• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 1,096 Views, 19 Comments

The Lost Pie - Crescent Cloud

After Pinkie Pie cloned herself with the mirror pond, one clone got away and went on a journey to Manehattan.

  • ...

Chapter Twelve: A Study in Pink

After the incident in the hallway and bathroom, I was, naturally, in a bit of a hurry to leave that evening. After giving Coco many hints, we left and made quick work of getting back to the apartment. Of course, Coco was a bit confused and wanted to know what the fuss was all about. I simply got into the light, said, “Look” and lifted my dress to expose my flank to her. She gasped.

“What in Equestria happened! Did the rest of your mark vanish, just like that?!”

“Yes, exactly. I was talking to Raspberry Beret in the back hall and it just happened! A flash of light under my dress, and I immediately rushed to the bathroom to look, and sure enough, it was gone! Just popped out of existence, like the other two!”

“Oh, wow, I can’t even...wait, what was Raspberry doing in the hall? Why were you two talking all the way back there?”

“Oh, Raspberry was kind of upset...” I told her all about Raspberry’s despondency, and how I talked her down from it. Coco simply nodded a few times, and otherwise stayed silent. She said nothing for several seconds after I stopped talking. Impatient, I said, “What? What are you thinking?”

“Well, let’s think about this. Let’s try to put this all together. Few things happen in Equestria for no reason, right?”

“Right, and?”

“And, what if you’re cutie mark disappearance is trying to tell you something? What if it’s a sign from whatever magical forces are at work in Equestria?”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

“What if those forces are trying to show you something? Or maybe they’re even working on giving you a new cutie mark.”

“I would hope so, but I don’t know if it works that way. The only ponies who might know that would be Celestia or Twilight, but I can’t go to them because they may send me back to the mirror pond.”

“Maybe, but are you so sure they would send you back?”

“Not entirely sure, but I don’t feel like taking that risk right now.”

“Fair enough, I guess. Anyway, if we assume that maybe the magic of Equestria is trying to tell you something, then what can we draw from your experiences with losing your cutie mark?”

“Well, my first two balloons went away after the two times I failed to hold down jobs. So, does that mean Equestria is telling me that I am a bad baker and party planner?”

“Maybe. Those are things Pinkie Pie is good at, right?”


“So, maybe that’s telling you that you’re not destined to do the same things Pinkie Pie does.”

“That much seems clear by now, yes. But surely that’s not all I’m meant to learn, if it is true that Equestria is teaching me something through my mark.”

“True, and I’m sure there’s more to take from all this. Maybe even more from your experience tonight. Raspberry was distraught, completely devastated from how badly the night went, right?” I nodded. “And you went looking for her, sensing that something was wrong, or was probably wrong. You were right, and you found her sobbing in the hallway corner, wanting to give up acting over the incident. You then expertly calmed her down and convinced her not to give up on her dream just because of one setback, however admittedly bad it was.”

“Yes, I know what happened, but how does this tell me anything new about myself? I guess I’m like Pinkie in that regard, I hate to see ponies upset or sad, and I always want to comfort them and help them to get back on their feet when they get knocked down. Any pony would do that for a good friend.”

“But not necessarily with as much compassion and skill as you did. Not many ponies could talk her down so fast. You deftly hit all the right points and reassured her of her own worth. You knew what to say to remind her she had to pick herself back up and keep going.”

“You make it sound like I did something super special? Can’t all ponies do what I did?”

“To a degree, yes. But you did it with such resolve and care, like someone who’s been comforting and advising ponies her whole life, like a counselor or...a therapist!”

“...You think I’m like a therapist?”

“Now that I think of it, you’re a natural-born one. With a little training and education on some of the finer points, I think you’d make a great therapy pony.”

“I don’t know. It feels like a bit of a long shot to me.”

“Really? I don’t think so. Let me tell you something, for all that you have been saying that you don’t really know who you are or how you fit in, I was exactly the same. I was so unsure of myself that I couldn’t even see how Suri was taking advantage of me all that time. It was you who made me finally see that. You always talked to me after those long, hard days, and comforted me. You consoled me when I needed it, but you also gave me tough love and told the truth when it was necessary. You know how to be sensitive and candid. With those kinds of talents, you can be a great therapist!”

“Wow, when you put it that way, I guess I’m starting to see your point. I just can’t help but wonder if it’s still right for me. I don’t know...maybe I just need to go for a walk and think about it.”

“Okay, whatever you need. You think it over. But I’m telling you, you have a way with ponies. You’re so easy to talk to, so inviting.”

“Thanks Coco, you’re sweet.”

“I guess I’ll turn in then. I hope your walk helps.”

“Thanks, I’m sure it will.”