• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 6,219 Views, 336 Comments

Sirens of the Night II - The Crazed Werewolf

No one at CHS believes that Sunset Shimmer isn't Anon-A-Miss. No one except her cousins that is. Now the Dazzlings must race against time itself to avert tragedy.

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Looking for Answers

Eight teenage girls decided to eat lunch in the courtyard of Canterlot High. The weather was cool, but it hadn't turned cold yet.

"Looks like we may have a mild winter this year," Applejack said as she looked up at the sky.

"That's what my mom is saying," Rainbow Dash replied. Her mother, Windy Whistles, was the meteorologist for one of the local news stations.

"I swear, Sunset," Aria said as she and Sunset approached the table, "it was written as clear as day in the mirror, I didn't imagine it."

"I'm not saying that you did," Sunset answered as she took a seat next to Pinkie Pie, "but so far Incognito has only been interested in me."

"Well someone wrote 'Incognito' on the bathroom mirror while I was in the shower." Aria retorted.

"Maybe Incognito is this world's Sunset Shimmer and she out for revenge because our Sunset stole her identity!" Pinkie said in one breath.

"That may be possible," Sunset said, "but both mom and Raven looked for any records of this world's Sunset and they couldn't find anything."

"What do you mean that they couldn't find anything,?" Rarity asked, "I thought that Princess Twilight said that everyone has a counterpart over in your world."

"I appear to be the exception," Sunset said, "I dunno, maybe I'm an abomination." <SLAP>

"OW," Sunset called out, "Rarity, that hurt."

"Sorry darling," Rarity apologized, "but you must not think of yourself in that way."

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "you are one of the best friends that any of us could ask for."

"Thanks girls," Sunset said, "I guess that I needed to hear that."

"Plus you are a pretty decent cousin." Aria added.

"I find it curious though that Sunset doesn't have a doppelganger," Fluttershy said, "you weren't able to find anything?"

"Not a thing," Sunset replied, "and if Raven couldn't find anything, then there is nothing to find."

"That woman scares me," Sonata said, "she has forgotten more about computers than any of us could ever hope to learn."

Sweetie Belle closed her locker and turned to head towards the In-School-Suspension room. Luckily for her, she was the only person in the hallway, all the other students were at lunch. As she walked down the hall back toward the In-School-Suspension room Sweetie Belle had time to reflect on her actions as a part of Anon-a-Miss. She realized now how selfish she had been. At the time she hadn't known that Sunset had been alone her whole life until she had become friends with Rarity and the rest her sister's friends. She also hadn't known that until recently, Sunset had been homeless and had never spent the holidays with anyone. She wanted to apologise for everything that she had done, but she didn't know how to start to apologise.

All these thoughts were running through Sweetie Belle's head when she walked into something hard. Looking up she found herself staring into the eyes of Dumbbell. His eyes were full of anger and malcontent. Sweetie Belle wanted to run, but like a deer the headlights, she found herself frozen with fear.

"Um, hello Dumbbell," Sweetie said nervously, her voice quivering with fear, "could I please get past you."

"Run." Dumbbell hissed coldly. Sweetie Belle turned to run but suddenly her legs felt like jelly and wouldn't respond to the commands that her brain was giving them. Instead she just sank to the ground and prepared herself for what she was certain that was coming.

Dumbbell looked at the pathetic heap before him and started to raise his fist, but suddenly he stopped. He found that he couldn't actually bring himself to hurt this girl. Instead he slammed his fist into a nearby locker leaving a massive dent. He then turned around and walked away.

Derpy and her sister Dinky found Sweetie Belle curled up against the lockers several minutes later. Derpy stayed with the frightened girl while Dinky ran off to get both Vice-Principal Luna and Sweetie Belle's sister, Rarity. Learning what had happened, Rarity immediately wanted to take Sweetie Belle home, and after much consideration, Luna allowed Rarity to take her sister home. Luna wanted to expel Dumbbell for his actions, but instead he found himself with two weeks of out-of-school suspension with a warning that if he set foot on Canterlot High during that time he would be expelled.

"I can't believe that Dumbbell could be so foolish," Rainbow said as she and Fluttershy were walking home after school, "he normally is one of the more level headed guys in class."

"I know," Fluttershy said, "he was really upset over what the girls did to his brother. I know that if something happened to Zephyr I'd be upset as well. There's no telling what I would do."

"Zephyr," Rainbow said rolling her eyes, "really?"

"Despite how he acts," Fluttershy sighed, "he is still my brother."

Rarity couldn't bring herself to let go of Sweetie Belle. They had both collapsed onto the couch when both of them entered their family home. Sweetie Belle had finally stopped crying, but Rarity was worried because Sweetie Belle couldn't seem to stop rocking back and forth. Rarity decided to call out of work, her sister needed her more than Miss Primhemline needed a sales person. Pinkie Pie decided to stop by after school, and much to Rarity's relief, she didn't try to throw a "Feel Better Party" for Sweetie Belle, instead she had brought a few cookies and spent the afternoon just speaking with both Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

"Scootaloo, I don't want you going to school tomorrow," Celestia said as she, Scootaloo and Sunset ate dinner.

"Why,"Scootaloo asked,"because of what happened to Sweetie Belle?"

"That never should have happened," Sunset said,"if anyone is at fault, I am."

"Sunset," Celestia said, "you mustn't think that."

"Why not," Sunset said, "if I hadn't been a selfish filly I wouldn't have ran away from Equestria and none of this would be happening."

"Sunset," Celestia replied, "it's human nature to be ruled by our emotions. If you hadn't been the Alpha bully at school, somebody else would have and we'd still have this problem."

"You think so?" Sunset asked.

"I know so." Celestia answered.

"Besides, I'd rather have you as sister instead of Gilda," Scootaloo said with a smile.

"Now that's just scary." Celestia said trying, and failing, to suppress a laugh.

Author's Note:

Just some of my thoughts on why we never saw Sunset's counterpart in the series. And I am working on the third Sirens of the Night story (it will focus mostly on Sunset and be set before the battle of the bands.). It will be published along side this story and may contain spoilers.

Sweetie Belle had a very close call there didn't she.