• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 4,064 Views, 24 Comments

Out of the crater, into the light - Xenont

After her defeat, Sunset's new friends help her to find a place in this world, and teach her that she has to forgive heeself in order to be able to move on.

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Thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts - Chapter 7

Author's Note:

Well, this chapter was short. It's just about what the girls think after the mall trip and meeting Sunset. if you don't want to read what they feel, skipping the chapter can be an option though I don't really recommend it. But it's up to you.

For those who read it, hope you enjoyed!

More chapters coming. (Promise they would be longer)

Rainbow Dash
Rainbow twisted and turned in her sleeping bag. Man! I really want my bed now!!! Rainbow knew that her bedroom was just down the hallway but, one, she was too lazy to walk there. Two, she was (again) too lazy to think of an excuse to give her friends when they found her not sleeping with them. Ah, well, it's not that bad.... Rainbow looked to her friends, who she knew were having as much trouble sleeping as much as she did. The tossing gave them away.

Huh...today was....interesting.... Rainbow nodded to herself. Who knew a planned trip to the mall would lead out to this? She looked over to where Sunset was sleeping. First her, what else would go wrong and crazy. Then, Rainbow's mind drifted to the taste of Pinkie's homemade food with the ingredients made from only those in her kitchen. Huh, I didn't know Pinkie was such a good cook! Few years back she surely wasn't that good.... Rainbow had completely forgotten how

Yup! Weirdest day EVER! She turned and looked towards her friends. Then again... She thought. It was kinda nice to finally see Sunset so vulnerable.... She smiled as she remembered the times that Sunset bullied her. Huh! I never thought her spirit would ever burn out! Rainbow covered her upper body with the bag as she closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep.

Fluttershy turned gently in the sleeping bag, not wanting to wake everyone up. Little did she know that none of them but Sunset was really sleeping. I hope that I am not too loud... Fluttershy thought as she turned again, trying to get comfortable. She turned towards Sunset, who was snoring slightly with ragged breathing. Aww...poor thing..... Fluttershy remembered the feeling of absolute pity run through her as she saw Sunset in the mall looking like....that.

Ooh it was awful....I always hated it when angel looked that sick but Sunset did look much much worse.... Fluttershy shuddered at the mere memory of Sunset's appearance when they met at the mall. Horrible, just horrible. Fluttershy could not find another word to describe it.

Fluttershy tossed again, finally coming to a good position. Well, at least Sunset is not sleeping in a factory tonight... Fluttershy looked at the wall and sighed. Lucky we found her....if not, she would be spending the night in such a horrible place in her horrible illness! That was it. 'Horrible' Fluttershy nodded under the covers. Absolutely horrible! Then, Fluttershy, too, closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

Applejack placed her hat on the floor as she closed her eyes. Ah can't sleep.... Applejack sighed as she crossed her arms. Too many things just happened today. What I'm most worried about is Sunset. If ah haven't placed that tracker thingy on Sunset's phone, she would have been lost for good! Applejack looked over to Sunset. Poor girl, she is, thinkin that we ain't forgivin her and we thinkin she's a burden? She got one heck of creativity ah give her that.

Applejack remembered the look on Sunset's face when she was at the mall, after the Formal and when she was caught running away. I don't know why she just won't listen to us when we forgive her, or why she won't just forgive herself.... Applejack ran a hand through her hair, letting her mind wander away from Sunset and to something else that made her roll her eyes in amusement, Rarity.

I wonder is she is really serious about makin as all new clothes. Applejack smiled. I just hope she doesn't make me somthin fuzzy or lacy. Applejack thought as she remembered Rarity pulling a puffy dress down on her when they were getting ready for the dance during the Formal. I would never wear somethin like that! Applejack laughed to herself as she imagined throwing a glittery dress back at Rarity in utter disgust, shouting "No, I would not wear that hideous thing! You wear it!" Applejack placed her hat on top of her face as she laid back to sleep.

Pinkie Pie
Pinkie rolled around as she looked her friends. Awww...they all look like they are having such a hard time sleeping.....I wish I could throw a party until morning.. Pinkie thought. After all, it was a Sunday tomorrow. Just as Pinkie was about to get up, she remembered that Sunset was, too, in the room and she, being unwell, needed her rest. Bummer.... Pinkie was upset. But, at least we are sure Sunny is safe here with us. Oh did she look awful! Pinkie shuddered as she looked at Sunset. Yup! I remember feeling like that once. It was horrible! I couldn't eat cake, muffins, or anything sweet for that matter.

Pinkie looked over to her friends. Well, lucky we were there for Sunny. She could have died out there...all alone.... Pinkie winced at the thought of Sunset as she crawled out of the crater. She looked in such terrible pain.... Pinkie felt her heart ache as she thought of the moment. But... Pinkie thought, going back to the happy and bright side, She did enjoy my food for dinner that I made....that's a good sign..... Pinkie smiled to herself as she closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep.

Rarity sighed as she turned and tossed, like the rest of the girls, she was unable to sleep. Well, I should view it as a good thing I guess...... Rarity thought as she began to plan what she could make for her friends and Sunset . I would just need some plans for their new outfits... Rarity let her mind run through all the clothing designs that she had thought of for her friends, resting at Sunset.

Hmmm...that girls' clothes are probably going to be one of the hardest to design....she likes leather and.... Rarity casted a glance at Sunset. Poor girl...She has been through so much... Rarity quitely got out of the bag, realising that she was the last to fall asleep as all her friends lay motionless on the floor, breathing steadily. Rarity dug through her purse and found her notebook. Since I can't fall asleep anyway, I'll just stay up abit to think of some awesome new clothes designs! Rarity tapped her pencil on her chin as she started to vigorously draw and sketch.