• Published 8th Jan 2019
  • 433 Views, 6 Comments

Pulled into Equestria: The rising star - TimeLordStudios

When a brony with a troubled path is pulled into equestria he needs to learn how to fit in

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pulled into equestria alternate universe part 2

"So what is it like in your world." Starlight asked curiously. "Sorry I just wanna know."

"Well it isn't anything to brag about." I claimed hoping to change the subject. But it failed miserably.

"Well that's alright. But, I STILL wanna know can you please tell me." She pleaded with puppy eyes so cute, All the cutest puppies in the world fail in comparison.

"Alright I'll tell you about it-But not a lot. Just some key details in everyday life, that almost all the people in my world hears and knows about. That are MOST important in my opinion.

"Pe-people?" she asked confused. "What does that mean?"

"Oh right sorry. The term people, stands for my race in a group it's also a used as a broad term-"

"What do you mean by your race? You look like a pony to me unless- are you a changeling?!

"NO!!-no I am not a changeling" I yelled defensively." I was just referring to what I was before I was.. -Before I was pulled away from everything I knew. Before I was taken away from my world! To Equestria a world I know little about. Away from all those who cared for me. They probably think I just got up and left them." I said starting to tear up. "They won't know the truth about what happened to me and, even if they did find out what happened to me no one would believe them." I cried out, trying to pull myself together.

"Calm down, deep breaths I know it's hard to lose every thing close to you." She said trying to cheer me up. "But- I learned that if you hold on to those feelings of remorse and longing for what you lost. IT WILL! Lead you down a dark path. Trust me I've been there and done it already." She explained. "You need to let it go, Let all the tears out now and embrace all the new possibility's that your new life has to offer. That you couldn't do before. But for now, just let it all out."

"You good now" she asked with a worried expression. "If so, can please! tell me about your world.

"Alright fine I guess. I have already started explaining my world to before I... -Before my little episode. So I guess I owe you an conclusion." I said pulling what's left of me together. "There is a lot of senseless violence,and conflict which usually evolve into war. Their is mur-murder which sadly is a common occurrence, though most of the problems in my world probably don't exist in equestria... Anyway that's only few things wrong with my home world, sorry but, I shouldn't go too deep into details just yet as I don't want to repeat the same story."

"Didn't you just promise me a conclusion a minute ago?" She asked

" I am going to tell you. I just thought I should tell the whole group at the same time." I said trying to reason with her. "I know you have the magic powers to get the answers out of me if I wasn't willing too." I stated calmly. "But I am willing. you'll just have to wait till the others arrive."

"Sorry it took me so long you wouldn't believe how hard it was to track down rainbow dash. Anyways what did you two do while I was gone..."

“Not much really we were just chatting.

"Is that right, Joe?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah that pretty much sums it up." I said

"Are you still up for explaining it to my friends or will we need to postpone? I know this must be hard on you."

"I'm fine. I was just waiting for the group to arrive to explain it in detail and I promised starlight so now I feel like I have to do it."

"you don't have to force yourself if you don't want to but, if you insist I'll go get them." I gave her a slow nod .That was all she needed. she trotted out to bring her friends inside of the planning room. About a minute has passed before she returned with her friends by her side.

"wait uh apple picking minute- who's that, Twi?" asked AJ.

"his name is Joe, Applejack." Pinkie replied before I could say anything.

"that's a strange name I wonder who came up with that." Rainbow dash snarked joke-fully. Chuckling slightly while doing so.

"Oh my! Your mane. Orange on white that's simply dreadful!-" Screamed rarity.

"Are You kidding, rarity!? His mane looks cool,- but not as cool as mine about 5% less cooler."

"thank you, dash for the compliment."

"hey! only my friends can call me dash."

"sor-sorry- we can be friends right...right?"

"we'll see if your cool enough later."

" I guess that's good enough for me, rainbow dash."

"Now that that's over are you ready to tell your story?" Asked twilight looking very impatient but I can't blame her.

"OOO story! I like story's what's it about? asked fluttershy.

"I think he is going ta tell us if we quiet down and Listen, fluttershy."

"right sorry, applejack please continue, Joe."

"thank you, so this is how it all started..."

After the long half baked explanation was given they all looked at me with surprised and shocked expressions.

"how do you know all of this." they all asked except twilight and pinkie pie for obvious reasons.

"Didn't I just explain that to ya'll already? Oh well might as well tell ya'll again. I am a human or was to be more exact. From a different human world than the one twilight knows about ya'll might but, I don't think any of ya'll besides twilight, and starlight and spike had entered through the portal if i'm correct. anyways that's the best I can explain it at the moment."

"have you tried teleporting back." asked twilight completely oblivious to the fact that I can't use magic.. yet.

"I can't." I stated plainly,

"why not?" She asked.

"Because I don't know how to use magic. Even if I wanted to try I can't."

"Wait! you don"t know how to use magic?" twilight asked looking shocked and slightly confused.

"what I've only be a unicorn for-for... how much time has passed since I got here... I been a pony for about 3 hours maybe more i'm surprised I can even stand let alone walk straight. And you're expecting me to know magic automatically. I Don't think it works like that twilight. I'm afraid to even try to use my magic because I don't know how to control it ether."

"ummm Sorry to Interrupt but I really need to get going. It's getting dark and I have yet to feed angle bunny and the other critters."

"And I must get back ta ma farm I need ta get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow for some early bucking."

"Alright I understand see ya later you too...Wait where am I going to stay, I have nowhere to live?" I said starting to panic.

"You can stay at the castle if you want and, in the morning I can teach you how to use magic how does that sound" said twilight.

"Sounds good for me."

As everypony besides Twilight and Starlight left. I started to think about my new life here I'm actually going to learn magic I might be happy here but..."joe... JOE! wake up." twilight said snapping me out of my trance.

"Sorry I zoned out a bit that happens a lot." I said noting that I yet to acquire a map of the maze-like castle. "do you-"

"yes I got a map and I already marked your room on it." She said knowing what I was going to ask. "just Follow me to your sleeping courtiers." She said as we started walking.

"Can you call me blaze..." I asked while we were walking down the hall.

"What Wait a minute. I thought your name was joe?" She asked.

"It is but I thought I should come up with a pony-like name if I'm going to live here for a while so I came up with the name blaze star to complement my mane." I said, Technically I wasn't lying because that's how I came up with the name.

"Makes sense I guess." She said as she stopped in front of a door. "Well here we are, blaze see you in the morning."

"See ya, goodnight, Twilight." I said as I entered the room.

"Night, blaze." She said as she yawned a bit. leaving and closing the door behind her.

"Wait how am I suppose to get in bed if I cant use my horn yet. Oh well I'll find a way..."

Author's Note:

If you are reading this then congrats on making it past part 1's prologue. I know its bad. but I can't really think of a way to fix it more than I already had.