• Published 15th Sep 2018
  • 1,106 Views, 16 Comments

Bridges - LateToTheParty

Sonata gets partnered with Pinkie for a Science project

  • ...

The Ones We Burn

Sonata glanced around the luxurious condo that she’d shared with her sisters.

The furniture was a minimalistic white. Adagio had picked it up from a trendy interior decoration store in the ritzy parts of Manehattan. The coffee table, the small side table, and the TV stand had been a set, but she’d insisted on paying extra for the white leather L-couch that sat squarely in the middle of the room. Sonata didn’t care much. Aria had been extremely supportive. It was nice to have such a comfy couch to sit on while she enjoyed the TV and surround system hook up she’d installed by herself.

As much as she’d complained about the wiring, she’d painstakingly routed them in a way that was barely noticeable unless you were looking for it. Sonata had remembered her curses as she taped the lines to run along the corners, then, much later, the smug satisfaction that stayed plastered on her face for the rest of that week.

Sonata herself had been more focused with the little decorations that added a character to the room. The biggest contribution being the giant logs of driftwood she’d hammered together to be placed on the back wall. In delicate calligraphy, she’d written “Our time is now…” and surrounded it with tiny shells gathered from lengthy walks on the beach.

Together they’d painted the walls to slowly gradate from soft shades of blue, orange, and purple. Even Aria had to admire the effort it took to make the walls look like the changing sky. A job well done was celebrated, admiring their work, leaning against each other, paint smears on their old clothes, the first genuine moment of bonding after a long couple of months in depression and aimlessness. Liberated from the affects of dark magic, they had decided to start new together.

Sonata glanced around the luxurious condo that she’d shared with her sisters.

Not even by the most generous stretch of the imagination was it the most extravagant place they'd lived in. Even with the title of being the highest condo in all of Canterlot Square—being in the tallest building on the very top floor, where they could comfortably spit on the seagulls for payback—it was paltry compared to the castles from the olden time, where they had been lavished with gifts from dukes and barons.

Not even was it the place they’d stayed in the longest. They’d had stints of time where they would hide in heavily populated locations for a few decades before moving on. Large populations allowed them an easy way to get lost and stir up trouble without getting caught.

If Sonata had to pick a merit that no other place held before, the condo was the most them. She couldn’t describe it as any other way than them, as sisters, together, harmonious.

At least, in symbolisms, they were.

Sonata glanced around the luxurious condo that she’d shared with her sisters.

Panning around the furniture, the electronics, the decorations, until she saw the two sets of eyes that looked at her expectantly.

Sonata glanced around the luxurious condo that she’d shared with her sisters.

Adagio sighed. “Sonata…say something.”

The youngest ex-siren clenched her hands on her lap, looking down in nervous shame. “What do I say?”

Aria rolled her eyes. “How about something with why you’ve been leaving the apartment to hang out with this Pinkie McPink Person?”

Sonata flinched but remained quiet.

A beat of silence before Aria growled. “You told us that you had a ‘science project’.” Her voice flowed with sarcasm.

With the scrap of courage that she had gathered, she glared at Aria. “I did have a science project.”

“You did have a science project?” Aria asked, launching the question like a javelin. “As in, you had the project, but instead of just doing what you needed to do, you had to loiter around for—poseidon's tit—three weeks? Like some kind of stray dog?”

Adagio threw Aria a warning glare which went unnoticed by both parties.

“They like me around, okay?”

Aria’s brows rose in amusement. She smelled blood in the waves, and a part of her was blaring with flashing red lights. It wasn’t suppose to come so naturally to her anymore, but old habits die hard, and flourish when angry emotions were doing such a fine job of dampening warning signs.

With a sardonic laugh, Aria grinned in the same way one would after moving their pawns to surround the enemy king. “Oh, do they? That’s great for you, isn’t it, Sonata?”

Adagio looked at her, articulating the same warning that ran rampant in Aria’s head, and just like the warnings in her head, it went ignored.

She stood up with clenched fist and ambled towards Sonata, plopping beside her and dropping her arm behind the blue girl. She moved with deliberate motions, in a jerky caricature of casualness. “I guess that’s a great excuse for leaving Adagio and I in the dark. Didn’t want us to ruin the cozy little fantasy that you’ve got going, huh?

“That’s not it!” Sonata tried to pull away, but Aria just held tighter, just enough to hold her in place. She wasn’t aiming for a choke hold, but even if she was, it wouldn’t have been as effective as the words that wrapped around Sonata’s chest like a cobra.

“Oh, yeah? I bet it’s nice being with someone else, huh? Did you wanna know what it’s like not to be saddled with us? You finally planning to replace us? Is that why you’ve been slinking around behind our backs?”

“Aria, that’s enough!” Adagio was on her feet, stomping the short distance between her sisters.

Sonata finally managed to break free of Aria’s grip, standing and taking a step away, almost tripping on the coffee table. “Well, at least they actually want me around.”

“They aren’t your family, Sonata! We are!”

And suddenly, all three of them were on their feet. A lump was starting to form in Adagio’s gut as she watched the scene unfold.

“Isn’t that just awful for you, Aria! Aren’t you just happy that someone might be willing to take me off your hands? Does it kill you that someone might not think I’m just some brainless idiot? Aren’t you happy that I might leave?”

“You…” she choked “…you are the only other person I didn’t want to leave!” And she kept choking, choking on the blood in the waves, the blaring in her head, the warning in Adagio’s eyes. “The three of us…We’re our only family and you still…” She swallowed past the block in her throat, still smiling that sardonic smile, sacrificing every piece for the win, even with the salty tear tracks that ran thick on her face. “…Sorry that we can’t give you more than that.”

Sonata bit her lip, unfamiliar with the situation she found herself in. She turned on her heal to face away from them, rubbing at her eyes. “And I’m sorry other people can.”

She didn’t know what they looked like after she’d said that. She told herself she didn’t care.

Walking toward the door, Sonata glanced around the luxurious condo that she’d shared with her sisters. The last glance before she ran to Pinkie’s house—into Pinkie’s arms—into the tears that dampened Pinkie’s shirt.

Author's Note:


So you got what you always wanted!
So you got your dream come true!
Good for you, you you!
Got a tast of a life so perfect
So you did what you had to do!
Good for you! Good for you!

I love this song so much! Give it a listen and I guarantee you'll see where my inspiration came from.