• Published 5th Nov 2018
  • 920 Views, 4 Comments

Surprise Visit - eggtosser

A hive diminished after a failed invasion, Queen Chrysalis will be confronted with the last pony she wants to see.

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A silent melody echoes through the dark and damp caves, bouncing through the depths of the Earth with mournful cries within its haunting, yet graceful, melody. Its tune, like a blade, cuts through the silence with a mother's sorrow, undisturbed by the quiet and reverberating ambient noises which drip with solemn speed.

The source of the melody resonates from within a small alcove, hidden behind a long crack in the cavern wall that attempts to stretch to the Aether. A lean creature sits before a small bed of deep blue roses, its hole-filled legs tucked beneath her chitinous body as she inspects her illuminating plants with great care. Though her song conveys nothing but the unadulterated melancholy of a queen who has fallen so far, her lips are curved into contentment as she gracefully prunes her flower bed. Peace is the only word which can describe this moment of serenity, as the queen bathes in the warm and tranquil glow of her thriving garden.

She soon finishes maintaining her masterpiece and uses the next few moments to relish in her life's work, a hobby which has grown to be so much more from what was monotonous tediums to a sense of total bliss. But a queen's time is far too valuable to spend on insignificance, no matter the gratification or Chrysalis' chagrin as of consequence, and she climbs onto all fours to make her exit as she ends her song with an interrupted cadence. Though her form towers above most, her width is small enough to allow her through the crack (with some effort).

With a small measurement of force, Chrysalis penetrates into the coldness of familiarity as she becomes too aware of the permeating darkness. Even despite her photosensitivity, the dark has a profounding effect of creating emotions of uneasiness. That is not to say that the queen is burdened with quarries against something so intangible, but the disparity of energy is as much of a weapon to her as it is to others. But to be the Queen of Deception means to be an ally of the shadows, an alliance represented by the cunning stealth and deceit of a changeling. And, it's her role as queen of the Chrysalis Hive to command these elements.

With a quick scan, Chrysalis eyes a squadron of her guards sitting around a bundle of phoenix flames, a flower that burns but isn't destroyed. Irritatingly, they've achieved in smuggling, what appears to be, cider to their escort mission as indicated by the wooden mugs tightly protected around their dirty hooves. The recruits will be lucky to escape with only a warning for their mild transgressions if it wasn't for the acceptance shown by their senior officer is inexcusable.

Like a panther, the queen draws forward towards the unsuspecting encampment with delicate hooves. Their muffled gossips gradually develop into coherent conversations, yet their inferiority means that they remain ignorant in the presence of a much dangerous predator. She remains hovering around them, circling her prey with a disappointed expression staining her muzzle. She let them have their fun, but now it's time to remind them of their place.

"Guards," Chrysalis' low voice booms around them with a tone akin to darkness itself.

It doesn't take long them to escape their fear-induced stupor, completely disregarding their prohibited beverages as they jump for their spears and helmets as they search for their queen in a frenzying panic. The sight is distressing to the queen if this what her once mighty swarm is transforming into, their incompetence terrifying her to how comparable they're with Celestia's own soldiers. Some strong words to her generals should kick them into high gear. But despite their questionable methods, they're quick to assemble themselves into a line before their queen with raised jaws and puffed chests.

Her eyes like daggers trace over the quivering, static bodies with a hunter's precision, finding and focusing their weakness who just so happens to be standing off to the side. The face of her captain is still, rehearsed over years of training to create the facade of superiority. Chrysalis isn't fooled.

"Captain Bulwark, would you like to explain to me what you've been doing in my absence?" And just like that, a shine breaks across his forehead as his confidence falters dramatically under Chrysalis' hardened gaze. Pathetic.

"We've been drinking," he's slow to respond through the sudden dryness in his throat.

"And you thought you could just share a pint with your subordinates?"

Bulwark doesn't respond, further adding to Chrysalis' growing irritation. "Maybe an extra couple of weeks of janitory work will get it through your head, alone." A shiver runs up the back of his neck as flashbacks of a similar time plague his mind.

"Yes my queen," he responds with a bow, earning silent snickers from his poorly disciplined recruits.

"This is going to be a long day..." the queen mutters underneath her breath.


With little to no time, Chrysalis and her escort are quick to depart towards their hive in no rush. She doesn't feel the need to make a quick return, and so chooses to take a small detour through the caverns before having to return to her queenly duties. Of course, the delay will be fleeting yet long enough to appreciate the home she helped to thrive. How lost and confused she was when she took charge of her family, despite her training and experiences. Chrysalis could have never predicted that this would be the hive it would grow into.

Climbing over a small neck of the cave, they make a quick descent to an exit which leads directly towards the hive. It opens up to a spacious area with hut-like structures hanging from the surrounding walls, with overhanging roads connecting each door. A similar style of housing creates a network of infrastructure on the surface, with the addition of shops, leisure and other locations one would expect from an above average society. Some sections have been purposed for barracks and training grounds, trailing propaganda for the Swarm. All of this converges to a magnificent palace that stands proudly at the far end of the hive, dwarfing everything within its ever casting shadow.

The air is empty and still, the roads clear without a single sign of traffic of diligent workers. Shops and areas that are known for its popularity are seemingly silent, devoid of the chitinous creatures who would often pass through the area. It doesn't take long for Chrysalis to figure out that something is not right, something is most definitely wrong. Her guards can sense it too, the apprehension that's written on their face is more than an indication to the queen, who is growing more and more agitated as they continue to unveil more and more emptiness.

Taking a breath, Chrysalis reaches deep into the hive mind, where she can still feel her children dotting the areas around them in sparse clusters. But a strong pull catches her attention: a large gathering of changelings outside her palace, like a beacon in the dark. What is going on? Never before, in her time of power, has she come across a time where her hive has fallen out of rhythm. This is not the hive she has raised and, whatever it is, Chrysalis is determined to get to the bottom of this.

Sending a quick warning to her guards, the queen leaps into the air with the fluttering of her membrane wings, her guards struggling to follow her unsurpassable speed. As Chrysalis continues her path towards the palace grounds, few of her changelings can start to be seen in the streets, saturating the air with the taste of confusion and fear. Her vision narrows as her destination reveals itself over a roof of buildings.

Chrysalis lands on a nearby ledge, perching over like a hawk as she stalks the large crowd with watchful eyes. Even from where she stands, Chrysalis can feel their panic emanating profusely as they distressedly chitter to each other. Soldiers are trying desperately to contain the crowd, but even their own suspicions are getting the better of them. Having witnessed enough, she dives from the edge and makes a swift and guided landing.

A drone notices his queen's descent and announces her arrival to the rest of the changelings who start to swarm Chrysalis with an uproaring cacophony. The utter surprise on her face is an understatement as she witnesses the total disarray of her children, clambering over each other with cries. This only adds further questions to the disturbing situation, while also straining her diminishing patience as well.

"Silence!" Chrysalis bellows, leaving a deafening silence in the wake of her thunderous command. "Will someling explain to me what's going on?" She demands with immense annoyance by her children's abandonment of all restraints, especially towards their queen and mother.

As Chrysalis awaits an answer, she only receives an uncomfortable silence that's broken only by the nervous gratings against the stone path. Before the queen's irritation can grow beyond a level that's beyond control, a small nymph steps forward who is immediately recognised by Queen Chrysalis.

"It's nothing good, my queen. But, I think it would be best to show you," she informs meekly.

"How long has it been like this?" Chrysalis asks but with a much calmer tone.

"Only an hour, your guards made us evacuate the palace and word spread of the arrival of a pony through the palace."

"Was it her, Kestra?"

"No," Kestra is slow to respond with a lurking dread. "I don't know who, but they're inside your palace," as she tells Chrysalis of the dilemma, the guards who had been catching up with her crudely land nearby, gasping heavily through their helmets.

Furrowing her brow, the queen makes a quick decision to follow Kestra as her guards disperse the crowd to safety. Without a slight idea of what it is the hive his up against, the last thing Chrysalis needs is civilian casualties if a conflict is to break out. And if the eruption of violence is to occur, there is no doubt that the Swarm will bring Tartarus to this pony.

The pair strides swiftly through the royal hall, adorning a deep, royal green across the long carpet and the assortment decoratives which are distributedly evenly across. Tapestries bearing the Insignia of the Swarm are displayed from the dark steel rails of Gryphonian origin, accompanied by green hellebore that's arranged neatly across its rim. Approaching the single throne sitting at the end, a seat which has remained unchanged in appearance, Kestra leads Chrysalis behind it to a backdoor that's surrounded by her palace guard.

Chrysalis regards the wave of relief soaring over them with a level concern, unsure of what to make of the sight of using themselves as a barricade. She doesn't show it.


A changeling stepped forward, wearing luminum armour that's plated and reinforced with dark steel like a second carapace. "A mare appeared before us demanding your presence, none that we've ever seen before," he says gruffly before glancing at the door with a shiver. "She's strong, resisting everything we threw at her. She said she wouldn't leave until she met you before locking herself in 'ere."

A thought crosses her mind, but Chrysalis is quick to dismiss it. "Does she have a name?"

"She calls herself Sun Shine. She's anything but," he responds and turns away as he's dismissed.

Sun Shine, Sun Shine, Sun Shine... where has she heard this name before? The name carries a strong sense of familiarity, one which is well worn but had long since fallen out of use. She doesn't recall using a guise under that alias, nor has she encountered anyone with the name. Unless... no.

"Leave this place," Chrysalis tells threateningly, her voice shifting to a dark tone which her changelings don't often see.

"But my que-"

"Now!" She interrupts the guard with a thunderclap that sends her guards scrambling away.


"Please Kestra, leave. This is something I must do personally, and alone," Chrysalis can feel the concern towards her, tainted with internal conflict. Despite Kestra's protests to remain, she leaves Chrysalis to face this unknown pony.

In a morbid sense, Chrysalis has always known this day would come like a predetermining premonition. And for a while, she thought she was ready. It's only now that she realises how misguided she was. Fighting through the tightness in her back, Chrysalis raises a quivering hoof and enters into the room.

Upon entry, Chrysalis cannot help but notice the eerie and permeating silence. She's quick to dismiss it though as her eyes peer around the small meeting room, finding a crudely erected round table and chairs placed annoyingly in the centre of the room. A clock stands alone within the far corner of the room however it doesn't look to be alone. A few steps forward later, the dark silhouette of a figure can be seen on the opposite end of the table. Its shape is comparable to Chrysalis but is ever so slightly taller.

"It has been a while," her voice says, sitting comfortably, or as comfortable as possible.

"It has, hasn't it, Celestia?" Chrysalis spits out disgustedly, glaring daggers into the alicorn's throat.

A disappointed sigh escapes Celestia's lips, "it would be a lie if I said I expected any other response from you."

"Save your breath. What are you here for?" She hisses intimidatingly, exposing her razor fangs that glint with a ghastly appeal.

The mare opens her mouth, but the words catch on the end of her tongue, and she quickly shuts her jaw. Celestia pulls a bag from beneath her chair and slides it across the table to Chrysalis. The changeling yanks it violently from its leather straps, straining the brass latches as it's tossed through the air. Her hooves instinctively begin to snake across its surface, inspecting the bag's exterior with great vigour as if to find some sort of anomaly. But a thorough feel over the bag discovers the ordinariness of the item is rather insulting.

"What is this?" Chrysalis demands as she carelessly dangles it within her magic.

"Take a look," Princess Celestia insists with the nod of her head, adding to the queen's growing annoyance and curiosity.

Despite what her reluctance would have her believe, she starts to unfasten the zip. A hoof reaches inside and latches onto a rigid piece of paper, further confusing Chrysalis as she pulls it out. It's an envelope, black, and with her name written cursively on it. Without a moment's hesitation, she tears its open with the swift movement of her mouth and removes a card from its casing. On the inside of the cover, there's a small message.

"Dear Chrysalis, happy 1898th birthday. I know it has been a long time, but I hope you can accept these gifts as a sign of our friendship. Love Celestia."

The world stops, frozen within a single instant as the words on that page replay through her mind. What she thought was an impossibility has somehow beaten Chrysalis' expectations, staring right back at her. A part of her wants to deny it, yet the evidence is clear as day.

"You remembered," she whispers as stares into those pink irises.

A warm smile crosses Celestia's face, and a wave of familiarity crashes over her like the rising tide. "Chrysalis, do you honestly believe that I would've forgotten about you after all these years? You were there for me, while everyone else around me succumbed to their mortality, you stayed," she says earnestly.

"This doesn't make sense. This doesn't make sense!" Chrysalis shouts furiously with a burning fire in her eyes, causing Celestia to back away slightly. "I invaded Canterlot, ruined your precious niece's wedding, and defeated you in front of your subjects. Yet here you are, confronting me with gifts!" Her anger is punctuated with every step forward before her muzzle is pressed against Celestia's, adorning a scowl. "You have the nerve to waltz into my hive. What do you truly want from me?"

"Does it really need saying?" Celestia replies calmly, her eyes never weaning. As Chrysalis is about to retort, she halts as if unsure or confused for a response, before swinging away with a curdling groan. "You believe that I'm against you, but I am telling you that I'm not, and I mean that sincerely. When I saw you reveal yourself during the wedding, I was angry, upset, disappointed. But, I do not bare those feelings as I stand before now. You, of all changelings, know it clearly," Celestia explains with a soothing yet stern voice that eases the burning flame into a bright ember.

Chrysalis takes the card off the floor, having been tossed away due to her outburst. Yes, there it is. She can feel it now, the sincerity fused into the black ink, pure and sweet. Yet, there is a lurking aftertaste that's minor but noticeable to the queen's tongue, something blue. Sadness... diluted but bitter enough.

She hasn't tasted emotions so true in a long time and, feeling it dancing on the surface on her tongue, makes her want to savour the taste, no matter how sweet or how bitter they may be. A seat is pulled behind Chrysalis, and the changeling collapses with an unchanging expression. Celestia passes her concern but remains silent as she allows Chrysalis to recuperate her thoughts.

"You ponies and your emotions, it's sickening," Chrysalis comments listlessly.

"You get used to it," Celestia replies while grabbing the leather bag that's being ignored, hugging it on her lap with a small level of expectancy, staring upon Chrysalis while trying not to be too overbearing.

Chrysalis breathes a deep sigh, shutting her eyes for but a moment as her mind realigns itself. It feels weird sitting beside Celestia, without the urge to thrust a sharp object through her, but it is somewhat calming.

"Did you only realise I still exist when I took your city?" Chrysalis asks with a small smirk as if it's an achievement to be proud of.

"No, but you did answer my suspicions," the alicorn replies, shaking her head slowly.

A brow raises, "and what would that be?"

"That I thought you were dead," Celestia's voice is that of a whimper, weak and pathetic. But why does Chrysalis' heart hurt?

"It requires a lot to kill me."

"But you just left, no note, no goodbyes. I woke up the next morning and you were gone. Do you know how many years I spent searching for you only to find nothing? We made a promise, you made a promise."


A small filly climbs the hillside, using a hoof to latch onto the jutting rocks to haul herself over the lip; she manages to pull herself onto the grassy surface with a small grunt that's quickly replaced with a gratifying grin. Her hoof snakes over the moist grass, embracing the coolness of her newly damp hooves through the pulsing heat coursing in her veins. Oh, how she loves this feeling, of freedom underneath the gleaming light of the morning sun.

"Tired already?" Celestia pulls her chin up to find a black nymph wearing a smirk, adding emphasis to her stainless chitin.

With the rolling of her eyes, the alicorn filly stands as she brushes off loose bits of grass clinging onto her coat. "No, but a break won't kill ya, now will it?" She asks as she approaches her friends and parks herself beside her.

"Whatever you say Celly," Chrysalis replies with a small giggle, earning a retaliating nudge.

"How many times do I have to say, stop calling me that," Celestia puffs her cheeks with annoyance that only aggravates Chrysalis' giggling even further.

Soon the playful banter comes to an end, leaving the two side by side as they view the new of Equestria. Seas of green sprout beyond the eye can see, emanating around a meandering river which flows gracefully in the valley below. The recent settlement occupies a small section of the river, thriving beneath a single flag. It's almost hard to believe that they once lived in an endless blizzard, except for Chrysalis.

"It's beautiful," Celestia whispers, slack-jawed.

"It truly is."

Chrysalis isn't one who expresses the beauty in anything, but there are always exceptions to this rule. Celestia's eyes are drawn to Chrysalis, and she can't help but smile as she remembers the bond they two had formed over the years. But then, a lingering thought passes through Celestia which pull the brakes in her mood. Chrysalis is quick to notice the change in her friend's attitude, swiftly responding with confused yet comforting mannerisms.

"How long will you stay with me," Celestia asks meekly, staring south with idled interest.

"What do you mean?" Chrysalis raises a brow.

"I mean... I will grow very old; I'm nearing two-hundred-years, and I still look like a filly. I'll be burdened to watch everyone I love die, and I don't want to see the same to you," Chrysalis only watches, growing concerned as terrible despair emanates from the alicorn's heart. "You're my best friend and the last memory I want to have of you is me standing above your coffin."

The nymph awkwardly fidgets in cold silence, afraid responding that'll only worsen the pseudofilly's gloom. Feeling hopeless, Chrysalis gets an idea that causes her to feel ever so slightly uncomfortable, yet one that's very needed given the circumstance.

Celestia, lost in the entrapment of her mind, doesn't notice movement beside her. It isn't until she is snapped out of her musings that she realises the closeness of her changeling friend, half wrapped around her while the other attempting to run away. From her stupor, Celestia melts into the awkward embrace of her friend. Chrysalis' muscles soon relax to allow Celestia comfort despite the weird stirrings in her mind and body.

"I understand what you're talking about. You're afraid of being alone, without a hive to call your home. But do not forget, you still have Luna to live out your life with. And, you'll have me," Celestia looks up with shock written all over her face. Chrysalis nods with a forming smile, telling Celestia all she needs. "Looks you gave me more than a second chance," she says with a small chuckle, receiving an even tighter response which Chrysalis accepts all too happily.

"You promise to stay with me then?" Celestia asks softly into the queen's ear.

"I promise."

"Good, because I promise too."


"After I realised you left, I felt betrayed. You were my only friend, and you weren't there for me. I spent an entire millennium alone because I wouldn't dare bond with someone I knew I would have to watch fade," Celestia sighs, falling silent.

Despite what the alicorn may think, Chrysalis still remembers the events of that day as it were the present. It is the more memorable moment with Celestia the queen holds close to her, but, is the most painful one to remember.

"I'm sorry," Chrysalis says quietly, though her eyes never leaving the floor.

Celestia is quick to respond with the sudden turn of her head, surprised by the queen's sympathy.

"I'm sorry that I had to leave you, however, I would not hesitate to do it again." Chrysalis sternly stares into Celestia's eyes which radiates confusion. "You want to know why I left you; I'll tell you why. I became a queen. I took charge of my hive when my father died. I had to lead my children while your ponies resented us. And honestly, I don't blame them, but, it didn't stop me from hating them when I see my children starving and pleading," Chrysalis slumps back as her gaze softens. "I didn't want to see the look on your face when I told you I wouldn't be coming back. And, I guess some of my anger towards them rubbed off onto you," she confesses shamefully.

"I wish you would've told me though, I could've helped you and your hive," Celestia replies.

"And if you did and they found out, you would've also been resented for helping the 'monsters'."

Celestia frowns, irritated as she recalls the ponies' lack of unification even after the Tribal era. Even today it is a problem, and she hopes to, soon, discover a way to rectify that. A thought occurs, and the princess remembers her gift to Chrysalis resting on her thighs.

"Here," Celestia holds the bag in her hooves towards Chrysalis.

With the roll of her eyes, she gingerly takes it into her hooves. "Let us get this over and done with," she says with some playful tone.

Chrysalis unzips the bag and peaks inside, finding dimly glowing pink wrappings. A brow quirks as she lifts up the item, glancing questioningly to Celestia who nods calmly. Unwrapping it reveals two irregular crystals, brightly emanating pink which floods the entire room and momentarily blinding the queen. Though slow to adjust, Chrysalis is able to lower her hoof away from her face with a curious yet somewhat disappointed glance.

"Um, as much as I appreciate this, two love crystals are hardly enough to feed my hive, let alone me." As she says that though, upon closer inspection reveals something oddly peculiar.

"I'm fully aware of that, including your predicament. These aren't just regular love crystals, as they'd only be able to hold enough to feed a single changeling. I, alongside my students, have devised these crystals to store enough love to feed a hundred changeling," Celestia proudly states to the slackjawed queen.

"H-how?" She stammers.

"It wasn't easy, but we managed to rearrange the structure of the crystal lattice to make it a larger battery of sorts. Getting donations of love were a big problem, but Cadence was quick to help, and she rounded a couple of hundred donors." As Celestia explains the intricacies of such construction, Chrysalis is too entranced to hear the words leaving the mare's lips. While still unable to overflow the love pools, it will do enough to oil the cogs into motion again.

The princess, deep in her ramblings, yelps as Chrysalis lunges forwards, tackling Celestia to the ground. Celestia calms from her panic as she watches Chrysalis embrace her as if mirroring her younger self. Chrysalis freezes as she realises her position before quickly pushing herself away from Celestia, audibly clearing her throat in disregard of what just occurred.

"Thank you," Chrysalis says flatly to the smirking alicorn.

"Don't mention it," Celestia replies. "I must make my leave now, you're not in a ruling position."

After their farewells and promises (ones Chrysalis intends to keep this time), Celestia teleports away in a blinding flash, leaving Chrysalis alone with her crystals and card.

"That went well."

"ACK!" The queen jumps, firing a bolt of green towards the voice behind her.

Her attack is absorbed into an amber, glowing rune before fading to reveal a turquoise mare behind it. "Really?" She asks, stepping away from the clock.

"How long have you been here?" Chrysalis demands, ignoring the mare's question.

"Long enough," she replies while approaching Chrysalis, stopping a couple of steps away. "It wasn't that bad was it?"

The queen glares daggers at the unflinching unicorn but sighs with a low grumble. "No," she hates it when this nuisance is right. "And will you stop looking at me like that!"

The glee oozing from the mare reeks with a sickening sweetness that can be felt across the hive, comparable to the likes of the Pink One. "I'm just so happy for the both of you. And, it's not often I get the chance to say I helped a queen make a friend, or keep an old one," she says with a giggle.

"Keep pushing, I dare you," Chrysalis bares her fangs to no effect.

"I jest. But in all seriousness, I'm grateful that you're repairing your relationship with Celestia. No doubt you felt uncomfortable about it, but you needed it as much as she did. I just hope you keep it well," she tells Chrysalis while toning down her output of joy.

"Yeah, whatever," Chrysalis replies dismissively despite both of them knowing otherwise.

With a nod, the unicorn steps away as her horn glow once more, symbols appearing beneath the mare of a language Chrysalis can hardly understand. Not even in her life has she ever seen of such writing. "Please tell Kestra I said hi."

A flash later, the mare is gone. Chrysalis takes a glance to the source of pink light and grabs the crystals to hold it close to her chest. Its pulses of love soothe the changeling, causing her to release a sigh of contentment. What is this feeling, this feeling she hasn't felt in a long time? The flow of warmth through her veins which travel through her tingling muscles, it feels right.

Humming a sweet melody, the queen leaves the room with her gifts stowed safely in her bag. The tune dances gracefully as the queen opts to confront her changelings, to ease them of the turmoil that had spread.

Maybe, just maybe, she can once again find happiness with Celestia.

Comments ( 4 )

Better than Thorax's


Who was the unicorn at the end?

That is something that'll be revealed sooner or later.

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