? What…. Happened?” She played dumb.

Upon hearing her voice, the stallion whipped around, wrapping his hooves around her in a clearly upset manner. “Mercury, p-lease. Do… something!” He pleaded.

Closing her eyes at the embrace, she took a moment of silence. He smelled so good. So pure. “Aries… I can’t. She looks –“

He cut her off, letting go as his emotions got the better of him. “No!” he shouted.

“She’s alive! I just need to get her to a hospital. Help me!” He demanded

It was now or never, she thought. In truth, she enjoyed spending time with the both of them. They were unique and loving in their own ways. The way Aries kissed left her feeling light headed. And the way Nova squirmed underneath her, gave her so much power and pride. But now, it was over. She made her choice.

“Alright.” She spoke in a low monotone voice, her horn continuing to glow a shade of pink as she focused more on Aries than the body before them. “I love you Aries.” She actually smiled despite the situation. Covering his body in her aura, she stepped closer. The mathematics of the spell causing her to curse under her breath.

“Merc- What… are you doing?!” He snapped, his body suddenly feeling... so weak. Collapsing to the ground before her, he trembled. Twitching in response to her actions, his body went into a seizure state awareness as her process continued.

“It’s a shame really.” She grinned down at him, knowing full well he could still hear her. “I really liked you. I thought I’d get to spend more time with you. But sadly, it’s now. How foolish of you." She snickered. “You told your mother you were going away. The only pony that could help you right about now.”

“Plush, do you really think it was wise to just let him go?” A half formed changeling asked, her naturally dark grey coat blending in well at night. Brushing her turquoise shaded two toned mane to the side, she glanced to her friend, ex lover, and roommate in doubt.

“I don’t know Orange… She makes him happy. What could I say? He’ll be back around the holidays.” She sighed. “I have to admit, I wanted to shake him real bad.” She chuckled lightly.

“Is that wrong?” She added.

Orange Glow laughed at her statement. “Coming from you, I’d say that’s pretty sane.” Her glowing orange eyes helped guide their way through the dark, leading them home. “I just know he’s not thinking straight. I have a bad feeling in the back of my mind." She admitted.

“Well keep that to yourself!” Plush snapped, not wanting to dwell further on the issue at hoof. “I want to think I made his night. Yeesh.” She groaned. Instantly regretting not trapping him in his room forever. “Besides, he’s a grown boy…” She doubted. “He can take care of himself.”

Upon that statement, the two shared a glance before laughing in unison.

“Say, where’d Nova go?” Orange finally questioned.

Stopping in their tracks, Plush blinked in confusion. “Hm… I don’t know actually. You’d think she’d be walking back with us.”

“Do you want to go back for her? Maybe she’s waiting for us by the gates? I can’t imagine she’d just go home without telling you.” Orange Glow sighed. They had gotten so far too!

“You’re probably right…” Plush groaned, turning them around as she twitched her wings eagerly. “We could make this interesting.” She grinned.

“Oh yeah? You really think you can race me again?” Orange fluttered her moth like wings, rising into the air.

“I think I can beat you again.” Plush chuckled, flapping her wings before launching herself high into the sky. “See you there!”

“And you say your fine
But you’re still young

And out of line…

When all I need's to turn around
To make it last…

to make it count

I ain't gonna make the same mistakes that put my mama in her grave
I don't wanna be alone

Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl

Hold me down, sweet and low, and I'll carry you home…

Hold me down, sweet and low, little girl

Hold me down and I'll carry you home…”

Author's Note:

So it's true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.”

Comments ( 1 )


“It’s a shame really.” She grinned down at him, knowing full well he could still hear her. “I really liked you. I thought I’d get to spend more time with you. But sadly, it’s now. How foolish of you." She snickered. “You told your mother you were going away. The only pony that could help you right about now.”

I did not see that coming!

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